Blargian Period Ecosystem

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Blargian Period
(Week 25)

Darthian Period << Blargian Period >> Bonoian Period


Generation 155Generation 156Generation 157Generation 158Generation 159

Period SummaryEcosystem (Overview) ● BiomesLandmarks

Biome Map of Sagan 4 - Week 25

Global Sagan 4

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
149 Yanisflora 2 - 50 cm All: Photosynthesis; Pillunaneae: Filter-Feeding  ; Psychanthaceae: Chemivore

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--- 20 Centimeters ---

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
145 Hanging Frabooballs 20 cm long detritivore, herbivore
145 Loppys 10 cm - 20 cm Tall Oediollaceae - Photosynthesis; Goblollaceae - Detritivore, Lithotroph , Photosynthesis
145 Chthorns 7-15 cm long Detritivore, Planktivore
148 Hollowdomes 2 cm - 16 cm Diameter Photosynthesis
148 Oozocorns 9-18 cm long Detritophage, Planktivore, Carnivore
151 Sunstalks 10 cm to 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Neuks 1 cm to 20 cm long Insectivore, Scavenger, Parisite, Hematophagy
151 Supershrooms 10 cm to 20 cm Tall Detritivore
151 Sapshrooms 10 cm to 20 cm Tall Sapivore, Detritivore
150 Larvaback 10 to 20 cm Long Carnivore
153 Scuttlers 1 cm Long to 20 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger, Detritivore, Planktonivore, Weak Photosynthesis
151 Dartirs 10 - 20 cm Long Scavenger
151 Sapworms 1 cm to 20 cm Long Sapivore
151 Frabukis 5 cm to 20 cm long Detritivore, Planktivore

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--- 10 Centimeters ---

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
145 Obscurpedes 0.5 cm to 2 cm Planktivore
155 Xenobees 5 to 10 cm wingspan Nectarivore, Mucivore
157 Minikruggs 5 cm to 10 cm Long Herbivore, Rhizovore, Frugivore, Scavenger, Ovivore, Detritivore
150 Cryobowls 4 to 8 cm Wide Lithotroph , Photosynthesis
149 Pionferruses 1 cm to 10 cm Long Lithotroph
149 Cloudswarmers 1 cm to 10 cm long Photosynthesis, Frugivore, Herbivore, Planktivore
149 Krillpedes 1 cm to 10 cm Long Planktivore
151 Cavepedes 1 cm to 10 cm Planktivore
151 Vermees 1 mm- 5 cm Long Detrivore, Scavenger
149 Miniswarmers 1 mm Long to 10 cm Long Photosynthesis, Planktivore, Detritvore
149 Twinkiiros 1 cm to 10 cm Tall Photosynthesis
148 Pioneeroots 1 cm to 10 cm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Marbleflora 1 cm to 10 cm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Snotflora 1 cm to 10 cm Wide Detritivore, Photosynthesis
148 Cryostalks 1 cm to 10 cm Tall Photosynthesis
152 Burraroms 1 to 10 cm Long Planktivore, Detritivore
149 Twinkorals 1 cm to 10 cm Tall Photosynthesis
149 Larands 1 to 5 mm Photosynthesis
148 Flashkelps 1 cm to 10 cm Tall Photosynthesis
148 Keryhs 2 cm to 7 cm Long Larvae: Parasitic Adult: Chemosythesis , Consumer , Detritivore
148 Chitjorns 1 to 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis
148 Toxiglobes 1 - 10 cm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Colonialballs 2 cm to 10 cm Wide spheres Photosynthesis
149 Rustmolds 25 μm to 20 mm Wide Lithotroph
154 Shelpads 10 mm to 20 mm Wide Detrivore
151 Padlers 10 mm to 25 mm Wide Detritivore
151 Luminus 1 mm to 30 mm Wide Photosynthesis
154 Spore Towers 100 μm to 500 μm cells, 1-10 mm fruiting bodies Detritovore, Lithotroph

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--- 1 Centimeter / 10 Millimeter ---

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Sheet Snotflora 3 mm to 1 cm Wide Detritivore, Scavenger
154 Bonyfee 1 mm to 1 cm Long Sanguivore , Marrow eater
151 Basilliphyta 1 to 10 mm Wide Photosynthesis
150 Sudisflutanses 1 mm to 10 mm Wide Cytovore
148 Redmosses 1 mm to 30 mm Wide Photosynthesis
149 Orangemosses 1 mm to 10 mm wide Photosynthesis
148 Testudiatoms 1 to 10 mm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Tepoflora 1 mm to 5 mm Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore

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--- 1 Millimeter / 1000 Micrometers ---

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
148 Glaalgaes 0.5 to 1 mm tall Photosynthesis
155 Hikerflora 0.40 mm to 1mm Photosynthesis
152 Polyfee 100 µm Long to 1 mm Long Parasite , Sanguivore
149 Microswarmers 100 µm Long to 1 mm Long Photosynthesis
149 Sailcells 1 mm to 10 mm Wide Photosynthesis
149 Nimbuses 5 mm to 50 mm Wide Photosynthesis
150 Infinities 200 um to 2 mm Wide Consumer
148 Chemeba 500 um to 1 mm Thick Chemotroph
149 Colonuses 500 µm to 1 mm Thick Varies
154 Hexmalaphoelia 250 – 400 μm Wide Lithovore , Photosynthesis
148 Flovars 100 μm to 500 μm Long Photosynthesis
149 Floatfilms 800 μm to 1.2 mm Wide Photosynthesis
153 Prongangels 10 to 800 μm (females) 1 μm or less (males) Detritivore , Consumer

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--- 100 Micrometers ---

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
149 Cryoflows 50 µm to 100 µm Long Consumer, Photosynthesis
148 Kyanoses 50 μm to 150 μm Long Photosynthesis
151 Lightnings 20 to 60 μm Wide Consumer
154 Umbröschla 50 - 150 μm Wide Lithovore , Photosynthesis
148 Flashcells 50 μm to 100 μm Wide Photosynthesis
156 Symbiocells 25 μm to 50 μm Wide Parasite
154 Engulfamoebas 25 µm to 50 µm Wide Consumer
148 Crocusisms 25 μm to 100 μm Wide Photosynthesis
149 Microprobi 25 μm to 50 μm Cytovore, Photosynthesis
150 Oozes Size 10 to 30 μm Wide (Individuals); 1 to 3 m Wide (Colonies) Biomass, Photosynthesis
148 Chaoses 10 μm to 20 μm Wide Consumer
149 Cryophytes 10 μm - 15 μm Wide Cells; 80 μm - 100 μm Long Chains Photosynthesis, Chemoorganoheterotroph
154 Percolators 10 µm to 20 µm Long Chemosynthesis
154 Flickers 10 µm to 20 µm Long Chemosynthesis

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--- 10 Micrometers ---

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
155 Cilios 5 µm to 10 µm Long Detritivore
153 Spirals 1 µm to 10 µm Chemivore
148 Salmunduses 5 to 25 μm Wide Detritivore
150 Hexpouruses 1 to 10 mm Wide Consumer, Detritivore
148 Morsuses 5 to 10 μm Wide Detritivore
149 Sappro 1 to 10 μm Tall Parasitic
149 Irisiris 1 µm to 10 µm Long Parasite
149 Pestilence 5 to 10 µm Wide Parasite
153 Seacleaners 5 to 10 μm Wide Scavenger, Detritivore, Coprophagous, Trophallaxic
149 Microplaques 5 to 10 μm Wide Detritivore, Parasite
150 Cryoutines 1 to 5 μm Long Chemotroph , Lithotroph
154 Octhermas 1 μm to 10 μm Wide Chemosynthesis
149 Gut Majurums 1 μm to 5 μm Wide Lithotroph
152 Guttoplaques 1 μm to 5 μm Wide Detritivore
149 Ferruphiles 1 μm to 10 μm Wide Lithotrophs
148 Nitrocycle 1 μm Wide Chemotrophs

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--- 1 Micrometer ---

Sagan 4 Marine



Otter Vents

Pitch Black Waters with Orange-Yellow Sulfur Geothermal Vents.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
126 Tlafus Microscopic Chemivore
126 Sasule Microscopic Chemivore
127 Tlacyto Microscopic Cytovore , Chemivore
128 Nonasasule Microscopic Chemovore
133 Sulfasule Microscopic Chemovore
143 Otter Salentoid Microscopic Methanotroph, Consumer

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Gen Name Size Diet Notes
127 Otter Trapinfilter 3 m Tall Filter-Feeder
127 Helterant 50 cm Wide Filter-Feeder
128 Bliep Urchip 3.5 cm Long Herbivore
133 Deepwaterorm 10 cm Long Filter Feeder
135 Vent Shrubite 25 cm Tall Filter-Feeder , Chemosynthesis
135 Vent Urchip 5 cm Long Herbivore
135 Blind Foi 2 cm Long Detritivore
136 Necrotic Arrowhead 10 cm Tall Carnivore , Detritivore
143 Chunky Zoister 12 cm Long Filter-Feeder
150 Zergster 120 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
153 Glowbulb Swarmer 16 cm Long Weak Photosynthesis, Planktivore, Detritivore
157 Mortucomed 48 cm Long Scavenger, Detritivore, Planktivore, Weak Photosynthesis

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Jujubee Ocean Trench Floor

Pitch Black Waters with with Gray Sediment Flat Seafloor.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
50 Sting Cell Microscopic Cytovore
102 Wykraline Microscopic Cytovore, Organic compounds
119 Macululuchia Microscopic Endoparasite
130 Saltiri Microscopic Chemovore
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore

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Gen Name Size Diet Notes
149 Bloister 20 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
156 Deep Seacural 20 cm Tall Planktivore, Detrivore
157 Mortucomed 48 cm Long Scavenger, Detritivore, Planktivore, Weak Photosynthesis

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Jujubee Ocean Trench Zone

Pitch Black Open Waters.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
50 Sting Cell Microscopic Cytovore
102 Wykraline Microscopic Cytovore, Organic compounds
119 Macululuchia Microscopic Endoparasite
130 Saltiri Microscopic Chemovore
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore

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Gen Name Size Diet Notes
149 Phantom Filtersquid 50 cm Long Planktivore
157 Mortucomed 48 cm Long Scavenger, Detritivore, Planktivore, Weak Photosynthesis

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Jujubee Ocean Trench Slope

Pitch Black Waters with with Gray Steep Cliffs.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
50 Sting Cell Microscopic Cytovore
102 Wykraline Microscopic Cytovore, Organic compounds
119 Macululuchia Microscopic Endoparasite
130 Saltiri Microscopic Chemovore
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore

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Gen Name Size Diet Notes
149 Bloister 20 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
156 Deep Seacural 20 cm Tall Planktivore, Detrivore
157 Mortucomed 48 cm Long Scavenger, Detritivore, Planktivore, Weak Photosynthesis

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Blarg Cold Seep

Deep Blue Sea with Some Light with Cold Salty Methane-Brine Underwater Lake.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
101 Methanophagus Microscopic Chemosynthesis
120 Methanovore Microscopic Chemosynthesis
123 Double Firecell Microscopic Chemosynthesis

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Gen Name Size Diet Notes
108 Cold Seep Foi 0.5 cm Long Consumer
120 Foilug 5 cm Long Consumer
133 Trio Shrubite 40 cm Tall Filter-Feeder
133 Island Pyamus 75 cm Wide Detritivore, Filter-Feeder , Scavenger

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Abyss Zone

Jujubee Ocean Abyss Floor

Pitch Black High Pressure Sea with No Light with Gray Sediment Flat Seafloor.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
50 Sting Cell Microscopic Cytovore
102 Wykraline Microscopic Cytovore, Organic compounds
119 Macululuchia Microscopic Endoparasite
130 Saltiri Microscopic Chemovore
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore

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Gen Name Size Diet Notes
52 Spoisoreth 30 - 60 cm Long Carnivore
114 Echofin 25 cm Long Herbivore
121 Bigeyed Foi 2 cm Long Detritivore
123 Feathery Plagu 20 cm Long Scavenger
123 Kelpoggle 1 cm Long Parasite
123 Belumbia 5 cm Long Hematophagous
127 Jujubee Darkswarmer 20 cm Long Detritivore, Filter-Feeder , Photosynthesis
133 Deepwaterorm 10 cm Long Filter Feeder
135 Foi-Eating Gilltail 8 cm Long Carnivore
136 Necrotic Arrowhead 10 cm Tall Carnivore , Detritivore
137 Kelpivour 1.5 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger, Parasitic
137 Abyssal Muckraker 20 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger
156 Deep Seacural 20 cm Tall Planktivore, Detrivore
157 Gillpede 20 cm Long Detritivore
157 Mortucomed 48 cm Long Scavenger, Detritivore, Planktivore, Weak Photosynthesis
159 Curalbiter 45 cm Long Herbivore
159 Muckamor 85 cm Long Adult: Carnivore , Scavenger; Tadpole: Omnivore

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Jujubee Ocean Abyss Zone

Pitch Black High Pressure Sea with No Light in Open Waters.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
50 Sting Cell Microscopic Cytovore
102 Wykraline Microscopic Cytovore, Organic compounds
119 Macululuchia Microscopic Endoparasite
130 Saltiri Microscopic Chemovore
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore

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Gen Name Size Diet Notes
52 Spoisoreth 30 - 60 cm Long Carnivore
114 Echofin 25 cm Long Herbivore
121 Bigeyed Foi 2 cm Long Detritivore
123 Feathery Plagu 20 cm Long Scavenger
123 Kelpoggle 1 cm Long Parasite
123 Belumbia 5 cm Long Hematophagous
127 Jujubee Darkswarmer 20 cm Long Detritivore, Filter-Feeder , Photosynthesis
133 Deepwaterorm 10 cm Long Filter Feeder
135 Foi-Eating Gilltail 8 cm Long Carnivore
136 Necrotic Arrowhead 10 cm Tall Carnivore , Detritivore
137 Kelpivour 1.5 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger, Parasitic
137 Abyssal Muckraker 20 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger
158 Deep Crimson Phantomsquid 5 m Long Planktivore, Detrivore

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Jujubee Ocean Abyss Slope

Pitch Black High Pressure Sea with No Light with Gray Sediment Sloping Seafloor.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
50 Sting Cell Microscopic Cytovore
102 Wykraline Microscopic Cytovore, Organic compounds
119 Macululuchia Microscopic Endoparasite
130 Saltiri Microscopic Chemovore
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore

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Gen Name Size Diet Notes
52 Spoisoreth 30 - 60 cm Long Carnivore
114 Echofin 25 cm Long Herbivore
121 Bigeyed Foi 2 cm Long Detritivore
123 Feathery Plagu 20 cm Long Scavenger
123 Kelpoggle 1 cm Long Parasite
123 Belumbia 5 cm Long Hematophagous
127 Jujubee Darkswarmer 20 cm Long Detritivore, Filter-Feeder , Photosynthesis
133 Deepwaterorm 10 cm Long Filter Feeder
135 Foi-Eating Gilltail 8 cm Long Carnivore
136 Necrotic Arrowhead 10 cm Tall Carnivore , Detritivore
137 Kelpivour 1.5 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger, Parasitic
137 Abyssal Muckraker 20 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger
156 Deep Seacural 20 cm Tall Planktivore, Detrivore
157 Gillpede 20 cm Long Detritivore
159 Curalbiter 45 cm Long Herbivore
159 Muckamor 85 cm Long Adult: Carnivore , Scavenger; Tadpole: Omnivore

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Midnight Zone

Jujubee Ocean Midnight Floor

Pitch Black Sea with No Light with Gray Sediment Flat Seafloor.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
44 Malakommalis 2-200 cm Long Endoparasite
50 Sting Cell Microscopic Cytovore
53 Gomphioculum Microscopica Microscopic Consumer
75 Trisphourus Microscopic Consumer
101 Funivenator Organuculus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore
101 Glirodlium Istaruthus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore, Consumer
102 Crescoquin Scindestus Microscopic Photosynthesis
102 Wykraline Microscopic Cytovore, Organic compounds
119 Macululuchia Microscopic Endoparasite
121 Trunksectie Microscopic Cytovore
122 Hooked Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
123 Twin Trunksectie Microscopic Cytovore
125 Tasty Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
125 Clustered Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
125 Kamikaze Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore Infection
125 Knitting Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
126 Disturbed Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
130 Saltiri Microscopic Chemovore
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
135 Colony Salmundus Microscopic Chemosynthesis
135 Byoukiri Microscopic Chemovore
137 Swift Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
138 Serpentine Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore

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Gen Name Size Diet Notes
52 Spoisoreth 30 - 60 cm Long Carnivore
114 Echofin 25 cm Long Herbivore
121 Bigeyed Foi 2 cm Long Detritivore
123 Feathery Plagu 20 cm Long Scavenger
123 Kelpoggle 1 cm Long Parasite
123 Belumbia 5 cm Long Hematophagous
127 Jujubee Darkswarmer 20 cm Long Detritivore, Filter-Feeder , Photosynthesis
133 Deepwaterorm 10 cm Long Filter Feeder
135 Foi-Eating Gilltail 8 cm Long Carnivore
136 Necrotic Arrowhead 10 cm Tall Carnivore , Detritivore
137 Kelpivour 1.5 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger, Parasitic
137 Abyssal Muckraker 20 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger
156 Deep Seacural 20 cm Tall Planktivore, Detrivore
159 Curalbiter 45 cm Long Herbivore
159 Muckamor 85 cm Long Adult: Carnivore , Scavenger; Tadpole: Omnivore

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Jujubee Ocean Midnight Zone

Pitch Black Sea with No Light in Open Waters.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
44 Malakommalis 2-200 cm Long Endoparasite
50 Sting Cell Microscopic Cytovore
53 Gomphioculum Microscopica Microscopic Consumer
75 Trisphourus Microscopic Consumer
101 Funivenator Organuculus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore
101 Glirodlium Istaruthus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore, Consumer
102 Crescoquin Scindestus Microscopic Photosynthesis
102 Wykraline Microscopic Cytovore, Organic compounds
119 Macululuchia Microscopic Endoparasite
121 Trunksectie Microscopic Cytovore
122 Hooked Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
123 Twin Trunksectie Microscopic Cytovore
125 Tasty Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
125 Clustered Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
125 Kamikaze Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore Infection
125 Knitting Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
126 Disturbed Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
130 Saltiri Microscopic Chemovore
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
135 Colony Salmundus Microscopic Chemosynthesis
135 Byoukiri Microscopic Chemovore
137 Swift Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
138 Serpentine Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore

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Gen Name Size Diet Notes
52 Spoisoreth 30 - 60 cm Long Carnivore
114 Echofin 25 cm Long Herbivore
121 Bigeyed Foi 2 cm Long Detritivore
123 Feathery Plagu 20 cm Long Scavenger
123 Kelpoggle 1 cm Long Parasite
123 Belumbia 5 cm Long Hematophagous
127 Jujubee Darkswarmer 20 cm Long Detritivore, Filter-Feeder , Photosynthesis
133 Deepwaterorm 10 cm Long Filter Feeder
135 Foi-Eating Gilltail 8 cm Long Carnivore
136 Necrotic Arrowhead 10 cm Tall Carnivore , Detritivore
137 Kelpivour 1.5 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger, Parasitic
137 Abyssal Muckraker 20 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger
154 Fan Bloister 15 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
157 Gillpede 20 cm Long Detritivore
156 Midnight Filtersquid 1.5 m Long Detritivore
156 Lurking Lyngbakr 17 m Long Carnivore , Planktivore
158 Deep Crimson Phantomsquid 5 m Long Planktivore, Detrivore

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Jujubee Ocean Midnight Slope

