Huckian Period Ecosystem/Fermi

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Huckian Period
(Week 27)

Bonoian Period << Huckian Period >> Alwaysian Period


Generation 166Generation 167Generation 168Generation 169Generation 170

Period SummaryEcosystem (Overview) ● BiomesLandmarks

Huckian Period Major Regions
Marine: Jujubee OceanLadyM OceanMnid OceanContinental Shelves
Terrestrial: BarloweDrakeFermiKosemenLamarckRamulSteinerVonnegutWallace
Other: AtmosphereDriftwood IslandsIce Sheets




Gen Name Size Diet Notes
162 Sting Cells 0.5 - 1 μm string width Cytovore

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--- 1 Micrometer ---

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
148 Salmunduses 5 to 25 μm Wide Detritivore
150 Hexpouruses 1 to 10 mm Wide Consumer, Detritivore
148 Morsuses 5 to 10 μm Wide Detritivore
149 Irisiris 1 µm to 10 µm Long Parasite
149 Pestilence 5 to 10 µm Wide Parasite
149 Microplaques 5 to 10 μm Wide Detritivore, Parasite
149 Gut Majurums 1 μm to 5 μm Wide Lithotroph
152 Guttoplaques 1 μm to 5 μm Wide Detritivore
149 Ferruphiles 1 μm to 10 μm Wide Lithotrophs
148 Nitrocycle 1 μm Wide Chemotrophs
150 Cryoutines 1 to 5 μm Long Chemotroph , Lithotroph

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--- 10 Micrometers ---

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
149 Cryoflows 50 µm to 100 µm Long Consumer, Photosynthesis
148 Kyanoses 50 μm to 150 μm Long Photosynthesis
151 Lightnings 20 to 60 μm Wide Consumer
148 Flashcells 50 μm to 100 μm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Crocusisms 25 μm to 100 μm Wide Photosynthesis
149 Microprobi 25 μm to 50 μm Cytovore, Photosynthesis
148 Chaoses 10 μm to 20 μm Wide Consumer
149 Cryophytes 10 μm - 15 μm Wide Cells; 80 μm - 100 μm Long Chains Photosynthesis, Chemoorganoheterotroph
165 Buhmungus Infectoids 0.05mm - 1cm long (mature), 1μm long (dormant spore) Microbes
166 Bruhlios 10 µm to 20 µm Long Detritivore, Consumer
167 Muddlers 3 to 34 micrometers long (individual cell) Parasite

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--- 100 Micrometers ---

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
145 Rustcells 100 μm diameter Lithotroph
152 Polyfee 100 µm Long to 1 mm Long Parasite , Sanguivore
149 Microswarmers 100 µm Long to 1 mm Long Photosynthesis
149 Sailcells 1 mm to 10 mm Wide Photosynthesis
150 Infinities 200 um to 2 mm Wide Consumer
149 Colonuses 500 µm to 1 mm Thick Varies
148 Flovars 100 μm to 500 μm Long Photosynthesis
161 Swarmerkings 100-500 micrometers long Photosynthesis, Nitrogen-Fixing
161 Whip Swarmers 50-100 micrometers long (excluding flagella) Photosynthesis
162 Chainswarmers 100-500 micrometer long individuals, 1-10 cm long outstretched colony Photosynthesis, Nitrogen-Fixing Individuals
162 Meiouks 100-1000 µm Long Consumer , Detritivore, Scavenger
162 Kuyasha 0.5 mm wide cells Photosynthesis
164 Sunleechers 200 um wide individuals Photosynthesis, Hematophagy
162 Soil Chitinuses 500 µm to 1 mm wide Saprotroph
167 Bloodtides 100-300 um Long Photosynthesis

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--- 1 Millimeter / 1000 Micrometers ---


Gen Name Size Diet Notes
154 Bonyfee 1 mm to 1 cm Long Sanguivore , Marrow eater
151 Basilliphyta 1 to 10 mm Wide Photosynthesis
150 Sudisflutanses 1 mm to 10 mm Wide Cytovore
148 Redmosses 1 mm to 30 mm Wide Photosynthesis
149 Orangemosses 1 mm to 10 mm wide Photosynthesis
148 Testudiatoms 1 to 10 mm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Tepoflora 1 mm to 5 mm Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
162 Aphluks 2-4 mm long Sapivore, Hemophage , Detritivore
162 Feluks 1-10 mm Carnivore , Scavenger
165 Sanguine o' Spheres 5 mm to 1 cm Hematophage , Parasitic
161 Mikuks 1-10 mm long Scavenger, Detritivore
162 Hair Nimbuses 1-10 mm wide cells; up to 20 cm long colonies Photosynthesis , Diazotrophy Cells
165 Floraverms 1mm - 5 cm long Herbivore, Detritivore
166 Sweetworms 3-10 mm long Frugivore, Sapivore, Nectarivore, Mellivore
166 Uniwingworms 3-4 cm long Frugivore, Detritivore

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--- 1 Centimeter / 10 Millimeter ---

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
145 Obscurpedes 0.5 cm to 2 cm Planktivore
160 Mistswarmers 1 cm to 10 cm long Photosynthesis, Planktivore
149 Miniswarmers 1 mm Long to 10 cm Long Photosynthesis, Planktivore, Detritvore
160 Belumbias 0.5 to 5 cm Long Hematophagy, Parasite
149 Twinkiiros 1 cm to 10 cm Tall Photosynthesis
148 Pioneeroots 1 cm to 10 cm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Marbleflora 1 cm to 10 cm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Snotflora 1 cm to 10 cm Wide Detritivore, Photosynthesis
149 Twinkorals 1 cm to 10 cm Tall Photosynthesis
148 Flashkelps 1 cm to 10 cm Tall Photosynthesis
148 Keryhs 2 cm to 7 cm Long Larvae: Parasitic Adult: Chemosythesis , Consumer , Detritivore
148 Chitjorns 1 to 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis
149 Rustmolds 25 μm to 20 mm Wide Lithotroph
148 Colonialballs 2 cm to 10 cm Wide spheres Photosynthesis
154 Shelpads 10 mm to 20 mm Wide Detrivore
161 Grabbyswarmers 1-10 cm Photosynthesis, Planktivore, Detritivore
162 Chainswarmers 100-500 micrometer long individuals, 1-10 cm long outstretched colony Photosynthesis, Nitrogen-Fixing Colonies
162 Eusuckers 1-10 cm long Hemophage , Scavenger, Lithovore
162 Mudferra 1-10 cm wide network Lithotroph
162 Minifee 5-20 mm Long Planktivore, Detritivore
165 Sruglettes 8-17 cm long (beak to tail-tip, excluding fins) Adult: Omnivore Larvae: Indiscriminate filter feeder , 10 micrometers to 1 centimeter, Detritivore, Carnivore Herbivore
155 Xenobees 5 to 10 cm wingspan Nectarivore, Mucivore
157 Minikruggs 5 cm to 10 cm Long Herbivore, Rhizovore, Frugivore, Scavenger, Ovivore, Detritivore
150 Cryobowls 4 to 8 cm Wide Lithotroph , Photosynthesis
149 Cloudswarmers 1 cm to 10 cm long Photosynthesis, Frugivore, Herbivore, Planktivore
151 Vermees 1 mm- 5 cm Long Detrivore, Scavenger
148 Cryostalks 1 cm to 10 cm Tall Photosynthesis
149 Larands 1 to 5 mm Photosynthesis
148 Toxiglobes 1 - 10 cm Wide Photosynthesis
161 Silkruggs 4-8 cm long Omnivore
161 Xenowasps 8-15 cm wingspan Nectarivore, Hemotroph
161 Gushitos 1-10 cm wingspan Hemotroph
163 Teacup Saucebacks 5-10 cm long Adult: Carnivore ; Larvae: Scavenger, Detritivore, Carnivore
166 Minibees 1.25-3 cm long Nectarivore, Spores
166 Digging Filterpeders 1-5 cm long Planktivore Intertidal and Mangal Zones
167 Feather Blice 1 - 2.5 cm long Detritivore, Parasitic

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--- 10 Centimeters ---

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
148 Hollowdomes 2 cm - 16 cm Diameter Photosynthesis
150 Larvaback 10 to 20 cm Long Carnivore
153 Scuttlers 1 cm Long to 20 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger, Detritivore, Planktonivore, Weak Photosynthesis
151 Frabukis 5 cm to 20 cm long Detritivore, Planktivore
163 Swarmerweed 100-500 micrometer zooids, 10-20 cm colonial zoon Photosynthesis, Consumer
151 Sunstalks 10 cm to 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis
151 Supershrooms 10 cm to 20 cm Tall Detritivore
151 Sapshrooms 10 cm to 20 cm Tall Sapivore, Detritivore
151 Sapworms 1 cm to 20 cm Long Sapivore
162 Hair Nimbuses 1-10 mm wide cells; up to 20 cm long colonies Photosynthesis , Diazotrophy Colonies
163 Parasitic Floats 1-2 cm wide bubbles, 10-20 cm long colonies Photosynthesis, Parasite
166 Mudfish 5-20 cm Long Adult: Carnivore Larvae: Detritivore , scavenger

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--- 20 Centimeters

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
149 Yanisflora 2 - 50 cm All: Photosynthesis; Pillunaneae: Filter-Feeding  ; Psychanthaceae: Chemivore

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Fermi Peak

White Ice on Frozen White Soil.



