Huckian Period Ecosystem/Kosemen

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Huckian Period
(Week 27)

Bonoian Period << Huckian Period >> Alwaysian Period


Generation 166Generation 167Generation 168Generation 169Generation 170

Period SummaryEcosystem (Overview) ● BiomesLandmarks

Huckian Period Major Regions
Marine: Jujubee OceanLadyM OceanMnid OceanContinental Shelves
Terrestrial: BarloweDrakeFermiKosemenLamarckRamulSteinerVonnegutWallace
Other: AtmosphereDriftwood IslandsIce Sheets




Gen Name Size Diet Notes
162 Sting Cells 0.5 - 1 μm string width Cytovore

--- 1 Micrometer ---

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
155 Cilios 5 µm to 10 µm Long Detritivore
148 Salmunduses 5 to 25 μm Wide Detritivore
150 Hexpouruses 1 to 10 mm Wide Consumer, Detritivore
148 Morsuses 5 to 10 μm Wide Detritivore
149 Sappro 1 to 10 μm Tall Parasitic
149 Irisiris 1 µm to 10 µm Long Parasite
149 Pestilence 5 to 10 µm Wide Parasite
149 Microplaques 5 to 10 μm Wide Detritivore, Parasite
149 Gut Majurums 1 μm to 5 μm Wide Lithotroph
152 Guttoplaques 1 μm to 5 μm Wide Detritivore
149 Ferruphiles 1 μm to 10 μm Wide Lithotrophs
148 Nitrocycle 1 μm Wide Chemotrophs
150 Cryoutines 1 to 5 μm Long Chemotroph , Lithotroph

--- 10 Micrometers ---

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
149 Cryoflows 50 µm to 100 µm Long Consumer, Photosynthesis
148 Kyanoses 50 μm to 150 μm Long Photosynthesis
151 Lightnings 20 to 60 μm Wide Consumer
148 Flashcells 50 μm to 100 μm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Crocusisms 25 μm to 100 μm Wide Photosynthesis
149 Microprobi 25 μm to 50 μm Cytovore, Photosynthesis
150 Oozes Size 10 to 30 μm Wide (Individuals); 1 to 3 m Wide (Colonies) Biomass, Photosynthesis
148 Chaoses 10 μm to 20 μm Wide Consumer
149 Cryophytes 10 μm - 15 μm Wide Cells; 80 μm - 100 μm Long Chains Photosynthesis, Chemoorganoheterotroph
165 Buhmungus Infectoids 0.05mm - 1cm long (mature), 1μm long (dormant spore) Microbes
166 Bruhlios 10 µm to 20 µm Long Detritivore, Consumer
167 Muddlers 3 to 34 micrometers long (individual cell) Parasite

--- 100 Micrometers ---

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
145 Rustcells 100 μm diameter Lithotroph
152 Polyfee 100 µm Long to 1 mm Long Parasite , Sanguivore
149 Microswarmers 100 µm Long to 1 mm Long Photosynthesis
149 Sailcells 1 mm to 10 mm Wide Photosynthesis
150 Infinities 200 um to 2 mm Wide Consumer
149 Colonuses 500 µm to 1 mm Thick Varies
148 Flovars 100 μm to 500 μm Long Photosynthesis
153 Prongangels 10 to 800 μm (females) 1 μm or less (males) Detritivore , Consumer
161 Swarmerkings 100-500 micrometers long Photosynthesis, Nitrogen-Fixing
161 Whip Swarmers 50-100 micrometers long (excluding flagella) Photosynthesis
162 Chainswarmers 100-500 micrometer long individuals, 1-10 cm long outstretched colony Photosynthesis, Nitrogen-Fixing Individuals
162 Meiouks 100-1000 µm Long Consumer , Detritivore, Scavenger
162 Kuyasha 0.5 mm wide cells Photosynthesis
164 Sunleechers 200 um wide individuals Photosynthesis, Hematophagy
162 Soil Chitinuses 500 µm to 1 mm wide Saprotroph
167 Bloodtides 100-300 um Long Photosynthesis

--- 1 Millimeter / 1000 Micrometers ---


Gen Name Size Diet Notes
154 Bonyfee 1 mm to 1 cm Long Sanguivore , Marrow eater
151 Basilliphyta 1 to 10 mm Wide Photosynthesis
150 Sudisflutanses 1 mm to 10 mm Wide Cytovore
148 Redmosses 1 mm to 30 mm Wide Photosynthesis
149 Orangemosses 1 mm to 10 mm wide Photosynthesis
148 Testudiatoms 1 to 10 mm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Tepoflora 1 mm to 5 mm Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
162 Aphluks 2-4 mm long Sapivore, Hemophage , Detritivore
162 Feluks 1-10 mm Carnivore , Scavenger
165 Sanguine o' Spheres 5 mm to 1 cm Hematophage , Parasitic
161 Mikuks 1-10 mm long Scavenger, Detritivore
162 Hair Nimbuses 1-10 mm wide cells; up to 20 cm long colonies Photosynthesis , Diazotrophy Cells
165 Floraverms 1mm - 5 cm long Herbivore, Detritivore
166 Sweetworms 3-10 mm long Frugivore, Sapivore, Nectarivore, Mellivore
166 Uniwingworms 3-4 cm long Frugivore, Detritivore
166 Leepi Meepi 0.5 cm - 1 cm Detritivore

--- 1 Centimeter / 10 Millimeter ---

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
145 Obscurpedes 0.5 cm to 2 cm Planktivore
160 Mistswarmers 1 cm to 10 cm long Photosynthesis, Planktivore
151 Cavepedes 1 cm to 10 cm Planktivore
149 Miniswarmers 1 mm Long to 10 cm Long Photosynthesis, Planktivore, Detritvore
160 Belumbias 0.5 to 5 cm Long Hematophagy, Parasite
149 Twinkiiros 1 cm to 10 cm Tall Photosynthesis
148 Pioneeroots 1 cm to 10 cm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Marbleflora 1 cm to 10 cm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Snotflora 1 cm to 10 cm Wide Detritivore, Photosynthesis
149 Twinkorals 1 cm to 10 cm Tall Photosynthesis
148 Flashkelps 1 cm to 10 cm Tall Photosynthesis
148 Keryhs 2 cm to 7 cm Long Larvae: Parasitic Adult: Chemosythesis , Consumer , Detritivore
148 Chitjorns 1 to 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis
149 Rustmolds 25 μm to 20 mm Wide Lithotroph
148 Colonialballs 2 cm to 10 cm Wide spheres Photosynthesis
154 Shelpads 10 mm to 20 mm Wide Detrivore
154 Spore Towers 100 μm to 500 μm cells, 1-10 mm fruiting bodies Detritovore, Lithotroph
161 Grabbyswarmers 1-10 cm Photosynthesis, Planktivore, Detritivore
162 Chainswarmers 100-500 micrometer long individuals, 1-10 cm long outstretched colony Photosynthesis, Nitrogen-Fixing Colonies
162 Eusuckers 1-10 cm long Hemophage , Scavenger, Lithovore
162 Mudferra 1-10 cm wide network Lithotroph
162 Minifee 5-20 mm Long Planktivore, Detritivore
165 Sruglettes 8-17 cm long (beak to tail-tip, excluding fins) Adult: Omnivore Larvae: Indiscriminate filter feeder , 10 micrometers to 1 centimeter, Detritivore, Carnivore Herbivore
155 Xenobees 5 to 10 cm wingspan Nectarivore, Mucivore
157 Minikruggs 5 cm to 10 cm Long Herbivore, Rhizovore, Frugivore, Scavenger, Ovivore, Detritivore
150 Cryobowls 4 to 8 cm Wide Lithotroph , Photosynthesis
149 Pionferruses 1 cm to 10 cm Long Lithotroph
149 Cloudswarmers 1 cm to 10 cm long Photosynthesis, Frugivore, Herbivore, Planktivore
151 Vermees 1 mm- 5 cm Long Detrivore, Scavenger
148 Cryostalks 1 cm to 10 cm Tall Photosynthesis
149 Larands 1 to 5 mm Photosynthesis
148 Toxiglobes 1 - 10 cm Wide Photosynthesis
161 Silkruggs 4-8 cm long Omnivore
161 Xenowasps 8-15 cm wingspan Nectarivore, Hemotroph
161 Gushitos 1-10 cm wingspan Hemotroph
163 Gamergate Gundis 2-4 cm long Scavenger, Frugivore , Herbivore , Photosynthesis
163 Teacup Saucebacks 5-10 cm long Adult: Carnivore ; Larvae: Scavenger, Detritivore, Carnivore
166 Dragonworms 5-10 cm long Carnivore , Scavenger
166 Minibees 1.25-3 cm long Nectarivore, Spores
166 Digging Filterpeders 1-5 cm long Planktivore Intertidal and Mangal Zones
167 Feather Blice 1 - 2.5 cm long Detritivore, Parasitic

--- 10 Centimeters ---

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
145 Hanging Frabooballs 20 cm long detritivore, herbivore
145 Loppys 10 cm - 20 cm Tall Oediollaceae - Photosynthesis; Goblollaceae - Detritivore, Lithotroph , Photosynthesis
148 Hollowdomes 2 cm - 16 cm Diameter Photosynthesis
148 Oozocorns 9-18 cm long Detritophage, Planktivore, Carnivore
145 Chthorns 7-15 cm long Detritivore, Planktivore
150 Larvaback 10 to 20 cm Long Carnivore
153 Scuttlers 1 cm Long to 20 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger, Detritivore, Planktonivore, Weak Photosynthesis
151 Frabukis 5 cm to 20 cm long Detritivore, Planktivore
163 Swarmerweed 100-500 micrometer zooids, 10-20 cm colonial zoon Photosynthesis, Consumer
151 Sunstalks 10 cm to 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Neuks 1 cm to 20 cm long Insectivore, Scavenger, Parisite, Hematophagy
151 Supershrooms 10 cm to 20 cm Tall Detritivore
151 Sapshrooms 10 cm to 20 cm Tall Sapivore, Detritivore
151 Dartirs 10 - 20 cm Long Scavenger
151 Sapworms 1 cm to 20 cm Long Sapivore
162 Hair Nimbuses 1-10 mm wide cells; up to 20 cm long colonies Photosynthesis , Diazotrophy Colonies
163 Tamed Berry Arbourshrooms Up to 20 cm wide Mycelial Network, 1-5 cm tall stalk, 3-5 cm long berries Detritivore
163 Parasitic Floats 1-2 cm wide bubbles, 10-20 cm long colonies Photosynthesis, Parasite
166 Mudfish 5-20 cm Long Adult: Carnivore Larvae: Detritivore , scavenger
167 Krikrees 10-20 cm long Omnivore
167 Poison Shrooms 10 cm to 20 cm Tall Detritivore
168 Busting Balls 5 - 20 cm wide photosynthesis
168 Vestigial Balls 1-10 cm wide photosynthesis

--- >20 Centimeters ---

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
149 Yanisflora 2 - 50 cm All: Photosynthesis; Pillunaneae: Filter-Feeding  ; Psychanthaceae: Chemivore
166 Snowflake Obsidioaks 5-20 meters tall, leaves up to 20 centimeters long, 10-30 cm long spore pods Photosynthesis
166 Crystal Entourage Swordgrasses 20-100 cm tall crystals, variable colony width Photosynthesis, Detritivore
166 Wallace Puffgrasses 25 centimeters-2 meters tall Photosynthesis
166 Ferries 1-8 meters tall, 2-15 cm long berries, 5-10 cm long leaves, 2-5 mm long seeds Photosynthesis
166 Crunchy Trufflegrass 10-100 cm Tall Crystals, 0.5-30 cm Wide Crumples, Variable Colony Width Photosynthesis, Detritivore
166 Plateland Crystals 25 cm - 2 m Across Photosynthesis, Detritivore
167 Rock Ferries 50 cm-2 m tall, 0.5-3 cm long fruit, 3-10 cm long leaves, 0.5-2 mm long seeds, 2-5 cm wide flowers Photosynthesis
167 Dendroshrooms 1-10 meters tall Detritivore , Symbiotic Photosynthesis
167 Susannasapper's Tangle Vine Segment (50 Cm - 4 M Long), Full Body (Multiple Hosts Wide) Photosynthesis, Parasitism
167 Pinokes 1-16 meters tall Photosynthesis





Kosemen Glacier

White Freshwater Ice.


Kosemen Peak

White Ice on Frozen Black Volcanic Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
134 Glacialdrak 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
141 Helmethead Uksip 30 cm long Filter-Feeder , Herbivore , Scavenger
142 Ice Teuthopin 80 cm Long Carnivore
143 Uksor 15 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Liquivore , Scavenger
143 Glacial Sauceback 90 cm Long Adult; Omnivore Scavenger, Larva; Filter-Feeder
144 Scaled Diveskunik 25 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis

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Vivus Peak

White Ice on Frozen Black Volcanic Soil.



