Huckian Period Ecosystem/Barlowe

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Huckian Period
(Week 27)

Bonoian Period << Huckian Period >> Alwaysian Period


Generation 166Generation 167Generation 168Generation 169Generation 170

Period SummaryEcosystem (Overview) ● BiomesLandmarks

Huckian Period Major Regions
Marine: Jujubee OceanLadyM OceanMnid OceanContinental Shelves
Terrestrial: BarloweDrakeFermiKosemenLamarckRamulSteinerVonnegutWallace
Other: AtmosphereDriftwood IslandsIce Sheets




Gen Name Size Diet Notes
162 Sting Cells 0.5 - 1 μm string width Cytovore

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--- 1 Micrometer ---

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
148 Salmunduses 5 to 25 μm Wide Detritivore
150 Hexpouruses 1 to 10 mm Wide Consumer, Detritivore
148 Morsuses 5 to 10 μm Wide Detritivore
149 Irisiris 1 µm to 10 µm Long Parasite
149 Pestilence 5 to 10 µm Wide Parasite
149 Microplaques 5 to 10 μm Wide Detritivore, Parasite
149 Gut Majurums 1 μm to 5 μm Wide Lithotroph
152 Guttoplaques 1 μm to 5 μm Wide Detritivore
149 Ferruphiles 1 μm to 10 μm Wide Lithotrophs
148 Nitrocycle 1 μm Wide Chemotrophs
150 Cryoutines 1 to 5 μm Long Chemotroph , Lithotroph

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--- 10 Micrometers ---

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
149 Cryoflows 50 µm to 100 µm Long Consumer, Photosynthesis
148 Kyanoses 50 μm to 150 μm Long Photosynthesis
151 Lightnings 20 to 60 μm Wide Consumer
148 Flashcells 50 μm to 100 μm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Crocusisms 25 μm to 100 μm Wide Photosynthesis
149 Microprobi 25 μm to 50 μm Cytovore, Photosynthesis
148 Chaoses 10 μm to 20 μm Wide Consumer
165 Buhmungus Infectoids 0.05mm - 1cm long (mature), 1μm long (dormant spore) Microbes
166 Bruhlios 10 µm to 20 µm Long Detritivore, Consumer
167 Muddlers 3 to 34 micrometers long (individual cell) Parasite

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--- 100 Micrometers ---

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
145 Rustcells 100 μm diameter Lithotroph
152 Polyfee 100 µm Long to 1 mm Long Parasite , Sanguivore
149 Microswarmers 100 µm Long to 1 mm Long Photosynthesis
149 Sailcells 1 mm to 10 mm Wide Photosynthesis
150 Infinities 200 um to 2 mm Wide Consumer
149 Colonuses 500 µm to 1 mm Thick Varies
148 Flovars 100 μm to 500 μm Long Photosynthesis
153 Prongangels 10 to 800 μm (females) 1 μm or less (males) Detritivore , Consumer
161 Swarmerkings 100-500 micrometers long Photosynthesis, Nitrogen-Fixing
161 Whip Swarmers 50-100 micrometers long (excluding flagella) Photosynthesis
162 Chainswarmers 100-500 micrometer long individuals, 1-10 cm long outstretched colony Photosynthesis, Nitrogen-Fixing Individuals
162 Meiouks 100-1000 µm Long Consumer , Detritivore, Scavenger
162 Kuyasha 0.5 mm wide cells Photosynthesis
164 Sunleechers 200 um wide individuals Photosynthesis, Hematophagy
155 Hikerflora 0.40 mm to 1mm Photosynthesis
162 Soil Chitinuses 500 µm to 1 mm wide Saprotroph
167 Bloodtides 100-300 um Long Photosynthesis

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--- 1 Millimeter / 1000 Micrometers ---


Gen Name Size Diet Notes
154 Bonyfee 1 mm to 1 cm Long Sanguivore , Marrow eater
151 Basilliphyta 1 to 10 mm Wide Photosynthesis
150 Sudisflutanses 1 mm to 10 mm Wide Cytovore
148 Redmosses 1 mm to 30 mm Wide Photosynthesis
149 Orangemosses 1 mm to 10 mm wide Photosynthesis
148 Testudiatoms 1 to 10 mm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Tepoflora 1 mm to 5 mm Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
162 Aphluks 2-4 mm long Sapivore, Hemophage , Detritivore
162 Feluks 1-10 mm Carnivore , Scavenger
165 Sanguine o' Spheres 5 mm to 1 cm Hematophage , Parasitic
161 Mikuks 1-10 mm long Scavenger, Detritivore
162 Hair Nimbuses 1-10 mm wide cells; up to 20 cm long colonies Photosynthesis , Diazotrophy Cells
165 Floraverms 1mm - 5 cm long Herbivore, Detritivore
166 Sweetworms 3-10 mm long Frugivore, Sapivore, Nectarivore, Mellivore
166 Uniwingworms 3-4 cm long Frugivore, Detritivore

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--- 1 Centimeter / 10 Millimeter ---

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
160 Mistswarmers 1 cm to 10 cm long Photosynthesis, Planktivore
149 Miniswarmers 1 mm Long to 10 cm Long Photosynthesis, Planktivore, Detritvore
160 Belumbias 0.5 to 5 cm Long Hematophagy, Parasite
149 Twinkiiros 1 cm to 10 cm Tall Photosynthesis
148 Pioneeroots 1 cm to 10 cm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Marbleflora 1 cm to 10 cm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Snotflora 1 cm to 10 cm Wide Detritivore, Photosynthesis
149 Twinkorals 1 cm to 10 cm Tall Photosynthesis
148 Flashkelps 1 cm to 10 cm Tall Photosynthesis
148 Keryhs 2 cm to 7 cm Long Larvae: Parasitic Adult: Chemosythesis , Consumer , Detritivore
148 Chitjorns 1 to 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis
149 Rustmolds 25 μm to 20 mm Wide Lithotroph
148 Colonialballs 2 cm to 10 cm Wide spheres Photosynthesis
154 Shelpads 10 mm to 20 mm Wide Detrivore
161 Grabbyswarmers 1-10 cm Photosynthesis, Planktivore, Detritivore
162 Chainswarmers 100-500 micrometer long individuals, 1-10 cm long outstretched colony Photosynthesis, Nitrogen-Fixing Colonies
162 Eusuckers 1-10 cm long Hemophage , Scavenger, Lithovore
162 Mudferra 1-10 cm wide network Lithotroph
162 Minifee 5-20 mm Long Planktivore, Detritivore
165 Sruglettes 8-17 cm long (beak to tail-tip, excluding fins) Adult: Omnivore Larvae: Indiscriminate filter feeder , 10 micrometers to 1 centimeter, Detritivore, Carnivore Herbivore
155 Xenobees 5 to 10 cm wingspan Nectarivore, Mucivore
157 Minikruggs 5 cm to 10 cm Long Herbivore, Rhizovore, Frugivore, Scavenger, Ovivore, Detritivore
150 Cryobowls 4 to 8 cm Wide Lithotroph , Photosynthesis
149 Pionferruses 1 cm to 10 cm Long Lithotroph
149 Cloudswarmers 1 cm to 10 cm long Photosynthesis, Frugivore, Herbivore, Planktivore
151 Vermees 1 mm- 5 cm Long Detrivore, Scavenger
148 Cryostalks 1 cm to 10 cm Tall Photosynthesis
149 Larands 1 to 5 mm Photosynthesis
148 Toxiglobes 1 - 10 cm Wide Photosynthesis
161 Silkruggs 4-8 cm long Omnivore
161 Xenowasps 8-15 cm wingspan Nectarivore, Hemotroph
161 Gushitos 1-10 cm wingspan Hemotroph
163 Gamergate Gundis 2-4 cm long Scavenger, Frugivore , Herbivore , Photosynthesis
163 Teacup Saucebacks 5-10 cm long Adult: Carnivore ; Larvae: Scavenger, Detritivore, Carnivore
166 Minibees 1.25-3 cm long Nectarivore, Spores
166 Digging Filterpeders 1-5 cm long Planktivore Intertidal and Mangal Zones
167 Feather Blice 1 - 2.5 cm long Detritivore, Parasitic