Jaydoh Temperate Beach

Temperate Black Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
155 Shantak 3.4 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
155 Chitjornpecker 1 m Long Herbivore , Scavenger
155 Snapjaw 5.6 m Long Herbivore , Scavenger
155 Velocidohve 90 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
155 Bladesnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
155 Umbrosa 2 m Wide Photosynthesis
156 Snapjaw Sandcrock 1.4 m Long Adult: Carnivore , Scavenger; Larva: Scavenger, Detritivore
157 Blubber Flapper 60 cm Long Herbivore
157 Saltjorn 37 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Winniemunk 72 cm Long Herbivore ; Larvae: Scavenger
157 Acucravat 2.1 m Long Carnivore
157 Mangot 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Candletower 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Bonespire 18 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Gourjorn 90 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Tilepillar 1.5 m Long Herbivore
159 Flamboyant Fan Bloister 15 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
159 Gumjorn 93 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Hockel 42 cm Long Adult: Herbivore Larvae: Herbivore
161 Snapflagg 40 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Insectivore
161 Branching Bonespire 10 m Tall Photosynthesis
161 Nectarworm 2 cm long Nectarvore Sapivore
161 Flumpus Male: 6 m long; Female: 3.56 m long Omnivore
162 Seashrog 2 meters long Omnivore
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
161 False Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Haemotroph
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
160 Cocobarrage 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Obsidibend 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
160 Mainland Fuzzpalm 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
146 Qupe Tree 160 cm Tall Photosynthesis
150 Fuzzweed 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Baebula 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
151 Carnosprawl 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Kakonat 25 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger/Detritivore
162 Shailnitor 30 cm long Detritivore/Scavenger , Coprovore
162 Bangsticks 2 meters tall Photosynthesis
162 Shorelance 35 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
162 Bonegrove 5 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Coastal Nectarworm 2 cm Long Nectarvore , Sapivore , Frugivore
162 Fuzzpile 6 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Sayront 1.2 m long Herbivore
163 Communal Janit 4 cm long Detritivore, Scavenger
163 Infilt Pewpa 10 centimeters long Scavenger, Detritivore
164 Lotan 75 cm long Adults: Omnivorous ; Juveniles: Carnivorous
164 Gentonna 2.5 m long Herbivore
164 Mehen 3.2 m long Adults: Herbivore , Scavenger; Juveniles: Omnivorous
164 Scaletail 20 cm long Adults: Carnivorous ; Juveniles: Carnivorous
164 Beach Thumbwalker 50 cm long Adults; Omnivore , Frugivore , Larva; Omnivore
164 Piperoot Colonystalk Defense Phytids 50 cm Tall, Synthetic Phytids 1 m Wide, Storage Phytids 70 cm Wide, Spore Phytids 1 m Tall, Desalination Phytids 10 cm Wide Photosynthesis
164 Tidal Shrubite 30 cm to 160 cm tall Planktivore
165 Fatcoat 70 cm long Carnivore
165 Dockshrog 2 meters long Omnivore
165 Ornamented Hoby 20 centimeters long Herbivore , Scavenger
165 Topship Fuzzpalm 9 meters tall, 1 cm wide berry Photosynthesis, Detritivore
165 Topship Shrog 2 meters long Omnivore
165 Maulwart 70 cm tall Photosynthesis
165 Ephemeral Sapworm 1 cm long Sapivore
165 Slurpabill 1.4 meters long Herbivore
165 Slicewing 10 cm long Carnivore , Frugivore
165 Hypnotizer Waxface 3 meters long Carnivore Scavenger
165 Rackettoon 30 centimeters long Omnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
138 Cryocanon 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
140 Segmented Carnofern 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Herbivore
143 Fruiting Glog 32 cm Tall Photosynthesis
139 Beach Piloroot 1 m Wide Photosynthesis, Detrivore
133 Beach Carnofern 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Lithovore
140 Talfuzz 16 cm Tall Photosynthesis
138 Polarblades 20 cm Tall Photosynthesis
143 Dome Crystal 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
130 Fuzzy Beachballs 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis
153 Sunleaf 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
138 Tileback 70 cm Long Herbivore
138 Shellear 40 cm Long Herbivore
140 Flugwurm 12 cm Wingspan Herbivore , Scavenger, Detritivore
156 Billdeka 70 cm Long Rhizovore
139 Rolling Flune 50 cm Long Herbivore
147 Jaydohve 55 cm Long Carnivore
137 Grubnub 50 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger
138 Hornsniffer 30 cm Long Detritivore, Coprophagic
138 Lickworm 2 cm Long Trophallaxic
165 Wading Phlock 1.4 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
166 Brinesnapper 80 cm Wingspan Carnivore
167 Hippogryph 5.2 meters long Carnivore
167 Aardox 4 meters long Omnivore
167 Australishrog 4 m Tall Diet: Obligate Carnivore ; Scavanger; Opportunistic Frugivore rarely
168 Greater Hippogryph 10 meters long Carnivore

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Scifi Subpolar Beach

Subpolar Black Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
136 Fat Korystal 1 m Tall Detritivore
136 Climbing Korrybug 20 cm Tall Herbivore
138 Cryocanon 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
139 Stoutplage 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
139 Pudgy Ketter 10 cm Long Frugivore Nectarivore , Photosynthesis
139 Polar Quilbil 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore
140 Segmented Carnofern 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Herbivore
140 Ringtailed Ketter 20 cm Long Herbivore Nectarvore , Photosynthesis
140 Krugg 10 cm Long Rhizovore , Detritivore, Scavenger
141 Helmethead Uksip 30 cm long Filter-Feeder , Herbivore , Scavenger
143 Uksor 15 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Liquivore , Scavenger
143 Dome Crystal 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
143 Squat Limbless 75 cm Long Carnivore
143 Weavesnapper 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore
143 Fruiting Glog 32 cm Tall Photosynthesis
143 Pudglyn 40 cm Long Frugivore , Photosynthesis
144 Leafcutter Krugg 10 cm Long Herbivore
144 Spiked Krugg 15 cm Long Herbivore
144 Egg Krugg 20 cm Long Ovivore , Scavenger
144 Scaled Diveskunik 25 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
135 Polar Orbion 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
139 Beach Piloroot 1 m Wide Photosynthesis, Detrivore
139 Ice-Angler Oropede 60 cm Long Piscivore Scavenger
140 Plated Plin 1 cm Wide Photosynthesis
140 Talfuzz 16 cm Tall Photosynthesis
140 Pilonoroot 1 m Wide Photosynthesis, Detrivore
141 Shieldworm 3 cm Long Coprophagic, Detritivore, Scavenger
143 Iron Siever 6 cm Long Filter-Feeder
143 Speartooth Seaswimmer 85 cm Long Carnivore
143 Bloodskin Skywatcher 80 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
143 Ringtail Limbless 75 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
144 Spiny Wrigum 10 cm Long Rhizovore
144 Dry Gelatin 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
144 Gushlych 5 cm Long Haemotroph
141 Hallucrastrum 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis
130 Fuzzy Beachballs 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis
133 Beach Carnofern 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Lithovore
136 Thornshell 30 cm Wide Photosynthesis
132 Polar Cellulosebane 50 cm Tall Detritivore, Photosynthesis
137 Grubnub 50 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger
138 Hornsniffer 30 cm Long Detritivore, Coprophagic
138 Polarblades 20 cm Tall Photosynthesis
138 Lickworm 2 cm Long Trophallaxic
139 Polar Ukback 20 cm Long Carnivore , Ovivore , Scavenger
139 Snowsculptor Janit 8 cm Long Detritivore
140 Flugwurm 12 cm Wingspan Herbivore , Scavenger, Detritivore
140 Pewpa 6 cm Long Scavenger, Detritivore
143 Crested King Limbless 90 cm Long Carnivore
152 Fermi Sunstalk 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
153 Sunleaf 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
155 Velocidohve 90 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
155 Bladesnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
157 Blubber Flapper 60 cm Long Herbivore
157 Cryorasher 75 cm Long Omnivore
157 Giant Leatherback 5 m Long Herbivore
157 Giant Hollowdome 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
157 Farmphibian 10 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger
158 Larlap 3 m Long Herbivore , Scavenger
162 Shorelance 35 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
162 Fermibiyss Male: 4.75 m Long; Female: 3.75 m Long Carnivore
163 Snowstalker Tuskent 85 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
163 Sayront 1.2 m long Herbivore
164 Lotan 75 cm long Adults: Omnivorous ; Juveniles: Carnivorous
164 Mehen 3.2 m long Adults: Herbivore , Scavenger; Juveniles: Omnivorous
164 Scaletail 20 cm long Adults: Carnivorous ; Juveniles: Carnivorous
164 Tidal Shrubite 30 cm to 160 cm tall Planktivore
165 Krotezuruck 1.4 meters long Omnivore
165 Alshamite 2 cm Long Nectarivore, Palynivore, Frugivore
165 Slicewing 10 cm long Carnivore , Frugivore
165 Rackettoon 30 centimeters long Omnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
147 Jaydohve 55 cm Long Carnivore
165 Wading Phlock 1.4 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
155 Shantak 3.4 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
155 Chitjornpecker 1 m Long Herbivore , Scavenger
155 Snapjaw 5.6 m Long Herbivore , Scavenger
155 Umbrosa 2 m Wide Photosynthesis
156 Snapjaw Sandcrock 1.4 m Long Adult: Carnivore , Scavenger; Larva: Scavenger, Detritivore
157 Saltjorn 37 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Winniemunk 72 cm Long Herbivore ; Larvae: Scavenger
157 Acucravat 2.1 m Long Carnivore
157 Mangot 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Candletower 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Bonespire 18 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Gourjorn 90 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Tilepillar 1.5 m Long Herbivore
159 Flamboyant Fan Bloister 15 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
159 Gumjorn 93 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Hockel 42 cm Long Adult: Herbivore Larvae: Herbivore
161 Snapflagg 40 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Insectivore
161 Branching Bonespire 10 m Tall Photosynthesis
161 Nectarworm 2 cm long Nectarvore Sapivore
161 Flumpus Male: 6 m long; Female: 3.56 m long Omnivore
158 Baebula 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Bonegrove 5 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Coastal Nectarworm 2 cm Long Nectarvore , Sapivore , Frugivore
164 Gentonna 2.5 m long Herbivore
164 Beach Thumbwalker 50 cm long Adults; Omnivore , Frugivore , Larva; Omnivore
164 Piperoot Colonystalk Defense Phytids 50 cm Tall, Synthetic Phytids 1 m Wide, Storage Phytids 70 cm Wide, Spore Phytids 1 m Tall, Desalination Phytids 10 cm Wide Photosynthesis
165 Dockshrog 2 meters long Omnivore
165 Aardoorn 2 meters long Diet: Omnivore
165 Ornamented Hoby 20 centimeters long Herbivore , Scavenger
165 Maulwart 70 cm tall Photosynthesis
165 Ephemeral Sapworm 1 cm long Sapivore
165 Slurpabill 1.4 meters long Herbivore
165 Hypnotizer Waxface 3 meters long Carnivore Scavenger
156 Billdeka 70 cm Long Rhizovore
166 Congotingo 30 cm Long Scavenger, Opportunistic Carnivore
166 Brinesnapper 80 cm Wingspan Carnivore
167 Australishrog 4 m Tall Diet: Obligate Carnivore ; Scavanger; Opportunistic Frugivore