Elerd Temperate Beach

Temperate Golden Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
149 Tonboswarmer 8 cm Long Photosynthesis, Frugivore , Planktivore
150 Nagraj 1.5m Long Carnivore
151 Quhft 3.5 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Sealyn 80 cm Long Herbivore , Weak Photosynthesis
152 Magnificent Slaesosaurus 6.5 m Long Carnivore
153 Exoskelesor 20 cm Long Planktonivore, Liquivore , Scavenger
153 Shipper Buoyskin 70 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger, Hemophagus
154 Scaly Mushveli 1.2 m Long Omnivore
155 Fansnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
156 Vivus Slitherworm 180 cm Long Carnivore
156 Greenscale 160 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
157 Vivus Dinarunner 1 m Long Carnivore
157 Crowned Kingrush 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Candycane Bonegrass 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
162 Seashrog 2 meters long Omnivore
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
161 False Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Haemotroph
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
154 Pirate Waxface 3 meters long Carnivore , Detritivore , Scavenger
160 Cocobarrage 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Obsidibend 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
160 Mainland Fuzzpalm 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Mangot 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
146 Qupe Tree 160 cm Tall Photosynthesis
150 Fuzzweed 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Gumjorn 93 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Baebula 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Kakonat 25 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger/Detritivore
162 Shailnitor 30 cm long Detritivore/Scavenger , Coprovore
162 Bangsticks 2 meters tall Photosynthesis
162 Shorelance 35 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
162 Fuzzpile 6 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Branching Qupe Tree 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
163 Communal Janit 4 cm long Detritivore, Scavenger
163 Infilt Pewpa 10 centimeters long Scavenger, Detritivore
165 Fatcoat 70 cm long Carnivore
165 Coastwoodufo 70 cm long Carnivore
165 Topship Fuzzpalm 9 meters tall, 1 cm wide berry Photosynthesis, Detritivore
165 Topship Shrog 2 meters long Omnivore
165 Squeaky Gremlin 25 cm long Herbivore , Frugivore
166 Wolfcollar Shrog 2.5 meters long Carnivore , Occasional Frugivore , Scavenger
166 Rockruiser 150cm Long Females, 20cm Long Males Carnivore
167 Hippogryph 5.2 meters long Carnivore
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
154 Parasitic Branch-Lantern Up to 60cm Tall (Not Including Spore Droplets) Parasitism, Photosynthesis
154 Coastal Goth Tree 50 centimeters tall Photosynthesis Raft Only
167 Canard 3 meters long Herbivore
167 Beach Twintail 12 cm long Carnivore , Scavanger
168 Greater Hippogryph 10 meters long Carnivore

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Martyk Temperate Beach

Temperate Golden Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
149 Tonboswarmer 8 cm Long Photosynthesis, Frugivore , Planktivore
150 Nagraj 1.5m Long Carnivore
151 Quhft 3.5 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Sealyn 80 cm Long Herbivore , Weak Photosynthesis
152 Magnificent Slaesosaurus 6.5 m Long Carnivore
153 Exoskelesor 20 cm Long Planktonivore, Liquivore , Scavenger
153 Shipper Buoyskin 70 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger, Hemophagus
154 Scaly Mushveli 1.2 m Long Omnivore
155 Fansnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
156 Vivus Slitherworm 180 cm Long Carnivore
156 Greenscale 160 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
157 Vivus Dinarunner 1 m Long Carnivore
157 Crowned Kingrush 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Candycane Bonegrass 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
162 Seashrog 2 meters long Omnivore
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
161 False Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Haemotroph
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
154 Pirate Waxface 3 meters long Carnivore , Detritivore , Scavenger
160 Cocobarrage 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Obsidibend 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
160 Mainland Fuzzpalm 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Mangot 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
146 Qupe Tree 160 cm Tall Photosynthesis
150 Fuzzweed 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Gumjorn 93 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Baebula 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Kakonat 25 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger/Detritivore
162 Shailnitor 30 cm long Detritivore/Scavenger , Coprovore
162 Bangsticks 2 meters tall Photosynthesis
162 Shorelance 35 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
162 Fuzzpile 6 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Branching Qupe Tree 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
163 Communal Janit 4 cm long Detritivore, Scavenger
163 Infilt Pewpa 10 centimeters long Scavenger, Detritivore
165 Fatcoat 70 cm long Carnivore
165 Coastwoodufo 70 cm long Carnivore
165 Topship Fuzzpalm 9 meters tall, 1 cm wide berry Photosynthesis, Detritivore
165 Topship Shrog 2 meters long Omnivore
165 Squeaky Gremlin 25 cm long Herbivore , Frugivore
158 Thornstack 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Gulperskunik 40 cm Tall Herbivore , Photosynthesis
161 Flumpus Male: 6 m long; Female: 3.56 m long Omnivore
159 Hockel 42 cm Long Adult: Herbivore Larvae: Herbivore
163 Ornate Gumjorn 1 meter tall Photosynthesis
165 Sansaws 80 cm long Carnivore
166 Contorted Volleypom 30 meters tall Photosynthesis
166 Wolfcollar Shrog 2.5 meters long Carnivore , Occasional Frugivore , Scavenger
166 Rockruiser 150cm Long Females, 20cm Long Males Carnivore
167 Hippogryph 5.2 meters long Carnivore
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
154 Parasitic Branch-Lantern Up to 60cm Tall (Not Including Spore Droplets) Parasitism, Photosynthesis
154 Coastal Goth Tree 50 centimeters tall Photosynthesis Raft Only
167 Canard 3 meters long Herbivore
167 Beach Twintail 12 cm long Carnivore , Scavanger
168 Greater Hippogryph 10 meters long Carnivore

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Martyk Archipelago Temperate Beaches

Temperate Golden Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
149 Tonboswarmer 8 cm Long Photosynthesis, Frugivore , Planktivore
151 Quhft 3.5 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Sealyn 80 cm Long Herbivore , Weak Photosynthesis
152 Magnificent Slaesosaurus 6.5 m Long Carnivore
153 Shipper Buoyskin 70 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger, Hemophagus
154 Scaly Mushveli 1.2 m Long Omnivore
155 Fansnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
157 Vivus Dinarunner 1 m Long Carnivore
157 Crowned Kingrush 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Candycane Bonegrass 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
162 Seashrog 2 meters long Omnivore
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
161 False Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Haemotroph
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
154 Pirate Waxface 3 meters long Carnivore , Detritivore , Scavenger
160 Cocobarrage 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Obsidibend 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
160 Mainland Fuzzpalm 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Mangot 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
146 Qupe Tree 160 cm Tall Photosynthesis
150 Fuzzweed 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Gumjorn 93 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Baebula 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Kakonat 25 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger/Detritivore
162 Shailnitor 30 cm long Detritivore/Scavenger , Coprovore
162 Bangsticks 2 meters tall Photosynthesis
162 Shorelance 35 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
162 Fuzzpile 6 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Branching Qupe Tree 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
163 Communal Janit 4 cm long Detritivore, Scavenger
163 Infilt Pewpa 10 centimeters long Scavenger, Detritivore
165 Fatcoat 70 cm long Carnivore
165 Coastwoodufo 70 cm long Carnivore
165 Topship Fuzzpalm 9 meters tall, 1 cm wide berry Photosynthesis, Detritivore
165 Topship Shrog 2 meters long Omnivore
165 Squeaky Gremlin 25 cm long Herbivore , Frugivore
158 Thornstack 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Gulperskunik 40 cm Tall Herbivore , Photosynthesis
161 Flumpus Male: 6 m long; Female: 3.56 m long Omnivore
159 Hockel 42 cm Long Adult: Herbivore Larvae: Herbivore
163 Ornate Gumjorn 1 meter tall Photosynthesis
165 Sansaws 80 cm long Carnivore
166 Martyk Mega Quail 2 meters long Herbivore
166 Contorted Volleypom 30 meters tall Photosynthesis
166 Flurroom 5 cm wide Photosynthesis, Parasite , Planktivore, Detrivore
166 Wolfcollar Shrog 2.5 meters long Carnivore , Occasional Frugivore , Scavenger
166 Rockruiser 150cm Long Females, 20cm Long Males Carnivore
167 Tambite 2 meters long Omnivore
167 Hippogryph 5.2 meters long Carnivore
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
154 Parasitic Branch-Lantern Up to 60cm Tall (Not Including Spore Droplets) Parasitism, Photosynthesis
154 Coastal Goth Tree 50 centimeters tall Photosynthesis Raft Only
167 Canard 3 meters long Herbivore
167 Beach Twintail 12 cm long Carnivore , Scavanger
168 Greater Hippogryph 10 meters long Carnivore

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Raq Subpolar Beach

Subpolar Golden Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
136 Fat Korystal 1 m Tall Detritivore
136 Climbing Korrybug 20 cm Tall Herbivore
138 Cryocanon 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
139 Stoutplage 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
139 Pudgy Ketter 10 cm Long Frugivore Nectarivore , Photosynthesis
139 Polar Quilbil 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore
139 Bloody Nose Cotingo 50 cm Long Scavenger, Carnivore
140 Segmented Carnofern 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Herbivore
140 Krugg 10 cm Long Rhizovore , Detritivore, Scavenger
141 Helmethead Uksip 30 cm long Filter-Feeder , Herbivore , Scavenger
143 Uksor 15 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Liquivore , Scavenger
143 Dome Crystal 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
143 Squat Limbless 75 cm Long Carnivore
143 Weavesnapper 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore
143 Fruiting Glog 32 cm Tall Photosynthesis
143 Pudglyn 40 cm Long Frugivore , Photosynthesis
144 Leafcutter Krugg 10 cm Long Herbivore
144 Spiked Krugg 15 cm Long Herbivore
144 Egg Krugg 20 cm Long Ovivore , Scavenger
149 Tonboswarmer 8 cm Long Photosynthesis, Frugivore , Planktivore
150 Marine Woollycoat 60 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
150 Buoyskin 120 cm Long Carnivore, Hemophagus Scavenger
151 Thornmound 30 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Sealyn 80 cm Long Herbivore , Weak Photosynthesis
153 Turnip Limbless 50 cm Long Carnivore , Planktivore
154 Scaly Mushveli 1.2 m Long Omnivore
155 Fansnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
159 Tilepillar 1.5 m Long Herbivore
159 Slumbering Kingrush 20 cm Tall heads, 60 cm Tall Stalks Photosynthesis
159 Stretchskunik 30 cm Long (Shell) Herbivore , Photosynthesis
162 Shorelance 35 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
162 Fermibiyss Male: 4.75 m Long; Female: 3.75 m Long Carnivore
164 Clusterback 140 centimeters long Herbivore
157 Candycane Bonegrass 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Thornstack 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Gulperskunik 40 cm Tall Herbivore , Photosynthesis
161 Flumpus Male: 6 m long; Female: 3.56 m long Omnivore
157 Mangot 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
146 Qupe Tree 160 cm Tall Photosynthesis
150 Fuzzweed 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Gumjorn 93 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Baebula 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
159 Hockel 42 cm Long Adult: Herbivore Larvae: Herbivore
163 Ornate Gumjorn 1 meter tall Photosynthesis
165 Sansaws 80 cm long Carnivore
166 Rockruiser 150cm Long Females, 20cm Long Males Carnivore
167 Beach Twintail 12 cm long Carnivore , Scavanger
167 Australishrog 4 m Tall Diet: Obligate Carnivore ; Scavanger; Opportunistic Frugivore

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Raq Archipelago Subpolar Beaches

Subpolar Golden Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
136 Fat Korystal 1 m Tall Detritivore
136 Climbing Korrybug 20 cm Tall Herbivore
138 Cryocanon 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
139 Stoutplage 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
139 Pudgy Ketter 10 cm Long Frugivore Nectarivore , Photosynthesis
139 Polar Quilbil 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore
139 Bloody Nose Cotingo 50 cm Long Scavenger, Carnivore
140 Segmented Carnofern 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Herbivore
140 Krugg 10 cm Long Rhizovore , Detritivore, Scavenger
141 Helmethead Uksip 30 cm long Filter-Feeder , Herbivore , Scavenger
143 Uksor 15 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Liquivore , Scavenger
143 Dome Crystal 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
143 Fruiting Glog 32 cm Tall Photosynthesis
143 Pudglyn 40 cm Long Frugivore , Photosynthesis
144 Leafcutter Krugg 10 cm Long Herbivore
144 Spiked Krugg 15 cm Long Herbivore
144 Egg Krugg 20 cm Long Ovivore , Scavenger
149 Tonboswarmer 8 cm Long Photosynthesis, Frugivore , Planktivore
150 Marine Woollycoat 60 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
150 Buoyskin 120 cm Long Carnivore, Hemophagus Scavenger
151 Thornmound 30 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Sealyn 80 cm Long Herbivore , Weak Photosynthesis
153 Turnip Limbless 50 cm Long Carnivore , Planktivore
154 Scaly Mushveli 1.2 m Long Omnivore
155 Fansnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
159 Tilepillar 1.5 m Long Herbivore
159 Slumbering Kingrush 20 cm Tall heads, 60 cm Tall Stalks Photosynthesis
159 Stretchskunik 30 cm Long (Shell) Herbivore , Photosynthesis
162 Shorelance 35 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
162 Fermibiyss Male: 4.75 m Long; Female: 3.75 m Long Carnivore
157 Candycane Bonegrass 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Thornstack 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
161 Flumpus Male: 6 m long; Female: 3.56 m long Omnivore
157 Mangot 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
146 Qupe Tree 160 cm Tall Photosynthesis
150 Fuzzweed 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Gumjorn 93 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Baebula 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
159 Hockel 42 cm Long Adult: Herbivore Larvae: Herbivore
163 Ornate Gumjorn 1 meter tall Photosynthesis
165 Sansaws 80 cm long Carnivore
166 Rockruiser 150cm Long Females, 20cm Long Males Carnivore
167 Beach Twintail 12 cm long Carnivore , Scavanger
167 Australishrog 4 m Tall Diet: Obligate Carnivore ; Scavanger; Opportunistic Frugivore