Pitch Black Sea with No Light with Gray Sediment Sloping Seafloor.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
44 Malakommalis 2-200 cm Long Endoparasite
50 Sting Cell Microscopic Cytovore
53 Gomphioculum Microscopica Microscopic Consumer
75 Trisphourus Microscopic Consumer
101 Funivenator Organuculus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore
101 Glirodlium Istaruthus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore, Consumer
102 Crescoquin Scindestus Microscopic Photosynthesis
102 Wykraline Microscopic Cytovore, Organic compounds
119 Macululuchia Microscopic Endoparasite
121 Trunksectie Microscopic Cytovore
122 Hooked Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
123 Twin Trunksectie Microscopic Cytovore
125 Tasty Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
125 Clustered Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
125 Kamikaze Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore Infection
125 Knitting Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
126 Disturbed Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
130 Saltiri Microscopic Chemovore
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
135 Colony Salmundus Microscopic Chemosynthesis
135 Byoukiri Microscopic Chemovore
137 Swift Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
138 Serpentine Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
52 Spoisoreth 30 - 60 cm Long Carnivore
114 Echofin 25 cm Long Herbivore
121 Bigeyed Foi 2 cm Long Detritivore
123 Feathery Plagu 20 cm Long Scavenger
123 Kelpoggle 1 cm Long Parasite
123 Belumbia 5 cm Long Hematophagous
127 Jujubee Darkswarmer 20 cm Long Detritivore, Filter-Feeder , Photosynthesis
133 Deepwaterorm 10 cm Long Filter Feeder
135 Foi-Eating Gilltail 8 cm Long Carnivore
136 Necrotic Arrowhead 10 cm Tall Carnivore , Detritivore
137 Kelpivour 1.5 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger, Parasitic
137 Abyssal Muckraker 20 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger
156 Deep Seacural 20 cm Tall Planktivore, Detrivore
156 Glowgill 6 cm long Planktivore, Detritivore
158 Vase Seacural 22 cm Tall Planktivore, Detritivore
159 Curalbiter 45 cm Long Herbivore
159 Muckamor 85 cm Long Adult: Carnivore , Scavenger; Tadpole: Omnivore
159 Pooklookai 4 cm Tall Planktivore

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Arctic Midnight Sea Mount

Pitch Black Sea with No Light with with Gray Sediment Flat Seafloor.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
44 Malakommalis 2-200 cm Long Endoparasite
50 Sting Cell Microscopic Cytovore
53 Gomphioculum Microscopica Microscopic Consumer
75 Trisphourus Microscopic Consumer
101 Funivenator Organuculus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore
101 Glirodlium Istaruthus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore, Consumer
102 Crescoquin Scindestus Microscopic Photosynthesis
102 Wykraline Microscopic Cytovore, Organic compounds
119 Macululuchia Microscopic Endoparasite
121 Trunksectie Microscopic Cytovore
122 Hooked Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
123 Twin Trunksectie Microscopic Cytovore
125 Tasty Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
125 Clustered Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
125 Kamikaze Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore Infection
125 Knitting Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
126 Disturbed Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
130 Saltiri Microscopic Chemovore
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
135 Colony Salmundus Microscopic Chemosynthesis
135 Byoukiri Microscopic Chemovore
137 Swift Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
138 Serpentine Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
156 Deep Seacural 20 cm Tall Planktivore, Detrivore
158 Artir Cural 40 cm Wide, 20 cm Tall Planktivore, Detrivore
159 Pooklookai 4 cm Tall Planktivore

[ top ]

Truteal Midnight Sea Mount

Pitch Black Sea with No Light with with Gray Sediment Flat Seafloor.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
44 Malakommalis 2-200 cm Long Endoparasite
50 Sting Cell Microscopic Cytovore
53 Gomphioculum Microscopica Microscopic Consumer
75 Trisphourus Microscopic Consumer
101 Funivenator Organuculus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore
101 Glirodlium Istaruthus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore, Consumer
102 Crescoquin Scindestus Microscopic Photosynthesis
102 Wykraline Microscopic Cytovore, Organic compounds
119 Macululuchia Microscopic Endoparasite
121 Trunksectie Microscopic Cytovore
122 Hooked Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
123 Twin Trunksectie Microscopic Cytovore
125 Tasty Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
125 Clustered Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
125 Kamikaze Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore Infection
125 Knitting Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
126 Disturbed Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
130 Saltiri Microscopic Chemovore
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
135 Colony Salmundus Microscopic Chemosynthesis
135 Byoukiri Microscopic Chemovore
137 Swift Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
138 Serpentine Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
156 Deep Seacural 20 cm Tall Planktivore, Detrivore
158 Vase Seacural 22 cm Tall Planktivore, Detritivore
159 Branch-Vase Seacural 30 cm Tall Planktivore, Detritivore

[ top ]

Xeno Midnight Sea Mount

Pitch Black Sea with No Light with with Gray Sediment Flat Seafloor.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
44 Malakommalis 2-200 cm Long Endoparasite
50 Sting Cell Microscopic Cytovore
53 Gomphioculum Microscopica Microscopic Consumer
75 Trisphourus Microscopic Consumer
101 Funivenator Organuculus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore
101 Glirodlium Istaruthus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore, Consumer
102 Crescoquin Scindestus Microscopic Photosynthesis
102 Wykraline Microscopic Cytovore, Organic compounds
119 Macululuchia Microscopic Endoparasite
121 Trunksectie Microscopic Cytovore
122 Hooked Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
123 Twin Trunksectie Microscopic Cytovore
125 Tasty Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
125 Clustered Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
125 Kamikaze Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore Infection
125 Knitting Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
126 Disturbed Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
130 Saltiri Microscopic Chemovore
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
135 Colony Salmundus Microscopic Chemosynthesis
135 Byoukiri Microscopic Chemovore
137 Swift Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
138 Serpentine Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
156 Deep Seacural 20 cm Tall Planktivore, Detrivore
158 Vase Seacural 22 cm Tall Planktivore, Detritivore
159 Double-Brush Seacural 25 cm Tall Planktivore, Detritivore
159 Curalbiter 45 cm Long Herbivore
159 Muckamor 85 cm Long Adult: Carnivore , Scavenger; Tadpole: Omnivore
159 Flat-Topped Seacural 17 cm Tall Detritivore

[ top ]

Twilight Zone

Jujubee Ocean Twilight Floor

Deep Blue Sea with Some Light and a Gray Sediment Seafloor.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
44 Malakommalis 2-200 cm Long Endoparasite
50 Sting Cell Microscopic Cytovore
69 Black Sea Algae Microscopic Photosynthesis
74 Black Southern Algae Microscopic Photosynthesis
53 Gomphioculum Microscopica Microscopic Consumer
75 Trisphourus Microscopic Consumer
101 Funivenator Organuculus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore
101 Glirodlium Istaruthus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore, Consumer
102 Crescoquin Scindestus Microscopic Photosynthesis
102 Wykraline Microscopic Cytovore, Organic compounds
119 Macululuchia Microscopic Endoparasite
121 Trunksectie Microscopic Cytovore
122 Hooked Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
123 Twin Trunksectie Microscopic Cytovore
125 Tasty Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
125 Clustered Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
125 Kamikaze Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore Infection
125 Knitting Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
126 Disturbed Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
130 Saltiri Microscopic Chemovore
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
135 Colony Salmundus Microscopic Chemosynthesis
135 Byoukiri Microscopic Chemovore
137 Swift Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
138 Serpentine Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
10 Rainbow Marephasmatis Diminutive (2 cm) Filter Feeder
88 Tentacled Urphish 30 cm Long Carnivore
107 Symboather 1 cm Diameter Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Chemosynthesis
107 Crastrum 1 cm Wide Photosynthesis
109 Gilltail 15 cm Long Omnivore
111 Squarenet Crastrum 2 cm Long per sausage Photosynthesis
116 Scissor Beak 15 cm Long Carnivore
117 Featherbelly Foi 2 cm Long Filter-Feeder
119 Cleaner Crastrum 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis
121 Bigeyed Foi 2 cm Long Detritivore
123 Kelpoggle 1 cm Long Parasite
123 Belumbia 5 cm Long Hematophagous
126 Disorderly Gelatin 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
131 Oceanrorm 1 cm Long Filter-Feeder
134 Twilight Arrowhead 1 cm Long Planktivore
135 Foi-Eating Gilltail 8 cm Long Carnivore
136 Winged Armororm 4 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Detrivore
136 Sticky Urphish 15 cm Long Scavenger
136 Tusked Arrowhead 2 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger
136 Xunjet 8 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Carnivore
136 Speartongue 2 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
137 Kelpivour 1.5 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger, Parasitic
137 Needle Foi 3 cm Long Detritivore
137 Sunrorm 2 cm Long Filter-Feeder
137 Lancertongue 4 cm Long Carnivore , Parasite , Scavenger
138 Sea Glider 4 cm Long Carnivore , Detritivore
149 Bloister 20 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
150 Smokey Shrubite 1 m Tall Planktivore
153 Metamorph Spinderorm 18 cm Long Planktonivore
156 Deep Seacural 20 cm Tall Planktivore, Detrivore
156 Twilight Crystal 50 cm Tall Detritivore, Weak Photosynthesis
156 Twilight Trapinout 90 cm long Carnivore
159 Curalbiter 45 cm Long Herbivore
159 Muckamor 85 cm Long Adult: Carnivore , Scavenger; Tadpole: Omnivore

[ top ]

Jujubee Ocean Twilight Zone

Deep Blue Sea with Some Light in Open Waters.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
44 Malakommalis 2-200 cm Long Endoparasite
50 Sting Cell Microscopic Cytovore
69 Black Sea Algae Microscopic Photosynthesis
74 Black Southern Algae Microscopic Photosynthesis
53 Gomphioculum Microscopica Microscopic Consumer
75 Trisphourus Microscopic Consumer
101 Funivenator Organuculus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore
101 Glirodlium Istaruthus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore, Consumer
102 Crescoquin Scindestus Microscopic Photosynthesis
102 Wykraline Microscopic Cytovore, Organic compounds
119 Macululuchia Microscopic Endoparasite
121 Trunksectie Microscopic Cytovore
122 Hooked Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
123 Twin Trunksectie Microscopic Cytovore
125 Tasty Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
125 Clustered Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
125 Kamikaze Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore Infection
125 Knitting Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
126 Disturbed Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
130 Saltiri Microscopic Chemovore
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
135 Colony Salmundus Microscopic Chemosynthesis
135 Byoukiri Microscopic Chemovore
137 Swift Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
138 Serpentine Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
147 Ghost Miniswarmer Microscopic Photosynthesis, Filter-Feeder

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
10 Rainbow Marephasmatis Diminutive (2 cm) Filter Feeder
88 Tentacled Urphish 30 cm Long Carnivore
107 Symboather 1 cm Diameter Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Chemosynthesis
107 Crastrum 1 cm Wide Photosynthesis
109 Gilltail 15 cm Long Omnivore
111 Squarenet Crastrum 2 cm Long per sausage Photosynthesis
116 Scissor Beak 15 cm Long Carnivore
117 Featherbelly Foi 2 cm Long Filter-Feeder
119 Cleaner Crastrum 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis
121 Bigeyed Foi 2 cm Long Detritivore
123 Kelpoggle 1 cm Long Parasite
123 Belumbia 5 cm Long Hematophagous
126 Disorderly Gelatin 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
131 Oceanrorm 1 cm Long Filter-Feeder
134 Twilight Arrowhead 1 cm Long Planktivore
135 Foi-Eating Gilltail 8 cm Long Carnivore
136 Winged Armororm 4 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Detrivore
136 Sticky Urphish 15 cm Long Scavenger
136 Tusked Arrowhead 2 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger
136 Xunjet 8 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Carnivore
136 Speartongue 2 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
137 Kelpivour 1.5 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger, Parasitic
137 Needle Foi 3 cm Long Detritivore
137 Sunrorm 2 cm Long Filter-Feeder
137 Lancertongue 4 cm Long Carnivore , Parasite , Scavenger
138 Sea Glider 4 cm Long Carnivore , Detritivore
149 Phantom Filtersquid 50 cm Long Planktivore
149 Cerulean Gillfin 45 cm Long Herbivore
153 Delving Lyngbakr 15 m Long Planktivore
153 Greater Wolley 32 cm Long Carnivore , Cannibalism
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
153 Metamorph Spinderorm 18 cm Long Planktonivore
155 City Snotflora 0.5 cm Wide Keratophage, Mucivore, Detrivore
156 Clamshut Waterworm 25 cm long Parasite , Planktivore, Detrivore
156 Oilicle 50 cm Long Planktivore
156 Glowgill 6 cm long Planktivore, Detritivore
156 Lurking Lyngbakr 17 m Long Carnivore , Planktivore
157 Red Phantomsquid 50 cm Long Planktivore
159 Gulperpump 20 cm Long Planktonivore
159 South Polar Shardgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
159 Gillarill 4 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Outtablue Scylarian 3 m Long Carnivore

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Jujubee Ocean Twilight Slope

Deep Blue Sea with Some Light with Gray Sediment Sloping Seafloor.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
44 Malakommalis 2-200 cm Long Endoparasite
50 Sting Cell Microscopic Cytovore
69 Black Sea Algae Microscopic Photosynthesis
74 Black Southern Algae Microscopic Photosynthesis
53 Gomphioculum Microscopica Microscopic Consumer
75 Trisphourus Microscopic Consumer
101 Funivenator Organuculus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore
101 Glirodlium Istaruthus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore, Consumer
102 Crescoquin Scindestus Microscopic Photosynthesis
102 Wykraline Microscopic Cytovore, Organic compounds
119 Macululuchia Microscopic Endoparasite
121 Trunksectie Microscopic Cytovore
122 Hooked Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
123 Twin Trunksectie Microscopic Cytovore
125 Tasty Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
125 Clustered Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
125 Kamikaze Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore Infection
125 Knitting Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
126 Disturbed Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
130 Saltiri Microscopic Chemovore
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
135 Colony Salmundus Microscopic Chemosynthesis
135 Byoukiri Microscopic Chemovore
137 Swift Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
138 Serpentine Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
10 Rainbow Marephasmatis Diminutive (2 cm) Filter Feeder
88 Tentacled Urphish 30 cm Long Carnivore
107 Symboather 1 cm Diameter Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Chemosynthesis
107 Crastrum 1 cm Wide Photosynthesis
109 Gilltail 15 cm Long Omnivore
111 Squarenet Crastrum 2 cm Long per sausage Photosynthesis
116 Scissor Beak 15 cm Long Carnivore
117 Featherbelly Foi 2 cm Long Filter-Feeder
119 Cleaner Crastrum 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis
121 Bigeyed Foi 2 cm Long Detritivore
123 Kelpoggle 1 cm Long Parasite
123 Belumbia 5 cm Long Hematophagous
126 Disorderly Gelatin 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
131 Oceanrorm 1 cm Long Filter-Feeder
134 Twilight Arrowhead 1 cm Long Planktivore
135 Foi-Eating Gilltail 8 cm Long Carnivore
136 Winged Armororm 4 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Detrivore
136 Sticky Urphish 15 cm Long Scavenger
136 Tusked Arrowhead 2 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger
136 Xunjet 8 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Carnivore
136 Speartongue 2 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
137 Kelpivour 1.5 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger, Parasitic
137 Needle Foi 3 cm Long Detritivore
137 Sunrorm 2 cm Long Filter-Feeder
137 Lancertongue 4 cm Long Carnivore , Parasite , Scavenger
138 Sea Glider 4 cm Long Carnivore , Detritivore
149 Bloister 20 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
150 Smokey Shrubite 1 m Tall Planktivore
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
156 Deep Seacural 20 cm Tall Planktivore, Detrivore
159 Gulperpump 20 cm Long Planktonivore
159 South Polar Shardgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
159 Gillarill 4 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Outtablue Scylarian 3 m Long Carnivore
159 Curalbiter 45 cm Long Herbivore
159 Muckamor 85 cm Long Adult: Carnivore , Scavenger; Tadpole: Omnivore

[ top ]

Arctic Twilight Sea Mount

Deep Blue Sea with Some Light with Gray Sediment Flat Seafloor.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
44 Malakommalis 2-200 cm Long Endoparasite
50 Sting Cell Microscopic Cytovore
69 Black Sea Algae Microscopic Photosynthesis
74 Black Southern Algae Microscopic Photosynthesis
53 Gomphioculum Microscopica Microscopic Consumer
75 Trisphourus Microscopic Consumer
101 Funivenator Organuculus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore
101 Glirodlium Istaruthus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore, Consumer
102 Crescoquin Scindestus Microscopic Photosynthesis
102 Wykraline Microscopic Cytovore, Organic compounds
119 Macululuchia Microscopic Endoparasite
121 Trunksectie Microscopic Cytovore
122 Hooked Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
123 Twin Trunksectie Microscopic Cytovore
125 Tasty Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
125 Clustered Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
125 Kamikaze Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore Infection
125 Knitting Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
126 Disturbed Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
130 Saltiri Microscopic Chemovore
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
135 Colony Salmundus Microscopic Chemosynthesis
135 Byoukiri Microscopic Chemovore
137 Swift Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
138 Serpentine Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
156 Deep Seacural 20 cm Tall Planktivore, Detrivore
156 Stegosnaper 37 cm Long Carnivore , Detritivore
158 Artir Cural 40 cm Wide, 20 cm Tall Planktivore, Detrivore
159 South Polar Shardgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
159 Gillarill 4 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Outtablue Scylarian 3 m Long Carnivore
159 Pooklookai 4 cm Tall Planktivore

[ top ]

Jaydoh Twilight Sea Mount

Deep Blue Sea with Some Light with Gray Sediment Flat Seafloor.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
44 Malakommalis 2-200 cm Long Endoparasite
50 Sting Cell Microscopic Cytovore
69 Black Sea Algae Microscopic Photosynthesis
74 Black Southern Algae Microscopic Photosynthesis
53 Gomphioculum Microscopica Microscopic Consumer
75 Trisphourus Microscopic Consumer
101 Funivenator Organuculus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore
101 Glirodlium Istaruthus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore, Consumer
102 Crescoquin Scindestus Microscopic Photosynthesis
102 Wykraline Microscopic Cytovore, Organic compounds
119 Macululuchia Microscopic Endoparasite
121 Trunksectie Microscopic Cytovore
122 Hooked Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
123 Twin Trunksectie Microscopic Cytovore
125 Tasty Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
125 Clustered Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
125 Kamikaze Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore Infection
125 Knitting Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
126 Disturbed Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
130 Saltiri Microscopic Chemovore
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
135 Colony Salmundus Microscopic Chemosynthesis
135 Byoukiri Microscopic Chemovore
137 Swift Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
138 Serpentine Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
156 Deep Seacural 20 cm Tall Planktivore, Detrivore
158 Jaydoh Cural 40 cm Tall Planktivore, Detrivore
159 South Polar Shardgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
159 Gillarill 4 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Outtablue Scylarian 3 m Long Carnivore
159 Curalbiter 45 cm Long Herbivore
159 Muckamor 85 cm Long Adult: Carnivore , Scavenger; Tadpole: Omnivore

[ top ]

Truteal Twilight Sea Mount

Deep Blue Sea with Some Light with Gray Sediment Flat Seafloor.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
44 Malakommalis 2-200 cm Long Endoparasite
50 Sting Cell Microscopic Cytovore
69 Black Sea Algae Microscopic Photosynthesis
74 Black Southern Algae Microscopic Photosynthesis
53 Gomphioculum Microscopica Microscopic Consumer
75 Trisphourus Microscopic Consumer
101 Funivenator Organuculus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore
101 Glirodlium Istaruthus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore, Consumer
102 Crescoquin Scindestus Microscopic Photosynthesis
102 Wykraline Microscopic Cytovore, Organic compounds
119 Macululuchia Microscopic Endoparasite
121 Trunksectie Microscopic Cytovore
122 Hooked Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
123 Twin Trunksectie Microscopic Cytovore
125 Tasty Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
125 Clustered Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
125 Kamikaze Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore Infection
125 Knitting Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
126 Disturbed Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
130 Saltiri Microscopic Chemovore
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
135 Colony Salmundus Microscopic Chemosynthesis
135 Byoukiri Microscopic Chemovore
137 Swift Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
138 Serpentine Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
153 Delving Lyngbakr 15 m Long Planktivore
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
155 City Snotflora 0.5 cm Wide Keratophage, Mucivore, Detrivore
156 Deep Seacural 20 cm Tall Planktivore, Detrivore
157 Guhnuh 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore, Scavenger
158 Vase Seacural 22 cm Tall Planktivore, Detritivore
159 Branch-Vase Seacural 30 cm Tall Planktivore, Detritivore
159 Gulperpump 20 cm Long Planktonivore