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--- 10 Centimeters ---

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
145 Loppys 10 cm - 20 cm Tall Oediollaceae - Photosynthesis; Goblollaceae - Detritivore, Lithotroph , Photosynthesis
148 Hollowdomes 2 cm - 16 cm Diameter Photosynthesis
150 Larvaback 10 to 20 cm Long Carnivore
153 Scuttlers 1 cm Long to 20 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger, Detritivore, Planktonivore, Weak Photosynthesis
151 Frabukis 5 cm to 20 cm long Detritivore, Planktivore
163 Swarmerweed 100-500 micrometer zooids, 10-20 cm colonial zoon Photosynthesis, Consumer
151 Sunstalks 10 cm to 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis
151 Supershrooms 10 cm to 20 cm Tall Detritivore
151 Sapshrooms 10 cm to 20 cm Tall Sapivore, Detritivore
151 Sapworms 1 cm to 20 cm Long Sapivore
162 Hair Nimbuses 1-10 mm wide cells; up to 20 cm long colonies Photosynthesis , Diazotrophy Colonies
163 Parasitic Floats 1-2 cm wide bubbles, 10-20 cm long colonies Photosynthesis, Parasite
166 Mudfish 5-20 cm Long Adult: Carnivore Larvae: Detritivore , scavenger
168 Harmblesses 10 to 20 cm Long Herbivore , Frugivore

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--- 20 Centimeters

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
149 Yanisflora 2 - 50 cm All: Photosynthesis; Pillunaneae: Filter-Feeding  ; Psychanthaceae: Chemivore
166 Vingrasions 25 cm-2 meters tall Photosynthesis
167 Thistly Slingberries 50 cm - 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
167 Huckachucks 3 - 6 m Tall Photosynthesis

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Fly Tropical Beach

Tropical Red-Rusty Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Snapper Scuttler 4 cm Long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
150 Marine Tamow 2 m Long Herbivore
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
155 Tamchuck 1.8 m long Herbivore
159 Gushflier 10 cm Wingspan Haemotroph , Sapivore , Scavenger
160 Coastrunner Bandersnatch 60 cm Long Scavenger, Carnivore
160 Cocobarrage 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
161 False Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Haemotroph
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
154 Pirate Waxface 3 meters long Carnivore , Detritivore , Scavenger
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
152 Penumbra Fuzzpalm 25 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Tamhook 3 m Long Herbivore
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
151 Snapperbeak Hookphlyer 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
150 Beach Cheekhorn 2 m Long Herbivore
148 Kack Tower 10 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Amphibious Flashkelp 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
154 Coastal Goth Tree 50 centimeters tall Photosynthesis
158 Obsidibend 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
160 Mainland Fuzzpalm 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Mangot 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
146 Qupe Tree 160 cm Tall Photosynthesis
150 Fuzzweed 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Gumjorn 93 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Baebula 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
151 Carnosprawl 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Kakonat 25 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger/Detritivore
162 Longjack 3 meters long (excluding tail) Herbivore
162 Bangsticks 2 meters tall Photosynthesis
162 Spiny Dwarfjack 15 cm long Omnivore
162 Fuzzpile 6 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Logworm Sauceback 3 cm long Adult: None; Larvae: Detritivore
163 Split-Tongue Jabberwocky 80 cm long Omnivore , Weak Photosynthesis
163 Communal Janit 4 cm long Detritivore, Scavenger
163 Infilt Pewpa 10 centimeters long Scavenger, Detritivore
165 Fatcoat 70 cm long Carnivore
165 Topship Fuzzpalm 9 meters tall, 1 cm wide berry Photosynthesis, Detritivore
166 Mangal Sauceback 8 cm long Adult: Carnivore ; Larvae/juvenile: Detritivore
166 Malladact 1.2 meters long (including tail) Omnivore
166 Quillyn 3 m Long Herbivore
166 Longjake 6 meters long (excluding tail) Omnivore , Scavenger
167 Barlowe Specter 30 cm long Carnivore , Scavenger
167 Hacksnot 20 micrometer wide cells, 2 millimeter long ‘clumps' Parasite
167 Hippogryph 5.2 meters long Carnivore
168 Greater Hippogryph 10 meters long Carnivore

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Hydro Tropical Beach

Tropical Red-Rusty Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Snapper Scuttler 4 cm Long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
150 Marine Tamow 2 m Long Herbivore
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
155 Tamchuck 1.8 m long Herbivore
159 Gushflier 10 cm Wingspan Haemotroph , Sapivore , Scavenger
160 Coastrunner Bandersnatch 60 cm Long Scavenger, Carnivore
160 Cocobarrage 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
161 False Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Haemotroph
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
154 Pirate Waxface 3 meters long Carnivore , Detritivore , Scavenger
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
152 Penumbra Fuzzpalm 25 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Tamhook 3 m Long Herbivore
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
151 Snapperbeak Hookphlyer 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
150 Beach Cheekhorn 2 m Long Herbivore
148 Kack Tower 10 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Amphibious Flashkelp 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
154 Coastal Goth Tree 50 centimeters tall Photosynthesis
158 Obsidibend 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
160 Mainland Fuzzpalm 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Mangot 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
146 Qupe Tree 160 cm Tall Photosynthesis
150 Fuzzweed 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Gumjorn 93 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Baebula 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
151 Carnosprawl 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Kakonat 25 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger/Detritivore
162 Longjack 3 meters long (excluding tail) Herbivore
162 Bangsticks 2 meters tall Photosynthesis
162 Spiny Dwarfjack 15 cm long Omnivore
162 Fuzzpile 6 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Logworm Sauceback 3 cm long Adult: None; Larvae: Detritivore
163 Split-Tongue Jabberwocky 80 cm long Omnivore , Weak Photosynthesis
163 Communal Janit 4 cm long Detritivore, Scavenger
163 Infilt Pewpa 10 centimeters long Scavenger, Detritivore
165 Fatcoat 70 cm long Carnivore
165 Topship Fuzzpalm 9 meters tall, 1 cm wide berry Photosynthesis, Detritivore
166 Mangal Sauceback 8 cm long Adult: Carnivore ; Larvae/juvenile: Detritivore
166 Malladact 1.2 meters long (including tail) Omnivore
166 Quillyn 3 m Long Herbivore
166 Longjake 6 meters long (excluding tail) Omnivore , Scavenger
167 Barlowe Specter 30 cm long Carnivore , Scavenger
167 Hacksnot 20 micrometer wide cells, 2 millimeter long ‘clumps' Parasite
167 Hippogryph 5.2 meters long Carnivore
168 Greater Hippogryph 10 meters long Carnivore

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Oz Subtropical Beach

Subtropical Red-Rusty Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Snapper Scuttler 4 cm Long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
150 Marine Tamow 2 m Long Herbivore
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
155 Tamchuck 1.8 m long Herbivore
159 Gushflier 10 cm Wingspan Haemotroph , Sapivore , Scavenger
160 Coastrunner Bandersnatch 60 cm Long Scavenger, Carnivore
160 Cocobarrage 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
161 False Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Haemotroph
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
154 Pirate Waxface 3 meters long Carnivore , Detritivore , Scavenger
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
152 Penumbra Fuzzpalm 25 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Tamhook 3 m Long Herbivore
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
151 Snapperbeak Hookphlyer 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
150 Beach Cheekhorn 2 m Long Herbivore
148 Kack Tower 10 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Amphibious Flashkelp 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
154 Coastal Goth Tree 50 centimeters tall Photosynthesis
158 Obsidibend 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
160 Mainland Fuzzpalm 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Mangot 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
146 Qupe Tree 160 cm Tall Photosynthesis
150 Fuzzweed 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Gumjorn 93 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Baebula 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
151 Carnosprawl 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Kakonat 25 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger/Detritivore
162 Longjack 3 meters long (excluding tail) Herbivore
162 Bangsticks 2 meters tall Photosynthesis
162 Spiny Dwarfjack 15 cm long Omnivore
162 Fuzzpile 6 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Logworm Sauceback 3 cm long Adult: None; Larvae: Detritivore
163 Split-Tongue Jabberwocky 80 cm long Omnivore , Weak Photosynthesis
163 Communal Janit 4 cm long Detritivore, Scavenger
163 Infilt Pewpa 10 centimeters long Scavenger, Detritivore
165 Fatcoat 70 cm long Carnivore
165 Topship Fuzzpalm 9 meters tall, 1 cm wide berry Photosynthesis, Detritivore
162 Megalosheh 8 meters long Herbivore ; Larvae: Detritivore
165 Lungworm Clogmane 3cm Long Adult: None; Larvae: Carnivore
166 Little Manjack 30 cm long Omnivore
166 Mangal Sauceback 8 cm long Adult: Carnivore ; Larvae/juvenile: Detritivore
166 Quillyn 3 m Long Herbivore
166 Longjake 6 meters long (excluding tail) Omnivore , Scavenger
167 Barlowe Specter 30 cm long Carnivore , Scavenger
167 Hacksnot 20 micrometer wide cells, 2 millimeter long ‘clumps' Parasite
167 Hippogryph 5.2 meters long Carnivore
168 Greater Hippogryph 10 meters long Carnivore