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Arctic Subpolar Beach

Subpolar Black Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
136 Fat Korystal 1 m Tall Detritivore
136 Climbing Korrybug 20 cm Tall Herbivore
138 Cryocanon 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
139 Stoutplage 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
139 Pudgy Ketter 10 cm Long Frugivore Nectarivore , Photosynthesis
139 Polar Quilbil 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore
140 Segmented Carnofern 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Herbivore
140 Ringtailed Ketter 20 cm Long Herbivore Nectarvore , Photosynthesis
140 Krugg 10 cm Long Rhizovore , Detritivore, Scavenger
141 Helmethead Uksip 30 cm long Filter-Feeder , Herbivore , Scavenger
143 Uksor 15 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Liquivore , Scavenger
143 Dome Crystal 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
143 Squat Limbless 75 cm Long Carnivore
143 Weavesnapper 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore
143 Fruiting Glog 32 cm Tall Photosynthesis
143 Pudglyn 40 cm Long Frugivore , Photosynthesis
144 Leafcutter Krugg 10 cm Long Herbivore
144 Spiked Krugg 15 cm Long Herbivore
144 Egg Krugg 20 cm Long Ovivore , Scavenger
144 Scaled Diveskunik 25 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
135 Polar Orbion 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
139 Beach Piloroot 1 m Wide Photosynthesis, Detrivore
139 Ice-Angler Oropede 60 cm Long Piscivore Scavenger
140 Plated Plin 1 cm Wide Photosynthesis
140 Talfuzz 16 cm Tall Photosynthesis
140 Pilonoroot 1 m Wide Photosynthesis, Detrivore
141 Shieldworm 3 cm Long Coprophagic, Detritivore, Scavenger
143 Iron Siever 6 cm Long Filter-Feeder
143 Speartooth Seaswimmer 85 cm Long Carnivore
143 Bloodskin Skywatcher 80 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
143 Ringtail Limbless 75 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
144 Spiny Wrigum 10 cm Long Rhizovore
144 Dry Gelatin 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
144 Gushlych 5 cm Long Haemotroph
141 Hallucrastrum 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis
130 Fuzzy Beachballs 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis
133 Beach Carnofern 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Lithovore
136 Thornshell 30 cm Wide Photosynthesis
132 Polar Cellulosebane 50 cm Tall Detritivore, Photosynthesis
137 Grubnub 50 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger
138 Hornsniffer 30 cm Long Detritivore, Coprophagic
138 Polarblades 20 cm Tall Photosynthesis
138 Lickworm 2 cm Long Trophallaxic
139 Polar Ukback 20 cm Long Carnivore , Ovivore , Scavenger
139 Snowsculptor Janit 8 cm Long Detritivore
140 Flugwurm 12 cm Wingspan Herbivore , Scavenger, Detritivore
140 Pewpa 6 cm Long Scavenger, Detritivore
143 Crested King Limbless 90 cm Long Carnivore
152 Fermi Sunstalk 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
153 Sunleaf 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
155 Velocidohve 90 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
155 Bladesnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
157 Blubber Flapper 60 cm Long Herbivore
157 Cryorasher 75 cm Long Omnivore
157 Giant Leatherback 5 m Long Herbivore
157 Giant Hollowdome 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
157 Farmphibian 10 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger
158 Larlap 3 m Long Herbivore , Scavenger
162 Shorelance 35 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
162 Fermibiyss Male: 4.75 m Long; Female: 3.75 m Long Carnivore
163 Snowstalker Tuskent 85 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
163 Sayront 1.2 m long Herbivore
164 Lotan 75 cm long Adults: Omnivorous ; Juveniles: Carnivorous
164 Mehen 3.2 m long Adults: Herbivore , Scavenger; Juveniles: Omnivorous
164 Scaletail 20 cm long Adults: Carnivorous ; Juveniles: Carnivorous
164 Tidal Shrubite 30 cm to 160 cm tall Planktivore
165 Krotezuruck 1.4 meters long Omnivore
165 Alshamite 2 cm Long Nectarivore, Palynivore, Frugivore
165 Slicewing 10 cm long Carnivore , Frugivore
165 Rackettoon 30 centimeters long Omnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
147 Jaydohve 55 cm Long Carnivore
165 Wading Phlock 1.4 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
155 Shantak 3.4 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
155 Chitjornpecker 1 m Long Herbivore , Scavenger
155 Snapjaw 5.6 m Long Herbivore , Scavenger
155 Umbrosa 2 m Wide Photosynthesis
156 Snapjaw Sandcrock 1.4 m Long Adult: Carnivore , Scavenger; Larva: Scavenger, Detritivore
157 Saltjorn 37 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Winniemunk 72 cm Long Herbivore ; Larvae: Scavenger
157 Acucravat 2.1 m Long Carnivore
157 Mangot 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Candletower 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Bonespire 18 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Gourjorn 90 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Tilepillar 1.5 m Long Herbivore
159 Flamboyant Fan Bloister 15 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
159 Gumjorn 93 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Hockel 42 cm Long Adult: Herbivore Larvae: Herbivore
161 Snapflagg 40 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Insectivore
161 Branching Bonespire 10 m Tall Photosynthesis
161 Nectarworm 2 cm long Nectarvore Sapivore
161 Flumpus Male: 6 m long; Female: 3.56 m long Omnivore
158 Baebula 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Bonegrove 5 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Coastal Nectarworm 2 cm Long Nectarvore , Sapivore , Frugivore
164 Gentonna 2.5 m long Herbivore
164 Beach Thumbwalker 50 cm long Adults; Omnivore , Frugivore , Larva; Omnivore
164 Piperoot Colonystalk Defense Phytids 50 cm Tall, Synthetic Phytids 1 m Wide, Storage Phytids 70 cm Wide, Spore Phytids 1 m Tall, Desalination Phytids 10 cm Wide Photosynthesis
165 Dockshrog 2 meters long Omnivore
165 Aardoorn 2 meters long Diet: Omnivore
165 Ornamented Hoby 20 centimeters long Herbivore , Scavenger
165 Maulwart 70 cm tall Photosynthesis
165 Ephemeral Sapworm 1 cm long Sapivore
165 Slurpabill 1.4 meters long Herbivore
165 Hypnotizer Waxface 3 meters long Carnivore Scavenger
156 Billdeka 70 cm Long Rhizovore
166 Congotingo 30 cm Long Scavenger, Opportunistic Carnivore
166 Brinesnapper 80 cm Wingspan Carnivore
167 Australishrog 4 m Tall Diet: Obligate Carnivore ; Scavanger; Opportunistic Frugivore

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Oofle Subpolar Beach

Subpolar Black Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
136 Fat Korystal 1 m Tall Detritivore
136 Climbing Korrybug 20 cm Tall Herbivore
138 Cryocanon 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
139 Stoutplage 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
139 Pudgy Ketter 10 cm Long Frugivore Nectarivore , Photosynthesis
139 Polar Quilbil 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore
139 Bloody Nose Cotingo 50 cm Long Scavenger, Carnivore
140 Segmented Carnofern 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Herbivore
140 Ringtailed Ketter 20 cm Long Herbivore Nectarvore , Photosynthesis
140 Krugg 10 cm Long Rhizovore , Detritivore, Scavenger
141 Helmethead Uksip 30 cm long Filter-Feeder , Herbivore , Scavenger
143 Uksor 15 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Liquivore , Scavenger
143 Dome Crystal 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
143 Squat Limbless 75 cm Long Carnivore
143 Weavesnapper 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore
143 Fruiting Glog 32 cm Tall Photosynthesis
143 Pudglyn 40 cm Long Frugivore , Photosynthesis
144 Leafcutter Krugg 10 cm Long Herbivore
144 Spiked Krugg 15 cm Long Herbivore
144 Egg Krugg 20 cm Long Ovivore , Scavenger
144 Scaled Diveskunik 25 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
135 Polar Orbion 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
139 Beach Piloroot 1 m Wide Photosynthesis, Detrivore
139 Ice-Angler Oropede 60 cm Long Piscivore Scavenger
140 Plated Plin 1 cm Wide Photosynthesis
140 Talfuzz 16 cm Tall Photosynthesis
140 Pilonoroot 1 m Wide Photosynthesis, Detrivore
141 Shieldworm 3 cm Long Coprophagic, Detritivore, Scavenger
143 Iron Siever 6 cm Long Filter-Feeder
143 Speartooth Seaswimmer 85 cm Long Carnivore
143 Bloodskin Skywatcher 80 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
143 Ringtail Limbless 75 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
144 Spiny Wrigum 10 cm Long Rhizovore
144 Dry Gelatin 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
144 Gushlych 5 cm Long Haemotroph
141 Hallucrastrum 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis
130 Fuzzy Beachballs 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis
133 Beach Carnofern 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Lithovore
136 Thornshell 30 cm Wide Photosynthesis
132 Polar Cellulosebane 50 cm Tall Detritivore, Photosynthesis
137 Grubnub 50 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger
138 Hornsniffer 30 cm Long Detritivore, Coprophagic
138 Polarblades 20 cm Tall Photosynthesis
138 Lickworm 2 cm Long Trophallaxic
139 Polar Ukback 20 cm Long Carnivore , Ovivore , Scavenger
139 Snowsculptor Janit 8 cm Long Detritivore
140 Flugwurm 12 cm Wingspan Herbivore , Scavenger, Detritivore
140 Pewpa 6 cm Long Scavenger, Detritivore
143 Crested King Limbless 90 cm Long Carnivore
152 Fermi Sunstalk 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
153 Sunleaf 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
155 Velocidohve 90 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
155 Bladesnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
157 Blubber Flapper 60 cm Long Herbivore
157 Cryorasher 75 cm Long Omnivore
157 Giant Leatherback 5 m Long Herbivore
157 Giant Hollowdome 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
157 Farmphibian 10 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger
158 Larlap 3 m Long Herbivore , Scavenger
162 Shorelance 35 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
162 Fermibiyss Male: 4.75 m Long; Female: 3.75 m Long Carnivore
163 Snowstalker Tuskent 85 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
163 Sayront 1.2 m long Herbivore
164 Lotan 75 cm long Adults: Omnivorous ; Juveniles: Carnivorous
164 Mehen 3.2 m long Adults: Herbivore , Scavenger; Juveniles: Omnivorous
164 Scaletail 20 cm long Adults: Carnivorous ; Juveniles: Carnivorous
164 Tidal Shrubite 30 cm to 160 cm tall Planktivore
165 Krotezuruck 1.4 meters long Omnivore
165 Alshamite 2 cm Long Nectarivore, Palynivore, Frugivore
165 Slicewing 10 cm long Carnivore , Frugivore
165 Rackettoon 30 centimeters long Omnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
147 Jaydohve 55 cm Long Carnivore
165 Wading Phlock 1.4 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
155 Shantak 3.4 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
155 Chitjornpecker 1 m Long Herbivore , Scavenger
155 Snapjaw 5.6 m Long Herbivore , Scavenger
155 Umbrosa 2 m Wide Photosynthesis
156 Snapjaw Sandcrock 1.4 m Long Adult: Carnivore , Scavenger; Larva: Scavenger, Detritivore
157 Saltjorn 37 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Winniemunk 72 cm Long Herbivore ; Larvae: Scavenger
157 Acucravat 2.1 m Long Carnivore
157 Mangot 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Candletower 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Bonespire 18 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Gourjorn 90 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Tilepillar 1.5 m Long Herbivore
159 Flamboyant Fan Bloister 15 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
159 Gumjorn 93 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Hockel 42 cm Long Adult: Herbivore Larvae: Herbivore
161 Snapflagg 40 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Insectivore
161 Branching Bonespire 10 m Tall Photosynthesis
161 Nectarworm 2 cm long Nectarvore Sapivore
161 Flumpus Male: 6 m long; Female: 3.56 m long Omnivore
158 Baebula 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Bonegrove 5 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Coastal Nectarworm 2 cm Long Nectarvore , Sapivore , Frugivore
164 Gentonna 2.5 m long Herbivore
164 Beach Thumbwalker 50 cm long Adults; Omnivore , Frugivore , Larva; Omnivore
164 Piperoot Colonystalk Defense Phytids 50 cm Tall, Synthetic Phytids 1 m Wide, Storage Phytids 70 cm Wide, Spore Phytids 1 m Tall, Desalination Phytids 10 cm Wide Photosynthesis
165 Dockshrog 2 meters long Omnivore
165 Aardoorn 2 meters long Diet: Omnivore
165 Ornamented Hoby 20 centimeters long Herbivore , Scavenger
165 Maulwart 70 cm tall Photosynthesis
165 Ephemeral Sapworm 1 cm long Sapivore
165 Slurpabill 1.4 meters long Herbivore
165 Hypnotizer Waxface 3 meters long Carnivore Scavenger
156 Billdeka 70 cm Long Rhizovore
167 Australishrog 4 m Tall Diet: Obligate Carnivore ; Scavanger; Opportunistic Frugivore