[ top ]

Xeno Twilight Sea Mount

Deep Blue Sea with Some Light with Gray Sediment Flat Seafloor.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
44 Malakommalis 2-200 cm Long Endoparasite
50 Sting Cell Microscopic Cytovore
69 Black Sea Algae Microscopic Photosynthesis
74 Black Southern Algae Microscopic Photosynthesis
53 Gomphioculum Microscopica Microscopic Consumer
75 Trisphourus Microscopic Consumer
101 Funivenator Organuculus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore
101 Glirodlium Istaruthus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore, Consumer
102 Crescoquin Scindestus Microscopic Photosynthesis
102 Wykraline Microscopic Cytovore, Organic compounds
119 Macululuchia Microscopic Endoparasite
121 Trunksectie Microscopic Cytovore
122 Hooked Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
123 Twin Trunksectie Microscopic Cytovore
125 Tasty Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
125 Clustered Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
125 Kamikaze Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore Infection
125 Knitting Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
126 Disturbed Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
130 Saltiri Microscopic Chemovore
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
135 Colony Salmundus Microscopic Chemosynthesis
135 Byoukiri Microscopic Chemovore
137 Swift Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
138 Serpentine Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
154 Fan Bloister 15 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
156 Deep Seacural 20 cm Tall Planktivore, Detrivore
158 Vase Seacural 22 cm Tall Planktivore, Detritivore
159 Double-Brush Seacural 25 cm Tall Planktivore, Detritivore
159 Gulperpump 20 cm Long Planktonivore
159 South Polar Shardgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
159 Gillarill 4 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Outtablue Scylarian 3 m Long Carnivore
159 Curalbiter 45 cm Long Herbivore
159 Muckamor 85 cm Long Adult: Carnivore , Scavenger; Tadpole: Omnivore
159 Flat-Topped Seacural 17 cm Tall Detritivore

[ top ]

Sunlight Zone

Jujubee Tropical Ocean Sunlight Zone

Deep Blue Tropical Sea with Lots of Light.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Scuttleball Gillfin 30 cm Long Omnivore
150 Royal Scylarian 60 cm Long Carnivore
151 Diamond Pumpgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
151 Spiny Roj 6 cm Long Planktivore, Detritivore
151 Sucker Swarmer 1 cm Long Lepidovore , Scavenger, Detrivore, Photosynthesis
152 Caraclaw 3.8 m Long Herbivore
153 Left-Right Scalucker 2 cm Long Lepidovore
153 Greater Wolley 32 cm Long Carnivore , Cannibalism
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
153 Bigmouth Strainerbeak 120 cm Long Planktivore
153 Metamorph Spinderorm 18 cm Long Planktonivore
154 Ceryco 82.7 cm Long Carnivore
154 Eastward Landlubber 85 cm Long Omnivore
158 Bell Calmstrum 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis, Planktivore
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis
159 Gulperpump 20 cm Long Planktonivore

[ top ]

North Jujubee Temperate Ocean Sunlight Zone

Deep Blue Temperate Sea with Lots of Light.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
146 Noplanktoid Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Slender Miniswarmer Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Minibean Microscopic Photosynthesis
147 Crocunetwork Microscopic Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
147 Colonial Filtersquid 60 cm Long Diet: Filter-Feeder Symbiont
147 Jujubee Lilydisk 1 m Wide Photosynthesis
147 Gillrom 4 cm Long Filter-Feeder
147 Florisland 1.5 m Wide Photosynthesis, Filter-Feeder
148 Ouchiiro 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
148 Droopgea Trapinout 30 cm Long Carnivore
148 Fused-Shell Roj 24 cm Long Consumer
149 Cerulean Gillfin 45 cm Long Herbivore
149 Snatcherswarmer 1 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Carnivore
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Scuttleball Gillfin 30 cm Long Omnivore
150 Royal Scylarian 60 cm Long Carnivore
150 Bejeweled Emperor Scylarian 1.5 m Long Carnivore
150 Hullback 2 m Long Herbivore
151 Tetracrusicruge 4 cm Tall Planktivore, Detritivore
151 Diamond Pumpgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
151 Spiny Roj 6 cm Long Planktivore, Detritivore
151 Sucker Swarmer 1 cm Long Lepidovore , Scavenger, Detrivore, Photosynthesis
152 School Shocker 65 cm Long Carnivore
152 Umbrascale Lyngbakr 15 m Long Planktivore
152 Viridimaw Lyngbakr 12.5 m Long Planktivore
152 Cruelfang Hafgufa 23 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
153 Delving Lyngbakr 15 m Long Planktivore
153 Left-Right Scalucker 2 cm Long Lepidovore
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
153 Bigmouth Strainerbeak 120 cm Long Planktivore
153 Metamorph Spinderorm 18 cm Long Planktonivore
154 Ceryco 82.7 cm Long Carnivore
154 Eastward Landlubber 85 cm Long Omnivore
156 Clamshut Waterworm 25 cm long Parasite , Planktivore, Detrivore
158 Bell Calmstrum 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis, Planktivore
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis
159 Gulperpump 20 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Gushflier 10 cm Wingspan Haemotroph , Sapivore , Scavenger

[ top ]

South Jujubee Temperate Ocean Sunlight Zone

Deep Blue Temperate Sea with Lots of Light.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
146 Noplanktoid Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Slender Miniswarmer Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Minibean Microscopic Photosynthesis
147 Crocunetwork Microscopic Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
147 Colonial Filtersquid 60 cm Long Diet: Filter-Feeder Symbiont
147 Jujubee Lilydisk 1 m Wide Photosynthesis
147 Florisland 1.5 m Wide Photosynthesis, Filter-Feeder
148 Ouchiiro 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
148 Droopgea Trapinout 30 cm Long Carnivore
148 Fused-Shell Roj 24 cm Long Consumer
149 Cerulean Gillfin 45 cm Long Herbivore
149 Snatcherswarmer 1 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Carnivore
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Scuttleball Gillfin 30 cm Long Omnivore
150 Royal Scylarian 60 cm Long Carnivore
150 Marine Tamow 2 m Long Herbivore
151 Diamond Pumpgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
151 Tamjack 2.5 m Long Herbivore (Fuzzpalm, Turridea, Tethered Mine Layer, Harp-Hum, Double Bubblgea, Greater Droopgea, Pinprong, Marbleflora, Snotflora
151 Spiny Roj 6 cm Long Planktivore, Detritivore
151 Sucker Swarmer 1 cm Long Lepidovore , Scavenger, Detrivore, Photosynthesis
152 Caraclaw 3.8 m Long Herbivore
153 Torpcoat 70 cm Long Carnivore
153 Imprisoned Wolley 9 cm Long Parasite , Scavenger
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
153 Bigmouth Strainerbeak 120 cm Long Planktivore
153 Metamorph Spinderorm 18 cm Long Planktonivore
154 Lediiro 9 cm Wide Photosynthesis
154 Ceryco 82.7 cm Long Carnivore
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
154 Pirate Waxface 3 meters long Carnivore , Detritivore , Scavenger
158 Bell Calmstrum 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis, Planktivore
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis
159 Gulperpump 20 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Tilepillar 1.5 m Long Herbivore
159 South Polar Shardgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
159 Gillarill 4 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Southern Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Outtablue Scylarian 3 m Long Carnivore

[ top ]

North Jujubee Polar Ocean Sunlight Zone

Deep Blue Polar Sea with Lots of Light.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
146 Noplanktoid Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Slender Miniswarmer Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Minibean Microscopic Photosynthesis
147 Crocunetwork Microscopic Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
147 Jujubee Lilydisk 1 m Wide Photosynthesis
147 Islandball Gillfin 25 cm Long Herbivore
147 Gillrom 4 cm Long Filter-Feeder
147 Spotted Shocker 40 cm Long Carnivore
148 Ouchiiro 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
148 Droopgea Trapinout 30 cm Long Carnivore
149 Cerulean Gillfin 45 cm Long Herbivore
149 Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktivore
149 Snatcherswarmer 1 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Carnivore
150 Bejeweled Emperor Scylarian 1.5 m Long Carnivore
152 School Shocker 65 cm Long Carnivore
152 Umbrascale Lyngbakr 15 m Long Planktivore
152 Viridimaw Lyngbakr 12.5 m Long Planktivore
152 Cruelfang Hafgufa 23 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
155 Chambered Bubblegea 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis

[ top ]

South Jujubee Polar Ocean Sunlight Zone

Deep Blue Polar Sea with Lots of Light.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
146 Noplanktoid Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Slender Miniswarmer Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Minibean Microscopic Photosynthesis
147 Crocunetwork Microscopic Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
147 Colonial Filtersquid 60 cm Long Diet: Filter-Feeder Symbiont
147 Ribbon Gilltail 45 cm Long Herbivore
147 Jujubee Lilydisk 1 m Wide Photosynthesis
147 Islandball Gillfin 25 cm Long Herbivore
147 Spotted Shocker 40 cm Long Carnivore
148 Ouchiiro 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
148 Droopgea Trapinout 30 cm Long Carnivore
149 Cerulean Gillfin 45 cm Long Herbivore
149 Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktivore
149 Snatcherswarmer 1 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Carnivore
153 Torpcoat 70 cm Long Carnivore
155 Crowngea 50 cm tall Photosynthesis
155 Squire Finworm 20 cm long Herbivore
159 Tilepillar 1.5 m Long Herbivore
159 South Polar Shardgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
159 Gillarill 4 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Southern Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Outtablue Scylarian 3 m Long Carnivore
159 Gushflier 10 cm Wingspan Haemotroph , Sapivore , Scavenger

[ top ]


Negative Tropical Shallows

Blue Tropical Waters with Red-Rusty Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Snapper Scuttler 4 cm Long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
150 Scuttleball Gillfin 30 cm Long Omnivore
150 Royal Scylarian 60 cm Long Carnivore
150 Smokey Shrubite 1 m Tall Planktivore
150 Marine Tamow 2 m Long Herbivore
151 Diamond Pumpgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
151 Tamjack 2.5 m Long Herbivore (Fuzzpalm, Turridea, Tethered Mine Layer, Harp-Hum, Double Bubblgea, Greater Droopgea, Pinprong, Marbleflora, Snotflora
151 Sucker Swarmer 1 cm Long Lepidovore , Scavenger, Detrivore, Photosynthesis
151 Snapperbeak Hookphlyer 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Hemodohve 1.4 m Long Carnivore
152 Slenderscooter 60 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Shieldscooter 40 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Sindohve 80 cm long Carnivore
153 Left-Right Scalucker 2 cm Long Lepidovore
153 Greater Wolley 32 cm Long Carnivore , Cannibalism
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
154 Sinduhk 75 cm Long Planktivore
154 Sikai 40 cm Long Planktivore
154 Olltooka 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
154 Pirate Waxface 3 meters long Carnivore , Detritivore , Scavenger
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
152 Amphibious Flashkelp 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
154 Parasitic Branch-Lantern Up to 60cm Tall (Not Including Spore Droplets) Parasitism, Photosynthesis
157 Tenacerxia 15 cm Tall Detritivore, Photosynthesis, Planktivore,
158 Sardchovy 40 cm Long Planktivore
158 Dunki 20 cm Long Planktivore, Detritivore, Photosynthesis
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Ovi Tropical Shallows

Blue Tropical Waters with Red-Rusty Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Snapper Scuttler 4 cm Long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
150 Scuttleball Gillfin 30 cm Long Omnivore
150 Royal Scylarian 60 cm Long Carnivore
151 Diamond Pumpgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
151 Tamjack 2.5 m Long Herbivore (Fuzzpalm, Turridea, Tethered Mine Layer, Harp-Hum, Double Bubblgea, Greater Droopgea, Pinprong, Marbleflora, Snotflora
151 Sucker Swarmer 1 cm Long Lepidovore , Scavenger, Detrivore, Photosynthesis
151 Snapperbeak Hookphlyer 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Hemodohve 1.4 m Long Carnivore
152 Slenderscooter 60 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Shieldscooter 40 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Sindohve 80 cm long Carnivore
153 Greater Wolley 32 cm Long Carnivore , Cannibalism
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
154 Sinduhk 75 cm Long Planktivore
154 Sikai 40 cm Long Planktivore
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
154 Eastward Landlubber 85 cm Long Omnivore
154 Pirate Waxface 3 meters long Carnivore , Detritivore , Scavenger
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
152 Amphibious Flashkelp 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
154 Parasitic Branch-Lantern Up to 60cm Tall (Not Including Spore Droplets) Parasitism, Photosynthesis
157 Tenacerxia 15 cm Tall Detritivore, Photosynthesis, Planktivore,
158 Sardchovy 40 cm Long Planktivore
158 Dunki 20 cm Long Planktivore, Detritivore, Photosynthesis
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis
159 Gushflier 10 cm Wingspan Haemotroph , Sapivore , Scavenger

[ top ]

Penumbra Tropical Shallows

Blue Tropical Waters with Red-Rusty Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Snapper Scuttler 4 cm Long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
150 Scuttleball Gillfin 30 cm Long Omnivore
150 Royal Scylarian 60 cm Long Carnivore
150 Marine Tamow 2 m Long Herbivore
151 Diamond Pumpgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
151 Tamjack 2.5 m Long Herbivore (Fuzzpalm, Turridea, Tethered Mine Layer, Harp-Hum, Double Bubblgea, Greater Droopgea, Pinprong, Marbleflora, Snotflora
151 Sucker Swarmer 1 cm Long Lepidovore , Scavenger, Detrivore, Photosynthesis
151 Snapperbeak Hookphlyer 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Hemodohve 1.4 m Long Carnivore
152 Amphibious Flashkelp 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
152 Slenderscooter 60 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Shieldscooter 40 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Sindohve 80 cm long Carnivore
153 Left-Right Scalucker 2 cm Long Lepidovore
153 Greater Wolley 32 cm Long Carnivore , Cannibalism
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
154 Sinduhk 75 cm Long Planktivore
154 Sikai 40 cm Long Planktivore
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
154 Pirate Waxface 3 meters long Carnivore , Detritivore , Scavenger
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
157 Tenacerxia 15 cm Tall Detritivore, Photosynthesis, Planktivore,
158 Sardchovy 40 cm Long Planktivore
158 Dunki 20 cm Long Planktivore, Detritivore, Photosynthesis
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Putspooza Tropical Shallows

Blue Tropical Waters with Red-Rusty Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Snapper Scuttler 4 cm Long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
150 Scuttleball Gillfin 30 cm Long Omnivore
150 Royal Scylarian 60 cm Long Carnivore
150 Marine Tamow 2 m Long Herbivore
151 Diamond Pumpgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
151 Tamjack 2.5 m Long Herbivore (Fuzzpalm, Turridea, Tethered Mine Layer, Harp-Hum, Double Bubblgea, Greater Droopgea, Pinprong, Marbleflora, Snotflora
151 Sucker Swarmer 1 cm Long Lepidovore , Scavenger, Detrivore, Photosynthesis
151 Snapperbeak Hookphlyer 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Hemodohve 1.4 m Long Carnivore
152 Amphibious Flashkelp 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
152 Slenderscooter 60 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Shieldscooter 40 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Sindohve 80 cm long Carnivore
153 Left-Right Scalucker 2 cm Long Lepidovore
153 Greater Wolley 32 cm Long Carnivore , Cannibalism
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
154 Sinduhk 75 cm Long Planktivore
154 Sikai 40 cm Long Planktivore
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
154 Pirate Waxface 3 meters long Carnivore , Detritivore , Scavenger
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
157 Tenacerxia 15 cm Tall Detritivore, Photosynthesis, Planktivore,
158 Sardchovy 40 cm Long Planktivore
158 Dunki 20 cm Long Planktivore, Detritivore, Photosynthesis
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Sparks Tropical Shallows

Blue Tropical Waters with Golden Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Scuttleball Gillfin 30 cm Long Omnivore
150 Onamor 25 cm Long Carnivore
150 Royal Scylarian 60 cm Long Carnivore
151 Diamond Pumpgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
151 Sucker Swarmer 1 cm Long Lepidovore , Scavenger, Detrivore, Photosynthesis
151 Globby Boneflora 6 cm Tall Photosynthesis
152 Nerius 1 cm Long Planktivore
152 Bulky Hammerhead 8 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
152 Rugged Scuttler 2 cm Long Herbivore
152 Crushermaw Scylarian 87 cm Long Carnivore
152 Charybdaran 16 cm Tall Planktivore Detritivore, Scavenger
152 Slender Scylarian 2 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
152 Magnificent Slaesosaurus 6.5 m Long Carnivore
152 Floor Onamor 50 cm long Adult: Carnivore , Tadpole: Omnivore
152 Landlubber Onamor 50 cm long Omnivore
153 Flat Swarmer 10 cm Long Photosynthesis, Planktivore, Detritvore
153 Pygmy Hullback 1.2 m Long Herbivore
153 Red-Eyed Landlubber 80 cm Long Herbivore
153 Stalk Rastum 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
153 Left-Right Scalucker 2 cm Long Lepidovore
153 Greater Wolley 32 cm Long Carnivore , Cannibalism
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
154 Barnapede 2 cm Long Planktivore
154 Crested Sealyn 1.2 m Long Omnivore , Weak Photosynthesis
154 Spineflipper 95 cm Long Herbivore , Weak Photosynthesis
154 Aqueryn 1.6 m Long Herbivore , Weak Photosynthesis
154 Aabaalki 1.2 m Long Omnivore , Weak Photosynthesis
154 Venomous Quid 75 cm Long Carnivore
154 Ceryco 82.7 cm Long Carnivore
156 Saurohound 6.5 m Long Carnivore
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Solpimr Tropical Shallows

Blue Tropical Waters with Red-Rusty Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Snapper Scuttler 4 cm Long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
150 Scuttleball Gillfin 30 cm Long Omnivore
150 Royal Scylarian 60 cm Long Carnivore
151 Diamond Pumpgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
151 Tamjack 2.5 m Long Herbivore (Fuzzpalm, Turridea, Tethered Mine Layer, Harp-Hum, Double Bubblgea, Greater Droopgea, Pinprong, Marbleflora, Snotflora
151 Sucker Swarmer 1 cm Long Lepidovore , Scavenger, Detrivore, Photosynthesis
151 Field Swarmer 30 cm Long Herbivore Scavenger, Photosynthesis
151 Snapperbeak Hookphlyer 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Hemodohve 1.4 m Long Carnivore
152 Slenderscooter 60 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Shieldscooter 40 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Sindohve 80 cm long Carnivore
153 Greater Wolley 32 cm Long Carnivore , Cannibalism
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
154 Sinduhk 75 cm Long Planktivore
154 Sikai 40 cm Long Planktivore
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
154 Pirate Waxface 3 meters long Carnivore , Detritivore , Scavenger
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
152 Amphibious Flashkelp 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
154 Parasitic Branch-Lantern Up to 60cm Tall (Not Including Spore Droplets) Parasitism, Photosynthesis
157 Tenacerxia 15 cm Tall Detritivore, Photosynthesis, Planktivore,
158 Sardchovy 40 cm Long Planktivore
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Abello Temperate Shallows