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Xeno Subpolar Beach

Subpolar Golden Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
136 Fat Korystal 1 m Tall Detritivore
136 Climbing Korrybug 20 cm Tall Herbivore
138 Cryocanon 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
139 Stoutplage 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
139 Pudgy Ketter 10 cm Long Frugivore Nectarivore , Photosynthesis
139 Polar Quilbil 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore
139 Bloody Nose Cotingo 50 cm Long Scavenger, Carnivore
140 Segmented Carnofern 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Herbivore
140 Krugg 10 cm Long Rhizovore , Detritivore, Scavenger
141 Helmethead Uksip 30 cm long Filter-Feeder , Herbivore , Scavenger
143 Uksor 15 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Liquivore , Scavenger
143 Dome Crystal 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
143 Squat Limbless 75 cm Long Carnivore
143 Weavesnapper 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore
143 Fruiting Glog 32 cm Tall Photosynthesis
143 Pudglyn 40 cm Long Frugivore , Photosynthesis
144 Leafcutter Krugg 10 cm Long Herbivore
144 Spiked Krugg 15 cm Long Herbivore
144 Egg Krugg 20 cm Long Ovivore , Scavenger
149 Tonboswarmer 8 cm Long Photosynthesis, Frugivore , Planktivore
150 Marine Woollycoat 60 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
150 Buoyskin 120 cm Long Carnivore, Hemophagus Scavenger
151 Thornmound 30 cm Wide Photosynthesis
153 Turnip Limbless 50 cm Long Carnivore , Planktivore
154 Scaly Mushveli 1.2 m Long Omnivore
155 Fansnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
159 Tilepillar 1.5 m Long Herbivore
159 Slumbering Kingrush 20 cm Tall heads, 60 cm Tall Stalks Photosynthesis
159 Stretchskunik 30 cm Long (Shell) Herbivore , Photosynthesis
162 Shorelance 35 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
162 Fermibiyss Male: 4.75 m Long; Female: 3.75 m Long Carnivore
164 Clusterback 140 centimeters long Herbivore
150 Nagraj 1.5m Long Carnivore
153 Shipper Buoyskin 70 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger, Hemophagus
156 Vivus Slitherworm 180 cm Long Carnivore
156 Greenscale 160 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
157 Vivus Dinarunner 1 m Long Carnivore
157 Crowned Kingrush 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Candycane Bonegrass 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Mangot 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
146 Qupe Tree 160 cm Tall Photosynthesis
150 Fuzzweed 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Gumjorn 93 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Baebula 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
167 Beach Twintail 12 cm long Carnivore , Scavanger
167 Australishrog 4 m Tall Diet: Obligate Carnivore ; Scavanger; Opportunistic Frugivore

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East Colddigger Polar Beach

Polar Golden Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
136 Fat Korystal 1 m Tall Detritivore
136 Climbing Korrybug 20 cm Tall Herbivore
138 Cryocanon 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
139 Stoutplage 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
139 Pudgy Ketter 10 cm Long Frugivore Nectarivore , Photosynthesis
139 Polar Quilbil 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore
139 Bloody Nose Cotingo 50 cm Long Scavenger, Carnivore
140 Segmented Carnofern 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Herbivore
140 Krugg 10 cm Long Rhizovore , Detritivore, Scavenger
141 Helmethead Uksip 30 cm long Filter-Feeder , Herbivore , Scavenger
143 Uksor 15 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Liquivore , Scavenger
143 Dome Crystal 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
143 Squat Limbless 75 cm Long Carnivore
143 Weavesnapper 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore
143 Fruiting Glog 32 cm Tall Photosynthesis
143 Pudglyn 40 cm Long Frugivore , Photosynthesis
144 Leafcutter Krugg 10 cm Long Herbivore
144 Spiked Krugg 15 cm Long Herbivore
144 Egg Krugg 20 cm Long Ovivore , Scavenger
150 Marine Woollycoat 60 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
150 Buoyskin 120 cm Long Carnivore, Hemophagus Scavenger
151 Thornmound 30 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Sealyn 80 cm Long Herbivore , Weak Photosynthesis
153 Turnip Limbless 50 cm Long Carnivore , Planktivore
154 Scaly Mushveli 1.2 m Long Omnivore
155 Fansnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
159 Slumbering Kingrush 20 cm Tall heads, 60 cm Tall Stalks Photosynthesis
159 Stretchskunik 30 cm Long (Shell) Herbivore , Photosynthesis
162 Shorelance 35 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
162 Fermibiyss Male: 4.75 m Long; Female: 3.75 m Long Carnivore
164 Clusterback 140 centimeters long Herbivore
167 Beach Twintail 12 cm long Carnivore , Scavanger
167 Australishrog 4 m Tall Diet: Obligate Carnivore ; Scavanger; Opportunistic Frugivore

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West Colddigger Polar Beach

Polar Golden Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
136 Fat Korystal 1 m Tall Detritivore
136 Climbing Korrybug 20 cm Tall Herbivore
138 Cryocanon 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
139 Stoutplage 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
139 Pudgy Ketter 10 cm Long Frugivore Nectarivore , Photosynthesis
139 Polar Quilbil 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore
139 Bloody Nose Cotingo 50 cm Long Scavenger, Carnivore
140 Segmented Carnofern 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Herbivore
140 Krugg 10 cm Long Rhizovore , Detritivore, Scavenger
141 Helmethead Uksip 30 cm long Filter-Feeder , Herbivore , Scavenger
143 Uksor 15 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Liquivore , Scavenger
143 Dome Crystal 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
143 Squat Limbless 75 cm Long Carnivore
143 Weavesnapper 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore
143 Fruiting Glog 32 cm Tall Photosynthesis
143 Pudglyn 40 cm Long Frugivore , Photosynthesis
144 Leafcutter Krugg 10 cm Long Herbivore
144 Spiked Krugg 15 cm Long Herbivore
144 Egg Krugg 20 cm Long Ovivore , Scavenger
150 Marine Woollycoat 60 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
150 Buoyskin 120 cm Long Carnivore, Hemophagus Scavenger
151 Thornmound 30 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Sealyn 80 cm Long Herbivore , Weak Photosynthesis
153 Turnip Limbless 50 cm Long Carnivore , Planktivore
154 Scaly Mushveli 1.2 m Long Omnivore
155 Fansnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
159 Slumbering Kingrush 20 cm Tall heads, 60 cm Tall Stalks Photosynthesis
159 Stretchskunik 30 cm Long (Shell) Herbivore , Photosynthesis
162 Shorelance 35 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
162 Fermibiyss Male: 4.75 m Long; Female: 3.75 m Long Carnivore
164 Clusterback 140 centimeters long Herbivore
167 Beach Twintail 12 cm long Carnivore , Scavanger
167 Australishrog 4 m Tall Diet: Obligate Carnivore ; Scavanger; Opportunistic Frugivore

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Colddigger Glacier Beach

Polar Golden Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
136 Fat Korystal 1 m Tall Detritivore
136 Climbing Korrybug 20 cm Tall Herbivore
138 Cryocanon 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
139 Stoutplage 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
139 Pudgy Ketter 10 cm Long Frugivore Nectarivore , Photosynthesis
139 Polar Quilbil 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore
139 Bloody Nose Cotingo 50 cm Long Scavenger, Carnivore
140 Segmented Carnofern 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Herbivore
140 Krugg 10 cm Long Rhizovore , Detritivore, Scavenger
141 Helmethead Uksip 30 cm long Filter-Feeder , Herbivore , Scavenger
143 Uksor 15 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Liquivore , Scavenger
143 Dome Crystal 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
143 Squat Limbless 75 cm Long Carnivore
143 Weavesnapper 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore
143 Fruiting Glog 32 cm Tall Photosynthesis
143 Pudglyn 40 cm Long Frugivore , Photosynthesis
144 Leafcutter Krugg 10 cm Long Herbivore
144 Spiked Krugg 15 cm Long Herbivore
144 Egg Krugg 20 cm Long Ovivore , Scavenger
150 Marine Woollycoat 60 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
150 Buoyskin 120 cm Long Carnivore, Hemophagus Scavenger
151 Thornmound 30 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Sealyn 80 cm Long Herbivore , Weak Photosynthesis
153 Turnip Limbless 50 cm Long Carnivore , Planktivore
154 Scaly Mushveli 1.2 m Long Omnivore
155 Fansnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
159 Slumbering Kingrush 20 cm Tall heads, 60 cm Tall Stalks Photosynthesis
159 Stretchskunik 30 cm Long (Shell) Herbivore , Photosynthesis
162 Shorelance 35 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
162 Fermibiyss Male: 4.75 m Long; Female: 3.75 m Long Carnivore
164 Clusterback 140 centimeters long Herbivore
167 Beach Twintail 12 cm long Carnivore , Scavanger
167 Australishrog 4 m Tall Diet: Obligate Carnivore ; Scavanger; Opportunistic Frugivore

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Blocks Subpolar River

Subpolar Freshwater with Golden Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
167 Kosemen Bubblepede 38 cm Long Herbivore
167 Kosemen Bubbleweed 1.5 meters tall Photosynthesis

Kosemen Subpolar River

Subpolar Freshwater with Black Volcanic Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
158 Thornstack 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
161 Thorncracker Gilltail 36 cm Long Herbivore
161 Blocks Blooblblega 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
161 Broodbeak Gilltail 12 cm Long Adult: Herbivore ; Larvae: Planktivore, Detritivore
164 Bounding Plyentwort 75 cm long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Filter-Feeder, Facultative Carnivore
167 Kosemen Bubbleweed 1.5 meters tall Photosynthesis
167 Kosemen Bubblepede 38 cm Long Herbivore

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Blocks Montane River

Montane Freshwater with Golden Mud.


Kosemen Montane River

Montane Freshwater with Black Volcanic Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
158 Thornstack 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
161 Thorncracker Gilltail 36 cm Long Herbivore
161 Blocks Blooblblega 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
161 Broodbeak Gilltail 12 cm Long Adult: Herbivore ; Larvae: Planktivore, Detritivore
164 Bounding Plyentwort 75 cm long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Filter-Feeder, Facultative Carnivore

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Blocks Subpolar Salt Lake

Subpolar Saltwater with Golden Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
167 Kosemen Bubblepede 38 cm Long Herbivore
167 Kosemen Bubbleweed 1.5 meters tall Photosynthesis


Blocks Subpolar Riparian

Subpolar Floodplain with Golden Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
149 Tonboswarmer 8 cm Long Photosynthesis, Frugivore , Planktivore
158 Thornstack 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
164 Bounding Plyentwort 75 cm long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Filter-Feeder, Facultative Carnivore

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Kosemen Subpolar Riparian

Subpolar Floodplain with Black Volcanic Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
149 Tonboswarmer 8 cm Long Photosynthesis, Frugivore , Planktivore
158 Thornstack 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
164 Bounding Plyentwort 75 cm long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Filter-Feeder, Facultative Carnivore

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Blocks Montane Riparian

Montane Floodplain with Golden Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
149 Tonboswarmer 8 cm Long Photosynthesis, Frugivore , Planktivore
158 Thornstack 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
164 Bounding Plyentwort 75 cm long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Filter-Feeder, Facultative Carnivore

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Kosemen Montane Riparian

Montane Floodplain with Black Volcanic Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
149 Tonboswarmer 8 cm Long Photosynthesis, Frugivore , Planktivore
158 Thornstack 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
164 Bounding Plyentwort 75 cm long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Filter-Feeder, Facultative Carnivore

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Blocks Bog

Subpolar Saltwater with Golden Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
149 Tonboswarmer 8 cm Long Photosynthesis, Frugivore , Planktivore
156 Whirlpool Pukai 3.5 cm Tall Planktivore , Tonboswarmer larvae
158 Thornstack 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
161 Thorncracker Gilltail 36 cm Long Herbivore
161 Blocks Blooblblega 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
161 Broodbeak Gilltail 12 cm Long Adult: Herbivore ; Larvae: Planktivore, Detritivore
164 Bounding Plyentwort 75 cm long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Filter-Feeder, Facultative Carnivore
167 Kosemen Bubbleweed 1.5 meters tall Photosynthesis
167 Kosemen Bubblepede 38 cm Long Herbivore

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Blocks Salt Palus

Subpolar Saltwater with Golden Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
149 Tonboswarmer 8 cm Long Photosynthesis, Frugivore , Planktivore
156 Whirlpool Pukai 3.5 cm Tall Planktivore , Tonboswarmer larvae
158 Thornstack 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
161 Thorncracker Gilltail 36 cm Long Herbivore
161 Blocks Blooblblega 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
161 Broodbeak Gilltail 12 cm Long Adult: Herbivore ; Larvae: Planktivore, Detritivore
164 Bounding Plyentwort 75 cm long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Filter-Feeder, Facultative Carnivore
167 Kosemen Bubbleweed 1.5 meters tall Photosynthesis
167 Kosemen Bubblepede 38 cm Long Herbivore

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Blocks Mudflat

Subpolar Supratidal Floodplain with Golden Mud

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
149 Tonboswarmer 8 cm Long Photosynthesis, Frugivore , Planktivore
158 Thornstack 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
164 Bounding Plyentwort 75 cm long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Filter-Feeder, Facultative Carnivore

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Elerd Temperate Mangal

Temperate Golden Salty Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
147 Florisland 1.5 m Wide Photosynthesis, Filter-Feeder
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
148 Sandtrapin 70 cm Long Carnivore
149 Colonial Calmstrum 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
152 Sealyn 80 cm Long Herbivore , Weak Photosynthesis
153 Shipper Buoyskin 70 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger, Hemophagus
153 Slaesosleekus 430 cm long Carnivore
154 Lediiro 9 cm Wide Photosynthesis
154 Scaly Mushveli 1.2 m Long Omnivore
155 Fansnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
156 Fiesta Leafshell 50 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
156 Omegiiro 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
156 Saurohound 6.5 m Long Carnivore
157 Vivus Dinarunner 1 m Long Carnivore
157 Topyiiro Individual; 8 cm Wide, Colony; 80 cm Wide Photosynthesis
157 Candycane Bonegrass 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis
159 Coasterlina Leafshell 60 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
160 Marine Fraboo 40 cm Long Detritivore, Planktivore
162 Seashrog 2 meters long Omnivore
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
161 False Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Haemotroph
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
154 Pirate Waxface 3 meters long Carnivore , Detritivore , Scavenger
151 Carnosprawl 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Stonebeak Phlyer 2.8 meters long Carnivore , Photosynthesis, Scavenger
162 Kakonat 25 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger/Detritivore
162 Shailnitor 30 cm long Detritivore/Scavenger , Coprovore
162 Shorelance 35 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
162 Pelagic Puffgrass 80 cm tall Photosynthesis
163 Raft-Building Cone Puffgrass 80 cm tall, varied colony width Photosynthesis
163 Mangrovecrystal 20 meter tall individuals, variable colony size Photosynthesis
164 Wading Heart 1.2 m Long Carnivore Hunting Only
164 Shrogsnapper 3.8 m Long Adult: Carnivore ; Young: Omnivore
165 Fatcoat 70 cm long Carnivore
165 Topship Fuzzpalm 9 meters tall, 1 cm wide berry Photosynthesis, Detritivore
165 Topship Shrog 2 meters long Omnivore
165 Crawling Meiouk 1 mm long Filter-Feeder , detritivore
165 Hang-Gliding Pinyuk 35 cm long, 70 cm "wingspan" Herbivore
166 Flurroom 5 cm wide Photosynthesis, Parasite , Planktivore, Detrivore
166 Wolfcollar Shrog 2.5 meters long Carnivore , Occasional Frugivore , Scavenger
166 Mangrove Smasher Male: 8 meters long; Female: 4.5 meters long Omnivore
166 Hydra Anemoweed 30 cm Wide Omnivore , Scavenger, Detritivore, Photosynthesis
166 Rockruiser 150cm Long Females, 20cm Long Males Carnivore
167 Mangal Snark 45 cm Long Scavenger, Carnivore
167 Tsybie 4.8 m long Herbivore
167 Canard 3 meters long Herbivore
167 Beach Twintail 12 cm long Carnivore , Scavanger