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Oofle Archipelago Subpolar Beaches

Subpolar Black Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
136 Fat Korystal 1 m Tall Detritivore
136 Climbing Korrybug 20 cm Tall Herbivore
138 Cryocanon 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
139 Stoutplage 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
139 Pudgy Ketter 10 cm Long Frugivore Nectarivore , Photosynthesis
139 Polar Quilbil 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore
139 Bloody Nose Cotingo 50 cm Long Scavenger, Carnivore
140 Segmented Carnofern 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Herbivore
140 Ringtailed Ketter 20 cm Long Herbivore Nectarvore , Photosynthesis
140 Krugg 10 cm Long Rhizovore , Detritivore, Scavenger
141 Helmethead Uksip 30 cm long Filter-Feeder , Herbivore , Scavenger
143 Uksor 15 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Liquivore , Scavenger
143 Dome Crystal 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
143 Weavesnapper 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore
143 Fruiting Glog 32 cm Tall Photosynthesis
143 Pudglyn 40 cm Long Frugivore , Photosynthesis
144 Leafcutter Krugg 10 cm Long Herbivore
144 Spiked Krugg 15 cm Long Herbivore
144 Egg Krugg 20 cm Long Ovivore , Scavenger
144 Scaled Diveskunik 25 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
135 Polar Orbion 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
139 Beach Piloroot 1 m Wide Photosynthesis, Detrivore
139 Ice-Angler Oropede 60 cm Long Piscivore Scavenger
140 Plated Plin 1 cm Wide Photosynthesis
140 Talfuzz 16 cm Tall Photosynthesis
140 Pilonoroot 1 m Wide Photosynthesis, Detrivore
141 Shieldworm 3 cm Long Coprophagic, Detritivore, Scavenger
143 Iron Siever 6 cm Long Filter-Feeder
143 Speartooth Seaswimmer 85 cm Long Carnivore
144 Spiny Wrigum 10 cm Long Rhizovore
144 Dry Gelatin 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
144 Gushlych 5 cm Long Haemotroph
141 Hallucrastrum 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis
130 Fuzzy Beachballs 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis
133 Beach Carnofern 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Lithovore
136 Thornshell 30 cm Wide Photosynthesis
132 Polar Cellulosebane 50 cm Tall Detritivore, Photosynthesis
137 Grubnub 50 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger
138 Hornsniffer 30 cm Long Detritivore, Coprophagic
138 Polarblades 20 cm Tall Photosynthesis
138 Lickworm 2 cm Long Trophallaxic
139 Polar Ukback 20 cm Long Carnivore , Ovivore , Scavenger
139 Snowsculptor Janit 8 cm Long Detritivore
140 Flugwurm 12 cm Wingspan Herbivore , Scavenger, Detritivore
140 Pewpa 6 cm Long Scavenger, Detritivore
152 Fermi Sunstalk 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
153 Sunleaf 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
155 Velocidohve 90 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
155 Bladesnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
157 Giant Hollowdome 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
157 Farmphibian 10 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger
162 Shorelance 35 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
162 Fermibiyss Male: 4.75 m Long; Female: 3.75 m Long Carnivore
164 Scaletail 20 cm long Adults: Carnivorous ; Juveniles: Carnivorous
164 Tidal Shrubite 30 cm to 160 cm tall Planktivore
165 Alshamite 2 cm Long Nectarivore, Palynivore, Frugivore
165 Slicewing 10 cm long Carnivore , Frugivore
165 Rackettoon 30 centimeters long Omnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
147 Jaydohve 55 cm Long Carnivore
165 Wading Phlock 1.4 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
155 Umbrosa 2 m Wide Photosynthesis
157 Saltjorn 37 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Mangot 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Candletower 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Bonespire 18 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Gourjorn 90 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Tilepillar 1.5 m Long Herbivore
159 Flamboyant Fan Bloister 15 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
159 Gumjorn 93 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Hockel 42 cm Long Adult: Herbivore Larvae: Herbivore
161 Snapflagg 40 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Insectivore
161 Branching Bonespire 10 m Tall Photosynthesis
161 Nectarworm 2 cm long Nectarvore Sapivore
161 Flumpus Male: 6 m long; Female: 3.56 m long Omnivore
158 Baebula 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Bonegrove 5 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Coastal Nectarworm 2 cm Long Nectarvore , Sapivore , Frugivore
164 Beach Thumbwalker 50 cm long Adults; Omnivore , Frugivore , Larva; Omnivore
164 Piperoot Colonystalk Defense Phytids 50 cm Tall, Synthetic Phytids 1 m Wide, Storage Phytids 70 cm Wide, Spore Phytids 1 m Tall, Desalination Phytids 10 cm Wide Photosynthesis
165 Dockshrog 2 meters long Omnivore
165 Ornamented Hoby 20 centimeters long Herbivore , Scavenger
165 Maulwart 70 cm tall Photosynthesis
165 Ephemeral Sapworm 1 cm long Sapivore
165 Hypnotizer Waxface 3 meters long Carnivore Scavenger
167 Australishrog 4 m Tall Diet: Obligate Carnivore ; Scavanger; Opportunistic Frugivore

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Oofle Polar Beach

Polar Black Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
136 Fat Korystal 1 m Tall Detritivore
136 Climbing Korrybug 20 cm Tall Herbivore
138 Cryocanon 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
139 Stoutplage 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
139 Pudgy Ketter 10 cm Long Frugivore Nectarivore , Photosynthesis
139 Polar Quilbil 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore
139 Bloody Nose Cotingo 50 cm Long Scavenger, Carnivore
140 Segmented Carnofern 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Herbivore
140 Krugg 10 cm Long Rhizovore , Detritivore, Scavenger
141 Helmethead Uksip 30 cm long Filter-Feeder , Herbivore , Scavenger
143 Uksor 15 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Liquivore , Scavenger
143 Dome Crystal 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
143 Squat Limbless 75 cm Long Carnivore
143 Weavesnapper 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore
143 Fruiting Glog 32 cm Tall Photosynthesis
143 Pudglyn 40 cm Long Frugivore , Photosynthesis
144 Leafcutter Krugg 10 cm Long Herbivore
144 Spiked Krugg 15 cm Long Herbivore
144 Egg Krugg 20 cm Long Ovivore , Scavenger
144 Scaled Diveskunik 25 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
135 Polar Orbion 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
139 Beach Piloroot 1 m Wide Photosynthesis, Detrivore
139 Ice-Angler Oropede 60 cm Long Piscivore Scavenger
140 Plated Plin 1 cm Wide Photosynthesis
140 Talfuzz 16 cm Tall Photosynthesis
140 Pilonoroot 1 m Wide Photosynthesis, Detrivore
141 Shieldworm 3 cm Long Coprophagic, Detritivore, Scavenger
143 Iron Siever 6 cm Long Filter-Feeder
143 Speartooth Seaswimmer 85 cm Long Carnivore
143 Bloodskin Skywatcher 80 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
143 Ringtail Limbless 75 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
144 Spiny Wrigum 10 cm Long Rhizovore
144 Dry Gelatin 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
141 Hallucrastrum 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis
130 Fuzzy Beachballs 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis
133 Beach Carnofern 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Lithovore
136 Thornshell 30 cm Wide Photosynthesis
132 Polar Cellulosebane 50 cm Tall Detritivore, Photosynthesis
137 Grubnub 50 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger
138 Hornsniffer 30 cm Long Detritivore, Coprophagic
138 Polarblades 20 cm Tall Photosynthesis
138 Lickworm 2 cm Long Trophallaxic
139 Polar Ukback 20 cm Long Carnivore , Ovivore , Scavenger
139 Snowsculptor Janit 8 cm Long Detritivore
140 Flugwurm 12 cm Wingspan Herbivore , Scavenger, Detritivore
143 Crested King Limbless 90 cm Long Carnivore
152 Fermi Sunstalk 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
153 Sunleaf 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
155 Velocidohve 90 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
155 Bladesnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
155 Beach Colonystalks Defence Phytids 25 cm Tall, Synthetic Phytids 1 m Wide, Storage Phytids 20 cm Tall, Spore Phytids 1 m Tall, Desalination Phytids 10 cm Wide Photosynthesis
157 Blubber Flapper 60 cm Long Herbivore
157 Giant Leatherback 5 m Long Herbivore
157 Giant Hollowdome 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
157 Farmphibian 10 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger
158 Larlap 3 m Long Herbivore , Scavenger
162 Shorelance 35 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
162 Fermibiyss Male: 4.75 m Long; Female: 3.75 m Long Carnivore
163 Snowstalker Tuskent 85 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
163 Sayront 1.2 m long Herbivore
164 Lotan 75 cm long Adults: Omnivorous ; Juveniles: Carnivorous
164 Mehen 3.2 m long Adults: Herbivore , Scavenger; Juveniles: Omnivorous
164 Scaletail 20 cm long Adults: Carnivorous ; Juveniles: Carnivorous
164 Tidal Shrubite 30 cm to 160 cm tall Planktivore
165 Krotezuruck 1.4 meters long Omnivore
165 Alshamite 2 cm Long Nectarivore, Palynivore, Frugivore
165 Slicewing 10 cm long Carnivore , Frugivore
165 Rackettoon 30 centimeters long Omnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
147 Jaydohve 55 cm Long Carnivore
165 Wading Phlock 1.4 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
167 Australishrog 4 m Tall Diet: Obligate Carnivore ; Scavanger; Opportunistic Frugivore