Blue Temperate Waters with Red-Rusty Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
44 Malakommalis 2-200 cm Long Endoparasite
50 Sting Cell Microscopic Cytovore
75 Cnidolium Simplistica Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore
101 Funivenator Organuculus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore
101 Crescofons Orgapertraho Microscopic Photosynthesis
129 Sunleecher Microscopic Photosynthesis, Hematophagy
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
146 Noplanktoid Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Slender Miniswarmer Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Minibean Microscopic Photosynthesis
147 Crocunetwork Microscopic Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
46 Shellpede 50 cm Long Scavenger
90 Ferrumworm 5 cm Long Lithovore
123 Kelpoggle 1 cm Long Parasite
119 Cleaner Crastrum 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis
137 Plump Gillfin 35 cm Long Herbivore
140 Globespot Gilltail 20 cm Long Ovivore , Scavenger
143 Chambered Bobiiro 6 cm Wide Photosynthesis
143 Bubblerorm 8 cm Long Filter-Feeder
143 Iron Siever 6 cm Long Filter-Feeder
143 Speartooth Seaswimmer 85 cm Long Carnivore
144 Golden Siever 12 cm Long Herbivore
144 Rhopa 20 cm Long Carnivore , Ovivore , Lithovore
144 Rasp-Mouthed Suckiron 10 cm Long Parasite , Scavenger, Lithovore
145 Dartfin 20 cm long Herbivore
147 Brine Diaminet 30 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
147 Spotted Shocker 40 cm Long Carnivore
148 Ouchiiro 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
148 Rusty Seaswimmer 50 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
147 Common Oceanscooter 20 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
149 Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktivore
149 Snatcherswarmer 1 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Carnivore
149 Bloodfin Scylarian 85 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
149 Bloister 20 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Snapper Scuttler 4 cm Long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
150 Scuttleball Gillfin 30 cm Long Omnivore
150 Royal Scylarian 60 cm Long Carnivore
151 Diamond Pumpgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
151 Sucker Swarmer 1 cm Long Lepidovore , Scavenger, Detrivore, Photosynthesis
151 Field Swarmer 30 cm Long Herbivore Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Hemodohve 1.4 m Long Carnivore
151 Finback 25 cm Long Carnivore
151 Snapperbeak Hookphlyer 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Shieldscooter 40 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Umbrascale Lyngbakr 15 m Long Planktivore
152 Crushermaw Scylarian 87 cm Long Carnivore
152 Viridimaw Lyngbakr 12.5 m Long Planktivore
152 Cruelfang Hafgufa 23 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
153 Left-Right Scalucker 2 cm Long Lepidovore
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
154 Makai 40 cm Long Planktivore
154 Antennascooter 80 cm Long Planktivore, Scavenger, Photosynthesis
154 Eastward Landlubber 85 cm Long Omnivore
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
156 Clamshut Waterworm 25 cm long Parasite , Planktivore, Detrivore
158 Sardchovy 40 cm Long Planktivore
158 Grazhun 90 cm Long Herbivore
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis
159 Gushflier 10 cm Wingspan Haemotroph , Sapivore , Scavenger

[ top ]

Ittiz Temperate Shallows

Blue Temperate Waters with Red-Rusty Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
44 Malakommalis 2-200 cm Long Endoparasite
50 Sting Cell Microscopic Cytovore
75 Cnidolium Simplistica Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore
101 Funivenator Organuculus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore
101 Crescofons Orgapertraho Microscopic Photosynthesis
129 Sunleecher Microscopic Photosynthesis, Hematophagy
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
146 Noplanktoid Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Slender Miniswarmer Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Minibean Microscopic Photosynthesis
147 Crocunetwork Microscopic Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
46 Shellpede 50 cm Long Scavenger
90 Ferrumworm 5 cm Long Lithovore
123 Kelpoggle 1 cm Long Parasite
119 Cleaner Crastrum 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis
137 Plump Gillfin 35 cm Long Herbivore
140 Globespot Gilltail 20 cm Long Ovivore , Scavenger
143 Chambered Bobiiro 6 cm Wide Photosynthesis
143 Bubblerorm 8 cm Long Filter-Feeder
143 Iron Siever 6 cm Long Filter-Feeder
143 Speartooth Seaswimmer 85 cm Long Carnivore
144 Golden Siever 12 cm Long Herbivore
144 Rhopa 20 cm Long Carnivore , Ovivore , Lithovore
144 Rasp-Mouthed Suckiron 10 cm Long Parasite , Scavenger, Lithovore
145 Dartfin 20 cm long Herbivore
147 Brine Diaminet 30 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
147 Spotted Shocker 40 cm Long Carnivore
148 Ouchiiro 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
148 Rusty Seaswimmer 50 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
147 Common Oceanscooter 20 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
149 Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktivore
149 Snatcherswarmer 1 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Carnivore
149 Bloodfin Scylarian 85 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
149 Bloister 20 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Snapper Scuttler 4 cm Long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
150 Scuttleball Gillfin 30 cm Long Omnivore
150 Royal Scylarian 60 cm Long Carnivore
151 Diamond Pumpgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
151 Sucker Swarmer 1 cm Long Lepidovore , Scavenger, Detrivore, Photosynthesis
151 Field Swarmer 30 cm Long Herbivore Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Hemodohve 1.4 m Long Carnivore
151 Finback 25 cm Long Carnivore
151 Snapperbeak Hookphlyer 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Shieldscooter 40 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Umbrascale Lyngbakr 15 m Long Planktivore
152 Crushermaw Scylarian 87 cm Long Carnivore
152 Viridimaw Lyngbakr 12.5 m Long Planktivore
152 Cruelfang Hafgufa 23 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
153 Left-Right Scalucker 2 cm Long Lepidovore
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
154 Makai 40 cm Long Planktivore
154 Antennascooter 80 cm Long Planktivore, Scavenger, Photosynthesis
154 Eastward Landlubber 85 cm Long Omnivore
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
158 Sardchovy 40 cm Long Planktivore
158 Grazhun 90 cm Long Herbivore
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis
159 Gushflier 10 cm Wingspan Haemotroph , Sapivore , Scavenger

[ top ]

Jaydoh Temperate Shallows

Blue Temperate Waters with Red-Rusty Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
146 Noplanktoid Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Slender Miniswarmer Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Minibean Microscopic Photosynthesis
147 Crocunetwork Microscopic Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
138 Nectascooter 6 cm Tall Nectivore , Photosynthesis
145 Follower Gilltail 15 cm Long Herbivore
145 Broadleaf Calmstrum 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis, Filter-Feeder
145 Tethered Mine Layer 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
145 Double Bubblgea 40 cm Tall Photosynthesis
146 Speckled Pumpgill 20 cm Long Herbivore
146 Seafin 40 cm Long Herbivore
146 Raq Urpoi 70 cm Long Carnivore
146 Scorpioraker 6 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Filter-Feeder
147 Jaydohve 55 cm Long Carnivore
147 Seamaster Seaswimmer 70 cm Long Carnivore
147 Scootatrunk 12 cm Tall Herbivore , Photosynthesis
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
148 Citadel Trapinout 90 cm Long Carnivore
149 Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktivore
149 Snatcherswarmer 1 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Carnivore
149 Greater Droopgea 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis
149 Harp-Hum 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
149 Bloister 20 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Scuttleball Gillfin 30 cm Long Omnivore
150 Royal Scylarian 60 cm Long Carnivore
150 Smokey Shrubite 1 m Tall Planktivore
150 Marine Tamow 2 m Long Herbivore
151 Diamond Pumpgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
151 Tamjack 2.5 m Long Herbivore (Fuzzpalm, Turridea, Tethered Mine Layer, Harp-Hum, Double Bubblgea, Greater Droopgea, Pinprong, Marbleflora, Snotflora
151 Sucker Swarmer 1 cm Long Lepidovore , Scavenger, Detrivore, Photosynthesis
151 Finback 25 cm Long Carnivore
151 Snapperbeak Hookphlyer 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Caraclaw 3.8 m Long Herbivore
153 Left-Right Scalucker 2 cm Long Lepidovore
153 Imprisoned Wolley 9 cm Long Parasite , Scavenger
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
153 Polychrome Flagthroat 2.4 m Long Herbivore
154 Olltooka 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
154 Pirate Waxface 3 meters long Carnivore , Detritivore , Scavenger
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
154 Parasitic Branch-Lantern Up to 60cm Tall (Not Including Spore Droplets) Parasitism, Photosynthesis
154 Coastal Goth Tree 50 centimeters tall Photosynthesis Raft Only
155 Swordscooter 60 cm Long Planktivore, Scavenger, Photosynthesis
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis
158 Jaydoh Cural 40 cm Tall Planktivore, Detrivore
159 Gulperpump 20 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Tilepillar 1.5 m Long Herbivore
159 South Polar Shardgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
159 Gillarill 4 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Southern Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Outtablue Scylarian 3 m Long Carnivore

[ top ]

Nuke Temperate Shallows

Blue Temperate Waters with Red-Rusty Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
44 Malakommalis 2-200 cm Long Endoparasite
50 Sting Cell Microscopic Cytovore
75 Cnidolium Simplistica Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore
101 Funivenator Organuculus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore
101 Crescofons Orgapertraho Microscopic Photosynthesis
129 Sunleecher Microscopic Photosynthesis, Hematophagy
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
146 Noplanktoid Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Slender Miniswarmer Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Minibean Microscopic Photosynthesis
147 Crocunetwork Microscopic Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
46 Shellpede 50 cm Long Scavenger
90 Ferrumworm 5 cm Long Lithovore
123 Kelpoggle 1 cm Long Parasite
119 Cleaner Crastrum 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis
137 Plump Gillfin 35 cm Long Herbivore
140 Globespot Gilltail 20 cm Long Ovivore , Scavenger
143 Chambered Bobiiro 6 cm Wide Photosynthesis
143 Bubblerorm 8 cm Long Filter-Feeder
143 Iron Siever 6 cm Long Filter-Feeder
143 Speartooth Seaswimmer 85 cm Long Carnivore
144 Golden Siever 12 cm Long Herbivore
144 Rhopa 20 cm Long Carnivore , Ovivore , Lithovore
144 Rasp-Mouthed Suckiron 10 cm Long Parasite , Scavenger, Lithovore
145 Dartfin 20 cm long Herbivore
147 Brine Diaminet 30 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
147 Spotted Shocker 40 cm Long Carnivore
148 Ouchiiro 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
148 Rusty Seaswimmer 50 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
147 Common Oceanscooter 20 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
149 Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktivore
149 Snatcherswarmer 1 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Carnivore
149 Bloodfin Scylarian 85 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
149 Bloister 20 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Snapper Scuttler 4 cm Long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
150 Scuttleball Gillfin 30 cm Long Omnivore
150 Royal Scylarian 60 cm Long Carnivore
151 Diamond Pumpgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
151 Sucker Swarmer 1 cm Long Lepidovore , Scavenger, Detrivore, Photosynthesis
151 Field Swarmer 30 cm Long Herbivore Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Hemodohve 1.4 m Long Carnivore
151 Finback 25 cm Long Carnivore
151 Snapperbeak Hookphlyer 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Shieldscooter 40 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Umbrascale Lyngbakr 15 m Long Planktivore
152 Crushermaw Scylarian 87 cm Long Carnivore
152 Viridimaw Lyngbakr 12.5 m Long Planktivore
152 Cruelfang Hafgufa 23 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
153 Left-Right Scalucker 2 cm Long Lepidovore
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
154 Makai 40 cm Long Planktivore
154 Antennascooter 80 cm Long Planktivore, Scavenger, Photosynthesis
154 Eastward Landlubber 85 cm Long Omnivore
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
158 Sardchovy 40 cm Long Planktivore
158 Grazhun 90 cm Long Herbivore
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Russ Temperate Shallows

Blue Temperate Waters with Golden Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
146 Noplanktoid Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Slender Miniswarmer Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Minibean Microscopic Photosynthesis
147 Crocunetwork Microscopic Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
146 Drake Uktank 80 cm Tall Herbivore
147 Gillrom 4 cm Long Filter-Feeder
147 Spotted Shocker 40 cm Long Carnivore
147 Florisland 1.5 m Wide Photosynthesis, Filter-Feeder
148 Ouchiiro 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
148 Sandtrapin 70 cm Long Carnivore
149 Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktivore
149 Snatcherswarmer 1 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Carnivore
149 Colonial Calmstrum 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
149 Bloister 20 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
150 Hammerhead Scuttler 4 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Scavenger
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Scuttleball Gillfin 30 cm Long Omnivore
150 Cromocanth 32 cm Long Herbivore
150 Royal Scylarian 60 cm Long Carnivore
150 Sum-Humgrove 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
151 Diamond Pumpgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
151 Sucker Swarmer 1 cm Long Lepidovore , Scavenger, Detrivore, Photosynthesis
152 Nerius 1 cm Long Planktivore
152 Bulky Hammerhead 8 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
152 Umbrascale Lyngbakr 15 m Long Planktivore
152 Crushermaw Scylarian 87 cm Long Carnivore
152 Viridimaw Lyngbakr 12.5 m Long Planktivore
152 Cruelfang Hafgufa 23 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
152 Charybdaran 16 cm Tall Planktivore Detritivore, Scavenger
152 Slender Scylarian 2 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
152 Magnificent Slaesosaurus 6.5 m Long Carnivore
153 Drakescooter 15 cm Tall Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
153 Flat Swarmer 10 cm Long Photosynthesis, Planktivore, Detritvore
153 Stalk Rastum 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
153 Bashercoat 75 cm Long Omnivore
153 Left-Right Scalucker 2 cm Long Lepidovore
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
154 Barnapede 2 cm Long Planktivore
154 Treeneer 9 cm Long Adult: Nectivore, , Frugivore, Herbivore Juveniles: Planktivores Photosynthesis
154 Elahpekomlap Bubblehorn 10 cm Long Detritivore, Planktivore
158 Sardchovy 40 cm Long Planktivore
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Time Temperate Shallows

Blue Temperate Waters with Red-Rusty Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
44 Malakommalis 2-200 cm Long Endoparasite
50 Sting Cell Microscopic Cytovore
75 Cnidolium Simplistica Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore
101 Funivenator Organuculus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore
101 Crescofons Orgapertraho Microscopic Photosynthesis
129 Sunleecher Microscopic Photosynthesis, Hematophagy
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
146 Noplanktoid Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Slender Miniswarmer Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Minibean Microscopic Photosynthesis
147 Crocunetwork Microscopic Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
46 Shellpede 50 cm Long Scavenger
90 Ferrumworm 5 cm Long Lithovore
123 Kelpoggle 1 cm Long Parasite
119 Cleaner Crastrum 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis
137 Plump Gillfin 35 cm Long Herbivore
140 Globespot Gilltail 20 cm Long Ovivore , Scavenger
143 Chambered Bobiiro 6 cm Wide Photosynthesis
143 Bubblerorm 8 cm Long Filter-Feeder
143 Iron Siever 6 cm Long Filter-Feeder
143 Speartooth Seaswimmer 85 cm Long Carnivore
144 Golden Siever 12 cm Long Herbivore
144 Rhopa 20 cm Long Carnivore , Ovivore , Lithovore
144 Rasp-Mouthed Suckiron 10 cm Long Parasite , Scavenger, Lithovore
145 Dartfin 20 cm long Herbivore
147 Brine Diaminet 30 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
147 Spotted Shocker 40 cm Long Carnivore
148 Ouchiiro 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
148 Rusty Seaswimmer 50 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
149 Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktivore
149 Snatcherswarmer 1 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Carnivore
149 Bloodfin Scylarian 85 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
149 Bloister 20 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Snapper Scuttler 4 cm Long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
150 Scuttleball Gillfin 30 cm Long Omnivore
150 Royal Scylarian 60 cm Long Carnivore
151 Diamond Pumpgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
151 Sucker Swarmer 1 cm Long Lepidovore , Scavenger, Detrivore, Photosynthesis
151 Field Swarmer 30 cm Long Herbivore Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Hemodohve 1.4 m Long Carnivore
151 Finback 25 cm Long Carnivore
151 Snapperbeak Hookphlyer 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Shieldscooter 40 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Umbrascale Lyngbakr 15 m Long Planktivore
152 Crushermaw Scylarian 87 cm Long Carnivore
152 Viridimaw Lyngbakr 12.5 m Long Planktivore
152 Cruelfang Hafgufa 23 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
153 Left-Right Scalucker 2 cm Long Lepidovore
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
154 Makai 40 cm Long Planktivore
154 Antennascooter 80 cm Long Planktivore, Scavenger, Photosynthesis
154 Eastward Landlubber 85 cm Long Omnivore
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
156 Featherscooter 40 cm Long Photosynthesis, Scavenger, Herbivore
158 Sardchovy 40 cm Long Planktivore
158 Grazhun 90 cm Long Herbivore
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis
159 Gushflier 10 cm Wingspan Haemotroph , Sapivore , Scavenger

[ top ]


Hydro Tropical Sea

Blue Tropical Waters with Red-Rusty Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Snapper Scuttler 4 cm Long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
150 Scuttleball Gillfin 30 cm Long Omnivore
150 Royal Scylarian 60 cm Long Carnivore
150 Marine Tamow 2 m Long Herbivore
151 Diamond Pumpgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
151 Tamjack 2.5 m Long Herbivore (Fuzzpalm, Turridea, Tethered Mine Layer, Harp-Hum, Double Bubblgea, Greater Droopgea, Pinprong, Marbleflora, Snotflora
151 Sucker Swarmer 1 cm Long Lepidovore , Scavenger, Detrivore, Photosynthesis
151 Snapperbeak Hookphlyer 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Hemodohve 1.4 m Long Carnivore
152 Amphibious Flashkelp 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
152 Shieldscooter 40 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Sindohve 80 cm long Carnivore
153 Left-Right Scalucker 2 cm Long Lepidovore
153 Greater Wolley 32 cm Long Carnivore , Cannibalism
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
154 Sinduhk 75 cm Long Planktivore
154 Sikai 40 cm Long Planktivore
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
154 Pirate Waxface 3 meters long Carnivore , Detritivore , Scavenger
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
154 Coastal Goth Tree 50 centimeters tall Photosynthesis Raft Only
155 Serpentinuscooter 90 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
157 Seamaw 30 cm Long Planktivore
157 Tenacerxia 15 cm Tall Detritivore, Photosynthesis, Planktivore,
158 Sardchovy 40 cm Long Planktivore
158 Dunki 20 cm Long Planktivore, Detritivore, Photosynthesis
158 Hairy Flashkelp 150 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis
159 Gulperpump 20 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Gushflier 10 cm Wingspan Haemotroph , Sapivore , Scavenger

[ top ]


Chum Tropical Coast

Blue Tropical Waters with Golden Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Scuttleball Gillfin 30 cm Long Omnivore
150 Onamor 25 cm Long Carnivore
150 Royal Scylarian 60 cm Long Carnivore
151 Diamond Pumpgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
151 Sucker Swarmer 1 cm Long Lepidovore , Scavenger, Detrivore, Photosynthesis
151 Globby Boneflora 6 cm Tall Photosynthesis
152 Nerius 1 cm Long Planktivore
152 Bulky Hammerhead 8 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
152 Rugged Scuttler 2 cm Long Herbivore
152 Crushermaw Scylarian 87 cm Long Carnivore
152 Charybdaran 16 cm Tall Planktivore Detritivore, Scavenger
152 Slender Scylarian 2 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
152 Magnificent Slaesosaurus 6.5 m Long Carnivore
152 Floor Onamor 50 cm long Adult: Carnivore , Tadpole: Omnivore
152 Landlubber Onamor 50 cm long Omnivore
153 Flat Swarmer 10 cm Long Photosynthesis, Planktivore, Detritvore
153 Pygmy Hullback 1.2 m Long Herbivore
153 Red-Eyed Landlubber 80 cm Long Herbivore
153 Stalk Rastum 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
153 Left-Right Scalucker 2 cm Long Lepidovore
153 Greater Wolley 32 cm Long Carnivore , Cannibalism
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
154 Barnapede 2 cm Long Planktivore
154 Spineflipper 95 cm Long Herbivore , Weak Photosynthesis
154 Aqueryn 1.6 m Long Herbivore , Weak Photosynthesis
154 Aabaalki 1.2 m Long Omnivore , Weak Photosynthesis
154 Venomous Quid 75 cm Long Carnivore
154 Ceryco 82.7 cm Long Carnivore
156 Shellflora 16 cm Tall Photosynthesis
156 Bonegrass 16 cm Tall Photosynthesis
156 Wadesnapper 70 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
156 Twinkiiro Gilltail 24 cm Long Herbivore
156 Fiesta Leafshell 50 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
156 Saurohound 6.5 m Long Carnivore
156 Eggorger Swarmer 7 cm Long Diet: Ovivore , Photosynthesis, Detritivore
157 Bonecorus 14 cm Long Photosynthesis
158 Hustlyn 1 m Long Omnivore Weak Photosynthesis
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis
159 Gulperpump 20 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Blind Moonlit Nerius 2 cm Long Planktivore, Scavenger
159 Moonlit Dancer 1 cm long Adult ; Larvae
159 Coasterlina Leafshell 60 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
159 Blooblblega 120 cm Tall Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Jlindy Tropical Coast