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Time Subtropical Beach

Subtropical Red-Rusty Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Snapper Scuttler 4 cm Long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
150 Marine Tamow 2 m Long Herbivore
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
155 Tamchuck 1.8 m long Herbivore
159 Gushflier 10 cm Wingspan Haemotroph , Sapivore , Scavenger
160 Coastrunner Bandersnatch 60 cm Long Scavenger, Carnivore
160 Cocobarrage 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
161 False Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Haemotroph
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
154 Pirate Waxface 3 meters long Carnivore , Detritivore , Scavenger
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
152 Penumbra Fuzzpalm 25 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Tamhook 3 m Long Herbivore
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
151 Snapperbeak Hookphlyer 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
150 Beach Cheekhorn 2 m Long Herbivore
148 Kack Tower 10 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Amphibious Flashkelp 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
154 Coastal Goth Tree 50 centimeters tall Photosynthesis
158 Obsidibend 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
160 Mainland Fuzzpalm 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Mangot 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
146 Qupe Tree 160 cm Tall Photosynthesis
150 Fuzzweed 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Gumjorn 93 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Baebula 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
151 Carnosprawl 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Kakonat 25 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger/Detritivore
162 Longjack 3 meters long (excluding tail) Herbivore
162 Bangsticks 2 meters tall Photosynthesis
162 Spiny Dwarfjack 15 cm long Omnivore
162 Fuzzpile 6 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Logworm Sauceback 3 cm long Adult: None; Larvae: Detritivore
163 Split-Tongue Jabberwocky 80 cm long Omnivore , Weak Photosynthesis
163 Communal Janit 4 cm long Detritivore, Scavenger
163 Infilt Pewpa 10 centimeters long Scavenger, Detritivore
165 Fatcoat 70 cm long Carnivore
165 Topship Fuzzpalm 9 meters tall, 1 cm wide berry Photosynthesis, Detritivore
162 Megalosheh 8 meters long Herbivore ; Larvae: Detritivore
165 Lungworm Clogmane 3cm Long Adult: None; Larvae: Carnivore
166 Mangal Sauceback 8 cm long Adult: Carnivore ; Larvae/juvenile: Detritivore
166 Malladact 1.2 meters long (including tail) Omnivore
166 Quillyn 3 m Long Herbivore
166 Longjake 6 meters long (excluding tail) Omnivore , Scavenger
167 Barlowe Specter 30 cm long Carnivore , Scavenger
167 Hacksnot 20 micrometer wide cells, 2 millimeter long ‘clumps' Parasite
167 Hippogryph 5.2 meters long Carnivore
168 Greater Hippogryph 10 meters long Carnivore

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Time Archipelago Subtropical Beaches

Subtropical Red-Rusty Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
152 Tamkor 5 m Long Herbivore
151 Snapperbeak Hookphlyer 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
154 Parasitic Branch-Lantern Up to 60cm Tall (Not Including Spore Droplets) Parasitism, Photosynthesis
155 Tamchuck 1.8 m long Herbivore
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
160 Mainland Fuzzpalm 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Longjack 3 meters long (excluding tail) Herbivore
162 Spiny Dwarfjack 15 cm long Omnivore
163 Logworm Sauceback 3 cm long Adult: None; Larvae: Detritivore
166 Mangal Sauceback 8 cm long Adult: Carnivore ; Larvae/juvenile: Detritivore
166 Quillyn 3 m Long Herbivore
166 Longjake 6 meters long (excluding tail) Omnivore , Scavenger
167 Barlowe Specter 30 cm long Carnivore , Scavenger
167 Hacksnot 20 micrometer wide cells, 2 millimeter long ‘clumps' Parasite
167 Hippogryph 5.2 meters long Carnivore
167 Borogrove 1 m long Omnivore , Photosynthesis
168 Greater Hippogryph 10 meters long Carnivore

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Abello Temperate Beach

Temperate Red-Rusty Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
146 Xatakpa 30 cm Long Herbivore
118 Vandriswoop Shellworm 9 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
147 Dome Sapworm 1 cm Wide Sapivore
160 Coastrunner Bandersnatch 60 cm Long Scavenger, Carnivore
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
150 Beach Cheekhorn 2 m Long Herbivore
148 Kack Tower 10 m Tall Photosynthesis
160 Cocobarrage 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
161 False Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Haemotroph
154 Pirate Waxface 3 meters long Carnivore , Detritivore , Scavenger
158 Obsidibend 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
160 Mainland Fuzzpalm 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Mangot 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
146 Qupe Tree 160 cm Tall Photosynthesis
150 Fuzzweed 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Gumjorn 93 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Baebula 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
151 Carnosprawl 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Kakonat 25 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger/Detritivore
162 Longjack 3 meters long (excluding tail) Herbivore
162 Bangsticks 2 meters tall Photosynthesis
162 Megalosheh 8 meters long Herbivore ; Larvae: Detritivore
162 Fuzzpile 6 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Logworm Sauceback 3 cm long Adult: None; Larvae: Detritivore
163 Communal Janit 4 cm long Detritivore, Scavenger
163 Infilt Pewpa 10 centimeters long Scavenger, Detritivore
165 Fatcoat 70 cm long Carnivore
165 Topship Fuzzpalm 9 meters tall, 1 cm wide berry Photosynthesis, Detritivore
165 Lungworm Clogmane 3cm Long Adult: None; Larvae: Carnivore
166 Mangal Sauceback 8 cm long Adult: Carnivore ; Larvae/juvenile: Detritivore
166 Longjake 6 meters long (excluding tail) Omnivore , Scavenger
166 Albedophrey 1.3 m long, Wingspan: 3 m Omnivore , Scavenger
167 Hippogryph 5.2 meters long Carnivore
168 Greater Hippogryph 10 meters long Carnivore

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Abello Archipelago Temperate Beaches

Temperate Red-Rusty Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
166 Mangal Sauceback 8 cm long Adult: Carnivore ; Larvae/juvenile: Detritivore
166 Longjake 6 meters long (excluding tail) Omnivore , Scavenger
166 Albedophrey 1.3 m long, Wingspan: 3 m Omnivore , Scavenger
167 Hippogryph 5.2 meters long Carnivore
168 Greater Hippogryph 10 meters long Carnivore