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Martyk Temperate Mangal

Temperate Golden Salty Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
147 Florisland 1.5 m Wide Photosynthesis, Filter-Feeder
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
148 Sandtrapin 70 cm Long Carnivore
149 Colonial Calmstrum 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
152 Sealyn 80 cm Long Herbivore , Weak Photosynthesis
153 Shipper Buoyskin 70 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger, Hemophagus
153 Slaesosleekus 430 cm long Carnivore
154 Lediiro 9 cm Wide Photosynthesis
154 Scaly Mushveli 1.2 m Long Omnivore
155 Fansnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
156 Fiesta Leafshell 50 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
156 Omegiiro 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
156 Saurohound 6.5 m Long Carnivore
157 Vivus Dinarunner 1 m Long Carnivore
157 Topyiiro Individual; 8 cm Wide, Colony; 80 cm Wide Photosynthesis
157 Candycane Bonegrass 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis
159 Coasterlina Leafshell 60 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
160 Marine Fraboo 40 cm Long Detritivore, Planktivore
162 Seashrog 2 meters long Omnivore
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
161 False Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Haemotroph
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
154 Pirate Waxface 3 meters long Carnivore , Detritivore , Scavenger
151 Carnosprawl 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Stonebeak Phlyer 2.8 meters long Carnivore , Photosynthesis, Scavenger
162 Kakonat 25 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger/Detritivore
162 Shailnitor 30 cm long Detritivore/Scavenger , Coprovore
162 Shorelance 35 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
162 Pelagic Puffgrass 80 cm tall Photosynthesis
163 Raft-Building Cone Puffgrass 80 cm tall, varied colony width Photosynthesis
163 Mangrovecrystal 20 meter tall individuals, variable colony size Photosynthesis
164 Wading Heart 1.2 m Long Carnivore Hunting Only
164 Shrogsnapper 3.8 m Long Adult: Carnivore ; Young: Omnivore
165 Fatcoat 70 cm long Carnivore
165 Topship Fuzzpalm 9 meters tall, 1 cm wide berry Photosynthesis, Detritivore
165 Topship Shrog 2 meters long Omnivore
165 Crawling Meiouk 1 mm long Filter-Feeder , detritivore
165 Hang-Gliding Pinyuk 35 cm long, 70 cm "wingspan" Herbivore
138 Nectascooter 6 cm Tall Nectivore , Photosynthesis
145 Broadleaf Calmstrum 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis, Filter-Feeder
147 Scootatrunk 12 cm Tall Herbivore , Photosynthesis
149 Harp-Hum 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
150 Jlindohve 70 cm Long Carnivore
151 Snapperbeak Hookphlyer 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
154 Parasitic Branch-Lantern Up to 60cm Tall (Not Including Spore Droplets) Parasitism, Photosynthesis
154 Coastal Goth Tree 50 centimeters tall Photosynthesis Raft Only
158 Carnurtain 1.5 m Tall Photosynthesis
161 Tambuck 2.5 meters long Herbivore
166 Flurroom 5 cm wide Photosynthesis, Parasite , Planktivore, Detrivore
166 Wolfcollar Shrog 2.5 meters long Carnivore , Occasional Frugivore , Scavenger
166 Mangrove Smasher Male: 8 meters long; Female: 4.5 meters long Omnivore
166 Hydra Anemoweed 30 cm Wide Omnivore , Scavenger, Detritivore, Photosynthesis
166 Rockruiser 150cm Long Females, 20cm Long Males Carnivore
167 Mangal Snark 45 cm Long Scavenger, Carnivore
167 Tsybie 4.8 m long Herbivore
167 Canard 3 meters long Herbivore
167 Beach Twintail 12 cm long Carnivore , Scavanger

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Blocks Subpolar Mangal

Subpolar Dark Golden Salty Soil.


Gen Name Size Diet Notes
53 Gomphioculum Microscopica Microscopic Consumer
101 Funivenator Organuculus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore
101 Glirodlium Istaruthus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore, Consumer
102 Crescoquin Scindestus Microscopic Photosynthesis
102 Wykraline Microscopic Cytovore, Organic compounds
126 Disturbed Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
130 Saltiri Microscopic Chemovore
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
135 Colony Salmundus Microscopic Chemosynthesis
135 Byoukiri Microscopic Chemovore

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Gen Name Size Diet Notes
149 Tonboswarmer 8 cm Long Photosynthesis, Frugivore , Planktivore
158 Thornstack 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
164 Bounding Plyentwort 75 cm long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Filter-Feeder, Facultative Carnivore
107 Symboather 1 cm Diameter Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Chemosynthesis
107 Crastrum 1 cm Wide Photosynthesis
111 Squarenet Crastrum 2 cm Long per sausage Photosynthesis
119 Cleaner Crastrum 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis
126 Disorderly Gelatin 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
136 Seascooter 10 cm Tall Herivibore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
136 Wading Leafshell 1 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
136 Calmstrum 2 cm Wide Photosynthesis, Filter-Feeder
138 Nectascooter 6 cm Tall Nectivore , Photosynthesis
138 Lurehum 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
138 Marine Mine Layer 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
138 Polar Hummroot 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
140 Swift Hookphlyer 40 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Photosynthesis
141 Hallucrastrum 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis
143 Chambered Bobiiro 6 cm Wide Photosynthesis
144 Seadisk 96 cm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
148 Crystal Trapinout 90 cm Long Carnivore
149 Colonial Calmstrum 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
150 Marine Woollycoat 60 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
150 Buoyskin 120 cm Long Carnivore, Hemophagus Scavenger
152 Sealyn 80 cm Long Herbivore , Weak Photosynthesis
153 Torpcoat 70 cm Long Carnivore
154 Scaly Mushveli 1.2 m Long Omnivore
155 Fansnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
159 Tilepillar 1.5 m Long Herbivore
162 Fermibiyss Male: 4.75 m Long; Female: 3.75 m Long Carnivore
156 Shaillor 37 cm long Herbivore , Detritivore, Scavenger
157 Candycane Bonegrass 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
162 Shorelance 35 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
166 Flurroom 5 cm wide Photosynthesis, Parasite , Planktivore, Detrivore
167 Beach Twintail 12 cm long Carnivore , Scavanger
167 Australishrog 4 m Tall Diet: Obligate Carnivore ; Scavanger; Opportunistic Frugivore
139 Hanging Necarrow 20 cm Long Carnivore , Detritivore

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Vivus Subpolar Mangal

Subpolar Salty Soil.


Gen Name Size Diet Notes
53 Gomphioculum Microscopica Microscopic Consumer
101 Funivenator Organuculus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore
101 Glirodlium Istaruthus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore, Consumer
102 Crescoquin Scindestus Microscopic Photosynthesis
102 Wykraline Microscopic Cytovore, Organic compounds
126 Disturbed Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
130 Saltiri Microscopic Chemovore
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
135 Colony Salmundus Microscopic Chemosynthesis
135 Byoukiri Microscopic Chemovore

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Gen Name Size Diet Notes
107 Symboather 1 cm Diameter Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Chemosynthesis
107 Crastrum 1 cm Wide Photosynthesis
111 Squarenet Crastrum 2 cm Long per sausage Photosynthesis
119 Cleaner Crastrum 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis
126 Disorderly Gelatin 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
136 Seascooter 10 cm Tall Herivibore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
136 Wading Leafshell 1 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
136 Calmstrum 2 cm Wide Photosynthesis, Filter-Feeder
138 Nectascooter 6 cm Tall Nectivore , Photosynthesis
138 Lurehum 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
138 Marine Mine Layer 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
138 Polar Hummroot 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
140 Swift Hookphlyer 40 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Photosynthesis
141 Hallucrastrum 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis
143 Chambered Bobiiro 6 cm Wide Photosynthesis
144 Seadisk 96 cm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
148 Crystal Trapinout 90 cm Long Carnivore
149 Colonial Calmstrum 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
150 Marine Woollycoat 60 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
150 Buoyskin 120 cm Long Carnivore, Hemophagus Scavenger
152 Sealyn 80 cm Long Herbivore , Weak Photosynthesis
153 Torpcoat 70 cm Long Carnivore
154 Scaly Mushveli 1.2 m Long Omnivore
155 Fansnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
159 Tilepillar 1.5 m Long Herbivore
162 Fermibiyss Male: 4.75 m Long; Female: 3.75 m Long Carnivore
156 Shaillor 37 cm long Herbivore , Detritivore, Scavenger
157 Candycane Bonegrass 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
162 Shorelance 35 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
166 Flurroom 5 cm wide Photosynthesis, Parasite , Planktivore, Detrivore
167 Mangal Snark 45 cm Long Scavenger, Carnivore
167 Beach Twintail 12 cm long Carnivore , Scavanger
167 Australishrog 4 m Tall Diet: Obligate Carnivore ; Scavanger; Opportunistic Frugivore
139 Hanging Necarrow 20 cm Long Carnivore , Detritivore

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Xeno Subpolar Mangal

Subpolar Black Volcanic Salty Soil.


Gen Name Size Diet Notes
53 Gomphioculum Microscopica Microscopic Consumer
101 Funivenator Organuculus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore
101 Glirodlium Istaruthus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore, Consumer
102 Crescoquin Scindestus Microscopic Photosynthesis
102 Wykraline Microscopic Cytovore, Organic compounds
126 Disturbed Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
130 Saltiri Microscopic Chemovore
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
135 Colony Salmundus Microscopic Chemosynthesis
135 Byoukiri Microscopic Chemovore

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Gen Name Size Diet Notes
107 Symboather 1 cm Diameter Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Chemosynthesis
107 Crastrum 1 cm Wide Photosynthesis
111 Squarenet Crastrum 2 cm Long per sausage Photosynthesis
119 Cleaner Crastrum 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis
126 Disorderly Gelatin 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
136 Seascooter 10 cm Tall Herivibore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
136 Wading Leafshell 1 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
136 Calmstrum 2 cm Wide Photosynthesis, Filter-Feeder
138 Nectascooter 6 cm Tall Nectivore , Photosynthesis
138 Lurehum 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
138 Marine Mine Layer 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
138 Polar Hummroot 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
140 Swift Hookphlyer 40 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Photosynthesis
141 Hallucrastrum 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis
143 Chambered Bobiiro 6 cm Wide Photosynthesis
144 Seadisk 96 cm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
148 Crystal Trapinout 90 cm Long Carnivore
149 Colonial Calmstrum 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
150 Marine Woollycoat 60 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
150 Buoyskin 120 cm Long Carnivore, Hemophagus Scavenger
152 Sealyn 80 cm Long Herbivore , Weak Photosynthesis
153 Torpcoat 70 cm Long Carnivore
154 Scaly Mushveli 1.2 m Long Omnivore
155 Fansnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
159 Tilepillar 1.5 m Long Herbivore
162 Fermibiyss Male: 4.75 m Long; Female: 3.75 m Long Carnivore
147 Florisland 1.5 m Wide Photosynthesis, Filter-Feeder
153 Shipper Buoyskin 70 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger, Hemophagus
153 Slaesosleekus 430 cm long Carnivore
156 Omegiiro 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
157 Vivus Dinarunner 1 m Long Carnivore
157 Topyiiro Individual; 8 cm Wide, Colony; 80 cm Wide Photosynthesis
157 Candycane Bonegrass 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
162 Shorelance 35 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
167 Beach Twintail 12 cm long Carnivore , Scavanger
167 Australishrog 4 m Tall Diet: Obligate Carnivore ; Scavanger; Opportunistic Frugivore
139 Hanging Necarrow 20 cm Long Carnivore , Detritivore

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Colddigger Polar Mangal

Polar Black Volcanic Salty Soil.