Blue Tropical Waters with White Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Scuttleball Gillfin 30 cm Long Omnivore
150 Jlindohve 70 cm Long Carnivore
150 Royal Scylarian 60 cm Long Carnivore
150 Smokey Shrubite 1 m Tall Planktivore
150 Marine Tamow 2 m Long Herbivore
151 Diamond Pumpgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
151 Sucker Swarmer 1 cm Long Lepidovore , Scavenger, Detrivore, Photosynthesis
151 Snapperbeak Hookphlyer 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
153 Left-Right Scalucker 2 cm Long Lepidovore
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
154 Olltooka 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
154 Parasitic Branch-Lantern Up to 60cm Tall (Not Including Spore Droplets) Parasitism, Photosynthesis
154 Coastal Goth Tree 50 centimeters tall Photosynthesis Raft Only
158 Carnurtain 1.5 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Serpungo 40 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore
158 Dunki 20 cm Long Planktivore, Detritivore, Photosynthesis
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis
159 Gulperpump 20 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Shardscale 40 cm Long Omnivore

[ top ]

Darkov Temperate Coast

Blue Temperate Waters with Golden Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
146 Noplanktoid Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Slender Miniswarmer Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Minibean Microscopic Photosynthesis
147 Jellobelly Microscopic Photosynthesis
147 Crocunetwork Microscopic Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
146 Drake Uktank 80 cm Tall Herbivore
147 Gillrom 4 cm Long Filter-Feeder
147 Spotted Shocker 40 cm Long Carnivore
147 Florisland 1.5 m Wide Photosynthesis, Filter-Feeder
148 Ouchiiro 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
148 Sandtrapin 70 cm Long Carnivore
149 Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktivore
149 Snatcherswarmer 1 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Carnivore
149 Colonial Calmstrum 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
149 Bloister 20 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
150 Hammerhead Scuttler 4 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Scavenger
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Scuttleball Gillfin 30 cm Long Omnivore
150 Cromocanth 32 cm Long Herbivore
150 Royal Scylarian 60 cm Long Carnivore
150 Sum-Humgrove 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
151 Diamond Pumpgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
151 Sucker Swarmer 1 cm Long Lepidovore , Scavenger, Detrivore, Photosynthesis
152 Nerius 1 cm Long Planktivore
152 Bulky Hammerhead 8 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
152 Umbrascale Lyngbakr 15 m Long Planktivore
152 Crushermaw Scylarian 87 cm Long Carnivore
152 Viridimaw Lyngbakr 12.5 m Long Planktivore
152 Cruelfang Hafgufa 23 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
152 Charybdaran 16 cm Tall Planktivore Detritivore, Scavenger
152 Slender Scylarian 2 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
152 Magnificent Slaesosaurus 6.5 m Long Carnivore
153 Drakescooter 15 cm Tall Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
153 Flat Swarmer 10 cm Long Photosynthesis, Planktivore, Detritvore
153 Stalk Rastum 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
153 Bashercoat 75 cm Long Omnivore
153 Left-Right Scalucker 2 cm Long Lepidovore
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
154 Barnapede 2 cm Long Planktivore
154 Treeneer 9 cm Long Adult: Nectivore, , Frugivore, Herbivore Juveniles: Planktivores Photosynthesis
154 Elahpekomlap Bubblehorn 10 cm Long Detritivore, Planktivore
155 Swaggersnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
156 Jujubee Korystal 60 cm Tall Detrivore
156 Yellowstripe Gilltail 14 cm Long Herbivore
156 Arostrolarian 78 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
156 Cervicilarian 120 cm long Carnivore , Scavenger
157 Protelareous 75 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
157 Cornularian 1.5 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
158 Marine Glowsnapper 1.5 m Long Herbivore
158 Soma Pyamus 2 m Tall Planktivore, Detritivore
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Dass Temperate Coast

Blue Temperate Waters with White Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
146 Noplanktoid Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Slender Miniswarmer Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Minibean Microscopic Photosynthesis
147 Crocunetwork Microscopic Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
138 Nectascooter 6 cm Tall Nectivore , Photosynthesis
145 Follower Gilltail 15 cm Long Herbivore
145 Broadleaf Calmstrum 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis, Filter-Feeder
145 Tethered Mine Layer 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
145 Double Bubblgea 40 cm Tall Photosynthesis
146 Speckled Pumpgill 20 cm Long Herbivore
146 Raq Urpoi 70 cm Long Carnivore
146 Scorpioraker 6 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Filter-Feeder
147 Scootatrunk 12 cm Tall Herbivore , Photosynthesis
149 Harp-Hum 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
146 Seafin 40 cm Long Herbivore
147 Stalkshell 60 cm Tall Filter-Feeder , Detritivore
147 Seamaster Seaswimmer 70 cm Long Carnivore
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
148 Citadel Trapinout 90 cm Long Carnivore
148 Trunk Frabuki 25 cm Long Planktivore, Detritivore
149 Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktivore
149 Snatcherswarmer 1 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Carnivore
149 Greater Droopgea 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis
149 Blueback Scylarian 3 m Long Carnivore
149 Bloister 20 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Scuttleball Gillfin 30 cm Long Omnivore
150 Jlindohve 70 cm Long Carnivore
150 Royal Scylarian 60 cm Long Carnivore
151 Diamond Pumpgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
151 Sucker Swarmer 1 cm Long Lepidovore , Scavenger, Detrivore, Photosynthesis
151 Field Swarmer 30 cm Long Herbivore Scavenger, Photosynthesis
151 Finback 25 cm Long Carnivore
151 Snapperbeak Hookphlyer 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Caraclaw 3.8 m Long Herbivore
153 Left-Right Scalucker 2 cm Long Lepidovore
153 Imprisoned Wolley 9 cm Long Parasite , Scavenger
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
154 Olltooka 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
153 Polychrome Flagthroat 2.4 m Long Herbivore
154 Parasitic Branch-Lantern Up to 60cm Tall (Not Including Spore Droplets) Parasitism, Photosynthesis
154 Coastal Goth Tree 50 centimeters tall Photosynthesis Raft Only
156 Swarmerscooter 40 cm Long Photosynthesis, Scavenger, Planktivore
158 Carnurtain 1.5 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis
159 Gulperpump 20 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Tilepillar 1.5 m Long Herbivore
159 South Polar Shardgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
159 Gillarill 4 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Southern Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Outtablue Scylarian 3 m Long Carnivore

[ top ]

Elerd Temperate Coast

Blue Temperate Waters with Golden Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
146 Noplanktoid Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Slender Miniswarmer Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Minibean Microscopic Photosynthesis
147 Crocunetwork Microscopic Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
147 Spotted Shocker 40 cm Long Carnivore
147 Florisland 1.5 m Wide Photosynthesis, Filter-Feeder
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
148 Wolley 16 cm Long Omnivore
148 Sandtrapin 70 cm Long Carnivore
149 Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktivore
149 Snatcherswarmer 1 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Carnivore
149 Colonial Calmstrum 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
149 Bloister 20 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Scuttleball Gillfin 30 cm Long Omnivore
150 Royal Scylarian 60 cm Long Carnivore
151 Diamond Pumpgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
151 Sucker Swarmer 1 cm Long Lepidovore , Scavenger, Detrivore, Photosynthesis
151 Gömböc Roj 20 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Scavenger
152 Nerius 1 cm Long Planktivore
152 Bulky Hammerhead 8 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
152 Sealyn 80 cm Long Herbivore , Weak Photosynthesis
152 Crushermaw Scylarian 87 cm Long Carnivore
152 Slender Scylarian 2 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
152 Magnificent Slaesosaurus 6.5 m Long Carnivore
153 Flat Swarmer 10 cm Long Photosynthesis, Planktivore, Detritvore
153 Shipper Buoyskin 70 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger, Hemophagus
153 Stalk Rastum 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
153 Slaesosleekus 430 cm long Carnivore
153 Torpcoat 70 cm Long Carnivore
153 Left-Right Scalucker 2 cm Long Lepidovore
153 Imprisoned Wolley 9 cm Long Parasite , Scavenger
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
154 Greencrest 6 cm Tall Planktivore
154 Lediiro 9 cm Wide Photosynthesis
154 Barnapede 2 cm Long Planktivore
154 Scaly Mushveli 1.2 m Long Omnivore
155 Fansnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
156 Twinkiiro Gilltail 24 cm Long Herbivore
156 Fiesta Leafshell 50 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
156 Omegiiro 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
156 Saurohound 6.5 m Long Carnivore
156 Eggorger Swarmer 7 cm Long Diet: Ovivore , Photosynthesis, Detritivore
157 Vivus Dinarunner 1 m Long Carnivore
157 Topyiiro Individual; 8 cm Wide, Colony; 80 cm Wide Photosynthesis
157 Candycane Bonegrass 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis
159 Gulperpump 20 cm Long Planktonivore
159 South Polar Shardgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
159 Gillarill 4 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Outtablue Scylarian 3 m Long Carnivore
159 Coasterlina Leafshell 60 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
159 Blooblblega 120 cm Tall Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Fermi Temperate Coast

Blue Temperate Waters with Black Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
155 Crowngea 50 cm tall Photosynthesis
155 Squire Finworm 20 cm long Herbivore
155 Fermi Tuffdra 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
155 Velocidohve 90 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
155 Fermi Leafshell 1 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
155 Bladesnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
155 Clawbiter 45 cm Long Herbivore
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis
159 Tilepillar 1.5 m Long Herbivore
159 South Polar Shardgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
159 Gillarill 4 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Southern Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Outtablue Scylarian 3 m Long Carnivore
159 Flamboyant Fan Bloister 15 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
159 Pooklookai 4 cm Tall Planktivore

[ top ]

Maineiac Temperate Coast

Blue Temperate Waters with Black Volcanic Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
146 Noplanktoid Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Slender Miniswarmer Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Minibean Microscopic Photosynthesis
147 Crocunetwork Microscopic Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
147 Gillrom 4 cm Long Filter-Feeder
148 Ouchiiro 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
149 Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktivore
149 Snatcherswarmer 1 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Carnivore
149 Bloister 20 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
150 Scorpodile 2.5 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Scuttleball Gillfin 30 cm Long Omnivore
151 Diamond Pumpgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
151 Shadow Seaswimmer 70 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
151 Sucker Swarmer 1 cm Long Lepidovore , Scavenger, Detrivore, Photosynthesis
151 Finback 25 cm Long Carnivore
151 Snapperbeak Hookphlyer 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Umbrascale Lyngbakr 15 m Long Planktivore
152 Crushermaw Scylarian 87 cm Long Carnivore
152 Viridimaw Lyngbakr 12.5 m Long Planktivore
152 Cruelfang Hafgufa 23 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
152 Chaococoon 1 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Lithotroph
153 Left-Right Scalucker 2 cm Long Lepidovore
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
154 Pedesorm 5 cm Tall Coprophagic, Detritivore, Scavenger
154 Eastward Landlubber 85 cm Long Omnivore
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
155 Chambered Bubblegea 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
155 Tipsnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
156 Clamshut Waterworm 25 cm long Parasite , Planktivore, Detrivore
155 Amphibidoon 60 cm Long Planktivore, Photosynthesis
156 Honeypot Pukai 3 cm Tall Planktivore
158 Sardchovy 40 cm Long Planktivore
158 Grazhun 90 cm Long Herbivore
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis
159 Gulperpump 20 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Gushflier 10 cm Wingspan Haemotroph , Sapivore , Scavenger

[ top ]

Oz Temperate Coast

Blue Temperate Waters with Red-Rusty Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
44 Malakommalis 2-200 cm Long Endoparasite
50 Sting Cell Microscopic Cytovore
75 Cnidolium Simplistica Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore
101 Funivenator Organuculus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore
101 Crescofons Orgapertraho Microscopic Photosynthesis
129 Sunleecher Microscopic Photosynthesis, Hematophagy
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
146 Noplanktoid Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Slender Miniswarmer Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Minibean Microscopic Photosynthesis
147 Crocunetwork Microscopic Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
46 Shellpede 50 cm Long Scavenger
90 Ferrumworm 5 cm Long Lithovore
123 Kelpoggle 1 cm Long Parasite
119 Cleaner Crastrum 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis
137 Plump Gillfin 35 cm Long Herbivore
140 Globespot Gilltail 20 cm Long Ovivore , Scavenger
143 Chambered Bobiiro 6 cm Wide Photosynthesis
143 Bubblerorm 8 cm Long Filter-Feeder
143 Iron Siever 6 cm Long Filter-Feeder
143 Speartooth Seaswimmer 85 cm Long Carnivore
144 Golden Siever 12 cm Long Herbivore
144 Rhopa 20 cm Long Carnivore , Ovivore , Lithovore
144 Rasp-Mouthed Suckiron 10 cm Long Parasite , Scavenger, Lithovore
145 Dartfin 20 cm long Herbivore
147 Brine Diaminet 30 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
147 Spotted Shocker 40 cm Long Carnivore
147 Florisland 1.5 m Wide Photosynthesis, Filter-Feeder
148 Ouchiiro 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
148 Rusty Seaswimmer 50 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
147 Common Oceanscooter 20 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
149 Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktivore
149 Snatcherswarmer 1 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Carnivore
149 Bloodfin Scylarian 85 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
149 Bloister 20 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Snapper Scuttler 4 cm Long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
150 Scuttleball Gillfin 30 cm Long Omnivore
150 Royal Scylarian 60 cm Long Carnivore
151 Diamond Pumpgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
151 Sucker Swarmer 1 cm Long Lepidovore , Scavenger, Detrivore, Photosynthesis
151 Field Swarmer 30 cm Long Herbivore Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Hemodohve 1.4 m Long Carnivore
151 Finback 25 cm Long Carnivore
151 Snapperbeak Hookphlyer 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Shieldscooter 40 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Umbrascale Lyngbakr 15 m Long Planktivore
152 Crushermaw Scylarian 87 cm Long Carnivore
152 Viridimaw Lyngbakr 12.5 m Long Planktivore
152 Cruelfang Hafgufa 23 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
153 Left-Right Scalucker 2 cm Long Lepidovore
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
154 Makai 40 cm Long Planktivore
154 Eastward Landlubber 85 cm Long Omnivore
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
156 Clamshut Waterworm 25 cm long Parasite , Planktivore, Detrivore
157 Multiantennascooter 90 cm Long Planktivore, Scavenger, Photosynthesis
158 Sardchovy 40 cm Long Planktivore
158 Grazhun 90 cm Long Herbivore
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis
159 Gulperpump 20 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Gushflier 10 cm Wingspan Haemotroph , Sapivore , Scavenger

[ top ]

Soma Temperate Coast

Blue Temperate Waters with Golden Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
146 Noplanktoid Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Slender Miniswarmer Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Minibean Microscopic Photosynthesis
147 Crocunetwork Microscopic Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Scuttleball Gillfin 30 cm Long Omnivore
150 Royal Scylarian 60 cm Long Carnivore
151 Diamond Pumpgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
151 Sucker Swarmer 1 cm Long Lepidovore , Scavenger, Detrivore, Photosynthesis
151 Globby Boneflora 6 cm Tall Photosynthesis
152 Nerius 1 cm Long Planktivore
152 Bulky Hammerhead 8 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
152 Umbrascale Lyngbakr 15 m Long Planktivore
152 Crushermaw Scylarian 87 cm Long Carnivore
152 Viridimaw Lyngbakr 12.5 m Long Planktivore
152 Cruelfang Hafgufa 23 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
152 Charybdaran 16 cm Tall Planktivore Detritivore, Scavenger
152 Slender Scylarian 2 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
152 Magnificent Slaesosaurus 6.5 m Long Carnivore
153 Pygmy Hullback 1.2 m Long Herbivore
153 Stalk Rastum 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
153 Left-Right Scalucker 2 cm Long Lepidovore
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
154 Barnapede 2 cm Long Planktivore
154 Aqueryn 1.6 m Long Herbivore , Weak Photosynthesis
154 Ceryco 82.7 cm Long Carnivore
156 Jujubee Korystal 60 cm Tall Detrivore
156 Yellowstripe Gilltail 14 cm Long Herbivore
156 Arostrolarian 78 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
156 Plesican 1.5 m long Omnivore Photosynthesis
156 Cervicilarian 120 cm long Carnivore , Scavenger
157 Protelareous 75 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
157 Cornularian 1.5 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
157 Bonebuoy 4 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Marine Glowsnapper 1.5 m Long Herbivore
158 Soma Pyamus 2 m Tall Planktivore, Detritivore
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis
159 Gulperpump 20 cm Long Planktonivore

[ top ]

Bumpy Polar Coast

Blue Polar Waters with Brown Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
44 Malakommalis 2-200 cm Long Endoparasite
135 Colony Salmundus Microscopic Chemosynthesis
135 Byoukiri Microscopic Chemovore
146 Noplanktoid Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Slender Miniswarmer Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Minibean Microscopic Photosynthesis
147 Jellobelly Microscopic Photosynthesis
147 Crocunetwork Microscopic Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
10 Rainbow Marephasmatis Diminutive (2 cm) Filter Feeder
136 Marine Tuffdra 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
136 Wading Leafshell 1 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
136 Marine Arthrofin 50 cm Long Scavenger, Detritivore
136 Marine Bubbleweed 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis
136 Marine Bubblepede 30 cm Long Herbivore
136 Marine Shocker 60 cm Long Carnivore
136 Marine Crystal 30 cm Tall Detritivore, Photosynthesis
136 Marine Gilltail 25 cm Long Herbivore
136 Marine Filtersquid 30 cm Long Filter-Feeder
136 Marine Droopgea 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
136 Marine Finworm 20 cm Long Herbivore
136 Marine Urpoi 50 cm Long Carnivore
136 Marine Shrubite 90 cm Tall Filter-Feeder
136 Greengill 5 cm Long Herbivore
136 Sticky Urphish 15 cm Long Scavenger
136 Calmstrum 2 cm Wide Photosynthesis, Filter-Feeder
136 Probing Gilltail 10 cm Long Carnivore
138 Sea Cural 20 cm Tall Detritivore, Lithotroph
138 Lurehum 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
137 Bubbleweed Muckraker 4 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger
136 Finned Filtersquid 90 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Symbiotic Photosynthesis
137 Ocean Tristage 6 cm Wide Filter-Feeder , Detritivore
138 Suctionrorm 2 cm Long Filter-Feeder
138 Marine Mine Layer 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
138 Tileback 70 cm Long Herbivore
138 Polar Hummroot 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
139 Hairy Slitherworm 90 cm Long Carnivore
139 Colonial Trapinout 45 cm Long Carnivore
139 Surge Gilltail 40 cm Long Omnivore
139 Globe Gilltail 90 cm Long Herbivore
139 Gilgan Waterworm 30 cm Long Parasite , Scavenger
140 Swift Hookphlyer 40 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Photosynthesis
140 Blue Gillfin 45 cm Long Herbivore
140 Ebony Pump Gilltail 10 cm Long Herbivore
140 Fuzzy Krillpede 2 cm Long Filter-Feeder
141 Crevice Tuff 25 cm Tall Photosynthesis
141 Hallucrastrum 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis
141 Mini Pukai 2 cm Tall Filter-Feeder , Detritivore
141 Bleedin Waterworm 15 cm Long Parasite
141 Buoygea 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
141 Roj 12 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Detritivore
142 Gray Muckraker 4 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger
143 Chunky Zoister 12 cm Long Filter-Feeder
143 Chambered Bobiiro 6 cm Wide Photosynthesis
143 Octofoi 2 cm Long Detritivore
143 Sealid 90 cm Long Herbivore
143 Speartooth Seaswimmer 85 cm Long Carnivore
143 Speckled Spinderorm 12 cm Long Filter-Feeder
144 Vicious Gilltail 36 cm Long Carnivore
144 Seadisk 96 cm Wide Photosynthesis
136 Edificocco Darkswarmer 40 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Weak Photosynthesis
137 Lancertongue 4 cm Long Carnivore , Parasite , Scavenger
138 Sea Glider 4 cm Long Carnivore , Detritivore
145 Emperor Seaswimmer 170 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
145 Vicious Seaswimmer 80 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
145 Migrating Glowsnapper 2 m Long Herbivore
146 Drake Uktank 80 cm Tall Herbivore
147 Islandball Gillfin 25 cm Long Herbivore
147 Gillrom 4 cm Long Filter-Feeder
147 Spotted Shocker 40 cm Long Carnivore
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
148 Gillbelly 10 cm Long Adult: Nectivore , Juveniles: Filter-Feeder , Photosynthesis
149 Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktivore
149 Snatcherswarmer 1 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Carnivore
149 Colonial Calmstrum 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
149 Bloister 20 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
46 Shellpede 50 cm Long Scavenger
43 Trapinout 10 - 25 cm Long Carnivore
52 Spoisoreth 30 - 60 cm Long Carnivore
118 Dancing Urstar 10 cm Long Filter-Feeding
123 Kelpoggle 1 cm Long Parasite
141 Swamp Douostage 5 cm Wide Filter Feeder , Detritivore
143 Slartisnapper 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore
150 Hammerhead Scuttler 4 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Scavenger
150 Cromocanth 32 cm Long Herbivore
151 Orangesnout Bellyswimmer 40 cm Tall Planktivore
152 Umbrascale Lyngbakr 15 m Long Planktivore
152 Viridimaw Lyngbakr 12.5 m Long Planktivore
152 Cruelfang Hafgufa 23 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
153 Drakescooter 15 cm Tall Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
153 Bashercoat 75 cm Long Omnivore
155 Chambered Bubblegea 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
155 Swaggersnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
156 Jujubee Korystal 60 cm Tall Detrivore
156 Yellowstripe Gilltail 14 cm Long Herbivore
156 Arostrolarian 78 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
156 Cervicilarian 120 cm long Carnivore , Scavenger
157 Protelareous 75 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
157 Cornularian 1.5 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger