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Anguan Temperate Beach

Temperate Red-Rusty Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
146 Xatakpa 30 cm Long Herbivore
118 Vandriswoop Shellworm 9 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
147 Dome Sapworm 1 cm Wide Sapivore
160 Coastrunner Bandersnatch 60 cm Long Scavenger, Carnivore
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
150 Beach Cheekhorn 2 m Long Herbivore
148 Kack Tower 10 m Tall Photosynthesis
160 Cocobarrage 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
161 False Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Haemotroph
154 Pirate Waxface 3 meters long Carnivore , Detritivore , Scavenger
158 Obsidibend 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
160 Mainland Fuzzpalm 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Mangot 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
146 Qupe Tree 160 cm Tall Photosynthesis
150 Fuzzweed 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Gumjorn 93 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Baebula 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
151 Carnosprawl 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Kakonat 25 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger/Detritivore
162 Longjack 3 meters long (excluding tail) Herbivore
162 Bangsticks 2 meters tall Photosynthesis
162 Megalosheh 8 meters long Herbivore ; Larvae: Detritivore
162 Fuzzpile 6 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Logworm Sauceback 3 cm long Adult: None; Larvae: Detritivore
163 Communal Janit 4 cm long Detritivore, Scavenger
163 Infilt Pewpa 10 centimeters long Scavenger, Detritivore
165 Fatcoat 70 cm long Carnivore
165 Topship Fuzzpalm 9 meters tall, 1 cm wide berry Photosynthesis, Detritivore
165 Lungworm Clogmane 3cm Long Adult: None; Larvae: Carnivore
166 Little Manjack 30 cm long Omnivore
166 Mangal Sauceback 8 cm long Adult: Carnivore ; Larvae/juvenile: Detritivore
166 Longjake 6 meters long (excluding tail) Omnivore , Scavenger
166 Albedophrey 1.3 m long, Wingspan: 3 m Omnivore , Scavenger
167 Hippogryph 5.2 meters long Carnivore
168 Greater Hippogryph 10 meters long Carnivore

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Anguan Archipelago Temperate Beaches

Temperate Red-Rusty Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
146 Xatakpa 30 cm Long Herbivore
118 Vandriswoop Shellworm 9 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
147 Dome Sapworm 1 cm Wide Sapivore
160 Coastrunner Bandersnatch 60 cm Long Scavenger, Carnivore
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
150 Beach Cheekhorn 2 m Long Herbivore
148 Kack Tower 10 m Tall Photosynthesis
160 Cocobarrage 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
161 False Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Haemotroph
154 Pirate Waxface 3 meters long Carnivore , Detritivore , Scavenger
158 Obsidibend 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
160 Mainland Fuzzpalm 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Mangot 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
146 Qupe Tree 160 cm Tall Photosynthesis
150 Fuzzweed 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Gumjorn 93 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Baebula 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
151 Carnosprawl 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Kakonat 25 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger/Detritivore
162 Longjack 3 meters long (excluding tail) Herbivore
162 Bangsticks 2 meters tall Photosynthesis
162 Fuzzpile 6 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Logworm Sauceback 3 cm long Adult: None; Larvae: Detritivore
163 Communal Janit 4 cm long Detritivore, Scavenger
163 Infilt Pewpa 10 centimeters long Scavenger, Detritivore
165 Fatcoat 70 cm long Carnivore
165 Topship Fuzzpalm 9 meters tall, 1 cm wide berry Photosynthesis, Detritivore
165 Lungworm Clogmane 3cm Long Adult: None; Larvae: Carnivore
166 Mangal Sauceback 8 cm long Adult: Carnivore ; Larvae/juvenile: Detritivore
166 Longjake 6 meters long (excluding tail) Omnivore , Scavenger
166 Albedophrey 1.3 m long, Wingspan: 3 m Omnivore , Scavenger
167 Hippogryph 5.2 meters long Carnivore
168 Greater Hippogryph 10 meters long Carnivore

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Barlowe Tropical Mangal

Tropical Red-Rusty Salty Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Snapper Scuttler 4 cm Long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
150 Marine Tamow 2 m Long Herbivore
151 Snapperbeak Hookphlyer 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Hemodohve 1.4 m Long Carnivore
152 Amphibious Flashkelp 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
152 Sindohve 80 cm long Carnivore
154 Sinduhk 75 cm Long Planktivore
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
154 Coastal Goth Tree 50 centimeters tall Photosynthesis Raft Only
155 Serpentinuscooter 90 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
157 Seamaw 30 cm Long Planktivore
158 Hairy Flashkelp 150 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis
159 Gushflier 10 cm Wingspan Haemotroph , Sapivore , Scavenger
160 Coastrunner Bandersnatch 60 cm Long Scavenger, Carnivore
161 False Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Haemotroph
154 Pirate Waxface 3 meters long Carnivore , Detritivore , Scavenger
151 Carnosprawl 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Stonebeak Phlyer 2.8 meters long Carnivore , Photosynthesis, Scavenger
162 Kakonat 25 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger/Detritivore
162 Longjack 3 meters long (excluding tail) Herbivore
162 Pelagic Puffgrass 80 cm tall Photosynthesis
163 Raft-Building Cone Puffgrass 80 cm tall, varied colony width Photosynthesis
163 Mangrovecrystal 20 meter tall individuals, variable colony size Photosynthesis
165 Fatcoat 70 cm long Carnivore
165 Goldilackaruck 4 m tall Photosynthesis
165 Drinking Cloudgrass 2 meter wide bubble Photosynthesis, Aeroplanktivore , Oceanic Planktivore
165 Topship Fuzzpalm 9 meters tall, 1 cm wide berry Photosynthesis, Detritivore
165 Hang-Gliding Pinyuk 35 cm long, 70 cm "wingspan" Herbivore
162 Baṛādohve 5.6 m Long Carnivore
166 Mangal Sauceback 8 cm long Adult: Carnivore ; Larvae/juvenile: Detritivore
166 Malladact 1.2 meters long (including tail) Omnivore
166 Fuzzbelly Seaswimmer 1 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
166 Quillyn 3 m Long Herbivore
166 Longjake 6 meters long (excluding tail) Omnivore , Scavenger
166 Shimmering Wolley 64 cm long Carnivore , occasional cannibal of young
167 Hacksnot 20 micrometer wide cells, 2 millimeter long ‘clumps' Parasite

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Oz Subtropical Mangal

Subtropical Red-Rusty Salty Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Snapper Scuttler 4 cm Long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
150 Marine Tamow 2 m Long Herbivore
151 Snapperbeak Hookphlyer 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Hemodohve 1.4 m Long Carnivore
152 Amphibious Flashkelp 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
152 Sindohve 80 cm long Carnivore
154 Sinduhk 75 cm Long Planktivore
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
154 Coastal Goth Tree 50 centimeters tall Photosynthesis Raft Only
155 Serpentinuscooter 90 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
157 Seamaw 30 cm Long Planktivore
158 Hairy Flashkelp 150 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis
159 Gushflier 10 cm Wingspan Haemotroph , Sapivore , Scavenger
160 Coastrunner Bandersnatch 60 cm Long Scavenger, Carnivore
160 Quetzalscooter 1.3 m Long Omnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
161 False Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Haemotroph
154 Pirate Waxface 3 meters long Carnivore , Detritivore , Scavenger
151 Carnosprawl 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Stonebeak Phlyer 2.8 meters long Carnivore , Photosynthesis, Scavenger
162 Kakonat 25 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger/Detritivore
162 Longjack 3 meters long (excluding tail) Herbivore
162 Pelagic Puffgrass 80 cm tall Photosynthesis
163 Raft-Building Cone Puffgrass 80 cm tall, varied colony width Photosynthesis
163 Mangrovecrystal 20 meter tall individuals, variable colony size Photosynthesis
165 Fatcoat 70 cm long Carnivore
165 Goldilackaruck 4 m tall Photosynthesis
165 Drinking Cloudgrass 2 meter wide bubble Photosynthesis, Aeroplanktivore , Oceanic Planktivore
165 Topship Fuzzpalm 9 meters tall, 1 cm wide berry Photosynthesis, Detritivore
165 Hang-Gliding Pinyuk 35 cm long, 70 cm "wingspan" Herbivore
147 Brine Diaminet 30 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
147 Florisland 1.5 m Wide Photosynthesis, Filter-Feeder
148 Rusty Seaswimmer 50 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
154 Eastward Landlubber 85 cm Long Omnivore
166 Mangal Sauceback 8 cm long Adult: Carnivore ; Larvae/juvenile: Detritivore
166 Fuzzbelly Seaswimmer 1 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
166 Quillyn 3 m Long Herbivore
166 Longjake 6 meters long (excluding tail) Omnivore , Scavenger
166 Shimmering Wolley 64 cm long Carnivore , occasional cannibal of young
167 Hacksnot 20 micrometer wide cells, 2 millimeter long ‘clumps' Parasite