Gen Name Size Diet Notes
53 Gomphioculum Microscopica Microscopic Consumer
101 Funivenator Organuculus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore
101 Glirodlium Istaruthus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore, Consumer
102 Crescoquin Scindestus Microscopic Photosynthesis
102 Wykraline Microscopic Cytovore, Organic compounds
126 Disturbed Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
130 Saltiri Microscopic Chemovore
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
135 Colony Salmundus Microscopic Chemosynthesis
135 Byoukiri Microscopic Chemovore

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Gen Name Size Diet Notes
107 Symboather 1 cm Diameter Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Chemosynthesis
107 Crastrum 1 cm Wide Photosynthesis
111 Squarenet Crastrum 2 cm Long per sausage Photosynthesis
119 Cleaner Crastrum 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis
126 Disorderly Gelatin 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
136 Seascooter 10 cm Tall Herivibore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
136 Wading Leafshell 1 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
136 Calmstrum 2 cm Wide Photosynthesis, Filter-Feeder
138 Nectascooter 6 cm Tall Nectivore , Photosynthesis
138 Lurehum 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
138 Polar Hummroot 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
140 Swift Hookphlyer 40 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Photosynthesis
141 Hallucrastrum 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis
143 Chambered Bobiiro 6 cm Wide Photosynthesis
144 Seadisk 96 cm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
149 Colonial Calmstrum 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
150 Marine Woollycoat 60 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
150 Buoyskin 120 cm Long Carnivore, Hemophagus Scavenger
152 Sealyn 80 cm Long Herbivore , Weak Photosynthesis
153 Torpcoat 70 cm Long Carnivore
154 Scaly Mushveli 1.2 m Long Omnivore
155 Fansnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
162 Fermibiyss Male: 4.75 m Long; Female: 3.75 m Long Carnivore
167 Beach Twintail 12 cm long Carnivore , Scavanger
167 Australishrog 4 m Tall Diet: Obligate Carnivore ; Scavanger; Opportunistic Frugivore
139 Hanging Necarrow 20 cm Long Carnivore , Detritivore

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Kosemen Temperate Rainforest

Black Muddy Volcanic Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
155 Crystalpine 14 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
155 Vivusian Barkback 35 cm Long Herbivore
156 Vivus Slitherworm 180 cm Long Carnivore
157 Hengende 92 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Opportunistic Parasite
157 Fibreflora 63.46 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Gecoba Tree 9 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
157 Haglox 8.5 m Long Adult: Herbivore ; Juvenile: Omnivore , Scavenger; Larva: Cannibalism , Scavenger
159 Fat Lizatokage 50 cm Long Herbivore
159 Bloodsap Melontree 9.6 m Tall Photosynthesis
161 Scrambled Shrew 25 cm long Omnivore , Ovivore , Scavenger
161 Kehaida 25 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
162 Chasing Twintail 15 cm long Carnivore
162 Brighteyes 80 cm long Omnivore
163 Gargantuan Obsiditree 100 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Treehook Tamow 50 cm long (excluding tail) Herbivore
163 Whiskrugg 25 mm Long Herbivore , Detritivore, Scavenger
163 Cryptic Hornface 1.2 meters long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
163 Spinebutt Plexo 70 centimeters long Omnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
163 Branching Qupe Tree 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
163 Smirking Soriparasite 10 centimeters long Hemophagus, Carnivore
163 Twinpaw Twintail 30 centimeters long Carnivorous , Scavenger
164 Dinotuga 70 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
164 Burrowyrm 40 cm long Carnivore
164 Woodyshroom 1 meter wide Detritivore
164 Hairoot 20 cm wide (central bodies), 5-400 m long (full network) Photosynthesis
164 Flunezen 70 cm Long Carnivore
165 Obsididaur 6 meters long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
165 Quail Raptor 20 cm long Omnivore
165 Argantua 6.4 meters long Carnivore
165 Woodsalcon 60 cm long Carnivore
165 Coastwoodufo 70 cm long Carnivore
165 Songsauce Piper 30 cm long Omnivore
165 Shaggy Volleypom 200 Meters Tall Photosynthesis
167 Mandolin Volleypom 12 M Tall Photosynthesis
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Parasitic Branch-Lantern Up to 60cm Tall (Not Including Spore Droplets) Parasitism, Photosynthesis
167 Zigziraber 1.5 m Tall Omnivore , Scavenger, Weak Photosynthesis
167 Duff Dinner 100 μm to 500 μm cells, 1-10 cm wide colonies Detritivore
167 Magestaff 3 Meters Long Carnivore

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Kosemen Taiga

White Snow with Muddy Black Volcanic Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
156 Tripcrystal 25 m Long Photosynthesis
157 Vivus Dinarunner 1 m Long Carnivore
157 Rainbow Phlock 1.5 m Long Herbivore
157 Strangleroot 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Fibrillius 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore
161 Kehaida 25 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
162 Pikashrew 13 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger
164 Burrowyrm 40 cm long Carnivore
167 Mandolin Volleypom 12 M Tall Photosynthesis
167 Zigziraber 1.5 m Tall Omnivore , Scavenger, Weak Photosynthesis
167 Duff Dinner 100 μm to 500 μm cells, 1-10 cm wide colonies Detritivore
167 Magestaff 3 Meters Long Carnivore

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Kosemen Cloud Rainforest

White Snow with Muddy Black Volcanic Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
167 Mandolin Volleypom 12 M Tall Photosynthesis
167 Zigziraber 1.5 m Tall Omnivore , Scavenger, Weak Photosynthesis
167 Duff Dinner 100 μm to 500 μm cells, 1-10 cm wide colonies Detritivore


Kosemen Temperate Woodland

Golden Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Tubeplage 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
150 Dungshell Fraboo 25 cm Long Detritivore, Coprophagic
151 Quhft 3.5 m Tall Photosynthesis
151 Capped Brystal 2 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
151 Barkback 25 cm Long Herbivore
152 Rainforest Phlock 320 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
152 Manipulator Toxihorn 30 cm Long Detritivore, Coprophagic
153 Exoskelesor 20 cm Long Planktonivore, Liquivore , Scavenger
153 Greater Plentshirshu 150 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
154 Fruiting Grovecrystal 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
156 Plumottle 18 cm Long Scavenger
156 Grub Krugg 5 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore, Scavenger
157 Shrubrattus 15 cm Long Herbivore
157 Corkscrew Krugg 5 cm Long Larvae, Parasite ; Adult, Detritivore
158 Scrubland Tubeplage 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Crystamble 2 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
158 Scrubland Quhft 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Thornmole 65 cm Long Carnivore
159 Boreal Tubeplage 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
159 Feroak 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
160 Westward Haglox 9 m Long Adult: Herbivore ; Juvenile: Omnivore , Scavenger; Larva: Cannibalism , Scavenger
160 Tropical Gecoba Tree 12 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
161 Nectarsnapper 33 cm Wingspan Nectarvore , Frugivore
161 Scrambled Shrew 25 cm long Omnivore , Ovivore , Scavenger
161 Phouka Male: 38.4 cm long; Female: 45 cm long Herbivore
161 Kehaida 25 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
162 Chasing Twintail 15 cm long Carnivore
162 Gryphler 20 cm long Granivore , Photosynthesis
129 Quilbil 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Gecoba Tree 9 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
159 Bloodsap Melontree 9.6 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Hengende 92 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Opportunistic Parasite
162 Brighteyes 80 cm long Omnivore
162 Broad-Trunk Obsiditree 10 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Fuzzpile 6 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Obsidoak 50 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Treehook Tamow 50 cm long (excluding tail) Herbivore
163 Whiskrugg 25 mm Long Herbivore , Detritivore, Scavenger
163 Twigfisher Shrog 1.5 meters long Omnivore
163 Hornboss 3.6 meters long (female), 4 meters long (male) Herbivore , Photosynthesis
163 Cryptic Hornface 1.2 meters long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
163 Spinebutt Plexo 70 centimeters long Omnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
163 Communal Janit 4 cm long Detritivore, Scavenger
163 Infilt Pewpa 10 centimeters long Scavenger, Detritivore
163 Smirking Soriparasite 10 centimeters long Hemophagus, Carnivore
163 Eggslurping Sorite 16 centimeters long Hemophagus, Ovivorous
163 Twinpaw Twintail 30 centimeters long Carnivorous , Scavenger
164 Darth Shroom Herder 1.5 meters tall Herbivore , Scavenger, Weak Photosynthesis
164 Dinotuga 70 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
164 Burrowyrm 40 cm long Carnivore
164 Woodyshroom 1 meter wide Detritivore
164 Hairoot 20 cm wide (central bodies), 5-400 m long (full network) Photosynthesis
164 Flunezen 70 cm Long Carnivore
164 Gruesloo 1.8 m long Insectivore , Frugivore , Photosynthesis
165 Quail Raptor 20 cm long Omnivore
165 Argantua 6.4 meters long Carnivore
165 Woodsalcon 60 cm long Carnivore
165 Coastwoodufo 70 cm long Carnivore
165 Underswooper 80 cm long Carnivore
165 Leaping Soriparasite 2 cm long Hematophage
165 Songsauce Piper 30 cm long Omnivore
165 Soricinus 4 cm long females, 3 cm long males Hematophage
165 Shaggy Volleypom 200 Meters Tall Photosynthesis
166 Contorted Volleypom 30 meters tall Photosynthesis
166 Ferry Quail 30 cm long Omnivore
167 Headbanger Ophan 1.5 M long (including neck) Scavenger, Carnivore , Kleptoparasitism
167 Mandolin Volleypom 12 M Tall Photosynthesis
167 Quaking Volleypom 15 m Tall Photosynthesis
167 Soripredator 18 centimeters long Carnivore (primary prey ; supplementary prey , Hemophagus , Scavenger
167 Duff Dinner 100 μm to 500 μm cells, 1-10 cm wide colonies Detritivore
167 Magestaff 3 Meters Long Carnivore

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Martyk Temperate Woodland Archipelago

Golden Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Tubeplage 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
150 Dungshell Fraboo 25 cm Long Detritivore, Coprophagic
151 Quhft 3.5 m Tall Photosynthesis
151 Capped Brystal 2 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
151 Barkback 25 cm Long Herbivore
152 Manipulator Toxihorn 30 cm Long Detritivore, Coprophagic
153 Exoskelesor 20 cm Long Planktonivore, Liquivore , Scavenger
154 Fruiting Grovecrystal 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
156 Plumottle 18 cm Long Scavenger
156 Grub Krugg 5 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore, Scavenger
157 Shrubrattus 15 cm Long Herbivore
157 Corkscrew Krugg 5 cm Long Larvae, Parasite ; Adult, Detritivore
158 Scrubland Tubeplage 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Crystamble 2 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
158 Scrubland Quhft 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
159 Boreal Tubeplage 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
159 Feroak 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
160 Tropical Gecoba Tree 12 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
161 Nectarsnapper 33 cm Wingspan Nectarvore , Frugivore
161 Scrambled Shrew 25 cm long Omnivore , Ovivore , Scavenger
161 Phouka Male: 38.4 cm long; Female: 45 cm long Herbivore
162 Chasing Twintail 15 cm long Carnivore
162 Gryphler 20 cm long Granivore , Photosynthesis
129 Quilbil 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Gecoba Tree 9 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
159 Bloodsap Melontree 9.6 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Hengende 92 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Opportunistic Parasite
162 Brighteyes 80 cm long Omnivore
162 Broad-Trunk Obsiditree 10 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Fuzzpile 6 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Obsidoak 50 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Treehook Tamow 50 cm long (excluding tail) Herbivore
163 Whiskrugg 25 mm Long Herbivore , Detritivore, Scavenger
163 Communal Janit 4 cm long Detritivore, Scavenger
163 Infilt Pewpa 10 centimeters long Scavenger, Detritivore
163 Smirking Soriparasite 10 centimeters long Hemophagus, Carnivore
163 Eggslurping Sorite 16 centimeters long Hemophagus, Ovivorous
163 Twinpaw Twintail 30 centimeters long Carnivorous , Scavenger
164 Burrowyrm 40 cm long Carnivore
164 Woodyshroom 1 meter wide Detritivore
164 Hairoot 20 cm wide (central bodies), 5-400 m long (full network) Photosynthesis
165 Quail Raptor 20 cm long Omnivore
165 Woodsalcon 60 cm long Carnivore
165 Coastwoodufo 70 cm long Carnivore
165 Underswooper 80 cm long Carnivore
165 Leaping Soriparasite 2 cm long Hematophage
165 Songsauce Piper 30 cm long Omnivore
165 Soricinus 4 cm long females, 3 cm long males Hematophage
165 Shaggy Volleypom 200 Meters Tall Photosynthesis
166 Martyk Mega Quail 2 meters long Herbivore
166 Contorted Volleypom 30 meters tall Photosynthesis
166 Ferry Quail 30 cm long Omnivore
166 Flurroom 5 cm wide Photosynthesis, Parasite , Planktivore, Detrivore
167 Tambite 2 meters long Omnivore
167 Duff Dinner 100 μm to 500 μm cells, 1-10 cm wide colonies Detritivore

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Central Kosemen Lowboreal

Cold Golden Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
151 Barkback 25 cm Long Herbivore
153 Greater Plentshirshu 150 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
156 Plumottle 18 cm Long Scavenger
157 Shrubrattus 15 cm Long Herbivore
158 Thornmole 65 cm Long Carnivore
159 Boreal Tubeplage 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
159 Feroak 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
160 Westward Haglox 9 m Long Adult: Herbivore ; Juvenile: Omnivore , Scavenger; Larva: Cannibalism , Scavenger
161 Nectarsnapper 33 cm Wingspan Nectarvore , Frugivore
161 Scrambled Shrew 25 cm long Omnivore , Ovivore , Scavenger
161 Phouka Male: 38.4 cm long; Female: 45 cm long Herbivore
161 Kehaida 25 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
162 Chasing Twintail 15 cm long Carnivore
162 Gryphler 20 cm long Granivore , Photosynthesis
157 Gecoba Tree 9 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
159 Bloodsap Melontree 9.6 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Hengende 92 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Opportunistic Parasite
162 Brighteyes 80 cm long Omnivore
162 Broad-Trunk Obsiditree 10 m Tall Photosynthesis
163 Obsidoak 50 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Treehook Tamow 50 cm long (excluding tail) Herbivore
163 Twigfisher Shrog 1.5 meters long Omnivore
163 Hornboss 3.6 meters long (female), 4 meters long (male) Herbivore , Photosynthesis
163 Eggslurping Sorite 16 centimeters long Hemophagus, Ovivorous
163 Twinpaw Twintail 30 centimeters long Carnivorous , Scavenger
164 Darth Shroom Herder 1.5 meters tall Herbivore , Scavenger, Weak Photosynthesis
164 Burrowyrm 40 cm long Carnivore
164 Woodyshroom 1 meter wide Detritivore
164 Flunezen 70 cm Long Carnivore
164 Gruesloo 1.8 m long Insectivore , Frugivore , Photosynthesis
165 Quail Raptor 20 cm long Omnivore
165 Argantua 6.4 meters long Carnivore
165 Woodsalcon 60 cm long Carnivore
165 Underswooper 80 cm long Carnivore
165 Leaping Soriparasite 2 cm long Hematophage
165 Soricinus 4 cm long females, 3 cm long males Hematophage
165 Shaggy Volleypom 200 Meters Tall Photosynthesis
167 Headbanger Ophan 1.5 M long (including neck) Scavenger, Carnivore , Kleptoparasitism
167 Mandolin Volleypom 12 M Tall Photosynthesis
167 Quaking Volleypom 15 m Tall Photosynthesis
167 Soripredator 18 centimeters long Carnivore (primary prey ; supplementary prey , Hemophagus , Scavenger
167 Zigziraber 1.5 m Tall Omnivore , Scavenger, Weak Photosynthesis
167 Duff Dinner 100 μm to 500 μm cells, 1-10 cm wide colonies Detritivore
167 Magestaff 3 Meters Long Carnivore