[ top ]

Colddigger Polar Coast

Blue Polar Waters with Golden Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
44 Malakommalis 2-200 cm Long Endoparasite
129 Sunleecher Microscopic Photosynthesis, Hematophagy
135 Colony Salmundus Microscopic Chemosynthesis
135 Byoukiri Microscopic Chemovore
146 Noplanktoid Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Slender Miniswarmer Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Minibean Microscopic Photosynthesis
147 Crocunetwork Microscopic Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
10 Rainbow Marephasmatis Diminutive (2 cm) Filter Feeder
136 Seascooter 10 cm Tall Herivibore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
136 Wading Leafshell 1 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
136 Marine Arthrofin 50 cm Long Scavenger, Detritivore
136 Marine Bubbleweed 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis
136 Marine Bubblepede 30 cm Long Herbivore
136 Marine Shocker 60 cm Long Carnivore
136 Marine Crystal 30 cm Tall Detritivore, Photosynthesis
136 Marine Gilltail 25 cm Long Herbivore
136 Marine Filtersquid 30 cm Long Filter-Feeder
136 Marine Droopgea 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
136 Marine Urpoi 50 cm Long Carnivore
136 Marine Shrubite 90 cm Tall Filter-Feeder
136 Greengill 5 cm Long Herbivore
136 Sticky Urphish 15 cm Long Scavenger
136 Calmstrum 2 cm Wide Photosynthesis, Filter-Feeder
136 Probing Gilltail 10 cm Long Carnivore
137 Bubble Droopgea 20 cm Tall Photosynthesis
138 Sea Cural 20 cm Tall Detritivore, Lithotroph
137 Bubbleweed Muckraker 4 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger
136 Finned Filtersquid 90 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Symbiotic Photosynthesis
137 Ocean Tristage 6 cm Wide Filter-Feeder , Detritivore
138 Nectascooter 6 cm Tall Nectivore , Photosynthesis
138 Lurehum 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
138 Suctionrorm 2 cm Long Filter-Feeder
138 Marine Mine Layer 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
138 Tileback 70 cm Long Herbivore
138 Polar Hummroot 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
139 Hairy Slitherworm 90 cm Long Carnivore
139 Colonial Trapinout 45 cm Long Carnivore
139 Surge Gilltail 40 cm Long Omnivore
139 Globe Gilltail 90 cm Long Herbivore
139 Gilgan Waterworm 30 cm Long Parasite , Scavenger
140 Swift Hookphlyer 40 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Photosynthesis
140 Blue Gillfin 45 cm Long Herbivore
140 Ebony Pump Gilltail 10 cm Long Herbivore
140 Fuzzy Krillpede 2 cm Long Filter-Feeder
141 Crevice Tuff 25 cm Tall Photosynthesis
141 Hallucrastrum 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis
141 Mini Pukai 2 cm Tall Filter-Feeder , Detritivore
141 Bleedin Waterworm 15 cm Long Parasite
141 Roj 12 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Detritivore
142 Gray Muckraker 4 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger
143 Chunky Zoister 12 cm Long Filter-Feeder
143 Chambered Bobiiro 6 cm Wide Photosynthesis
143 Octofoi 2 cm Long Detritivore
143 Sealid 90 cm Long Herbivore
143 Speartooth Seaswimmer 85 cm Long Carnivore
143 Speckled Spinderorm 12 cm Long Filter-Feeder
144 Vicious Gilltail 36 cm Long Carnivore
144 Seadisk 96 cm Wide Photosynthesis
136 Edificocco Darkswarmer 40 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Weak Photosynthesis
137 Lancertongue 4 cm Long Carnivore , Parasite , Scavenger
138 Sea Glider 4 cm Long Carnivore , Detritivore
145 Slender Seaswimmer 50 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
145 Sanddigger Seaswimmer 42.5 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
147 Islandball Gillfin 25 cm Long Herbivore
147 Spotted Shocker 40 cm Long Carnivore
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
148 Crystal Trapinout 90 cm Long Carnivore
149 Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktivore
149 Snatcherswarmer 1 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Carnivore
149 Colonial Calmstrum 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
149 Bloister 20 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
46 Shellpede 50 cm Long Scavenger
43 Trapinout 10 - 25 cm Long Carnivore
52 Spoisoreth 30 - 60 cm Long Carnivore
118 Dancing Urstar 10 cm Long Filter-Feeding
137 Chum Gilltail 30 cm Long Herbivore
141 Elegant Emperor Phibisian 1 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
143 Wading Cotingo 90 cm Tall Carnivore , Scavenger
150 Marine Woollycoat 60 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
150 Buoyskin 120 cm Long Carnivore, Hemophagus Scavenger
152 Sealyn 80 cm Long Herbivore , Weak Photosynthesis
153 Torpcoat 70 cm Long Carnivore
153 Imprisoned Wolley 9 cm Long Parasite , Scavenger
154 Fan Bloister 15 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
154 Scaly Mushveli 1.2 m Long Omnivore
155 Crowngea 50 cm tall Photosynthesis
155 Squire Finworm 20 cm long Herbivore
155 Fansnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
159 Tilepillar 1.5 m Long Herbivore
159 South Polar Shardgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
159 Gillarill 4 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Southern Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Outtablue Scylarian 3 m Long Carnivore
159 Pooklookai 4 cm Tall Planktivore

[ top ]

Fermi Polar Coast

Blue Polar Waters with Black Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
146 Noplanktoid Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Slender Miniswarmer Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Minibean Microscopic Photosynthesis
147 Crocunetwork Microscopic Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
10 Rainbow Marephasmatis Diminutive (2 cm) Filter Feeder
136 Marine Tuffdra 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
136 Marine Arthrofin 50 cm Long Scavenger, Detritivore
136 Marine Bubbleweed 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis
136 Marine Bubblepede 30 cm Long Herbivore
136 Marine Shocker 60 cm Long Carnivore
136 Marine Crystal 30 cm Tall Detritivore, Photosynthesis
136 Marine Gilltail 25 cm Long Herbivore
136 Marine Filtersquid 30 cm Long Filter-Feeder
136 Marine Urpoi 50 cm Long Carnivore
136 Marine Shrubite 90 cm Tall Filter-Feeder
136 Greengill 5 cm Long Herbivore
136 Sticky Urphish 15 cm Long Scavenger
136 Calmstrum 2 cm Wide Photosynthesis, Filter-Feeder
136 Probing Gilltail 10 cm Long Carnivore
137 Bubble Droopgea 20 cm Tall Photosynthesis
138 Sea Cural 20 cm Tall Detritivore, Lithotroph
137 Bubbleweed Muckraker 4 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger
136 Finned Filtersquid 90 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Symbiotic Photosynthesis
137 Ocean Tristage 6 cm Wide Filter-Feeder , Detritivore
138 Shellear 40 cm Long Herbivore
138 Nectascooter 6 cm Tall Nectivore , Photosynthesis
138 Suctionrorm 2 cm Long Filter-Feeder
138 Marine Mine Layer 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
138 Polar Hummroot 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
139 Hairy Slitherworm 90 cm Long Carnivore
139 Colonial Trapinout 45 cm Long Carnivore
139 Surge Gilltail 40 cm Long Omnivore
139 Globe Gilltail 90 cm Long Herbivore
139 Gilgan Waterworm 30 cm Long Parasite , Scavenger
140 Swift Hookphlyer 40 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Photosynthesis
140 Blue Gillfin 45 cm Long Herbivore
140 Ebony Pump Gilltail 10 cm Long Herbivore
140 Fuzzy Krillpede 2 cm Long Filter-Feeder
141 Crevice Tuff 25 cm Tall Photosynthesis
141 Hallucrastrum 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis
141 Mini Pukai 2 cm Tall Filter-Feeder , Detritivore
141 Bleedin Waterworm 15 cm Long Parasite
141 Roj 12 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Detritivore
143 Chunky Zoister 12 cm Long Filter-Feeder
143 Chambered Bobiiro 6 cm Wide Photosynthesis
143 Octofoi 2 cm Long Detritivore
143 Sealid 90 cm Long Herbivore
143 Speartooth Seaswimmer 85 cm Long Carnivore
143 Speckled Spinderorm 12 cm Long Filter-Feeder
144 Vicious Gilltail 36 cm Long Carnivore
144 Seadisk 96 cm Wide Photosynthesis
136 Edificocco Darkswarmer 40 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Weak Photosynthesis
137 Lancertongue 4 cm Long Carnivore , Parasite , Scavenger
138 Sea Glider 4 cm Long Carnivore , Detritivore
145 Slender Seaswimmer 50 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
145 Sanddigger Seaswimmer 42.5 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
145 Bubbleweed Seaswimmer 80 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
146 Seafin 40 cm Long Herbivore
146 Scorpioraker 6 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Filter-Feeder
147 Jaydohve 55 cm Long Carnivore
147 Seamaster Seaswimmer 70 cm Long Carnivore
147 Islandball Gillfin 25 cm Long Herbivore
147 Spotted Shocker 40 cm Long Carnivore
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
148 Citadel Trapinout 90 cm Long Carnivore
149 Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktivore
149 Snatcherswarmer 1 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Carnivore
149 Greater Droopgea 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis
149 Harp-Hum 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
149 Bloodfin Scylarian 85 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
149 Bloister 20 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
151 Field Swarmer 30 cm Long Herbivore Scavenger, Photosynthesis
151 Finback 25 cm Long Carnivore
153 Crallsnaper 35 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
153 Imprisoned Wolley 9 cm Long Parasite , Scavenger
154 Fan Bloister 15 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
154 Icejumper Leafshell 95 cm long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
155 Hornscooter 1 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosyntesis
155 Crowngea 50 cm tall Photosynthesis
155 Squire Finworm 20 cm long Herbivore
155 Bladesnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
159 Tilepillar 1.5 m Long Herbivore
159 South Polar Shardgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
159 Gillarill 4 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Southern Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Outtablue Scylarian 3 m Long Carnivore
159 Pooklookai 4 cm Tall Planktivore

[ top ]

Maineiac Polar Coast

Blue Polar Waters with Black Volcanic Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
53 Gomphioculum Microscopica Microscopic Consumer
101 Funivenator Organuculus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore
101 Glirodlium Istaruthus Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore, Consumer
102 Crescoquin Scindestus Microscopic Photosynthesis
102 Wykraline Microscopic Cytovore, Organic compounds
119 Macululuchia Microscopic Endoparasite
126 Disturbed Infectoid Microscopic Cytovore
130 Saltiri Microscopic Chemovore
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
135 Colony Salmundus Microscopic Chemosynthesis
135 Byoukiri Microscopic Chemovore
146 Noplanktoid Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Slender Miniswarmer Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Minibean Microscopic Photosynthesis
147 Crocunetwork Microscopic Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
10 Rainbow Marephasmatis Diminutive (2 cm) Filter Feeder
136 Marine Tuffdra 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
136 Wading Leafshell 1 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
136 Sea Tatodder 50 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
136 Marine Arthrofin 50 cm Long Scavenger, Detritivore
137 Rusty Muckraker 3 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger
136 Marine Bubbleweed 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis
136 Marine Bubblepede 30 cm Long Herbivore
136 Marine Shocker 60 cm Long Carnivore
136 Marine Crystal 30 cm Tall Detritivore, Photosynthesis
136 Marine Gilltail 25 cm Long Herbivore
136 Marine Filtersquid 30 cm Long Filter-Feeder
136 Marine Droopgea 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
136 Marine Finworm 20 cm Long Herbivore
136 Marine Urpoi 50 cm Long Carnivore
136 Marine Shrubite 90 cm Tall Filter-Feeder
136 Greengill 5 cm Long Herbivore
136 Sticky Urphish 15 cm Long Scavenger
136 Calmstrum 2 cm Wide Photosynthesis, Filter-Feeder
136 Probing Gilltail 10 cm Long Carnivore
138 Sea Cural 20 cm Tall Detritivore, Lithotroph
137 Bubbleweed Muckraker 4 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger
136 Finned Filtersquid 90 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Symbiotic Photosynthesis
137 Ocean Tristage 6 cm Wide Filter-Feeder , Detritivore
138 Shellear 40 cm Long Herbivore
138 Nectascooter 6 cm Tall Nectivore , Photosynthesis
138 Lurehum 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
138 Suctionrorm 2 cm Long Filter-Feeder
138 Marine Mine Layer 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
138 Tileback 70 cm Long Herbivore
138 Polar Hummroot 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
139 Hairy Slitherworm 90 cm Long Carnivore
139 Colonial Trapinout 45 cm Long Carnivore
139 Surge Gilltail 40 cm Long Omnivore
139 Globe Gilltail 90 cm Long Herbivore
139 Gilgan Waterworm 30 cm Long Parasite , Scavenger
140 Blue Gillfin 45 cm Long Herbivore
140 Ebony Pump Gilltail 10 cm Long Herbivore
140 Fuzzy Krillpede 2 cm Long Filter-Feeder
141 Crevice Tuff 25 cm Tall Photosynthesis
141 Hallucrastrum 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis
141 Mini Pukai 2 cm Tall Filter-Feeder , Detritivore
141 Bleedin Waterworm 15 cm Long Parasite
141 Buoygea 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
141 Roj 12 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Detritivore
142 Gray Muckraker 4 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger
143 Chunky Zoister 12 cm Long Filter-Feeder
143 Chambered Bobiiro 6 cm Wide Photosynthesis
143 Octofoi 2 cm Long Detritivore
143 Sealid 90 cm Long Herbivore
143 Speartooth Seaswimmer 85 cm Long Carnivore
143 Speckled Spinderorm 12 cm Long Filter-Feeder
144 Vicious Gilltail 36 cm Long Carnivore
144 Seadisk 96 cm Wide Photosynthesis
136 Edificocco Darkswarmer 40 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Weak Photosynthesis
137 Lancertongue 4 cm Long Carnivore , Parasite , Scavenger
138 Sea Glider 4 cm Long Carnivore , Detritivore
145 Emperor Seaswimmer 170 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
145 Vicious Seaswimmer 80 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
146 Seafin 40 cm Long Herbivore
147 Islandball Gillfin 25 cm Long Herbivore
147 Gillrom 4 cm Long Filter-Feeder
147 Spotted Shocker 40 cm Long Carnivore
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
147 Common Oceanscooter 20 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
149 Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktivore
149 Snatcherswarmer 1 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Carnivore
149 Bloodfin Scylarian 85 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
149 Bloister 20 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
150 Scorpodile 2.5 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
151 Finback 25 cm Long Carnivore
152 Karpdoon 30 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
152 Umbrascale Lyngbakr 15 m Long Planktivore
152 Viridimaw Lyngbakr 12.5 m Long Planktivore
152 Cruelfang Hafgufa 23 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
152 Chaococoon 1 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Lithotroph
154 Bigmouthed Muckraker 4 cm Long Omnivore Coprovore, Detritivore, Scavenger
154 Round-Winged Hookphlyer 37 cm Wingspan Carnivore Photosynthesis
155 Chambered Bubblegea 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
155 Tipsnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
156 Clamshut Waterworm 25 cm long Parasite , Planktivore, Detrivore

[ top ]

Ice Sheet

North Sagan 4 Ice Sheet

Blue Polar Waters with Year Round Ice.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
139 Hanging Necarrow 20 cm Long Carnivore , Detritivore
141 Charybdis 8 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Detritivore, Scavenger
143 Speckled Spinderorm 12 cm Long Filter-Feeder
144 Leafed Swarmer 1 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritvore
145 Emperor Seaswimmer 170 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
145 Vicious Seaswimmer 80 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
150 Bejeweled Emperor Scylarian 1.5 m Long Carnivore
150 Needlenose Scylarian 1 m Long Carnivore
157 Redbone Gilltail 15 cm Long Herbivore

[ top ]



Rhodix Vents

Pitch Black Waters with Orange-Yellow Sulfur Geothermal Vents.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
81 Radia Primus Microscopic Consumer
121 Vent Plerp Microscopic Parasite

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
83 Ventrapper 2.5 cm Long Carnivore
97 Marfos 9 cm Long Consumer
103 Xxeljet 4 cm Long Filter-Feeder Carnivore
106 Marocta 13 cm Long Carnivore
116 Rearing Swarmer 5 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger
126 Vent Darkswarmer 20 cm Long Detritivore, Filter-Feeder
131 Xxeltrapper 4.2 cm Long Carnivore
131 Swarmhunter 5 cm Long Carnivore , Parasite
131 Martyr 4 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
135 Sucker Foi 1 cm Long Parasite
141 Merennenom 18 cm Tall Filter-Feeder
143 Rhodix Longtail 20 cm Long Herbivore
156 Radiashrub 1000 µm Tall Consumer, Detrivore
158 Reaplarian 55 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger

[ top ]


LadyM Ocean Trench Floor

Pitch Black Waters with with Gray Sediment Seafloor.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
122 Doubent Microscopic Consumer
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
136 Orange Sucker Foi Microscopic Parasite

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
149 Phantomuki 26 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger
149 Bloister 20 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
156 Deep Seacural 20 cm Tall Planktivore, Detrivore

[ top ]

LadyM Ocean Trench Zone

Pitch Black Open Waters.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
122 Doubent Microscopic Consumer
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
136 Orange Sucker Foi Microscopic Parasite

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
151 Slither Longtail 15 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
158 Reaplarian 55 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger

[ top ]