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Fermi Temperate River

Temperate Freshwater with Black Volcanic Mud.


Fermi Montane River

Montane Freshwater with Black Volcanic Mud.



Fermi Temperate Riparian

Temperate Floodplain with Black Volcanic Mud.


Fermi Montane Riparian

Montane Floodplain with Black Volcanic Mud.



Fermi Marsh

Temperate Brackwater with Black Volcanic Mud

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
166 Papisjorn 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis
166 Brinesnapper 80 cm Wingspan Carnivore
167 Kanecevtak 50 centimeters long (females), 70 centimeters long (males) Herbivore
167 Tetracone Puffgrass 80 centimeters tall, varied colony width Photosynthesis
167 Ravager Wolverback 1.6 meters long Adult: Carnivore , Scavenger; Larvae: Detritivore, Scavenger, Carnivore
167 Great Ruddy Pinyuk 1.4 meters long Herbivore

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Fermi Mudflat

Temperate Supratidal Floodplain with Black Volcanic Mud

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
166 Brinesnapper 80 cm Wingspan Carnivore
167 Kanecevtak 50 centimeters long (females), 70 centimeters long (males) Herbivore
167 Tetracone Puffgrass 80 centimeters tall, varied colony width Photosynthesis
167 Ravager Wolverback 1.6 meters long Adult: Carnivore , Scavenger; Larvae: Detritivore, Scavenger, Carnivore
167 Great Ruddy Pinyuk 1.4 meters long Herbivore

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Fermi Temperate Mangal

Temperate Black Salty Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis
159 Flamboyant Fan Bloister 15 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
162 Seashrog 2 meters long Omnivore
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
161 False Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Haemotroph
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
154 Pirate Waxface 3 meters long Carnivore , Detritivore , Scavenger
151 Carnosprawl 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
153 Stalk Rastum 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
162 Stonebeak Phlyer 2.8 meters long Carnivore , Photosynthesis, Scavenger
162 Kakonat 25 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger/Detritivore
162 Shailnitor 30 cm long Detritivore/Scavenger , Coprovore
162 Shorelance 35 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
162 Bonegrove 5 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Coastal Nectarworm 2 cm Long Nectarvore , Sapivore , Frugivore
162 Pelagic Puffgrass 80 cm tall Photosynthesis
163 Raft-Building Cone Puffgrass 80 cm tall, varied colony width Photosynthesis
163 Mangrovecrystal 20 meter tall individuals, variable colony size Photosynthesis
164 Beach Thumbwalker 50 cm long Adults; Omnivore , Frugivore , Larva; Omnivore
165 Fatcoat 70 cm long Carnivore
165 Dockshrog 2 meters long Omnivore
165 Topship Fuzzpalm 9 meters tall, 1 cm wide berry Photosynthesis, Detritivore
165 Topship Shrog 2 meters long Omnivore
165 Hang-Gliding Pinyuk 35 cm long, 70 cm "wingspan" Herbivore
147 Jaydohve 55 cm Long Carnivore
166 Papisjorn 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis
166 Brinesnapper 80 cm Wingspan Carnivore
166 Mangrove Smasher Male: 8 meters long; Female: 4.5 meters long Omnivore
167 Australishrog 4 m Tall Diet: Obligate Carnivore ; Scavanger; Opportunistic Frugivore rarely

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Fermi Temperate Woodlands

Black Volcanic Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
166 Sootplume 8 meters Tall Photosynthesis
167 Azarus Flapper 35 cm long Omnivore
167 Kernel Cornucopia 30 Meters Tall PHotosynthesis
167 Kanecevtak 50 centimeters long (females), 70 centimeters long (males) Herbivore
167 Tetracone Puffgrass 80 centimeters tall, varied colony width Photosynthesis
167 Skroggle Bush 1.5 meters wide Photosynthesis
167 Ravager Wolverback 1.6 meters long Adult: Carnivore , Scavenger; Larvae: Detritivore, Scavenger, Carnivore
167 Great Ruddy Pinyuk 1.4 meters long Herbivore
167 Crowned Baebula 2 meters tall Photosynthesis
167 Fermi Fuzzweed 16 cm Tall Photosynthesis
167 Tongue Flapper 120 cm Long Herbivore
168 Teratodohve 1.8 meters long Carnivore , Scavenger

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Mixed Scrub

Fermi Bush

Temperate Black Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
166 Fermiblades 40 centimeters Tall Photosynthesis
166 Skunk's Pheres 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
166 Korshuum 50 cm Tall Decomposer, Detritivore
166 Poorbion 1.5 meters Tall Photosynthesis
166 Lesser Steppespire 5 m Tall Photosynthesis
166 Inland Nectarworm 3 centimeters long, 2 centimeter wingspan Nectarivore , Sapivore
166 Sootplume 8 meters Tall Photosynthesis
166 Pitchbloom 50 centimeters tall Photosynthesis
166 Fermi Giant Leafkutter 30 cm Long Herbivore
166 Rosy Cornizope 2 meters long Herbivore
166 Wolverback 40 cm Long Adult: Carnivore , Scavenger; Larvae: Detritivore, Scavenger, Carnivore
166 Cuniculyn 20 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
167 Saucege 20 cm long Carnivore ; Youngest larvae: Scavenger
167 Azarus Flapper 35 cm long Omnivore
167 Kernel Cornucopia 30 Meters Tall PHotosynthesis
167 Durameloth 4.8 m Long Herbivore , Xylophage
167 Ashblades 2.5 m Tall Photosynthesis
167 Gorgodohve 1.3 meters long Carnivore , Scavenger
167 Skroggle Bush 1.5 meters wide Photosynthesis
167 Sicklysweet Piloroot 2 meters wide, 60 centimeters tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore; young only: Facultative Parasite
167 Crowned Baebula 2 meters tall Photosynthesis
167 Fermi Fuzzweed 16 cm Tall Photosynthesis
167 Tongue Flapper 120 cm Long Herbivore
168 Karkodann Bull: 10.5 m Long; Cow: 7.5 m Long Adults: Herbivore ; Juveniles: Herbivore , Scavenger; Tadpoles: Omnivores

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Fermi Temperate Volcanic

Temperate Black Volcanic Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
166 Fermiblades 40 centimeters Tall Photosynthesis
166 Skunk's Pheres 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
166 Korshuum 50 cm Tall Decomposer, Detritivore
166 Poorbion 1.5 meters Tall Photosynthesis
166 Lesser Steppespire 5 m Tall Photosynthesis
166 Inland Nectarworm 3 centimeters long, 2 centimeter wingspan Nectarivore , Sapivore
166 Sootplume 8 meters Tall Photosynthesis
166 Pitchbloom 50 centimeters tall Photosynthesis
166 Fermi Giant Leafkutter 30 cm Long Herbivore
166 Rosy Cornizope 2 meters long Herbivore
166 Wolverback 40 cm Long Adult: Carnivore , Scavenger; Larvae: Detritivore, Scavenger, Carnivore
167 Saucege 20 cm long Carnivore ; Youngest larvae: Scavenger
167 Azarus Flapper 35 cm long Omnivore
167 Kernel Cornucopia 30 Meters Tall PHotosynthesis
167 Durameloth 4.8 m Long Herbivore , Xylophage
167 Ashblades 2.5 m Tall Photosynthesis
167 Gorgodohve 1.3 meters long Carnivore , Scavenger
167 Skroggle Bush 1.5 meters wide Photosynthesis
167 Sicklysweet Piloroot 2 meters wide, 60 centimeters tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore; young only: Facultative Parasite
167 Crowned Baebula 2 meters tall Photosynthesis
167 Fermi Fuzzweed 16 cm Tall Photosynthesis
167 Tongue Flapper 120 cm Long Herbivore
168 Karkodann Bull: 10.5 m Long; Cow: 7.5 m Long Adults: Herbivore ; Juveniles: Herbivore , Scavenger; Tadpoles: Omnivores