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Time Subtropical Mangal

Subtropical Red-Rusty Salty Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Snapper Scuttler 4 cm Long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
150 Marine Tamow 2 m Long Herbivore
151 Snapperbeak Hookphlyer 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Hemodohve 1.4 m Long Carnivore
152 Amphibious Flashkelp 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
152 Sindohve 80 cm long Carnivore
154 Sinduhk 75 cm Long Planktivore
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
154 Coastal Goth Tree 50 centimeters tall Photosynthesis Raft Only
155 Serpentinuscooter 90 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
157 Seamaw 30 cm Long Planktivore
158 Hairy Flashkelp 150 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis
159 Gushflier 10 cm Wingspan Haemotroph , Sapivore , Scavenger
160 Coastrunner Bandersnatch 60 cm Long Scavenger, Carnivore
160 Quetzalscooter 1.3 m Long Omnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
161 False Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Haemotroph
154 Pirate Waxface 3 meters long Carnivore , Detritivore , Scavenger
151 Carnosprawl 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Stonebeak Phlyer 2.8 meters long Carnivore , Photosynthesis, Scavenger
162 Kakonat 25 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger/Detritivore
162 Longjack 3 meters long (excluding tail) Herbivore
162 Pelagic Puffgrass 80 cm tall Photosynthesis
163 Raft-Building Cone Puffgrass 80 cm tall, varied colony width Photosynthesis
163 Mangrovecrystal 20 meter tall individuals, variable colony size Photosynthesis
165 Fatcoat 70 cm long Carnivore
165 Goldilackaruck 4 m tall Photosynthesis
165 Drinking Cloudgrass 2 meter wide bubble Photosynthesis, Aeroplanktivore , Oceanic Planktivore
165 Topship Fuzzpalm 9 meters tall, 1 cm wide berry Photosynthesis, Detritivore
165 Hang-Gliding Pinyuk 35 cm long, 70 cm "wingspan" Herbivore
147 Brine Diaminet 30 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
147 Florisland 1.5 m Wide Photosynthesis, Filter-Feeder
148 Rusty Seaswimmer 50 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
154 Eastward Landlubber 85 cm Long Omnivore
166 Mangal Sauceback 8 cm long Adult: Carnivore ; Larvae/juvenile: Detritivore
166 Malladact 1.2 meters long (including tail) Omnivore
166 Fuzzbelly Seaswimmer 1 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
166 Quillyn 3 m Long Herbivore
166 Longjake 6 meters long (excluding tail) Omnivore , Scavenger
166 Umbral Seaswimmer 80 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
166 Shimmering Wolley 64 cm long Carnivore , occasional cannibal of young
167 Hacksnot 20 micrometer wide cells, 2 millimeter long ‘clumps' Parasite

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Abello Temperate Mangal

Temperate Red-Rusty Salty Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
143 Chambered Bobiiro 6 cm Wide Photosynthesis
147 Brine Diaminet 30 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
147 Florisland 1.5 m Wide Photosynthesis, Filter-Feeder
148 Ouchiiro 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
149 Snatcherswarmer 1 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Carnivore
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Snapper Scuttler 4 cm Long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
152 Hemodohve 1.4 m Long Carnivore
151 Snapperbeak Hookphlyer 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
154 Eastward Landlubber 85 cm Long Omnivore
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis
159 Gushflier 10 cm Wingspan Haemotroph , Sapivore , Scavenger
160 Coastrunner Bandersnatch 60 cm Long Scavenger, Carnivore
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
161 False Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Haemotroph
154 Pirate Waxface 3 meters long Carnivore , Detritivore , Scavenger
151 Carnosprawl 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Stonebeak Phlyer 2.8 meters long Carnivore , Photosynthesis, Scavenger
162 Kakonat 25 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger/Detritivore
162 Longjack 3 meters long (excluding tail) Herbivore
162 Pelagic Puffgrass 80 cm tall Photosynthesis
163 Raft-Building Cone Puffgrass 80 cm tall, varied colony width Photosynthesis
163 Mangrovecrystal 20 meter tall individuals, variable colony size Photosynthesis
165 Fatcoat 70 cm long Carnivore
165 Goldilackaruck 4 m tall Photosynthesis
165 Topship Fuzzpalm 9 meters tall, 1 cm wide berry Photosynthesis, Detritivore
165 Hang-Gliding Pinyuk 35 cm long, 70 cm "wingspan" Herbivore
166 Mangal Sauceback 8 cm long Adult: Carnivore ; Larvae/juvenile: Detritivore
166 Umbral Seaswimmer 80 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
166 Albedophrey 1.3 m long, Wingspan: 3 m Omnivore , Scavenger
166 Shimmering Wolley 64 cm long Carnivore , occasional cannibal of young

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Barlowe Temperate Mangal

Temperate Red-Rusty Salty Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
143 Chambered Bobiiro 6 cm Wide Photosynthesis
147 Brine Diaminet 30 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
147 Florisland 1.5 m Wide Photosynthesis, Filter-Feeder
148 Ouchiiro 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
149 Snatcherswarmer 1 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Carnivore
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Snapper Scuttler 4 cm Long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
152 Hemodohve 1.4 m Long Carnivore
151 Snapperbeak Hookphlyer 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
154 Eastward Landlubber 85 cm Long Omnivore
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis
159 Gushflier 10 cm Wingspan Haemotroph , Sapivore , Scavenger
160 Coastrunner Bandersnatch 60 cm Long Scavenger, Carnivore
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
161 False Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Haemotroph
154 Pirate Waxface 3 meters long Carnivore , Detritivore , Scavenger
151 Carnosprawl 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
162 Stonebeak Phlyer 2.8 meters long Carnivore , Photosynthesis, Scavenger
162 Kakonat 25 cm long Omnivore , Scavenger/Detritivore
162 Longjack 3 meters long (excluding tail) Herbivore
162 Pelagic Puffgrass 80 cm tall Photosynthesis
163 Raft-Building Cone Puffgrass 80 cm tall, varied colony width Photosynthesis
163 Mangrovecrystal 20 meter tall individuals, variable colony size Photosynthesis
165 Fatcoat 70 cm long Carnivore
165 Goldilackaruck 4 m tall Photosynthesis
165 Topship Fuzzpalm 9 meters tall, 1 cm wide berry Photosynthesis, Detritivore
165 Hang-Gliding Pinyuk 35 cm long, 70 cm "wingspan" Herbivore
166 Mangal Sauceback 8 cm long Adult: Carnivore ; Larvae/juvenile: Detritivore
166 Umbral Seaswimmer 80 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
166 Albedophrey 1.3 m long, Wingspan: 3 m Omnivore , Scavenger
166 Shimmering Wolley 64 cm long Carnivore , occasional cannibal of young

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Barlowe Tropical Rainforest

Wet Rusty-Red Muddy Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Spectresnatch 30 cm Long Scavenger, Carnivore
151 Rainforest Gossalizard 85 cm Long Carnivore , Cannibalism
152 Tappipper 80 cm Long Herbivore
152 Tyrant Gossalizard 1.6 m long Carnivore , Cannibalism, Scavenger
153 Stubhead Bounder 60 cm Long Herbivore
155 Terrestrial Emulsecho 40 cm Long Omnivore , Photosynthesis
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
152 Penumbra Fuzzpalm 25 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Tamhook 3 m Long Herbivore
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
152 Tamkor 5 m Long Herbivore
151 Snapperbeak Hookphlyer 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
154 Parasitic Branch-Lantern Up to 60cm Tall (Not Including Spore Droplets) Parasitism, Photosynthesis
154 Bristlemouth Dracoworm 30 centimeters long Young: Filter-Feeder; Adult: Herbivore , Fliter-Feeder
152 Lungflora 50 cm Wide Photosynthesis
155 Tamchuck 1.8 m long Herbivore
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
156 Leemalla 90 cm long Herbivore , Frugivore
157 Cockatwice 47 cm Long Herbivore
158 Tusovendis 40 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Clusterspades 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Barnline 1 m Wide Photosynthesis
158 Obsidibarrage 6 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Xatakbrak 30 cm Long Herbivore Coprophagic
159 Digging Gossalizard 90 cm Long Carnivore
160 Burrowing Tamjack 1.5 m Long Herbivore
162 Longjack 3 meters long (excluding tail) Herbivore
162 Spiny Dwarfjack 15 cm long Omnivore
162 Obsiditall 60 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Logworm Sauceback 3 cm long Adult: None; Larvae: Detritivore
163 Split-Tongue Jabberwocky 80 cm long Omnivore , Weak Photosynthesis
166 Malladact 1.2 meters long (including tail) Omnivore
166 Arboreal Cloudgrass 40 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Aeroplanktivore
167 Barlowe Specter 30 cm long Carnivore , Scavenger
167 Hacksnot 20 micrometer wide cells, 2 millimeter long ‘clumps' Parasite
167 Spitfire Weed 30 cm tall Photosynthesis
167 Crowned Vermentie 70 centimeters long Adult: Carnivore , Scavengers; Juvenile: Carnivore