LadyM Ocean Trench Slope

Pitch Black Waters with with Gray Steep Cliffs.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
122 Doubent Microscopic Consumer
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
136 Orange Sucker Foi Microscopic Parasite

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
149 Phantomuki 26 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger
149 Bloister 20 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
156 Deep Seacural 20 cm Tall Planktivore, Detrivore

[ top ]

Abyss Zone

LadyM Ocean Abyss Floor

Pitch Black High Pressure Sea with No Light with Gray Sediment Flat Seafloor.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
122 Doubent Microscopic Consumer
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
136 Orange Sucker Foi Microscopic Parasite

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
103 Whorl 1 cm Long Filter-Feeder
105 Whorl Needler 4 cm Long Liquivore
113 Parasite Whorl 2 cm Long Parasite
114 Echofin 25 cm Long Herbivore
121 Bigeyed Foi 2 cm Long Detritivore
127 Pollinating Darkswarmer 10 cm Long Detritivore, Filter-Feeder
133 Maryss 26 cm Long Carnivore , Filter-Feeder
135 Sucker Foi 1 cm Long Parasite
137 Flapjack Sucker Foi 1 cm Long Parasite
156 Deep Seacural 20 cm Tall Planktivore, Detrivore
158 Blubdub 1 cm Long Herbivore Filter-Feeder, Detritivore, Scavenger
159 Muckamor 85 cm Long Adult: Carnivore , Scavenger; Tadpole: Omnivore

[ top ]

LadyM Ocean Abyss Zone

Pitch Black High Pressure Sea with No Light in Open Waters.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
122 Doubent Microscopic Consumer
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
136 Orange Sucker Foi Microscopic Parasite

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
103 Whorl 1 cm Long Filter-Feeder
105 Whorl Needler 4 cm Long Liquivore
113 Parasite Whorl 2 cm Long Parasite
114 Echofin 25 cm Long Herbivore
121 Bigeyed Foi 2 cm Long Detritivore
127 Pollinating Darkswarmer 10 cm Long Detritivore, Filter-Feeder
133 Maryss 26 cm Long Carnivore , Filter-Feeder
135 Sucker Foi 1 cm Long Parasite
137 Flapjack Sucker Foi 1 cm Long Parasite
158 Blubdub 1 cm Long Herbivore Filter-Feeder, Detritivore, Scavenger
158 Purioister 15 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
158 Reaplarian 55 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger

[ top ]

LadyM Ocean Abyss Slope

Deep Blue High Pressure Sea with Some Light with Gray Sediment Sloping Seafloor.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
122 Doubent Microscopic Consumer
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
136 Orange Sucker Foi Microscopic Parasite

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
103 Whorl 1 cm Long Filter-Feeder
105 Whorl Needler 4 cm Long Liquivore
113 Parasite Whorl 2 cm Long Parasite
114 Echofin 25 cm Long Herbivore
121 Bigeyed Foi 2 cm Long Detritivore
127 Pollinating Darkswarmer 10 cm Long Detritivore, Filter-Feeder
133 Maryss 26 cm Long Carnivore , Filter-Feeder
135 Sucker Foi 1 cm Long Parasite
137 Flapjack Sucker Foi 1 cm Long Parasite
156 Deep Seacural 20 cm Tall Planktivore, Detrivore
159 Muckamor 85 cm Long Adult: Carnivore , Scavenger; Tadpole: Omnivore

[ top ]

Midnight Zone

LadyM Ocean Midnight Floor

Pitch Black Sea with No Light with Gray Sediment Flat Seafloor.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
122 Doubent Microscopic Consumer
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
136 Orange Sucker Foi Microscopic Parasite

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
103 Whorl 1 cm Long Filter-Feeder
105 Whorl Needler 4 cm Long Liquivore
113 Parasite Whorl 2 cm Long Parasite
114 Echofin 25 cm Long Herbivore
121 Bigeyed Foi 2 cm Long Detritivore
127 Pollinating Darkswarmer 10 cm Long Detritivore, Filter-Feeder
133 Maryss 26 cm Long Carnivore , Filter-Feeder
135 Sucker Foi 1 cm Long Parasite
137 Flapjack Sucker Foi 1 cm Long Parasite
156 Deep Seacural 20 cm Tall Planktivore, Detrivore
159 Muckamor 85 cm Long Adult: Carnivore , Scavenger; Tadpole: Omnivore

[ top ]

LadyM Ocean Midnight Zone

Pitch Black Sea with No Light in Open Waters.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
122 Doubent Microscopic Consumer
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
136 Orange Sucker Foi Microscopic Parasite

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
103 Whorl 1 cm Long Filter-Feeder
105 Whorl Needler 4 cm Long Liquivore
113 Parasite Whorl 2 cm Long Parasite
114 Echofin 25 cm Long Herbivore
121 Bigeyed Foi 2 cm Long Detritivore
127 Pollinating Darkswarmer 10 cm Long Detritivore, Filter-Feeder
133 Maryss 26 cm Long Carnivore , Filter-Feeder
135 Sucker Foi 1 cm Long Parasite
137 Flapjack Sucker Foi 1 cm Long Parasite
158 Blubdub 1 cm Long Herbivore Filter-Feeder, Detritivore, Scavenger
158 Purioister 15 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore

[ top ]

LadyM Ocean Midnight Slope

Pitch Black Sea with No Light with Gray Sediment Sloping Seafloor.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
122 Doubent Microscopic Consumer
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
136 Orange Sucker Foi Microscopic Parasite

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
103 Whorl 1 cm Long Filter-Feeder
105 Whorl Needler 4 cm Long Liquivore
113 Parasite Whorl 2 cm Long Parasite
114 Echofin 25 cm Long Herbivore
121 Bigeyed Foi 2 cm Long Detritivore
127 Pollinating Darkswarmer 10 cm Long Detritivore, Filter-Feeder
133 Maryss 26 cm Long Carnivore , Filter-Feeder
135 Sucker Foi 1 cm Long Parasite
137 Flapjack Sucker Foi 1 cm Long Parasite
156 Deep Seacural 20 cm Tall Planktivore, Detrivore
159 Muckamor 85 cm Long Adult: Carnivore , Scavenger; Tadpole: Omnivore

[ top ]

Twilight Zone

LadyM Ocean Twilight Floor

Deep Blue Sea with Some Light and a Gray Sediment Seafloor.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
44 Malakommalis 2-200 cm Long Endoparasite
75 Tankargus Microscopic Photosynthesis
53 Gomphioculum Microscopica Microscopic Consumer
75 Cnidolium Simplistica Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore
85 Krakow Black Algae Microscopic Photosynthesis
120 Trikskirt Microscopic Parasite
122 Doubent Microscopic Consumer
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
135 Towercrusta Microscopic Photosynthesis
135 Flavuswimmer Microscopic Photosynthesis
147 Ghost Miniswarmer Microscopic Photosynthesis, Filter-Feeder

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
10 Rainbow Marephasmatis Diminutive (2 cm) Filter Feeder
103 Whorl 1 cm Long Filter-Feeder
105 Whorl Needler 4 cm Long Liquivore
105 Netwhorl 3 cm Long Filter-Feeder
109 Gilltail 15 cm Long Omnivore
121 Bigeyed Foi 2 cm Long Detritivore
123 Belumbia 5 cm Long Hematophagous
135 Sucker Foi 1 cm Long Parasite
136 Delicate Sucker Foi 1 cm Long Parasite
136 Shortbeak Gilltail 7 cm Long Omnivore
137 Spotted Sucker Foi Microscopic Parasite
149 Phantomuki 26 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger
149 Bloister 20 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
156 Deep Seacural 20 cm Tall Planktivore, Detrivore
159 Muckamor 85 cm Long Adult: Carnivore , Scavenger; Tadpole: Omnivore

[ top ]

LadyM Ocean Twilight Zone

Deep Blue Sea with Some Light in Open Waters.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
44 Malakommalis 2-200 cm Long Endoparasite
75 Tankargus Microscopic Photosynthesis
53 Gomphioculum Microscopica Microscopic Consumer
75 Cnidolium Simplistica Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore
85 Krakow Black Algae Microscopic Photosynthesis
120 Trikskirt Microscopic Parasite
122 Doubent Microscopic Consumer
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
135 Towercrusta Microscopic Photosynthesis
135 Flavuswimmer Microscopic Photosynthesis
147 Ghost Miniswarmer Microscopic Photosynthesis, Filter-Feeder

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
10 Rainbow Marephasmatis Diminutive (2 cm) Filter Feeder
103 Whorl 1 cm Long Filter-Feeder
105 Whorl Needler 4 cm Long Liquivore
105 Netwhorl 3 cm Long Filter-Feeder
109 Gilltail 15 cm Long Omnivore
121 Bigeyed Foi 2 cm Long Detritivore
123 Belumbia 5 cm Long Hematophagous
135 Sucker Foi 1 cm Long Parasite
136 Delicate Sucker Foi 1 cm Long Parasite
136 Shortbeak Gilltail 7 cm Long Omnivore
137 Spotted Sucker Foi Microscopic Parasite
151 Slither Longtail 15 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
154 Fan Bloister 15 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
157 Guhnuh 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore, Scavenger
159 South Polar Shardgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
159 Gillarill 4 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Outtablue Scylarian 3 m Long Carnivore

[ top ]

LadyM Ocean Twilight Slope

Deep Blue Sea with Some Light with Gray Sediment Sloping Seafloor.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
44 Malakommalis 2-200 cm Long Endoparasite
75 Tankargus Microscopic Photosynthesis
53 Gomphioculum Microscopica Microscopic Consumer
75 Cnidolium Simplistica Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore
85 Krakow Black Algae Microscopic Photosynthesis
120 Trikskirt Microscopic Parasite
122 Doubent Microscopic Consumer
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
135 Towercrusta Microscopic Photosynthesis
135 Flavuswimmer Microscopic Photosynthesis
147 Ghost Miniswarmer Microscopic Photosynthesis, Filter-Feeder

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
10 Rainbow Marephasmatis Diminutive (2 cm) Filter Feeder
103 Whorl 1 cm Long Filter-Feeder
105 Whorl Needler 4 cm Long Liquivore
105 Netwhorl 3 cm Long Filter-Feeder
109 Gilltail 15 cm Long Omnivore
121 Bigeyed Foi 2 cm Long Detritivore
123 Belumbia 5 cm Long Hematophagous
135 Sucker Foi 1 cm Long Parasite
136 Delicate Sucker Foi 1 cm Long Parasite
136 Shortbeak Gilltail 7 cm Long Omnivore
137 Spotted Sucker Foi Microscopic Parasite
149 Phantomuki 26 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger
149 Bloister 20 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
150 Frabukgraze 30 cm Long Herbivore
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
156 Deep Seacural 20 cm Tall Planktivore, Detrivore
157 Guhnuh 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore, Scavenger
159 South Polar Shardgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
159 Gillarill 4 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Outtablue Scylarian 3 m Long Carnivore
159 Muckamor 85 cm Long Adult: Carnivore , Scavenger; Tadpole: Omnivore

[ top ]

Sunlight Zone

LadyM Tropical Ocean Sunlight Zone

Deep Blue Tropical Sea with Lots of Light.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Scuttleball Gillfin 30 cm Long Omnivore
150 Royal Scylarian 60 cm Long Carnivore
151 Diamond Pumpgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
151 Sucker Swarmer 1 cm Long Lepidovore , Scavenger, Detrivore, Photosynthesis
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
158 Bell Calmstrum 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis, Planktivore
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis
159 Gulperpump 20 cm Long Planktonivore

[ top ]

North LadyM Temperate Ocean Sunlight Zone

Deep Blue Temperate Sea with Lots of Light.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
146 Noplanktoid Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Slender Miniswarmer Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Minibean Microscopic Photosynthesis
147 Crocunetwork Microscopic Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
147 Gillrom 4 cm Long Filter-Feeder
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
149 Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktivore
149 Snatcherswarmer 1 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Carnivore
149 Blueback Scylarian 3 m Long Carnivore
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Scuttleball Gillfin 30 cm Long Omnivore
150 Royal Scylarian 60 cm Long Carnivore
150 Needlenose Scylarian 1 m Long Carnivore
151 Diamond Pumpgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
151 Sucker Swarmer 1 cm Long Lepidovore , Scavenger, Detrivore, Photosynthesis
152 Umbrascale Lyngbakr 15 m Long Planktivore
152 Viridimaw Lyngbakr 12.5 m Long Planktivore
152 Cruelfang Hafgufa 23 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
158 Bell Calmstrum 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis, Planktivore
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis
159 Gulperpump 20 cm Long Planktonivore

[ top ]

South LadyM Temperate Ocean Sunlight Zone

Deep Blue Temperate Sea with Lots of Light.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
146 Noplanktoid Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Slender Miniswarmer Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Minibean Microscopic Photosynthesis
147 Crocunetwork Microscopic Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
149 Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktivore
149 Snatcherswarmer 1 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Carnivore
149 Blueback Scylarian 3 m Long Carnivore
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Scuttleball Gillfin 30 cm Long Omnivore
150 Royal Scylarian 60 cm Long Carnivore
151 Diamond Pumpgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
151 Sucker Swarmer 1 cm Long Lepidovore , Scavenger, Detrivore, Photosynthesis
156 Slaesopago 3.3 m Long Carnivore
158 Bell Calmstrum 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis, Planktivore
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis
159 Gulperpump 20 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Tilepillar 1.5 m Long Herbivore
159 South Polar Shardgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
159 Gillarill 4 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Southern Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Outtablue Scylarian 3 m Long Carnivore

[ top ]

North LadyM Polar Ocean Sunlight Zone

Deep Blue Polar Sea with Lots of Light.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
146 Noplanktoid Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Slender Miniswarmer Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Minibean Microscopic Photosynthesis
147 Crocunetwork Microscopic Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
147 Islandball Gillfin 25 cm Long Herbivore
147 Gillrom 4 cm Long Filter-Feeder
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
149 Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktivore
149 Snatcherswarmer 1 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Carnivore
149 Blueback Scylarian 3 m Long Carnivore
150 Needlenose Scylarian 1 m Long Carnivore
151 Tetracrusicruge 4 cm Tall Planktivore, Detritivore
152 Umbrascale Lyngbakr 15 m Long Planktivore
152 Viridimaw Lyngbakr 12.5 m Long Planktivore
152 Cruelfang Hafgufa 23 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
155 Slither Longbeak 18 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger

[ top ]

South LadyM Polar Ocean Sunlight Zone

Deep Blue Polar Sea with Lots of Light.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
159 Tilepillar 1.5 m Long Herbivore
159 South Polar Shardgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
159 Gillarill 4 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Southern Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Outtablue Scylarian 3 m Long Carnivore

[ top ]


Flisch Temperate Shallows

Blue Temperate Waters with Brown Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
146 Noplanktoid Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Slender Miniswarmer Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Minibean Microscopic Photosynthesis
147 Crocunetwork Microscopic Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
146 Seafin 40 cm Long Herbivore
147 Stalkshell 60 cm Tall Filter-Feeder , Detritivore
147 Gillrom 4 cm Long Filter-Feeder
147 Florisland 1.5 m Wide Photosynthesis, Filter-Feeder
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
147 Common Oceanscooter 20 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
149 Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktivore
149 Snatcherswarmer 1 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Carnivore
149 Bloister 20 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
150 Hammerhead Scuttler 4 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Scavenger
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Scuttleball Gillfin 30 cm Long Omnivore
150 Cromocanth 32 cm Long Herbivore
150 Royal Scylarian 60 cm Long Carnivore
150 Sum-Humgrove 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
151 Diamond Pumpgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
151 Sucker Swarmer 1 cm Long Lepidovore , Scavenger, Detrivore, Photosynthesis
151 Field Swarmer 30 cm Long Herbivore Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Nerius 1 cm Long Planktivore
152 Bulky Hammerhead 8 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
151 Finback 25 cm Long Carnivore
152 Umbrascale Lyngbakr 15 m Long Planktivore
152 Crushermaw Scylarian 87 cm Long Carnivore
152 Viridimaw Lyngbakr 12.5 m Long Planktivore
152 Cruelfang Hafgufa 23 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
152 Charybdaran 16 cm Tall Planktivore Detritivore, Scavenger
152 Slender Scylarian 2 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
152 Magnificent Slaesosaurus 6.5 m Long Carnivore
153 Drakescooter 15 cm Tall Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
153 Stalk Rastum 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
153 Left-Right Scalucker 2 cm Long Lepidovore
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
154 Barnapede 2 cm Long Planktivore
155 Nibblecanth 34 cm long Omnivore
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis

[ top ]


BigL Tropical Coast

Blue Tropical Waters with White Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Scuttleball Gillfin 30 cm Long Omnivore
150 Jlindohve 70 cm Long Carnivore
150 Royal Scylarian 60 cm Long Carnivore
151 Diamond Pumpgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
151 Carnosprawl 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
151 Sucker Swarmer 1 cm Long Lepidovore , Scavenger, Detrivore, Photosynthesis
151 Snapperbeak Hookphlyer 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
153 Left-Right Scalucker 2 cm Long Lepidovore
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
154 Parasitic Branch-Lantern Up to 60cm Tall (Not Including Spore Droplets) Parasitism, Photosynthesis
154 Coastal Goth Tree 50 centimeters tall Photosynthesis Raft Only
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis
159 Gulperpump 20 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Shardscale 40 cm Long Omnivore
159 Dixon Finback 25 cm Long Carnivore

[ top ]

King Tropical Coast

Blue Tropical Waters with Golden Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Scuttleball Gillfin 30 cm Long Omnivore
150 Royal Scylarian 60 cm Long Carnivore
151 Diamond Pumpgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
151 Sucker Swarmer 1 cm Long Lepidovore , Scavenger, Detrivore, Photosynthesis
151 Globby Boneflora 6 cm Tall Photosynthesis
152 Nerius 1 cm Long Planktivore
152 Bulky Hammerhead 8 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
152 Crushermaw Scylarian 87 cm Long Carnivore
152 Charybdaran 16 cm Tall Planktivore Detritivore, Scavenger
152 Slender Scylarian 2 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
152 Magnificent Slaesosaurus 6.5 m Long Carnivore
153 Left-Right Scalucker 2 cm Long Lepidovore
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
154 Barnapede 2 cm Long Planktivore
154 Aqueryn 1.6 m Long Herbivore , Weak Photosynthesis
154 Aabaalki 1.2 m Long Omnivore , Weak Photosynthesis
154 Venomous Quid 75 cm Long Carnivore
156 Shellflora 16 cm Tall Photosynthesis
156 Bonegrass 16 cm Tall Photosynthesis
156 Wadesnapper 70 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
156 Twinkiiro Gilltail 24 cm Long Herbivore
156 Fiesta Leafshell 50 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
156 Saurohound 6.5 m Long Carnivore
157 Bonecorus 14 cm Long Photosynthesis
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis
159 Gulperpump 20 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Coasterlina Leafshell 60 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
159 Blooblblega 120 cm Tall Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Clarke Temperate Coast