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Fermi Prairie

Subpolar Black Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
166 Fermiblades 40 centimeters Tall Photosynthesis
166 Skunk's Pheres 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
166 Korshuum 50 cm Tall Decomposer, Detritivore
166 Poorbion 1.5 meters Tall Photosynthesis
166 Lesser Steppespire 5 m Tall Photosynthesis
166 Inland Nectarworm 3 centimeters long, 2 centimeter wingspan Nectarivore , Sapivore
166 Pitchbloom 50 centimeters tall Photosynthesis
166 Fermi Giant Leafkutter 30 cm Long Herbivore
166 Rosy Cornizope 2 meters long Herbivore
166 Wolverback 40 cm Long Adult: Carnivore , Scavenger; Larvae: Detritivore, Scavenger, Carnivore
166 Cuniculyn 20 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
167 Saucege 20 cm long Carnivore ; Youngest larvae: Scavenger
167 Kernel Cornucopia 30 Meters Tall PHotosynthesis
167 Durameloth 4.8 m Long Herbivore , Xylophage
167 Ashblades 2.5 m Tall Photosynthesis
167 Gorgodohve 1.3 meters long Carnivore , Scavenger
167 Skroggle Bush 1.5 meters wide Photosynthesis
167 Fermi Panelwort 8 centimeters tall Photosynthesis
167 Sicklysweet Piloroot 2 meters wide, 60 centimeters tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore; young only: Facultative Parasite
167 Tongue Flapper 120 cm Long Herbivore
168 Karkodann Bull: 10.5 m Long; Cow: 7.5 m Long Adults: Herbivore ; Juveniles: Herbivore , Scavenger; Tadpoles: Omnivores

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Fermi Subpolar Volcanic

Subpolar Black Volcanic Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
166 Fermiblades 40 centimeters Tall Photosynthesis
166 Skunk's Pheres 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
166 Korshuum 50 cm Tall Decomposer, Detritivore
166 Poorbion 1.5 meters Tall Photosynthesis
166 Lesser Steppespire 5 m Tall Photosynthesis
166 Inland Nectarworm 3 centimeters long, 2 centimeter wingspan Nectarivore , Sapivore
166 Pitchbloom 50 centimeters tall Photosynthesis
166 Fermi Giant Leafkutter 30 cm Long Herbivore
166 Rosy Cornizope 2 meters long Herbivore
166 Wolverback 40 cm Long Adult: Carnivore , Scavenger; Larvae: Detritivore, Scavenger, Carnivore
167 Saucege 20 cm long Carnivore ; Youngest larvae: Scavenger
167 Azarus Flapper 35 cm long Omnivore
167 Kernel Cornucopia 30 Meters Tall PHotosynthesis
167 Durameloth 4.8 m Long Herbivore , Xylophage
167 Ashblades 2.5 m Tall Photosynthesis
167 Gorgodohve 1.3 meters long Carnivore , Scavenger
167 Skroggle Bush 1.5 meters wide Photosynthesis
167 Fermi Panelwort 8 centimeters tall Photosynthesis
167 Sicklysweet Piloroot 2 meters wide, 60 centimeters tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore; young only: Facultative Parasite
167 Tongue Flapper 120 cm Long Herbivore
168 Karkodann Bull: 10.5 m Long; Cow: 7.5 m Long Adults: Herbivore ; Juveniles: Herbivore , Scavenger; Tadpoles: Omnivores

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Fermi Plains

Black Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
166 Fermiblades 40 centimeters Tall Photosynthesis
166 Skunk's Pheres 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
166 Korshuum 50 cm Tall Decomposer, Detritivore
166 Poorbion 1.5 meters Tall Photosynthesis
166 Lesser Steppespire 5 m Tall Photosynthesis
166 Inland Nectarworm 3 centimeters long, 2 centimeter wingspan Nectarivore , Sapivore
166 Pitchbloom 50 centimeters tall Photosynthesis
166 Fermi Giant Leafkutter 30 cm Long Herbivore
166 Rosy Cornizope 2 meters long Herbivore
166 Wolverback 40 cm Long Adult: Carnivore , Scavenger; Larvae: Detritivore, Scavenger, Carnivore
166 Cuniculyn 20 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
167 Saucege 20 cm long Carnivore ; Youngest larvae: Scavenger
167 Azarus Flapper 35 cm long Omnivore
167 Kernel Cornucopia 30 Meters Tall PHotosynthesis
167 Bubble-throated Eggsticker 120 cm tall males, 40 cm long females Scavenger, Herbivore ; Males: Omnivore
167 Durameloth 4.8 m Long Herbivore , Xylophage
167 Ashblades 2.5 m Tall Photosynthesis
167 Gorgodohve 1.3 meters long Carnivore , Scavenger
167 Skroggle Bush 1.5 meters wide Photosynthesis
167 Sicklysweet Piloroot 2 meters wide, 60 centimeters tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore; young only: Facultative Parasite
167 Fermi Fuzzweed 16 cm Tall Photosynthesis
167 Tongue Flapper 120 cm Long Herbivore
167 Qasqas 4 cm large Omnivore Scavenger
168 Karkodann Bull: 10.5 m Long; Cow: 7.5 m Long Adults: Herbivore ; Juveniles: Herbivore , Scavenger; Tadpoles: Omnivores

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Fermi Steppe

White Snow with Frozen Black Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
166 Fermiblades 40 centimeters Tall Photosynthesis
166 Skunk's Pheres 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
166 Korshuum 50 cm Tall Decomposer, Detritivore
166 Poorbion 1.5 meters Tall Photosynthesis
166 Lesser Steppespire 5 m Tall Photosynthesis
166 Inland Nectarworm 3 centimeters long, 2 centimeter wingspan Nectarivore , Sapivore
166 Congotingo 30 cm Long Scavenger, Opportunistic Carnivore
166 Pitchbloom 50 centimeters tall Photosynthesis
166 Fermi Giant Leafkutter 30 cm Long Herbivore
166 Rosy Cornizope 2 meters long Herbivore
166 Wolverback 40 cm Long Adult: Carnivore , Scavenger; Larvae: Detritivore, Scavenger, Carnivore
166 Cuniculyn 20 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
167 Saucege 20 cm long Carnivore ; Youngest larvae: Scavenger
167 Bubble-throated Eggsticker 120 cm tall males, 40 cm long females Scavenger, Herbivore ; Males: Omnivore
167 Durameloth 4.8 m Long Herbivore , Xylophage
167 Ashblades 2.5 m Tall Photosynthesis
167 Gorgodohve 1.3 meters long Carnivore , Scavenger
167 Skroggle Bush 1.5 meters wide Photosynthesis
167 Fermi Panelwort 8 centimeters tall Photosynthesis
167 Sicklysweet Piloroot 2 meters wide, 60 centimeters tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore; young only: Facultative Parasite
167 Tongue Flapper 120 cm Long Herbivore
167 Qasqas 4 cm large Omnivore Scavenger
168 Karkodann Bull: 10.5 m Long; Cow: 7.5 m Long Adults: Herbivore ; Juveniles: Herbivore , Scavenger; Tadpoles: Omnivores

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Fermi Temperate Desert

Black Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
155 Drakablo 180 cm Long Adults; Insectivore , Larva; Omnivores
155 Shantak 3.4 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
155 Chitjornpecker 1 m Long Herbivore , Scavenger
155 Meltbowl 80 cm Wide Lithotroph , Photosynthesis
155 Snapjaw 5.6 m Long Herbivore , Scavenger
155 Flagg Flapper 80 cm Long Herbivore
155 Greyblades 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
155 Snapperky 3 m wingspan Carnivore
155 Whiskerback 50 cm Long Rhizovore , Herbivore , Scavenger
155 Umbrosa 2 m Wide Photosynthesis
155 Thorndillo 60 cm long Herbivore , Frugivore
156 Curazzope 1.3 m long Adults: Herbivore Larvae: Herbivore
156 Snapjaw Sandcrock 1.4 m Long Adult: Carnivore , Scavenger; Larva: Scavenger, Detritivore
157 Stiltstrider 5 m Tall Herbivore
157 Dalmatian Spinetower 1.2 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Flagg Grazer 1 m Long Herbivore
157 Candletower 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Greysnip 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Quadracroc 2.1 m Long Adults: Carnivore , Scavenger; Larvae: Scavenger, Detritivore
157 Saturntower 3.5 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Bonespire 18 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Gourjorn 90 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Twigdorse 48 cm Long Herbivore
158 Razorbark 1 m tall Photosynthesis
161 Snapflagg 40 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Insectivore
161 Branching Bonespire 10 m Tall Photosynthesis
161 Nectarworm 2 cm long Nectarvore Sapivore
162 Bangsticks 2 meters tall Photosynthesis
164 Lotan 75 cm long Adults: Omnivorous ; Juveniles: Carnivorous
164 Mehen 3.2 m long Adults: Herbivore , Scavenger; Juveniles: Omnivorous
164 Scaletail 20 cm long Adults: Carnivorous ; Juveniles: Carnivorous
164 Piperoot Colonystalk Defense Phytids 50 cm Tall, Synthetic Phytids 1 m Wide, Storage Phytids 70 cm Wide, Spore Phytids 1 m Tall, Desalination Phytids 10 cm Wide Photosynthesis
164 Duramceri 1.2 meters long Herbivore Larvae: Herbivore, Detritivore
165 Dockshrog 2 meters long Omnivore Rarely
165 Aardoorn 2 meters long Diet: Omnivore
165 Maulwart 70 cm tall Photosynthesis
165 Ephemeral Sapworm 1 cm long Sapivore
165 Slurpabill 1.4 meters long Herbivore
165 Alshamite 2 cm Long Nectarivore, Palynivore, Frugivore
133 Beach Carnofern 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Lithovore
153 Sunleaf 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
139 Beach Piloroot 1 m Wide Photosynthesis, Detrivore
143 Fruiting Glog 32 cm Tall Photosynthesis
144 Leafcutter Krugg 10 cm Long Herbivore
157 Blubber Flapper 60 cm Long Herbivore
165 Slicewing 10 cm long Carnivore , Frugivore
167 Qasqas 4 cm large Omnivore Scavenger