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Barlowe Subtropical Rainforest

Wet Rusty-Red Muddy Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Spectresnatch 30 cm Long Scavenger, Carnivore
151 Rainforest Gossalizard 85 cm Long Carnivore , Cannibalism
152 Tappipper 80 cm Long Herbivore
153 Stubhead Bounder 60 cm Long Herbivore
155 Terrestrial Emulsecho 40 cm Long Omnivore , Photosynthesis
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
152 Penumbra Fuzzpalm 25 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Tamhook 3 m Long Herbivore
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
152 Tamkor 5 m Long Herbivore
151 Snapperbeak Hookphlyer 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
154 Parasitic Branch-Lantern Up to 60cm Tall (Not Including Spore Droplets) Parasitism, Photosynthesis
154 Bristlemouth Dracoworm 30 centimeters long Young: Filter-Feeder; Adult: Herbivore , Fliter-Feeder
152 Lungflora 50 cm Wide Photosynthesis
155 Tamchuck 1.8 m long Herbivore
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
156 Leemalla 90 cm long Herbivore , Frugivore
157 Cockatwice 47 cm Long Herbivore
158 Tusovendis 40 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Clusterspades 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Barnline 1 m Wide Photosynthesis
158 Obsidibarrage 6 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Xatakbrak 30 cm Long Herbivore Coprophagic
159 Digging Gossalizard 90 cm Long Carnivore
160 Burrowing Tamjack 1.5 m Long Herbivore
162 Longjack 3 meters long (excluding tail) Herbivore
162 Spiny Dwarfjack 15 cm long Omnivore
162 Obsiditall 60 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Logworm Sauceback 3 cm long Adult: None; Larvae: Detritivore
163 Split-Tongue Jabberwocky 80 cm long Omnivore , Weak Photosynthesis
145 Obsidian Shrub 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
145 Rainforest Carnofern 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
145 Carnofern Flugwurm 12 cm Wingspan Adult: Nectarvore , Larva: Detritivore
145 Carnofern Grubnub 50 cm Tall Omnivore , Scavenger
148 Spotted Sauceback 48 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
151 Sansheh 4 m Long Herbivore Larva
156 Sauceswarmer 8 cm Long Hemophagous , Planktivore
162 Megalosheh 8 meters long Herbivore ; Larvae: Detritivore
160 Mainland Fuzzpalm 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
146 Qupe Tree 160 cm Tall Photosynthesis
162 Great Leotam 3 meters long Carnivore
163 Shrogre 6.5 m long Omnivore , Scavenger
164 Sweet Red Spade 50 cm wide Photosynthesis
164 Pronghorn Strider 85 cm long Herbivore
165 Rumpipe 40 cm long Herbivore
165 Fourmaw Sauceback 4 cm long Adult: Carnivore ; Juvenile: Detritivore
165 Prancerhorn 1 m Long Herbivore
165 Lungworm Clogmane 3cm Long Adult: None; Larvae: Carnivore
166 Malladact 1.2 meters long (including tail) Omnivore
166 Arboreal Cloudgrass 40 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Aeroplanktivore
167 Barlowe Specter 30 cm long Carnivore , Scavenger
167 Hacksnot 20 micrometer wide cells, 2 millimeter long ‘clumps' Parasite
167 Spitfire Weed 30 cm tall Photosynthesis
167 Crowned Vermentie 70 centimeters long Adult: Carnivore , Scavengers; Juvenile: Carnivore

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Time Subtropical Rainforest Archipelago

Wet Rusty-Red Muddy Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
151 Rainforest Gossalizard 85 cm Long Carnivore , Cannibalism
153 Stubhead Bounder 60 cm Long Herbivore
155 Terrestrial Emulsecho 40 cm Long Omnivore , Photosynthesis
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
152 Tamkor 5 m Long Herbivore
151 Snapperbeak Hookphlyer 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
154 Parasitic Branch-Lantern Up to 60cm Tall (Not Including Spore Droplets) Parasitism, Photosynthesis
154 Bristlemouth Dracoworm 30 centimeters long Young: Filter-Feeder; Adult: Herbivore , Fliter-Feeder
152 Lungflora 50 cm Wide Photosynthesis
155 Tamchuck 1.8 m long Herbivore
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
156 Leemalla 90 cm long Herbivore , Frugivore
158 Tusovendis 40 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Clusterspades 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Barnline 1 m Wide Photosynthesis
158 Xatakbrak 30 cm Long Herbivore Coprophagic
162 Longjack 3 meters long (excluding tail) Herbivore
162 Spiny Dwarfjack 15 cm long Omnivore
162 Obsiditall 60 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Logworm Sauceback 3 cm long Adult: None; Larvae: Detritivore
163 Split-Tongue Jabberwocky 80 cm long Omnivore , Weak Photosynthesis
145 Obsidian Shrub 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
145 Rainforest Carnofern 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
145 Carnofern Flugwurm 12 cm Wingspan Adult: Nectarvore , Larva: Detritivore
145 Carnofern Grubnub 50 cm Tall Omnivore , Scavenger
148 Spotted Sauceback 48 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
160 Mainland Fuzzpalm 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
146 Qupe Tree 160 cm Tall Photosynthesis
164 Sweet Red Spade 50 cm wide Photosynthesis
164 Pronghorn Strider 85 cm long Herbivore
165 Rumpipe 40 cm long Herbivore
165 Fourmaw Sauceback 4 cm long Adult: Carnivore ; Juvenile: Detritivore
165 Lungworm Clogmane 3cm Long Adult: None; Larvae: Carnivore
166 Malladact 1.2 meters long (including tail) Omnivore
166 Arboreal Cloudgrass 40 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Aeroplanktivore
167 Barlowe Specter 30 cm long Carnivore , Scavenger
167 Hacksnot 20 micrometer wide cells, 2 millimeter long ‘clumps' Parasite
167 Spitfire Weed 30 cm tall Photosynthesis
167 Borogrove 1 m long Omnivore , Photosynthesis

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Barlowe Temperate Rainforest

Wet Rusty-Red Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
145 Obsidian Shrub 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
145 Rainforest Carnofern 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
145 Carnofern Flugwurm 12 cm Wingspan Adult: Nectarvore , Larva: Detritivore
145 Carnofern Grubnub 50 cm Tall Omnivore , Scavenger
147 Dome Sapworm 1 cm Wide Sapivore
148 Spotted Sauceback 48 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
149 Dusty Spelunkhoe 45 cm Long Herbivore
149 Olshkra 12 cm Tall Photosynthesis
149 Osziza 14 cm Tall Photosynthesis
149 Tusovinda 20 cm Tall Photosynthesis
151 Sansheh 4 m Long Herbivore Larva
151 Rainforest Gossalizard 85 cm Long Carnivore , Cannibalism
152 Tappipper 80 cm Long Herbivore
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
154 Bristlemouth Dracoworm 30 centimeters long Young: Filter-Feeder; Adult: Herbivore , Fliter-Feeder
156 Leemalla 90 cm long Herbivore , Frugivore
156 Sauceswarmer 8 cm Long Hemophagous , Planktivore
158 Clusterspades 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Barnline 1 m Wide Photosynthesis
158 Obsidibarrage 6 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Xatakbrak 30 cm Long Herbivore Coprophagic
159 Digging Gossalizard 90 cm Long Carnivore
162 Longjack 3 meters long (excluding tail) Herbivore
162 Megalosheh 8 meters long Herbivore ; Larvae: Detritivore
160 Mainland Fuzzpalm 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
146 Qupe Tree 160 cm Tall Photosynthesis
162 Great Leotam 3 meters long Carnivore
162 Obsiditall 60 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Shrogre 6.5 m long Omnivore , Scavenger
163 Logworm Sauceback 3 cm long Adult: None; Larvae: Detritivore
164 Sweet Red Spade 50 cm wide Photosynthesis
164 Pronghorn Strider 85 cm long Herbivore
165 Rumpipe 40 cm long Herbivore
165 Fourmaw Sauceback 4 cm long Adult: Carnivore ; Juvenile: Detritivore
165 Prancerhorn 1 m Long Herbivore
165 Lungworm Clogmane 3cm Long Adult: None; Larvae: Carnivore
166 Flesh Fairy 7.5 cm long Adult: Carnivore , Scavenger; Juvenile: Detritivore
167 Spitfire Weed 30 cm tall Photosynthesis
167 Ripper Spelunkhoe 70 cm long Herbivore
167 Crowned Vermentie 70 centimeters long Adult: Carnivore , Scavengers; Juvenile: Carnivore