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East Kosemen Lowboreal

Cold Black and Gold Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
156 Tripcrystal 25 m Long Photosynthesis
157 Vivus Dinarunner 1 m Long Carnivore
158 Tepoguin 8 mm Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
157 Rainbow Phlock 1.5 m Long Herbivore
157 Strangleroot 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Fibrillius 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore
160 Tepostone 10 mm Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
161 Kehaida 25 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
162 Pikashrew 13 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger
164 Clusterback 140 centimeters long Herbivore
138 Cryocanon 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
139 Stoutplage 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
165 Snowtunnel Shrew 13 cm long Herbivore
165 Snawler 1 meter long Carnivore
167 Headbanger Ophan 1.5 M long (including neck) Scavenger, Carnivore , Kleptoparasitism
167 Mandolin Volleypom 12 M Tall Photosynthesis
167 Quaking Volleypom 15 m Tall Photosynthesis
167 Zigziraber 1.5 m Tall Omnivore , Scavenger, Weak Photosynthesis
167 Duff Dinner 100 μm to 500 μm cells, 1-10 cm wide colonies Detritivore
167 Magestaff 3 Meters Long Carnivore

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Vivus Lowboreal

Cold Golden Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
151 Barkback 25 cm Long Herbivore
153 Greater Plentshirshu 150 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
156 Plumottle 18 cm Long Scavenger
157 Shrubrattus 15 cm Long Herbivore
158 Thornmole 65 cm Long Carnivore
159 Boreal Tubeplage 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
159 Feroak 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
160 Westward Haglox 9 m Long Adult: Herbivore ; Juvenile: Omnivore , Scavenger; Larva: Cannibalism , Scavenger
161 Nectarsnapper 33 cm Wingspan Nectarvore , Frugivore
161 Scrambled Shrew 25 cm long Omnivore , Ovivore , Scavenger
161 Phouka Male: 38.4 cm long; Female: 45 cm long Herbivore
161 Kehaida 25 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
162 Chasing Twintail 15 cm long Carnivore
162 Gryphler 20 cm long Granivore , Photosynthesis
157 Gecoba Tree 9 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
159 Bloodsap Melontree 9.6 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Hengende 92 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Opportunistic Parasite
162 Brighteyes 80 cm long Omnivore
162 Broad-Trunk Obsiditree 10 m Tall Photosynthesis
163 Obsidoak 50 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Treehook Tamow 50 cm long (excluding tail) Herbivore
163 Twigfisher Shrog 1.5 meters long Omnivore
163 Hornboss 3.6 meters long (female), 4 meters long (male) Herbivore , Photosynthesis
163 Eggslurping Sorite 16 centimeters long Hemophagus, Ovivorous
163 Twinpaw Twintail 30 centimeters long Carnivorous , Scavenger
164 Darth Shroom Herder 1.5 meters tall Herbivore , Scavenger, Weak Photosynthesis
164 Burrowyrm 40 cm long Carnivore
164 Woodyshroom 1 meter wide Detritivore
164 Flunezen 70 cm Long Carnivore
164 Gruesloo 1.8 m long Insectivore , Frugivore , Photosynthesis
165 Quail Raptor 20 cm long Omnivore
165 Argantua 6.4 meters long Carnivore
165 Woodsalcon 60 cm long Carnivore
165 Underswooper 80 cm long Carnivore
165 Leaping Soriparasite 2 cm long Hematophage
165 Soricinus 4 cm long females, 3 cm long males Hematophage
165 Shaggy Volleypom 200 Meters Tall Photosynthesis
167 Headbanger Ophan 1.5 M long (including neck) Scavenger, Carnivore , Kleptoparasitism
167 Mandolin Volleypom 12 M Tall Photosynthesis
167 Quaking Volleypom 15 m Tall Photosynthesis
167 Soripredator 18 centimeters long Carnivore (primary prey ; supplementary prey , Hemophagus , Scavenger
167 Zigziraber 1.5 m Tall Omnivore , Scavenger, Weak Photosynthesis
167 Duff Dinner 100 μm to 500 μm cells, 1-10 cm wide colonies Detritivore
167 Magestaff 3 Meters Long Carnivore

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Kosemen Frostwood

White Snow with Black Volcanic Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
156 Tripcrystal 25 m Long Photosynthesis
157 Vivus Dinarunner 1 m Long Carnivore
158 Tepoguin 8 mm Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
157 Rainbow Phlock 1.5 m Long Herbivore
157 Strangleroot 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Fibrillius 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore
160 Tepostone 10 mm Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
161 Kehaida 25 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
162 Pikashrew 13 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger
164 Clusterback 140 centimeters long Herbivore
138 Cryocanon 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
139 Stoutplage 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
165 Snowtunnel Shrew 13 cm long Herbivore
165 Snawler 1 meter long Carnivore

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Kosemen Highboreal

White Snow with Black Volcanic Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
155 Crystalpine 14 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
155 Vivusian Barkback 35 cm Long Herbivore
156 Vivus Slitherworm 180 cm Long Carnivore
156 Greenscale 160 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
157 Hengende 92 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Opportunistic Parasite
157 Fibreflora 63.46 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Gecoba Tree 9 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
158 Fibrillius 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore
159 Bubblewraptor 2 m Long Carnivore
159 Bloodsap Melontree 9.6 m Tall Photosynthesis
160 Tepostone 10 mm Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
160 Westward Haglox 9 m Long Adult: Herbivore ; Juvenile: Omnivore , Scavenger; Larva: Cannibalism , Scavenger
161 Phouka Male: 38.4 cm long; Female: 45 cm long Herbivore
162 Chasing Twintail 15 cm long Carnivore
162 Gryphler 20 cm long Granivore , Photosynthesis
152 Twin-Tail Orbibom 80 cm Long Photosynthesis
159 Boreal Tubeplage 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
159 Feroak 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Brighteyes 80 cm long Omnivore
162 Broad-Trunk Obsiditree 10 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Pikashrew 13 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger
163 Obsidoak 50 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Treehook Tamow 50 cm long (excluding tail) Herbivore
163 Twigfisher Shrog 1.5 meters long Omnivore
163 Twinpaw Twintail 30 centimeters long Carnivorous , Scavenger
164 Darth Shroom Herder 1.5 meters tall Herbivore , Scavenger, Weak Photosynthesis
164 Woodyshroom 1 meter wide Detritivore
164 Flunezen 70 cm Long Carnivore
164 Agropspyt 120 centimeters long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
164 Feroakage 80 centimeters long Herbivore
157 Strangleroot 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
164 Clusterback 140 centimeters long Herbivore
139 Stoutplage 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
165 Indigallop 1.6 meters long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
165 Obsididaur 6 meters long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
165 Quail Raptor 20 cm long Omnivore
165 Argantua 6.4 meters long Carnivore
165 Woodsalcon 60 cm long Carnivore
165 Underswooper 80 cm long Carnivore
165 Leaping Soriparasite 2 cm long Hematophage
165 Shaggy Volleypom 200 Meters Tall Photosynthesis
167 Headbanger Ophan 1.5 M long (including neck) Scavenger, Carnivore , Kleptoparasitism
167 Mandolin Volleypom 12 M Tall Photosynthesis
167 Quaking Volleypom 15 m Tall Photosynthesis
167 Zigziraber 1.5 m Tall Omnivore , Scavenger, Weak Photosynthesis

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Vivus Highboreal

White Snow with Black and Gold Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
155 Crystalpine 14 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
155 Vivusian Barkback 35 cm Long Herbivore
156 Vivus Slitherworm 180 cm Long Carnivore
156 Greenscale 160 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
157 Hengende 92 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Opportunistic Parasite
157 Fibreflora 63.46 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Gecoba Tree 9 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
158 Fibrillius 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore
159 Bubblewraptor 2 m Long Carnivore
159 Bloodsap Melontree 9.6 m Tall Photosynthesis
160 Tepostone 10 mm Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
160 Westward Haglox 9 m Long Adult: Herbivore ; Juvenile: Omnivore , Scavenger; Larva: Cannibalism , Scavenger
161 Phouka Male: 38.4 cm long; Female: 45 cm long Herbivore
162 Chasing Twintail 15 cm long Carnivore
162 Gryphler 20 cm long Granivore , Photosynthesis
152 Twin-Tail Orbibom 80 cm Long Photosynthesis
159 Boreal Tubeplage 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
159 Feroak 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Brighteyes 80 cm long Omnivore
162 Broad-Trunk Obsiditree 10 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Pikashrew 13 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger
163 Obsidoak 50 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Treehook Tamow 50 cm long (excluding tail) Herbivore
163 Twigfisher Shrog 1.5 meters long Omnivore
163 Twinpaw Twintail 30 centimeters long Carnivorous , Scavenger
164 Darth Shroom Herder 1.5 meters tall Herbivore , Scavenger, Weak Photosynthesis
164 Woodyshroom 1 meter wide Detritivore
164 Flunezen 70 cm Long Carnivore
164 Agropspyt 120 centimeters long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
164 Feroakage 80 centimeters long Herbivore
157 Strangleroot 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
164 Clusterback 140 centimeters long Herbivore
139 Stoutplage 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
165 Indigallop 1.6 meters long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
165 Obsididaur 6 meters long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
165 Quail Raptor 20 cm long Omnivore
165 Argantua 6.4 meters long Carnivore
165 Woodsalcon 60 cm long Carnivore
165 Underswooper 80 cm long Carnivore
165 Leaping Soriparasite 2 cm long Hematophage
165 Shaggy Volleypom 200 Meters Tall Photosynthesis
166 Ferry Quail 30 cm long Omnivore
167 Headbanger Ophan 1.5 M long (including neck) Scavenger, Carnivore , Kleptoparasitism
167 Mandolin Volleypom 12 M Tall Photosynthesis
167 Quaking Volleypom 15 m Tall Photosynthesis
167 Zigziraber 1.5 m Tall Omnivore , Scavenger, Weak Photosynthesis
167 Magestaff 3 Meters Long Carnivore

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Mixed Scrub

Kosemen Subpolar Volcanic

Black Volcanic Soil.


Gen Name Size Diet Notes
139 Hitchhiker Hexspourus Microscopic Consumer

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Gen Name Size Diet Notes
143 Glacial Sauceback 90 cm Long Adult; Omnivore Scavenger, Larva; Filter-Feeder
144 Kory Claw 40 cm Tall Detritivore
146 Pagoda Crystal 140 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
149 Mountain Pagoda Crystal 70 cm Tall Photosynthesis
149 Cragagon 50 cm Long Omnivore
151 Barkback 25 cm Long Herbivore
154 Sealkey 78 cm Long Herbivore
156 Fang Keryh 1.3 cm Tall Larvae; Parasitic , Adult; Chemosynthesis
156 Vivus Slitherworm 180 cm Long Carnivore
157 Frilled Greenscale 2 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
157 Aloeberacteus 82.5 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Phalangrass 40.3 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Strangleroot 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
157 Fibreflora 63.46 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Marblemelon 1 m Wide Photosynthesis
157 Lizatokage 40 cm Long Omnivore
157 Gecoba Tree 9 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
157 Haglox 8.5 m Long Adult: Herbivore ; Juvenile: Omnivore , Scavenger; Larva: Cannibalism , Scavenger
158 Thin Lizatokage 30 cm Long Insectivore
159 Bubblewraptor 2 m Long Carnivore
159 Spike-Backed Greenscale 4 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
159 Ziraber 75 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger, Weak Photosynthesis
159 Glyndrax 2.3 m Long Herbivore
159 Bloodsap Melontree 9.6 m Tall Photosynthesis
159 Pricklecone Keryh 1.4 cm Tall Larvae: Consumer , Adult: Chemosynthesis
159 Egg Lizatokage 60 cm Long Ovivore , Scavenger
160 Tepostone 10 mm Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
162 Mothhead 3.5 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
164 Sausophrey 80 cm long Carnivore
164 Cliff Bristler 7 m tall Photosynthesis
164 Agropspyt 120 centimeters long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
164 Feroakage 80 centimeters long Herbivore
163 Bristlepile 6 meters tall Photosynthesis
159 Feroak 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Hengende 92 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Opportunistic Parasite
153 Robust Arid Ferine 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
146 Snow Windbulb 15 cm Tall Photosynthesis
146 Yuccagave 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
164 Clusterback 140 centimeters long Herbivore
139 Stoutplage 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
164 Guangu 90 cm Long Herbivore
164 Bounding Plyentwort 75 cm long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Filter-Feeder, Facultative Carnivore
165 Indigallop 1.6 meters long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
165 Obsididaur 6 meters long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
165 Argantua 6.4 meters long Carnivore Uncommon
165 Vultoph 1.2 meters long Scavenger, Carnivore
165 Leaping Soriparasite 2 cm long Hematophage