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Fermi Tundra

White Snow and Frozen Black Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
154 Colony Stalks Defence Phytids 85 cm Tall, Synthetic Phytids 1 m Wide, Storage Phytids 20 cm Tall, Spore Phytids 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
155 Snapperky 3 m wingspan Carnivore
156 Billdeka 70 cm Long Rhizovore
157 Cryorasher 75 cm Long Omnivore
157 Stackstalk 40 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Bubble-Throated Anklebiter 60 cm Long Adults; Nothing, Larvae; Omnivore , Scavenger, Cannibalism
157 Sunion 45 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Giant Leatherback 5 m Long Herbivore
157 Giant Hollowdome 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
157 Farmphibian 10 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger
158 Larlap 3 m Long Herbivore , Scavenger
163 Snowstalker Tuskent 85 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
164 Duramceri 1.2 meters long Herbivore Larvae: Herbivore, Detritivore
165 Krotezuruck 1.4 meters long Omnivore
165 Alshamite 2 cm Long Nectarivore, Palynivore, Frugivore
133 Beach Carnofern 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Lithovore
140 Pilonoroot 1 m Wide Photosynthesis, Detrivore
139 Beach Piloroot 1 m Wide Photosynthesis, Detrivore
139 Polar Quilbil 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore
139 Stoutplage 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
143 Fruiting Glog 32 cm Tall Photosynthesis
140 Segmented Carnofern 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Herbivore
143 Pudglyn 40 cm Long Frugivore , Photosynthesis
139 Pudgy Ketter 10 cm Long Frugivore Nectarivore , Photosynthesis
140 Ringtailed Ketter 20 cm Long Herbivore Nectarvore , Photosynthesis
144 Leafcutter Krugg 10 cm Long Herbivore
157 Blubber Flapper 60 cm Long Herbivore
165 Slicewing 10 cm long Carnivore , Frugivore warmer months
165 Rackettoon 30 centimeters long Omnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
140 Talfuzz 16 cm Tall Photosynthesis
136 Fat Korystal 1 m Tall Detritivore
143 Dome Crystal 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
135 Polar Orbion 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
144 Spiny Wrigum 10 cm Long Rhizovore
136 Climbing Korrybug 20 cm Tall Herbivore
140 Krugg 10 cm Long Rhizovore , Detritivore, Scavenger
141 Helmethead Uksip 30 cm long Filter-Feeder , Herbivore , Scavenger
143 Uksor 15 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Liquivore , Scavenger
144 Egg Krugg 20 cm Long Ovivore , Scavenger
144 Gushlych 5 cm Long Haemotroph
143 Weavesnapper 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore
143 Squat Limbless 75 cm Long Carnivore
143 Ringtail Limbless 75 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
143 Bloodskin Skywatcher 80 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
140 Pewpa 6 cm Long Scavenger, Detritivore
155 Drakablo 180 cm Long Adults; Insectivore , Larva; Omnivores
155 Shantak 3.4 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
155 Chitjornpecker 1 m Long Herbivore , Scavenger
155 Meltbowl 80 cm Wide Lithotroph , Photosynthesis
155 Snapjaw 5.6 m Long Herbivore , Scavenger
155 Flagg Flapper 80 cm Long Herbivore
155 Greyblades 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
155 Whiskerback 50 cm Long Rhizovore , Herbivore , Scavenger
155 Umbrosa 2 m Wide Photosynthesis
155 Thorndillo 60 cm long Herbivore , Frugivore
156 Curazzope 1.3 m long Adults: Herbivore Larvae: Herbivore
156 Snapjaw Sandcrock 1.4 m Long Adult: Carnivore , Scavenger; Larva: Scavenger, Detritivore
157 Stiltstrider 5 m Tall Herbivore
157 Dalmatian Spinetower 1.2 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Flagg Grazer 1 m Long Herbivore
157 Candletower 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Quadracroc 2.1 m Long Adults: Carnivore , Scavenger; Larvae: Scavenger, Detritivore
157 Saturntower 3.5 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Bonespire 18 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Gourjorn 90 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Twigdorse 48 cm Long Herbivore
158 Razorbark 1 m tall Photosynthesis
161 Snapflagg 40 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Insectivore
161 Branching Bonespire 10 m Tall Photosynthesis
161 Nectarworm 2 cm long Nectarvore Sapivore
164 Lotan 75 cm long Adults: Omnivorous ; Juveniles: Carnivorous
164 Mehen 3.2 m long Adults: Herbivore , Scavenger; Juveniles: Omnivorous
164 Scaletail 20 cm long Adults: Carnivorous ; Juveniles: Carnivorous
164 Piperoot Colonystalk Defense Phytids 50 cm Tall, Synthetic Phytids 1 m Wide, Storage Phytids 70 cm Wide, Spore Phytids 1 m Tall, Desalination Phytids 10 cm Wide Photosynthesis
165 Dockshrog 2 meters long Omnivore Rarely
165 Aardoorn 2 meters long Diet: Omnivore
165 Maulwart 70 cm tall Photosynthesis
165 Ephemeral Sapworm 1 cm long Sapivore
165 Slurpabill 1.4 meters long Herbivore
153 Sunleaf 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
165 Slicewing 10 cm long Carnivore , Frugivore
166 Congotingo 30 cm Long Scavenger, Opportunistic Carnivore
166 Cuniculyn 20 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
167 Bubble-throated Eggsticker 120 cm tall males, 40 cm long females Scavenger, Herbivore ; Males: Omnivore
167 Fermi Panelwort 8 centimeters tall Photosynthesis
167 Qasqas 4 cm large Omnivore Scavenger
168 Snow Qasqas 8 cms Omnivore Scavenger

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Fermi Tundra Archipelago

White Snow and Frozen Black Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
154 Colony Stalks Defence Phytids 85 cm Tall, Synthetic Phytids 1 m Wide, Storage Phytids 20 cm Tall, Spore Phytids 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
155 Snapperky 3 m wingspan Carnivore
157 Stackstalk 40 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Sunion 45 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Giant Hollowdome 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
157 Farmphibian 10 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger
165 Alshamite 2 cm Long Nectarivore, Palynivore, Frugivore
133 Beach Carnofern 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Lithovore
140 Pilonoroot 1 m Wide Photosynthesis, Detrivore
139 Beach Piloroot 1 m Wide Photosynthesis, Detrivore
139 Polar Quilbil 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore
139 Stoutplage 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
143 Fruiting Glog 32 cm Tall Photosynthesis
140 Segmented Carnofern 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Herbivore
143 Pudglyn 40 cm Long Frugivore , Photosynthesis
139 Pudgy Ketter 10 cm Long Frugivore Nectarivore , Photosynthesis
140 Ringtailed Ketter 20 cm Long Herbivore Nectarvore , Photosynthesis
144 Leafcutter Krugg 10 cm Long Herbivore
165 Slicewing 10 cm long Carnivore , Frugivore warmer months
165 Rackettoon 30 centimeters long Omnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
140 Talfuzz 16 cm Tall Photosynthesis
136 Fat Korystal 1 m Tall Detritivore
143 Dome Crystal 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
135 Polar Orbion 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
144 Spiny Wrigum 10 cm Long Rhizovore
136 Climbing Korrybug 20 cm Tall Herbivore
140 Krugg 10 cm Long Rhizovore , Detritivore, Scavenger
141 Helmethead Uksip 30 cm long Filter-Feeder , Herbivore , Scavenger
143 Uksor 15 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Liquivore , Scavenger
144 Egg Krugg 20 cm Long Ovivore , Scavenger
144 Gushlych 5 cm Long Haemotroph
143 Weavesnapper 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore
140 Pewpa 6 cm Long Scavenger, Detritivore
155 Greyblades 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
155 Whiskerback 50 cm Long Rhizovore , Herbivore , Scavenger
155 Umbrosa 2 m Wide Photosynthesis
157 Dalmatian Spinetower 1.2 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Candletower 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Saturntower 3.5 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Bonespire 18 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Gourjorn 90 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Twigdorse 48 cm Long Herbivore
158 Razorbark 1 m tall Photosynthesis
161 Snapflagg 40 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Insectivore
161 Branching Bonespire 10 m Tall Photosynthesis
161 Nectarworm 2 cm long Nectarvore Sapivore
164 Scaletail 20 cm long Adults: Carnivorous ; Juveniles: Carnivorous
164 Piperoot Colonystalk Defense Phytids 50 cm Tall, Synthetic Phytids 1 m Wide, Storage Phytids 70 cm Wide, Spore Phytids 1 m Tall, Desalination Phytids 10 cm Wide Photosynthesis
165 Dockshrog 2 meters long Omnivore Rarely
165 Maulwart 70 cm tall Photosynthesis
165 Ephemeral Sapworm 1 cm long Sapivore
153 Sunleaf 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
165 Slicewing 10 cm long Carnivore , Frugivore