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Abello Temperate Rainforest Archipelago

Wet Rusty-Red Soil

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
145 Obsidian Shrub 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
145 Rainforest Carnofern 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
145 Carnofern Flugwurm 12 cm Wingspan Adult: Nectarvore , Larva: Detritivore
145 Carnofern Grubnub 50 cm Tall Omnivore , Scavenger
147 Dome Sapworm 1 cm Wide Sapivore
148 Spotted Sauceback 48 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
149 Dusty Spelunkhoe 45 cm Long Herbivore
149 Olshkra 12 cm Tall Photosynthesis
149 Osziza 14 cm Tall Photosynthesis
149 Tusovinda 20 cm Tall Photosynthesis
151 Sansheh 4 m Long Herbivore Larva
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
154 Bristlemouth Dracoworm 30 centimeters long Young: Filter-Feeder; Adult: Herbivore , Fliter-Feeder
156 Leemalla 90 cm long Herbivore , Frugivore
156 Sauceswarmer 8 cm Long Hemophagous , Planktivore
158 Clusterspades 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Barnline 1 m Wide Photosynthesis
158 Obsidibarrage 6 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Xatakbrak 30 cm Long Herbivore Coprophagic
159 Digging Gossalizard 90 cm Long Carnivore
162 Longjack 3 meters long (excluding tail) Herbivore
160 Mainland Fuzzpalm 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
146 Qupe Tree 160 cm Tall Photosynthesis
162 Obsiditall 60 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Shrogre 6.5 m long Omnivore , Scavenger
163 Logworm Sauceback 3 cm long Adult: None; Larvae: Detritivore
164 Sweet Red Spade 50 cm wide Photosynthesis
165 Rumpipe 40 cm long Herbivore
165 Fourmaw Sauceback 4 cm long Adult: Carnivore ; Juvenile: Detritivore
165 Lungworm Clogmane 3cm Long Adult: None; Larvae: Carnivore
166 Bristlekrugg 13mm long (including fluffy projections) Detrivore
167 Spitfire Weed 30 cm tall Photosynthesis

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Barlowe Subtropical Woodland

Red-Rusty Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
151 Sansheh 4 m Long Herbivore Larva
151 Doboor 1 m Long Omnivore
152 Tappipper 80 cm Long Herbivore
156 Leemalla 90 cm long Herbivore , Frugivore
158 Obsidibarrage 6 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Tusked Grassblaster 40 cm Long Herbivore
158 Xatakbrak 30 cm Long Herbivore Coprophagic
154 Quilled Probeface 1.5 meters long Sanguivorous
154 Bristlemouth Dracoworm 30 centimeters long Young: Filter-Feeder; Adult: Herbivore , Fliter-Feeder
159 Digging Gossalizard 90 cm Long Carnivore
162 Megalosheh 8 meters long Herbivore ; Larvae: Detritivore
160 Mainland Fuzzpalm 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
146 Qupe Tree 160 cm Tall Photosynthesis
162 Great Leotam 3 meters long Carnivore
162 Obsiditall 60 meters tall Photosynthesis
162 Fuzzpile 6 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Shrogre 6.5 m long Omnivore , Scavenger
163 Logworm Sauceback 3 cm long Adult: None; Larvae: Detritivore
163 Communal Janit 4 cm long Detritivore, Scavenger
163 Infilt Pewpa 10 centimeters long Scavenger, Detritivore
164 Sweet Red Spade 50 cm wide Photosynthesis
164 Pronghorn Strider 85 cm long Herbivore
165 Rumpipe 40 cm long Herbivore
165 Fourmaw Sauceback 4 cm long Adult: Carnivore ; Juvenile: Detritivore
165 Lungworm Clogmane 3cm Long Adult: None; Larvae: Carnivore
166 Malladact 1.2 meters long (including tail) Omnivore
167 Crowned Vermentie 70 centimeters long Adult: Carnivore , Scavengers; Juvenile: Carnivore
167 Hex Lettuce 8 m Tall Photosynthesis

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Barlowe Temperate Woodland

Red-Rusty Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
147 Dome Sapworm 1 cm Wide Sapivore
148 Spotted Sauceback 48 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
151 Sansheh 4 m Long Herbivore Larva
151 Doboor 1 m Long Omnivore
152 Tappipper 80 cm Long Herbivore
155 Hemoswarmer 15 cm long Hemophagous , Photosynthesis, Planktivore
156 Leemalla 90 cm long Herbivore , Frugivore
158 Obsidibarrage 6 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Tusked Grassblaster 40 cm Long Herbivore
158 Xatakbrak 30 cm Long Herbivore Coprophagic
154 Quilled Probeface 1.5 meters long Sanguivorous
154 Bristlemouth Dracoworm 30 centimeters long Young: Filter-Feeder; Adult: Herbivore , Fliter-Feeder
159 Digging Gossalizard 90 cm Long Carnivore
162 Megalosheh 8 meters long Herbivore ; Larvae: Detritivore
160 Mainland Fuzzpalm 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
146 Qupe Tree 160 cm Tall Photosynthesis
162 Great Leotam 3 meters long Carnivore
162 Obsiditall 60 meters tall Photosynthesis
162 Fuzzpile 6 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Shrogre 6.5 m long Omnivore , Scavenger
163 Logworm Sauceback 3 cm long Adult: None; Larvae: Detritivore
163 Communal Janit 4 cm long Detritivore, Scavenger
163 Infilt Pewpa 10 centimeters long Scavenger, Detritivore
164 Sweet Red Spade 50 cm wide Photosynthesis
164 Pronghorn Strider 85 cm long Herbivore
165 Rumpipe 40 cm long Herbivore
165 Fourmaw Sauceback 4 cm long Adult: Carnivore ; Juvenile: Detritivore
165 Lungworm Clogmane 3cm Long Adult: None; Larvae: Carnivore
166 Flesh Fairy 7.5 cm long Adult: Carnivore , Scavenger; Juvenile: Detritivore
167 Ripper Spelunkhoe 70 cm long Herbivore
167 Crowned Vermentie 70 centimeters long Adult: Carnivore , Scavengers; Juvenile: Carnivore
167 Hex Lettuce 8 m Tall Photosynthesis

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Anguan Temperate Woodland Archipelago

Red-Rusty Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
147 Dome Sapworm 1 cm Wide Sapivore
148 Spotted Sauceback 48 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
151 Sansheh 4 m Long Herbivore Larva
155 Hemoswarmer 15 cm long Hemophagous , Photosynthesis, Planktivore
156 Leemalla 90 cm long Herbivore , Frugivore
158 Obsidibarrage 6 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Tusked Grassblaster 40 cm Long Herbivore
158 Xatakbrak 30 cm Long Herbivore Coprophagic
154 Quilled Probeface 1.5 meters long Sanguivorous
154 Bristlemouth Dracoworm 30 centimeters long Young: Filter-Feeder; Adult: Herbivore , Fliter-Feeder
160 Mainland Fuzzpalm 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
146 Qupe Tree 160 cm Tall Photosynthesis
162 Obsiditall 60 meters tall Photosynthesis
162 Fuzzpile 6 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Logworm Sauceback 3 cm long Adult: None; Larvae: Detritivore
163 Communal Janit 4 cm long Detritivore, Scavenger
163 Infilt Pewpa 10 centimeters long Scavenger, Detritivore
164 Sweet Red Spade 50 cm wide Photosynthesis
165 Rumpipe 40 cm long Herbivore
165 Fourmaw Sauceback 4 cm long Adult: Carnivore ; Juvenile: Detritivore
165 Lungworm Clogmane 3cm Long Adult: None; Larvae: Carnivore