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Raq Prairie Archipelagos

Cold Dry Golden Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Tubeplage 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
154 Handlicker Dundi 11 cm Long Omnivore, , Scavenger
154 Stygmogg 40 centimeters long Omnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
155 Sitting Dundi 24 cm Tall, 46 cm Long Carnivore
159 Boreal Tubeplage 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
159 Feroak 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
159 Arid Puffgrass 25 cm Tall Photosynthesis
161 Nectarsnapper 33 cm Wingspan Nectarvore , Frugivore
161 Bludblug 2.5 cm long Adult: Hemovore ; Larvae: Detritivore, Dermatovore
161 Cleaner Ukneuk 20 cm long Carnivore , Ovivore ; Larvae: Detritivore
161 Scrambled Shrew 25 cm long Omnivore , Ovivore , Scavenger
161 Kehaida 25 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
162 Gryphler 20 cm long Granivore , Photosynthesis
157 Gecoba Tree 9 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
146 Yuccagave 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Hengende 92 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Opportunistic Parasite
163 Bristlepile 6 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Eggslurping Sorite 16 centimeters long Hemophagus, Ovivorous
164 Sausophrey 80 cm long Carnivore
164 Chameleon Obsidishank 5 meters tall Photosynthesis
164 Cliff Bristler 7 m tall Photosynthesis
165 Vultoph 1.2 meters long Scavenger, Carnivore
165 Leaping Soriparasite 2 cm long Hematophage
165 Soricinus 4 cm long females, 3 cm long males Hematophage
165 Shaggy Volleypom 200 Meters Tall Photosynthesis

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Vivus Prairie

Cold Dry Golden Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Tubeplage 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
151 Striped Phlock 160 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
152 Snoofloo 80 cm Long Insectivore , Photosynthesis
154 Handlicker Dundi 11 cm Long Omnivore, , Scavenger
154 Stygmogg 40 centimeters long Omnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
155 Sitting Dundi 24 cm Tall, 46 cm Long Carnivore
158 Thornmole 65 cm Long Carnivore
159 Boreal Tubeplage 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
159 Feroak 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
159 Arid Puffgrass 25 cm Tall Photosynthesis
161 Nectarsnapper 33 cm Wingspan Nectarvore , Frugivore
161 Hearthead 1.2 meters long Omnivore , Scavenger
161 Bludblug 2.5 cm long Adult: Hemovore ; Larvae: Detritivore, Dermatovore
161 Cleaner Ukneuk 20 cm long Carnivore , Ovivore ; Larvae: Detritivore
161 Shroom Herder 1.5 m tall Herbivore , Scavenger, Weak Photosynthesis
161 Scrambled Shrew 25 cm long Omnivore , Ovivore , Scavenger
161 Kehaida 25 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
162 Gryphler 20 cm long Granivore , Photosynthesis
157 Gecoba Tree 9 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
146 Yuccagave 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Hengende 92 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Opportunistic Parasite
162 Brighteyes 80 cm long Omnivore
162 Mothhead 3.5 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
163 Bristlepile 6 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Skewer Shrog 1.30 m Long Omnivore
163 Twigfisher Shrog 1.5 meters long Omnivore
163 Argeiphlock 130 centimeters long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
163 Hornboss 3.6 meters long (female), 4 meters long (male) Herbivore , Photosynthesis
163 Eggslurping Sorite 16 centimeters long Hemophagus, Ovivorous
164 Sausophrey 80 cm long Carnivore
164 Chameleon Obsidishank 5 meters tall Photosynthesis
164 Cliff Bristler 7 m tall Photosynthesis
164 Gruesloo 1.8 m long Insectivore , Frugivore , Photosynthesis
164 Guangu 90 cm Long Herbivore
165 Velocitoon 62 cm long Omnivore
165 Boschian Paardavogel 1 meter tall, 2 meters long Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
165 Vultoph 1.2 meters long Scavenger, Carnivore
165 Leaping Soriparasite 2 cm long Hematophage
165 Soricinus 4 cm long females, 3 cm long males Hematophage
165 Shaggy Volleypom 200 Meters Tall Photosynthesis
167 Headbanger Ophan 1.5 M long (including neck) Scavenger, Carnivore , Kleptoparasitism
167 Soripredator 18 centimeters long Carnivore (primary prey ; supplementary prey , Hemophagus , Scavenger

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Kosemen Polar Scrub

Dry Black Volcanic Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
157 Rainbow Phlock 1.5 m Long Herbivore
157 Strangleroot 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Tepoguin 8 mm Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
158 Fibrillius 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore
159 Hedgecrystal 1 m Tall, 25 m Long Photosynthesis, Detrivore
159 Aloeberabub 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Slumbering Kingrush 20 cm Tall heads, 60 cm Tall Stalks Photosynthesis
159 Stretchskunik 30 cm Long (Shell) Herbivore , Photosynthesis
159 Glyndrax 2.3 m Long Herbivore
160 Tepostone 10 mm Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
161 Kehaida 25 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
162 Pikashrew 13 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger
164 Clusterback 140 centimeters long Herbivore
138 Cryocanon 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
146 Snow Windbulb 15 cm Tall Photosynthesis
149 Mountain Pagoda Crystal 70 cm Tall Photosynthesis
165 Snowtunnel Shrew 13 cm long Herbivore
165 Snawler 1 meter long Carnivore

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Kosemen Montane Volcanic

Black Volcanic Soil.


Gen Name Size Diet Notes
139 Hitchhiker Hexspourus Microscopic Consumer

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Gen Name Size Diet Notes
143 Glacial Sauceback 90 cm Long Adult; Omnivore Scavenger, Larva; Filter-Feeder
144 Kory Claw 40 cm Tall Detritivore
146 Pagoda Crystal 140 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
149 Mountain Pagoda Crystal 70 cm Tall Photosynthesis
149 Cragagon 50 cm Long Omnivore
151 Barkback 25 cm Long Herbivore
154 Sealkey 78 cm Long Herbivore
154 Stygmogg 40 centimeters long Omnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
156 Fang Keryh 1.3 cm Tall Larvae; Parasitic , Adult; Chemosynthesis
156 Vivus Slitherworm 180 cm Long Carnivore
157 Frilled Greenscale 2 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
157 Aloeberacteus 82.5 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Phalangrass 40.3 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Strangleroot 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
157 Fibreflora 63.46 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Marblemelon 1 m Wide Photosynthesis
157 Lizatokage 40 cm Long Omnivore
157 Gecoba Tree 9 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
157 Haglox 8.5 m Long Adult: Herbivore ; Juvenile: Omnivore , Scavenger; Larva: Cannibalism , Scavenger
158 Thin Lizatokage 30 cm Long Insectivore
159 Bubblewraptor 2 m Long Carnivore
159 Spike-Backed Greenscale 4 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
159 Ziraber 75 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger, Weak Photosynthesis
159 Glyndrax 2.3 m Long Herbivore
159 Bloodsap Melontree 9.6 m Tall Photosynthesis
159 Pricklecone Keryh 1.4 cm Tall Larvae: Consumer , Adult: Chemosynthesis
159 Egg Lizatokage 60 cm Long Ovivore , Scavenger
160 Tepostone 10 mm Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
162 Mothhead 3.5 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
164 Sausophrey 80 cm long Carnivore
164 Cliff Bristler 7 m tall Photosynthesis
164 Agropspyt 120 centimeters long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
164 Feroakage 80 centimeters long Herbivore
163 Bristlepile 6 meters tall Photosynthesis
159 Feroak 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Hengende 92 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Opportunistic Parasite
153 Robust Arid Ferine 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
146 Snow Windbulb 15 cm Tall Photosynthesis
146 Yuccagave 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
164 Clusterback 140 centimeters long Herbivore
139 Stoutplage 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
164 Guangu 90 cm Long Herbivore
164 Bounding Plyentwort 75 cm long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Filter-Feeder, Facultative Carnivore
165 Indigallop 1.6 meters long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
165 Obsididaur 6 meters long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
165 Argantua 6.4 meters long Carnivore Uncommon
165 Vultoph 1.2 meters long Scavenger, Carnivore
165 Leaping Soriparasite 2 cm long Hematophage

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Kosemen Rocky

Rocks and Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
155 Crystalpine 14 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
155 Vivusian Barkback 35 cm Long Herbivore
156 Vivus Slitherworm 180 cm Long Carnivore
157 Frilled Greenscale 2 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
157 Aloeberacteus 82.5 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Hengende 92 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Opportunistic Parasite
157 Phalangrass 40.3 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Strangleroot 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
157 Fibreflora 63.46 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Marblemelon 1 m Wide Photosynthesis
157 Lizatokage 40 cm Long Omnivore
157 Gecoba Tree 9 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
158 Thin Lizatokage 30 cm Long Insectivore
159 Bubblewraptor 2 m Long Carnivore
159 Spike-Backed Greenscale 4 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
159 Ziraber 75 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger, Weak Photosynthesis
159 Glyndrax 2.3 m Long Herbivore
159 Bloodsap Melontree 9.6 m Tall Photosynthesis
159 Pricklecone Keryh 1.4 cm Tall Larvae: Consumer , Adult: Chemosynthesis
159 Egg Lizatokage 60 cm Long Ovivore , Scavenger
161 Hearthead 1.2 meters long Omnivore , Scavenger
161 Bludblug 2.5 cm long Adult: Hemovore ; Larvae: Detritivore, Dermatovore
161 Cleaner Ukneuk 20 cm long Carnivore , Ovivore ; Larvae: Detritivore
161 Scrambled Shrew 25 cm long Omnivore , Ovivore , Scavenger
161 Phouka Male: 38.4 cm long; Female: 45 cm long Herbivore
162 Gryphler 20 cm long Granivore , Photosynthesis
143 Quone 40 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Boreal Tubeplage 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
159 Feroak 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
146 Yuccagave 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
146 Snow Windbulb 15 cm Tall Photosynthesis
153 Robust Arid Ferine 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Brighteyes 80 cm long Omnivore
162 Mothhead 3.5 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
162 Pikashrew 13 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger
163 Bristlepile 6 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Skewer Shrog 1.30 m Long Omnivore
163 Twigfisher Shrog 1.5 meters long Omnivore
163 Argeiphlock 130 centimeters long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
164 Sausophrey 80 cm long Carnivore
164 Chameleon Obsidishank 5 meters tall Photosynthesis
164 Cliff Bristler 7 m tall Photosynthesis
164 Agropspyt 120 centimeters long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
164 Feroakage 80 centimeters long Herbivore
164 Clusterback 140 centimeters long Herbivore
149 Mountain Pagoda Crystal 70 cm Tall Photosynthesis
146 Pagoda Crystal 140 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
144 Kory Claw 40 cm Tall Detritivore
164 Guangu 90 cm Long Herbivore
165 Indigallop 1.6 meters long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
165 Velocitoon 62 cm long Omnivore
165 Boschian Paardavogel 1 meter tall, 2 meters long Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
165 Obsididaur 6 meters long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
165 Ascendophrey 1.6 meters long Carnivore , Occasional Scavenger
165 Vultoph 1.2 meters long Scavenger, Carnivore
165 Leaping Soriparasite 2 cm long Hematophage
165 Shaggy Volleypom 200 Meters Tall Photosynthesis
167 Headbanger Ophan 1.5 M long (including neck) Scavenger, Carnivore , Kleptoparasitism

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Vivus Rocky

Rocks and Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
155 Crystalpine 14 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
155 Vivusian Barkback 35 cm Long Herbivore
156 Vivus Slitherworm 180 cm Long Carnivore
157 Frilled Greenscale 2 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
157 Aloeberacteus 82.5 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Hengende 92 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Opportunistic Parasite
157 Phalangrass 40.3 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Strangleroot 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
157 Fibreflora 63.46 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Marblemelon 1 m Wide Photosynthesis
157 Lizatokage 40 cm Long Omnivore
157 Gecoba Tree 9 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
158 Thin Lizatokage 30 cm Long Insectivore
159 Bubblewraptor 2 m Long Carnivore
159 Spike-Backed Greenscale 4 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
159 Ziraber 75 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger, Weak Photosynthesis
159 Glyndrax 2.3 m Long Herbivore
159 Bloodsap Melontree 9.6 m Tall Photosynthesis
159 Pricklecone Keryh 1.4 cm Tall Larvae: Consumer , Adult: Chemosynthesis
159 Egg Lizatokage 60 cm Long Ovivore , Scavenger
161 Hearthead 1.2 meters long Omnivore , Scavenger
161 Bludblug 2.5 cm long Adult: Hemovore ; Larvae: Detritivore, Dermatovore
161 Cleaner Ukneuk 20 cm long Carnivore , Ovivore ; Larvae: Detritivore
161 Scrambled Shrew 25 cm long Omnivore , Ovivore , Scavenger
161 Phouka Male: 38.4 cm long; Female: 45 cm long Herbivore
162 Gryphler 20 cm long Granivore , Photosynthesis
143 Quone 40 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Boreal Tubeplage 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
159 Feroak 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
146 Yuccagave 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
146 Snow Windbulb 15 cm Tall Photosynthesis
153 Robust Arid Ferine 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Brighteyes 80 cm long Omnivore
162 Mothhead 3.5 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
162 Pikashrew 13 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger
163 Bristlepile 6 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Skewer Shrog 1.30 m Long Omnivore
163 Twigfisher Shrog 1.5 meters long Omnivore
163 Argeiphlock 130 centimeters long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
164 Sausophrey 80 cm long Carnivore
164 Chameleon Obsidishank 5 meters tall Photosynthesis
164 Cliff Bristler 7 m tall Photosynthesis
164 Agropspyt 120 centimeters long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
164 Feroakage 80 centimeters long Herbivore
164 Clusterback 140 centimeters long Herbivore
149 Mountain Pagoda Crystal 70 cm Tall Photosynthesis
146 Pagoda Crystal 140 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
144 Kory Claw 40 cm Tall Detritivore
164 Guangu 90 cm Long Herbivore
165 Indigallop 1.6 meters long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
165 Velocitoon 62 cm long Omnivore
165 Boschian Paardavogel 1 meter tall, 2 meters long Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
165 Obsididaur 6 meters long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
165 Ascendophrey 1.6 meters long Carnivore , Occasional Scavenger
165 Vultoph 1.2 meters long Scavenger, Carnivore
165 Leaping Soriparasite 2 cm long Hematophage
165 Shaggy Volleypom 200 Meters Tall Photosynthesis
166 Ferry Quail 30 cm long Omnivore
167 Headbanger Ophan 1.5 M long (including neck) Scavenger, Carnivore , Kleptoparasitism