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Oofle Tundra

White Snow and Frozen Black Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
154 Colony Stalks Defence Phytids 85 cm Tall, Synthetic Phytids 1 m Wide, Storage Phytids 20 cm Tall, Spore Phytids 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
155 Snapperky 3 m wingspan Carnivore
156 Billdeka 70 cm Long Rhizovore
157 Cryorasher 75 cm Long Omnivore
157 Stackstalk 40 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Bubble-Throated Anklebiter 60 cm Long Adults; Nothing, Larvae; Omnivore , Scavenger, Cannibalism
157 Sunion 45 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Giant Leatherback 5 m Long Herbivore
157 Giant Hollowdome 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
157 Farmphibian 10 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger
158 Larlap 3 m Long Herbivore , Scavenger
163 Snowstalker Tuskent 85 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
164 Duramceri 1.2 meters long Herbivore Larvae: Herbivore, Detritivore
165 Krotezuruck 1.4 meters long Omnivore
165 Alshamite 2 cm Long Nectarivore, Palynivore, Frugivore
133 Beach Carnofern 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Lithovore
140 Pilonoroot 1 m Wide Photosynthesis, Detrivore
139 Beach Piloroot 1 m Wide Photosynthesis, Detrivore
139 Polar Quilbil 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore
139 Stoutplage 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
143 Fruiting Glog 32 cm Tall Photosynthesis
140 Segmented Carnofern 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Herbivore
143 Pudglyn 40 cm Long Frugivore , Photosynthesis
139 Pudgy Ketter 10 cm Long Frugivore Nectarivore , Photosynthesis
140 Ringtailed Ketter 20 cm Long Herbivore Nectarvore , Photosynthesis
144 Leafcutter Krugg 10 cm Long Herbivore
157 Blubber Flapper 60 cm Long Herbivore
165 Slicewing 10 cm long Carnivore , Frugivore warmer months
165 Rackettoon 30 centimeters long Omnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
140 Talfuzz 16 cm Tall Photosynthesis
136 Fat Korystal 1 m Tall Detritivore
143 Dome Crystal 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
135 Polar Orbion 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
144 Spiny Wrigum 10 cm Long Rhizovore
136 Climbing Korrybug 20 cm Tall Herbivore
140 Krugg 10 cm Long Rhizovore , Detritivore, Scavenger
141 Helmethead Uksip 30 cm long Filter-Feeder , Herbivore , Scavenger
143 Uksor 15 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Liquivore , Scavenger
144 Egg Krugg 20 cm Long Ovivore , Scavenger
144 Gushlych 5 cm Long Haemotroph
143 Weavesnapper 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore
143 Squat Limbless 75 cm Long Carnivore
143 Ringtail Limbless 75 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
143 Bloodskin Skywatcher 80 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
140 Pewpa 6 cm Long Scavenger, Detritivore
155 Drakablo 180 cm Long Adults; Insectivore , Larva; Omnivores
155 Shantak 3.4 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
155 Chitjornpecker 1 m Long Herbivore , Scavenger
155 Meltbowl 80 cm Wide Lithotroph , Photosynthesis
155 Snapjaw 5.6 m Long Herbivore , Scavenger
155 Flagg Flapper 80 cm Long Herbivore
155 Whiskerback 50 cm Long Rhizovore , Herbivore , Scavenger
155 Umbrosa 2 m Wide Photosynthesis
155 Thorndillo 60 cm long Herbivore , Frugivore
156 Curazzope 1.3 m long Adults: Herbivore Larvae: Herbivore
156 Snapjaw Sandcrock 1.4 m Long Adult: Carnivore , Scavenger; Larva: Scavenger, Detritivore
157 Stiltstrider 5 m Tall Herbivore
157 Dalmatian Spinetower 1.2 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Flagg Grazer 1 m Long Herbivore
157 Candletower 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Greysnip 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Quadracroc 2.1 m Long Adults: Carnivore , Scavenger; Larvae: Scavenger, Detritivore
157 Saturntower 3.5 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Bonespire 18 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Gourjorn 90 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Twigdorse 48 cm Long Herbivore
158 Razorbark 1 m tall Photosynthesis
161 Snapflagg 40 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Insectivore
161 Branching Bonespire 10 m Tall Photosynthesis
161 Nectarworm 2 cm long Nectarvore Sapivore
164 Lotan 75 cm long Adults: Omnivorous ; Juveniles: Carnivorous
164 Mehen 3.2 m long Adults: Herbivore , Scavenger; Juveniles: Omnivorous
164 Scaletail 20 cm long Adults: Carnivorous ; Juveniles: Carnivorous
164 Piperoot Colonystalk Defense Phytids 50 cm Tall, Synthetic Phytids 1 m Wide, Storage Phytids 70 cm Wide, Spore Phytids 1 m Tall, Desalination Phytids 10 cm Wide Photosynthesis
165 Dockshrog 2 meters long Omnivore Rarely
165 Aardoorn 2 meters long Diet: Omnivore
165 Maulwart 70 cm tall Photosynthesis
165 Ephemeral Sapworm 1 cm long Sapivore
165 Slurpabill 1.4 meters long Herbivore
153 Sunleaf 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
165 Slicewing 10 cm long Carnivore , Frugivore

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Oofle Barrens

White Snow and Frozen Black Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
152 Fermi Sunstalk 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
154 Colony Stalks Defence Phytids 85 cm Tall, Synthetic Phytids 1 m Wide, Storage Phytids 20 cm Tall, Spore Phytids 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
155 Snapperky 3 m wingspan Carnivore
157 Stackstalk 40 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Bubble-Throated Anklebiter 60 cm Long Adults; Nothing, Larvae; Omnivore , Scavenger, Cannibalism
157 Sunion 45 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Giant Leatherback 5 m Long Herbivore
157 Giant Hollowdome 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
157 Farmphibian 10 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger
158 Larlap 3 m Long Herbivore , Scavenger
163 Snowstalker Tuskent 85 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger
164 Duramceri 1.2 meters long Herbivore Larvae: Herbivore, Detritivore
165 Krotezuruck 1.4 meters long Omnivore
165 Alshamite 2 cm Long Nectarivore, Palynivore, Frugivore
133 Beach Carnofern 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Lithovore
140 Pilonoroot 1 m Wide Photosynthesis, Detrivore
139 Beach Piloroot 1 m Wide Photosynthesis, Detrivore
139 Polar Quilbil 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore
139 Stoutplage 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
143 Fruiting Glog 32 cm Tall Photosynthesis
140 Segmented Carnofern 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Herbivore
143 Pudglyn 40 cm Long Frugivore , Photosynthesis
139 Pudgy Ketter 10 cm Long Frugivore Nectarivore , Photosynthesis
144 Leafcutter Krugg 10 cm Long Herbivore
157 Blubber Flapper 60 cm Long Herbivore
165 Slicewing 10 cm long Carnivore , Frugivore warmer months
165 Rackettoon 30 centimeters long Omnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
140 Talfuzz 16 cm Tall Photosynthesis
136 Fat Korystal 1 m Tall Detritivore
143 Dome Crystal 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
135 Polar Orbion 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
144 Spiny Wrigum 10 cm Long Rhizovore
136 Climbing Korrybug 20 cm Tall Herbivore
140 Krugg 10 cm Long Rhizovore , Detritivore, Scavenger
141 Helmethead Uksip 30 cm long Filter-Feeder , Herbivore , Scavenger
143 Uksor 15 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Liquivore , Scavenger
144 Egg Krugg 20 cm Long Ovivore , Scavenger
143 Weavesnapper 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore
143 Squat Limbless 75 cm Long Carnivore
143 Ringtail Limbless 75 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
143 Bloodskin Skywatcher 80 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger

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Oofle Barrens Archipelago

White Snow and Frozen Black Permafrost.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
152 Fermi Sunstalk 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
154 Colony Stalks Defence Phytids 85 cm Tall, Synthetic Phytids 1 m Wide, Storage Phytids 20 cm Tall, Spore Phytids 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Stackstalk 40 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Sunion 45 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Giant Hollowdome 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
157 Farmphibian 10 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger
165 Alshamite 2 cm Long Nectarivore, Palynivore, Frugivore
133 Beach Carnofern 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Lithovore
140 Pilonoroot 1 m Wide Photosynthesis, Detrivore
139 Beach Piloroot 1 m Wide Photosynthesis, Detrivore
139 Polar Quilbil 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore
139 Stoutplage 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
143 Fruiting Glog 32 cm Tall Photosynthesis
140 Segmented Carnofern 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Herbivore
143 Pudglyn 40 cm Long Frugivore , Photosynthesis
139 Pudgy Ketter 10 cm Long Frugivore Nectarivore , Photosynthesis
144 Leafcutter Krugg 10 cm Long Herbivore
165 Rackettoon 30 centimeters long Omnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
140 Talfuzz 16 cm Tall Photosynthesis
136 Fat Korystal 1 m Tall Detritivore
143 Dome Crystal 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
135 Polar Orbion 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
144 Spiny Wrigum 10 cm Long Rhizovore
136 Climbing Korrybug 20 cm Tall Herbivore
140 Krugg 10 cm Long Rhizovore , Detritivore, Scavenger
141 Helmethead Uksip 30 cm long Filter-Feeder , Herbivore , Scavenger
143 Uksor 15 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Liquivore , Scavenger
144 Egg Krugg 20 cm Long Ovivore , Scavenger

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Mandate Sea Caves (Photic)

Black Volcanic Walls with Some Light filled with Seawater.


Mandate Sea Caves (Nonphotic)

Black Volcanic Walls with No Light filled with Seawater.


Water Tables

Fermi Water Table

Black and Green Cavern filled with Freshwater.


Gen Name Size Diet Notes
118 Volcansheet Microscopic Lithotroph, Thermotroph
131 Luminescent Lithoamoeba Microscopic Lithovore
139 Cave Rustmold Microscopic Lithovore , Symbiotic Chemosynthesis

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Gen Name Size Diet Notes
85 Cave Swarmer 3 cm Long Detritivore, Filter-Feeder , Photosynthesis
130 Cave Teuthopin 40 cm Tall Carnivore
130 Tunneling Uksip 15 cm Long Filter-Feeder
146 Thornbutt Swarmer 5 cm Long Detritivore, Coprophagic
146 Teuthomimic Swarmer 3 cm Long Detritivore, Filter-Feeder
146 Fathead Swarmer 6 cm Long Carnivore
146 Crawlegume 6 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger
146 Tongue Swarmer 3 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Coprophage
106 Ghost Crystal 70 cm Tall Consumer
122 Greenbelly Shellworm 32 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Coprophagic, Detritivore
123 Parasite Urzong 2 cm Long Parasite
127 Ylbershpelle Bubblehorn 15 cm Long Detritivore, Filter-Feeder
128 Floating Stickyball 4 cm Wide Detritivore, Consumer
129 Water Table Foi 2 cm Long Filter Feeder Detritivore
129 Cave Korystal 50 cm Tall Detritivore
130 Cave Diaminet 15 cm Wide Omnivore , Detritivore
130 Slug Urhook 35 cm Long Omnivore
131 Digger Urzong 3 cm Long Filter-Feeder
131 Armored Urzong 1 cm Long Filter-Feeder
139 Tablesnapper 50 cm Long Omnivore
139 Snapperworm 5 cm Long Parasite
139 Cave Prickworm 43 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Detritivore
139 Cavedron 5 cm Tall Symbiotic Lithovore , Photosynthesis
139 Clingerpede 60 cm Long Herbivore
139 Cave Phibi 50 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger

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Fermi Sky

Blue Skies Touching the Surface.


Gen Name Size Diet Notes
122 Nimbuchaos Microscopic Photosynthesis, Consumer
126 Wind-Riding Guardian Microscopic Consumer , Detritivore
142 Nimbuchaotic Cloud Microscopic Photosynthesis
162 Cloudbubble Cryoutine 5 micrometers long Facultative Heterotroph , Obligate Autotroph

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Gen Name Size Diet Notes
122 Tropoworm 16 cm Long Filter-Feeder
126 Cloud Swarmer 8 cm Long Photosynthesis, Filter-Feeder
142 Herbivorous Tropoworm 32 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Herbivore
150 Soaring Phlyer 2 m Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
162 Cloudbubble 2 cm wide Photosynthesis, Planktivore
162 Bangsticks 2 meters tall Photosynthesis seeds only
162 Cloudbubble Tropoworm 25 cm Long Herbivore:
163 Cloudgrass 20 cm long Photosynthesis, Aeroplanktivore
163 Tropofly 13 cm long Herbivore
164 Cloudgrump 20 cm thick individual, up to 50 meter wide colony Photosynthesis, Aeroplanktivore
165 Blood Tropofly 4 cm long Omnivore
165 Sky Bloodbee 2.5 cm long Parasite

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