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Mixed Scrub

Barlowe Chaparral

Dry Red-Rusty Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
147 Mainland Chime Slingberry 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
148 Sandblaster 40 cm Long Herbivore
149 Buttpiper 40 cm Long Herbivore
149 Dusty Spelunkhoe 45 cm Long Herbivore
128 Centilopeworm 80 cm Tall Herbivore
150 Beaktrunk 280 cm Long Herbivore
150 Dualist Bandersnatch 30 cm Long (Males) Scavenger, Carnivore
151 Doboor 1 m Long Omnivore
150 Glassgrass 20 cm Tall Photosynthesis
150 Grassblaster 80 cm Tall Herbivore
152 Tappipper 80 cm Long Herbivore
152 Grand Buttpiper 50 cm Long Herbivore
153 Sanguine Padfoot 70 cm Long Herbivore , Weak Photosynthesis
153 Triplethorn Bounder 50 cm Long Herbivore
154 Fairyshell 25 cm Long Herbivore
150 Regrestoloppy 11 cm Tall Detritivore, Photosynthesis
154 Mostly Purple Snoa 43 cm Long Ovivore , Carnivore , Photosynthesis
149 Statue Piloroot 55 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore
153 Spiny Piloroot 34 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore
154 Quilled Probeface 1.5 meters long Sanguivorous
154 Bristlemouth Dracoworm 30 centimeters long Young: Filter-Feeder; Adult: Herbivore , Fliter-Feeder
152 Megalarand 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis
155 Hemoswarmer 15 cm long Hemophagous , Photosynthesis, Planktivore
156 Sango 65 cm Long Herbivore
158 Tusked Grassblaster 40 cm Long Herbivore
159 Digging Gossalizard 90 cm Long Carnivore
160 Amblister Bandersnatch 30 cm Long Apivore , Scavenger
162 Great Leotam 3 meters long Carnivore
162 Obsiditall 60 meters tall Photosynthesis
162 Fuzzpile 6 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Shrogre 6.5 m long Omnivore , Scavenger
163 Communal Janit 4 cm long Detritivore, Scavenger
163 Infilt Pewpa 10 centimeters long Scavenger, Detritivore
163 Blastree 8 meters tall Photosynthesis
164 Sweet Red Spade 50 cm wide Photosynthesis
166 Little Manjack 30 cm long Omnivore
167 Hex Lettuce 8 m Tall Photosynthesis

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Barlowe Bush

Dry Red-Rusty Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
147 Mainland Chime Slingberry 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
148 Sandblaster 40 cm Long Herbivore
149 Buttpiper 40 cm Long Herbivore
149 Dusty Spelunkhoe 45 cm Long Herbivore
128 Centilopeworm 80 cm Tall Herbivore
150 Beaktrunk 280 cm Long Herbivore
150 Dualist Bandersnatch 30 cm Long (Males) Scavenger, Carnivore
151 Doboor 1 m Long Omnivore
150 Glassgrass 20 cm Tall Photosynthesis
150 Grassblaster 80 cm Tall Herbivore
152 Tappipper 80 cm Long Herbivore
152 Grand Buttpiper 50 cm Long Herbivore
153 Sanguine Padfoot 70 cm Long Herbivore , Weak Photosynthesis
153 Triplethorn Bounder 50 cm Long Herbivore
154 Fairyshell 25 cm Long Herbivore
150 Regrestoloppy 11 cm Tall Detritivore, Photosynthesis
154 Mostly Purple Snoa 43 cm Long Ovivore , Carnivore , Photosynthesis
149 Statue Piloroot 55 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore
153 Spiny Piloroot 34 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore
154 Quilled Probeface 1.5 meters long Sanguivorous
154 Bristlemouth Dracoworm 30 centimeters long Young: Filter-Feeder; Adult: Herbivore , Fliter-Feeder
152 Megalarand 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis
155 Hemoswarmer 15 cm long Hemophagous , Photosynthesis, Planktivore
156 Sango 65 cm Long Herbivore
158 Tusked Grassblaster 40 cm Long Herbivore
159 Digging Gossalizard 90 cm Long Carnivore
160 Amblister Bandersnatch 30 cm Long Apivore , Scavenger
162 Great Leotam 3 meters long Carnivore
162 Obsiditall 60 meters tall Photosynthesis
162 Fuzzpile 6 meters tall Photosynthesis
163 Shrogre 6.5 m long Omnivore , Scavenger
163 Communal Janit 4 cm long Detritivore, Scavenger
163 Infilt Pewpa 10 centimeters long Scavenger, Detritivore
163 Blastree 8 meters tall Photosynthesis
164 Sweet Red Spade 50 cm wide Photosynthesis
166 Little Manjack 30 cm long Omnivore
167 Hex Lettuce 8 m Tall Photosynthesis

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Mancer Sea Caves (Photic)

Red-Rusty Sandstone Walls with Some Light filled with Seawater.


Mancer Sea Caves (Nonphotic)

Red-Rusty Sandstone Walls with No Light filled with Seawater.


Water Tables

Barlowe-Hydro Water Table

Red-Rusty Sandstone Cavern filled with Freshwater.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
121 Slow Urhook 45 cm Long Carnivore
128 Floating Stickyball 4 cm Wide Detritivore, Consumer
130 Cave Diaminet 15 cm Wide Omnivore , Detritivore
144 Emulswimmer 10 cm Long Herbivore
144 Magnethead 13 cm Long Lithotroph , Scavenger
122 Limestone Ball 4 cm wide Detritivore, Consumer
143 Blind Cavehorn 25 cm Long Herbivore
144 Emulsecho 10 cm long Herbivore
144 Mandate Gossalizard 80 cm Long Carnivore , Cannibalism
144 Mandate Bandersnatch 30 cm Long Scavenger
139 Vainytangle 14 cm Long Lithovore , Parasite
144 Zergranid 18 cm Long Herbivore , Pollinivore

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Barlowe Sky

Blue Skies Touching the Surface.


Gen Name Size Diet Notes
122 Nimbuchaos Microscopic Photosynthesis, Consumer
126 Wind-Riding Guardian Microscopic Consumer , Detritivore
142 Nimbuchaotic Cloud Microscopic Photosynthesis
162 Cloudbubble Cryoutine 5 micrometers long Facultative Heterotroph , Obligate Autotroph

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Gen Name Size Diet Notes
122 Tropoworm 16 cm Long Filter-Feeder
126 Cloud Swarmer 8 cm Long Photosynthesis, Filter-Feeder
142 Herbivorous Tropoworm 32 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Herbivore
150 Soaring Phlyer 2 m Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
154 Bristlemouth Dracoworm 30 centimeters long Young: Filter-Feeder; Adult: Herbivore , Fliter-Feeder
162 Cloudbubble 2 cm wide Photosynthesis, Planktivore
162 Bangsticks 2 meters tall Photosynthesis seeds only
162 Cloudbubble Tropoworm 25 cm Long Herbivore:
163 Cloudgrass 20 cm long Photosynthesis, Aeroplanktivore
163 Blastree 8 meters tall Photosynthesis seeds only
163 Tropofly 13 cm long Herbivore
164 Cloudgrump 20 cm thick individual, up to 50 meter wide colony Photosynthesis, Aeroplanktivore
165 Blood Tropofly 4 cm long Omnivore
165 Sky Bloodbee 2.5 cm long Parasite
166 Arboreal Cloudgrass 40 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Aeroplanktivore spores only
167 Spitfire Weed 30 cm tall Photosynthesis

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