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Kosemen Steppe

Cold Black Volcanic Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
167 Headbanger Ophan 1.5 M long (including neck) Scavenger, Carnivore , Kleptoparasitism

Vivus Steppe

Cold Golden Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
151 Plehexapod 80 cm Tall Omnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
151 Striped Phlock 160 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
152 Snoofloo 80 cm Long Insectivore , Photosynthesis
153 Robust Arid Ferine 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
150 Treedundi 8 cm Long Omnivore
146 Rosybeak Phlyer 35 cm Wingspan Omnivore , Photosynthesis
149 High Grassland Ukback 15 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
152 Dualtrunk 90 cm Tall Mycovore , Folivore
153 Giant Hornface 160 cm Long Herbivore , Frugivore Photosynthesis
154 Handlicker Dundi 11 cm Long Omnivore, , Scavenger
154 Stygmogg 40 centimeters long Omnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
155 Sitting Dundi 24 cm Tall, 46 cm Long Carnivore
156 Binsnoo 50 cm Long Omnivore
159 Gulperskunik 40 cm Tall Herbivore , Photosynthesis
159 Arid Puffgrass 25 cm Tall Photosynthesis
160 Grassland Lizatokage 80 cm Long Omnivore
161 Dundigger 22 cm long Omnivore
161 Hearthead 1.2 meters long Omnivore , Scavenger
161 Bludblug 2.5 cm long Adult: Hemovore ; Larvae: Detritivore, Dermatovore
161 Cleaner Ukneuk 20 cm long Carnivore , Ovivore ; Larvae: Detritivore
161 Shroom Herder 1.5 m tall Herbivore , Scavenger, Weak Photosynthesis
162 Mothhead 3.5 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
163 Bristlepile 6 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Skewer Shrog 1.30 m Long Omnivore
163 Twigfisher Shrog 1.5 meters long Omnivore
163 Argeiphlock 130 centimeters long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
163 Hornboss 3.6 meters long (female), 4 meters long (male) Herbivore , Photosynthesis
164 Sausophrey 80 cm long Carnivore
164 Chameleon Obsidishank 5 meters tall Photosynthesis
164 Gruesloo 1.8 m long Insectivore , Frugivore , Photosynthesis
165 Velocitoon 62 cm long Omnivore
165 Boschian Paardavogel 1 meter tall, 2 meters long Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
165 Vultoph 1.2 meters long Scavenger, Carnivore
165 Leaping Soriparasite 2 cm long Hematophage
167 Headbanger Ophan 1.5 M long (including neck) Scavenger, Carnivore , Kleptoparasitism

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Kosemen Mamut

White Snow with Frozen Golden Soil.


Vivus Alpine

White Snow with Frozen Black Volcanic Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
162 Pikashrew 13 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger
165 Indigallop 1.6 meters long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
165 Underswooper 80 cm long Carnivore
165 Ascendophrey 1.6 meters long Carnivore , Occasional Scavenger
165 Leaping Soriparasite 2 cm long Hematophage

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Kosemen Highvelt

Black Volcanic Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
157 Frilled Greenscale 2 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
157 Aloeberacteus 82.5 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Phalangrass 40.3 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Crowned Kingrush 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Lizatokage 40 cm Long Omnivore
157 Gecoba Tree 9 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
158 Thin Lizatokage 30 cm Long Insectivore
159 Bubblewraptor 2 m Long Carnivore
159 Spike-Backed Greenscale 4 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
159 Glyndrax 2.3 m Long Herbivore
159 Egg Lizatokage 60 cm Long Ovivore , Scavenger
160 Grassland Lizatokage 80 cm Long Omnivore
161 Shroom Herder 1.5 m tall Herbivore , Scavenger, Weak Photosynthesis
162 Mothhead 3.5 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
163 Bristlepile 6 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Skewer Shrog 1.30 m Long Omnivore
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
161 False Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Haemotroph
163 Twigfisher Shrog 1.5 meters long Omnivore
163 Hornboss 3.6 meters long (female), 4 meters long (male) Herbivore , Photosynthesis
164 Sausophrey 80 cm long Carnivore
164 Chameleon Obsidishank 5 meters tall Photosynthesis
164 Agropspyt 120 centimeters long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
164 Feroakage 80 centimeters long Herbivore
153 Robust Arid Ferine 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
146 Snow Windbulb 15 cm Tall Photosynthesis
146 Yuccagave 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
164 Guangu 90 cm Long Herbivore
165 Indigallop 1.6 meters long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
165 Velocitoon 62 cm long Omnivore
165 Boschian Paardavogel 1 meter tall, 2 meters long Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
165 Ascendophrey 1.6 meters long Carnivore , Occasional Scavenger
165 Vultoph 1.2 meters long Scavenger, Carnivore
165 Leaping Soriparasite 2 cm long Hematophage
165 Ophan Scimitar 1.4 meters long scavenger & Carnivore

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Kosemen Tundra

Cold Black and Gold Frozen Volcanic Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
158 Tepoguin 8 mm Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
159 Hedgecrystal 1 m Tall, 25 m Long Photosynthesis, Detrivore
159 Aloeberabub 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Slumbering Kingrush 20 cm Tall heads, 60 cm Tall Stalks Photosynthesis
159 Stretchskunik 30 cm Long (Shell) Herbivore , Photosynthesis
159 Glyndrax 2.3 m Long Herbivore
160 Sabulyn 25 cm tall Herbivore
160 Proto-Tejdaw 150 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
165 Snowtunnel Shrew 13 cm long Herbivore
165 Snawler 1 meter long Carnivore
145 Desert Carnofern 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis
146 Xatakpa 30 cm Long Herbivore
147 Dome Sapworm 1 cm Wide Sapivore
148 Sandy Orbibom 40 cm Tall Photosynthesis
152 Pickaxe Tamow 1 m Long Herbivore
152 Quillball Shrub 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
152 Desert Tilecorn 2 m Long Herbivore
158 Fuzzyplate 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
146 Yuccagave 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
147 Arid Plyent 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
150 Undergroundi Worker (2 cm Long), Soldier (6 cm Long), Queen (24 cm Wide), King (2 cm Long) Omnivore , Scavenger
151 Thornmound 30 cm Wide Photosynthesis
151 Plehexapod 80 cm Tall Omnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
151 Striped Phlock 160 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
153 Briarback 95 cm Long Omnivore
159 Gulperskunik 40 cm Tall Herbivore , Photosynthesis
159 Dardiwundi 8 cm Long Omnivore
159 Arid Puffgrass 25 cm Tall Photosynthesis
162 Mothhead 3.5 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
163 Bristlepile 6 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Skewer Shrog 1.30 m Long Omnivore
163 Ornate Gumjorn 1 meter tall Photosynthesis
163 Argeiphlock 130 centimeters long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
165 Sansaws 80 cm long Carnivore
165 Vultoph 1.2 meters long Scavenger, Carnivore

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Kosemen Subpolar Salt Flats

White Salt and Black and Gold Soil.


Kosemen Barrens

White Snow and Black Frozen Volcanic Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
158 Tepoguin 8 mm Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
159 Aloeberabub 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Slumbering Kingrush 20 cm Tall heads, 60 cm Tall Stalks Photosynthesis
159 Stretchskunik 30 cm Long (Shell) Herbivore , Photosynthesis
159 Glyndrax 2.3 m Long Herbivore
160 Sabulyn 25 cm tall Herbivore
160 Proto-Tejdaw 150 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
165 Snowtunnel Shrew 13 cm long Herbivore
165 Snawler 1 meter long Carnivore

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Kosemen Badlands

Dry Black Volcanic Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
157 Frilled Greenscale 2 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
157 Aloeberacteus 82.5 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Phalangrass 40.3 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Crowned Kingrush 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Lizatokage 40 cm Long Omnivore
159 Spike-Backed Greenscale 4 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
159 Egg Lizatokage 60 cm Long Ovivore , Scavenger
160 Sabulyn 25 cm tall Herbivore
162 Mothhead 3.5 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
163 Bristlepile 6 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Skewer Shrog 1.30 m Long Omnivore
163 Ornate Gumjorn 1 meter tall Photosynthesis
163 Argeiphlock 130 centimeters long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
165 Sansaws 80 cm long Carnivore
165 Vultoph 1.2 meters long Scavenger, Carnivore
165 Ophan Scimitar 1.4 meters long scavenger & Carnivore

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Darth Lava Tube Caves (Photic)

Black Volcanic Walls with Some Light.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
129 Ghastchomp 20 cm Long Insectivore
142 Finear Ghastchomp 21 cm Tall Carnivore
143 Phantom Crystal 35 cm Tall Consumer
144 Blind Limeworm 10 cm Wingspan Herbivore
144 Dangling Limapin 140 cm Long Carnivore
144 Ambush Setapin 50 cm Long Carnivore
144 Terrace Crystal 140 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Consumer
144 Blind Cavehopper 45 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
144 Kory Claw 40 cm Tall Detritivore
163 Subterradron 7 cm Tall Symbiotic Lithovore , Detrivore, Photosynthesis
164 Darth Shroom Herder 1.5 meters tall Herbivore , Scavenger, Weak Photosynthesis Farms Only; no permanent residence

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Darth Lava Tube Caves (Nonphotic)

Black Volcanic Walls with No Light.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
129 Ghastchomp 20 cm Long Insectivore
142 Finear Ghastchomp 21 cm Tall Carnivore
143 Phantom Crystal 35 cm Tall Consumer
144 Blind Limeworm 10 cm Wingspan Herbivore
144 Dangling Limapin 140 cm Long Carnivore
144 Ambush Setapin 50 cm Long Carnivore
144 Blind Cavehopper 45 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
144 Kory Claw 40 cm Tall Detritivore
163 Subterradron 7 cm Tall Symbiotic Lithovore , Detrivore, Photosynthesis
164 Darth Shroom Herder 1.5 meters tall Herbivore , Scavenger, Weak Photosynthesis Farms Only; no permanent residence

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Water Tables

Kosemen Water Table

Black Volcanic Caverns filled with Freshwater.


Gen Name Size Diet Notes
118 Volcansheet Microscopic Lithotroph, Thermotroph
131 Luminescent Lithoamoeba Microscopic Lithovore
144 Flashstring Microscopic Detritvore, Hemophage , Photosynthesis

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Gen Name Size Diet Notes
122 Greenbelly Shellworm 32 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Coprophagic, Detritivore
123 Parasite Urzong 2 cm Long Parasite
128 Floating Stickyball 4 cm Wide Detritivore, Consumer
129 Water Table Foi 2 cm Long Filter Feeder Detritivore
130 Cave Diaminet 15 cm Wide Omnivore , Detritivore
139 Cave Rustmold Microscopic Lithovore , Symbiotic Chemosynthesis
139 Clingerpede 60 cm Long Herbivore
145 Dixon Foi 1 cm Long Detritivore
130 Slug Urhook 35 cm Long Omnivore
131 Digger Urzong 3 cm Long Filter-Feeder
131 Armored Urzong 1 cm Long Filter-Feeder
153 Flange-Nosed Foi 0.30 cm Long Parasite
157 Lactic Foi 1 cm Long Detritivore, Planktovore
106 Ghost Crystal 70 cm Tall Consumer
129 Ghastchomp 20 cm Long Insectivore
139 Tablesnapper 50 cm Long Omnivore
139 Snapperworm 5 cm Long Parasite
139 Cave Prickworm 43 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Detritivore
139 Cave Phibi 50 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
141 Snapperswimmer 10 cm Long Carnivore
142 Finear Ghastchomp 21 cm Tall Carnivore
143 Phantom Crystal 35 cm Tall Consumer
144 Blind Limeworm 10 cm Wingspan Herbivore
144 Dangling Limapin 140 cm Long Carnivore
144 Ambush Setapin 50 cm Long Carnivore
144 Dogelaro 2.5 cm Long Scavenger
144 Blind Cavehopper 45 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
160 Table Kory 24 cm Tall Consumer, Detrivore
162 Tasseled Phibi 70 cm Long Omnivore
162 Ovilaro 2.5 cm Long Ovivore , Scavenger
162 Flashlaro 5 cm Long Scavenger, Herbivore , Kleptoparasite
163 Subterradron 7 cm Tall Symbiotic Lithovore , Detrivore, Photosynthesis

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Kosemen Sky

Blue Skies Touching the Surface.


Gen Name Size Diet Notes
122 Nimbuchaos Microscopic Photosynthesis, Consumer
126 Wind-Riding Guardian Microscopic Consumer , Detritivore
142 Nimbuchaotic Cloud Microscopic Photosynthesis
162 Cloudbubble Cryoutine 5 micrometers long Facultative Heterotroph , Obligate Autotroph

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Gen Name Size Diet Notes
122 Tropoworm 16 cm Long Filter-Feeder
126 Cloud Swarmer 8 cm Long Photosynthesis, Filter-Feeder
142 Herbivorous Tropoworm 32 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Herbivore
150 Soaring Phlyer 2 m Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
154 Bristlemouth Dracoworm 30 centimeters long Young: Filter-Feeder; Adult: Herbivore , Fliter-Feeder
162 Cloudbubble 2 cm wide Photosynthesis, Planktivore
162 Bangsticks 2 meters tall Photosynthesis seeds only
162 Cloudbubble Tropoworm 25 cm Long Herbivore:
163 Cloudgrass 20 cm long Photosynthesis, Aeroplanktivore
163 Gargantuan Obsiditree 100 meters tall Photosynthesis spores only
163 Tropofly 13 cm long Herbivore
164 Cloudgrump 20 cm thick individual, up to 50 meter wide colony Photosynthesis, Aeroplanktivore
165 Ascendophrey 1.6 meters long Carnivore , Occasional Scavenger
165 Blood Tropofly 4 cm long Omnivore
165 Sky Bloodbee 2.5 cm long Parasite
166 Ferry Quail 30 cm long Omnivore

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