Blue Temperate Waters with Brown Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
146 Noplanktoid Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Slender Miniswarmer Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Minibean Microscopic Photosynthesis
147 Crocunetwork Microscopic Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
146 Seafin 40 cm Long Herbivore
147 Stalkshell 60 cm Tall Filter-Feeder , Detritivore
147 Seamaster Seaswimmer 70 cm Long Carnivore
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
147 Common Oceanscooter 20 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
148 Citadel Trapinout 90 cm Long Carnivore
148 Trunk Frabuki 25 cm Long Planktivore, Detritivore
149 Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktivore
149 Snatcherswarmer 1 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Carnivore
149 Greater Droopgea 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis
149 Blueback Scylarian 3 m Long Carnivore
149 Bloister 20 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Scuttleball Gillfin 30 cm Long Omnivore
150 Royal Scylarian 60 cm Long Carnivore
151 Diamond Pumpgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
151 Sucker Swarmer 1 cm Long Lepidovore , Scavenger, Detrivore, Photosynthesis
152 Nerius 1 cm Long Planktivore
152 Bulky Hammerhead 8 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
151 Finback 25 cm Long Carnivore
152 Sealyn 80 cm Long Herbivore , Weak Photosynthesis
152 Crushermaw Scylarian 87 cm Long Carnivore
152 Slender Scylarian 2 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
152 Magnificent Slaesosaurus 6.5 m Long Carnivore
153 Slaesosleekus 430 cm long Carnivore
153 Left-Right Scalucker 2 cm Long Lepidovore
153 Imprisoned Wolley 9 cm Long Parasite , Scavenger
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
154 Barnapede 2 cm Long Planktivore
154 Nipper Nerius 1 cm Long Planktivore, Coprophagic, Sporeivore
154 Scaly Mushveli 1.2 m Long Omnivore
156 Twinkiiro Gilltail 24 cm Long Herbivore
156 Fiesta Leafshell 50 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
156 Saurohound 6.5 m Long Carnivore
157 Candycane Bonegrass 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis
159 Gulperpump 20 cm Long Planktonivore
159 South Polar Shardgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
159 Gillarill 4 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Outtablue Scylarian 3 m Long Carnivore
159 Coasterlina Leafshell 60 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
159 Blooblblega 120 cm Tall Photosynthesis

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Krakow Temperate Coast

Blue Temperate Waters with Brown Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
155 Keensnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
156 Slaesopago 3.3 m Long Carnivore
158 Krakow Woollycoat 90 cm Tall adult : Carnivore , Scavenger ; young : Carnivore , Ovivore
159 Tilepillar 1.5 m Long Herbivore
159 South Polar Shardgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
159 Gillarill 4 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Southern Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Outtablue Scylarian 3 m Long Carnivore
159 Pooklookai 4 cm Tall Planktivore

[ top ]

Ramul Temperate Coast

Blue Temperate Waters with Brown Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
146 Noplanktoid Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Slender Miniswarmer Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Minibean Microscopic Photosynthesis
147 Crocunetwork Microscopic Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
146 Seafin 40 cm Long Herbivore
147 Stalkshell 60 cm Tall Filter-Feeder , Detritivore
147 Gillrom 4 cm Long Filter-Feeder
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
147 Common Oceanscooter 20 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
148 Trunk Frabuki 25 cm Long Planktivore, Detritivore
149 Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktivore
149 Snatcherswarmer 1 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Carnivore
149 Bloister 20 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
150 Hammerhead Scuttler 4 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Scavenger
150 Hitchhiker Scuttler 1 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
150 Scuttleball Gillfin 30 cm Long Omnivore
150 Cromocanth 32 cm Long Herbivore
150 Royal Scylarian 60 cm Long Carnivore
150 Sum-Humgrove 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
151 Diamond Pumpgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
151 Sucker Swarmer 1 cm Long Lepidovore , Scavenger, Detrivore, Photosynthesis
151 Field Swarmer 30 cm Long Herbivore Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Nerius 1 cm Long Planktivore
152 Bulky Hammerhead 8 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
151 Finback 25 cm Long Carnivore
152 Umbrascale Lyngbakr 15 m Long Planktivore
152 Crushermaw Scylarian 87 cm Long Carnivore
152 Viridimaw Lyngbakr 12.5 m Long Planktivore
152 Cruelfang Hafgufa 23 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
152 Charybdaran 16 cm Tall Planktivore Detritivore, Scavenger
152 Slender Scylarian 2 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
152 Magnificent Slaesosaurus 6.5 m Long Carnivore
153 Drakescooter 15 cm Tall Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
153 Stalk Rastum 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
153 Left-Right Scalucker 2 cm Long Lepidovore
153 Floating Pumpgill 10 cm Long Omnivore
154 Barnapede 2 cm Long Planktivore
155 Armored Phlyer 2 m Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
155 Chambered Bubblegea 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
156 Jujubee Korystal 60 cm Tall Detrivore
156 Yellowstripe Gilltail 14 cm Long Herbivore
156 Arostrolarian 78 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
156 Plesican 1.5 m long Omnivore Photosynthesis
156 Cervicilarian 120 cm long Carnivore , Scavenger
157 Protelareous 75 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
157 Cornularian 1.5 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
158 Marine Glowsnapper 1.5 m Long Herbivore
158 Soma Pyamus 2 m Tall Planktivore, Detritivore
158 Pioneer Raftballs 20 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Colonial Bobiiro 12 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Darwinian Diaminet 120 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosynthesis

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Wind Temperate Coast

Blue Temperate Waters with Brown Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
156 Twinkiiro Gilltail 24 cm Long Herbivore
156 Fiesta Leafshell 50 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
156 Shaillor 37 cm long Herbivore , Detritivore, Scavenger
156 Saurohound 6.5 m Long Carnivore
157 Candycane Bonegrass 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Tilepillar 1.5 m Long Herbivore
159 South Polar Shardgill 20 cm Long Omnivore
159 Gillarill 4 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Southern Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Outtablue Scylarian 3 m Long Carnivore
159 Coasterlina Leafshell 60 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
159 Blooblblega 120 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Pooklookai 4 cm Tall Planktivore

[ top ]

Artir Polar Coast

Blue Polar Waters with Brown Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
44 Malakommalis 2-200 cm Long Endoparasite
50 Irisiri Microscopic Organic Compounds, Minerals
53 Gomphioculum Microscopica Microscopic Consumer
75 Tankargus Microscopic Photosynthesis
75 Megaorthoceros Segnoneustes Microscopic Chemosynthesis
75 Cnidolium Simplistica Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore
101 Padler Microscopic Organic matter
119 Megaorthoceros Circumorphos Microscopic (Females far larger than males) Chemovores
120 Trikskirt Microscopic Parasite
122 Doubent Microscopic Consumer
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
135 Towercrusta Microscopic Photosynthesis
135 Flavuswimmer Microscopic Photosynthesis
139 Polar Spiral Swimmer Microscopic Chemosynthesis , Detritivore, Coprophagic
141 Rosy Polyfoi Microscopic Parasite , Sanguivore
141 Symbiotic Lumin Microscopic Photosynthesis
142 Seacleaner Microscopic Scavenger, Detritivore, Coprophagous, Trophallaxic
146 Noplanktoid Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Slender Miniswarmer Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Minibean Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Surface Infinitus Microscopic Consumer
147 Crocunetwork Microscopic Photosynthesis
147 Trisiphon Polyfoi Microscopic Parasite , Sanguivore

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
10 Rainbow Marephasmatis Diminutive (2 cm) Filter Feeder
20 Uksip Marfinnus 40 cm Long Carnivore
103 Whorl 1 cm Long Filter-Feeder
105 Whorl Needler 4 cm Long Liquivore
109 Gilltail 15 cm Long Omnivore
123 Belumbia 5 cm Long Hematophagous
128 Hunting Darkswarmer 40 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Photosynthesis
136 Marine Whorl 2 cm Long Filter-Feeder
138 Maritime Shockshell 30 cm Tall Filter-Feeder
139 Segmented Pyamus 1 m Tall Filter-Feeder , Detritivore
139 Red Echofin 13 cm Long Herbivore
139 LadyM Korystal 60 cm Tall Detritivore
139 Elongated Gilltail 14 cm Long Herbivore
139 Elegant Nailfin 90 cm Long Omnivore
139 Quilled Nailfin 60 cm Long Omnivore
139 Clinging Belumbia 2.5 cm Long Hematophagous , Parasite
141 Symbiotic Enom 25 cm Tall Filter-Feeder
141 Ruberarian 1 m Long Carnivore
141 Redfin Gillcrest 50 cm Long Scavenger
143 Schutzhund Scylarian 50 cm Long Carnivore
143 Crusicruge 9 cm Tall Filter-Feeder , Detrivore
143 Glowlight Scylarian 55 cm Long Carnivore
144 Maritime Shockshell Gilltail 60 cm Long Herbivore
144 Burrowing Quid 80 cm Long Scavenger
147 Islandball Gillfin 25 cm Long Herbivore
147 Gillrom 4 cm Long Filter-Feeder
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
147 Common Oceanscooter 20 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
149 Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktivore
149 Snatcherswarmer 1 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Carnivore
149 Bloister 20 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
136 Shortbeak Gilltail 7 cm Long Omnivore
137 Transparent Enom 20 cm Tall Filter-Feeder
137 Spotted Sucker Foi Microscopic Parasite
137 Scavenging Sucker Foi Microscopic Scavenger
150 Hammerhead Scuttler 4 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Scavenger
150 Cromocanth 32 cm Long Herbivore
150 Bejeweled Emperor Scylarian 1.5 m Long Carnivore
150 Needlenose Scylarian 1 m Long Carnivore
151 Field Swarmer 30 cm Long Herbivore Scavenger, Photosynthesis
151 Finback 25 cm Long Carnivore
152 Umbrascale Lyngbakr 15 m Long Planktivore
152 Viridimaw Lyngbakr 12.5 m Long Planktivore
152 Cruelfang Hafgufa 23 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
152 Snappermaw Scylarian 55 cm Long Carnivore
153 Drakescooter 15 cm Tall Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
154 Scavenger Scylarian 86 cm Long Scavenger, Cannibalism
155 Megascooter 1.5 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
155 Neckfin 70 cm Long Omnivore
155 Chambered Bubblegea 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
156 Shorthorn Scylarian 82 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
157 Protelareous 75 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
159 Crestagreeus 5 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Twinkgreeus 4 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprivore
158 Phoenix Tapper 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore

[ top ]

Krakow Polar Coast

Blue Polar Waters with Brown Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
44 Malakommalis 2-200 cm Long Endoparasite
50 Irisiri Microscopic Organic Compounds, Minerals
53 Gomphioculum Microscopica Microscopic Consumer
75 Tankargus Microscopic Photosynthesis
75 Megaorthoceros Segnoneustes Microscopic Chemosynthesis
75 Cnidolium Simplistica Microscopic Opportunistic Cytovore
101 Padler Microscopic Organic matter
119 Megaorthoceros Circumorphos Microscopic (Females far larger than males) Chemovores
120 Trikskirt Microscopic Parasite
122 Doubent Microscopic Consumer
133 Sudline Microscopic Cytovore , Detritivore
135 Towercrusta Microscopic Photosynthesis
135 Flavuswimmer Microscopic Photosynthesis
139 Polar Spiral Swimmer Microscopic Chemosynthesis , Detritivore, Coprophagic
141 Rosy Polyfoi Microscopic Parasite , Sanguivore
141 Symbiotic Lumin Microscopic Photosynthesis
142 Seacleaner Microscopic Scavenger, Detritivore, Coprophagous, Trophallaxic
146 Noplanktoid Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Slender Miniswarmer Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Minibean Microscopic Photosynthesis
146 Surface Infinitus Microscopic Consumer
147 Crocunetwork Microscopic Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
10 Rainbow Marephasmatis Diminutive (2 cm) Filter Feeder
20 Uksip Marfinnus 40 cm Long Carnivore
103 Whorl 1 cm Long Filter-Feeder
105 Whorl Needler 4 cm Long Liquivore
109 Gilltail 15 cm Long Omnivore
123 Belumbia 5 cm Long Hematophagous
128 Hunting Darkswarmer 40 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Photosynthesis
136 Marine Whorl 2 cm Long Filter-Feeder
138 Maritime Shockshell 30 cm Tall Filter-Feeder
138 Crestgrove 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
139 Segmented Pyamus 1 m Tall Filter-Feeder , Detritivore
139 Red Echofin 13 cm Long Herbivore
139 LadyM Korystal 60 cm Tall Detritivore
139 Clinging Belumbia 2.5 cm Long Hematophagous , Parasite
140 Rosy Scylarian 75 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
141 Phoenix Tubes 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis
141 Symbiotic Enom 25 cm Tall Filter-Feeder
141 Ruberarian 1 m Long Carnivore
141 Redfin Gillcrest 50 cm Long Scavenger
143 Schutzhund Scylarian 50 cm Long Carnivore
143 Crusicruge 9 cm Tall Filter-Feeder , Detrivore
143 Glowlight Scylarian 55 cm Long Carnivore
144 Maritime Shockshell Gilltail 60 cm Long Herbivore
144 Burrowing Quid 80 cm Long Scavenger
145 Slender Seaswimmer 50 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
145 Sanddigger Seaswimmer 42.5 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
145 Bubbleweed Seaswimmer 80 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
146 Seafin 40 cm Long Herbivore
147 Stalkshell 60 cm Tall Filter-Feeder , Detritivore
147 Islandball Gillfin 25 cm Long Herbivore
148 Symbioraft Diaminet 60 cm Long Omnivore , Detritivore, Photosythesis
148 Slaesosaurus 360 cm Long Carnivore
147 Common Oceanscooter 20 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
149 Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktivore
149 Snatcherswarmer 1 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritivore, Carnivore
149 Greater Droopgea 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis
149 Blueback Scylarian 3 m Long Carnivore
149 Bloister 20 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
136 Shortbeak Gilltail 7 cm Long Omnivore
137 Transparent Enom 20 cm Tall Filter-Feeder
137 Spotted Sucker Foi Microscopic Parasite
137 Scavenging Sucker Foi Microscopic Scavenger
138 Gillcrest 70 cm Long Scavenger
150 Marine Woollycoat 60 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
151 Field Swarmer 30 cm Long Herbivore Scavenger, Photosynthesis
151 Finback 25 cm Long Carnivore
151 Carnivorescooter 50 cm Long Omnivore , Photosynthesis
152 Sealyn 80 cm Long Herbivore , Weak Photosynthesis
153 Slaesosleekus 430 cm long Carnivore
153 Imprisoned Wolley 9 cm Long Parasite , Scavenger
154 Fan Bloister 15 cm Long Detritivore, Scavenger, Planktivore
154 Scaly Mushveli 1.2 m Long Omnivore
155 Caliga 47 cm Long Carnivore
155 Keensnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
157 Sheltered Gilltail 12 cm Long Herbivore
158 Krakow Woollycoat 90 cm Tall adult : Carnivore , Scavenger ; young : Carnivore , Ovivore
159 Tilepillar 1.5 m Long Herbivore
159 Gillarill 4 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Southern Strainerbeak 60 cm Long Planktonivore
159 Outtablue Scylarian 3 m Long Carnivore
159 Pooklookai 4 cm Tall Planktivore

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Ice Sheet

South Sagan 4 Ice Sheet

Blue Polar Waters with Year Round Ice.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
139 Hanging Necarrow 20 cm Long Carnivore , Detritivore
141 Charybdis 8 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Detritivore, Scavenger
143 Speckled Spinderorm 12 cm Long Filter-Feeder
144 Leafed Swarmer 1 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritvore
145 Slender Seaswimmer 50 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
145 Sanddigger Seaswimmer 42.5 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger

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Sagan 4 Land



Maineiac Peak

White Ice on Black Volcanic Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
134 Glacialdrak 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
141 Helmethead Uksip 30 cm long Filter-Feeder , Herbivore , Scavenger
142 Ice Teuthopin 80 cm Long Carnivore
143 Uksor 15 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Liquivore , Scavenger
143 Glacial Sauceback 90 cm Long Adult; Omnivore Scavenger, Larva; Filter-Feeder
144 Scaled Diveskunik 25 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
153 Gliding Gushstrider 11 cm Long Haemotroph , Mucivore , Scavenger
158 Baebula 4 m Tall Photosynthesis

[ top ]


Fly Tropical Beach

Tropical Red-Rusty Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Snapper Scuttler 4 cm Long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
151 Tamjack 2.5 m Long Herbivore (Fuzzpalm, Turridea, Tethered Mine Layer, Harp-Hum, Double Bubblgea, Greater Droopgea, Pinprong, Marbleflora, Snotflora
151 Fuzzpalm 5 m Tall Photosynthesis
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
154 Pirate Waxface 3 meters long Carnivore , Detritivore , Scavenger
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
152 Penumbra Fuzzpalm 25 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Tamhook 3 m Long Herbivore
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
151 Snapperbeak Hookphlyer 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
150 Beach Cheekhorn 2 m Long Herbivore
148 Kack Tower 10 m Tall Photosynthesis
155 Carnarbor 5.5 m Tall Photosynthesis, Insectivore
155 Tamustel 2.2 m Long Omnivore
158 Hairy Flashkelp 150 cm Tall Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Hydro Tropical Beach

Tropical Red-Rusty Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Snapper Scuttler 4 cm Long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
150 Marine Tamow 2 m Long Herbivore
151 Tamjack 2.5 m Long Herbivore (Fuzzpalm, Turridea, Tethered Mine Layer, Harp-Hum, Double Bubblgea, Greater Droopgea, Pinprong, Marbleflora, Snotflora
151 Fuzzpalm 5 m Tall Photosynthesis
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
154 Pirate Waxface 3 meters long Carnivore , Detritivore , Scavenger
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
152 Penumbra Fuzzpalm 25 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Tamhook 3 m Long Herbivore
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
151 Snapperbeak Hookphlyer 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
150 Beach Cheekhorn 2 m Long Herbivore
148 Kack Tower 10 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Amphibious Flashkelp 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
154 Coastal Goth Tree 50 centimeters tall Photosynthesis
155 Tamchuck 1.8 m long Herbivore
159 Gushflier 10 cm Wingspan Haemotroph , Sapivore , Scavenger

[ top ]

Maineiac Temperate Beach

Black Volcanic Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
152 Chaococoon 1 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Lithotroph
153 Gliding Gushstrider 11 cm Long Haemotroph , Mucivore , Scavenger
154 Drooping Orbion 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
154 Eastward Landlubber 85 cm Long Omnivore
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
151 Fuzzpalm 5 m Tall Photosynthesis
155 Tipsnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
157 Sappy Pinknose 10 cm Tall Sapivore, Detritivore
158 Baebula 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
159 Gushflier 10 cm Wingspan Haemotroph , Sapivore , Scavenger

[ top ]

Oz Temperate Beach

Temperate Red-Rusty Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
146 Xatakpa 30 cm Long Herbivore
118 Vandriswoop Shellworm 9 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
147 Dome Sapworm 1 cm Wide Sapivore
150 Snapper Scuttler 4 cm Long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
150 Beach Cheekhorn 2 m Long Herbivore
148 Kack Tower 10 m Tall Photosynthesis
151 Fuzzpalm 5 m Tall Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Maineiac Polar Beach

White Ice and Black Volcanic Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
130 Wind Shrubite 80 cm Tall Consumer , Lithovore
138 Shellear 40 cm Long Herbivore
139 Beach Piloroot 1 m Wide Photosynthesis, Detrivore
139 Ice-Angler Oropede 60 cm Long Piscivore Scavenger
140 Plated Plin 1 cm Wide Photosynthesis
140 Talfuzz 16 cm Tall Photosynthesis
140 Pilonoroot 1 m Wide Photosynthesis, Detrivore
141 Shieldworm 3 cm Long Coprophagic, Detritivore, Scavenger
141 Helmethead Uksip 30 cm long Filter-Feeder , Herbivore , Scavenger
143 Uksor 15 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Liquivore , Scavenger
143 Iron Siever 6 cm Long Filter-Feeder
143 Speartooth Seaswimmer 85 cm Long Carnivore
143 Ringtail Limbless 75 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
144 Spiny Wrigum 10 cm Long Rhizovore
144 Dry Gelatin 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis
144 Gushlych 5 cm Long Haemotroph
144 Scaled Diveskunik 25 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
149 Coalskin Skywatcher 3 m Long Carnivore
149 Karybdos 6 cm Long Carnivore , Haemotroph
152 Chaococoon 1 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Lithotroph
153 Gliding Gushstrider 11 cm Long Haemotroph , Mucivore , Scavenger
154 Drooping Orbion 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
155 Tipsnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
156 Hidestrider 9 cm long Sanguinivore , Herbivore , Scavenger
157 Fuzzkern 10 cm Tall Photosynthesis

[ top ]


Maineiac Temperate River

Temperate Freshwater with Black Volcanic Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
145 Pioneer Minicrystal 4 cm Tall Detritivore, Photosynthesis
145 Maineiac Bubbleweed 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
145 Maineiac Bubblepede 15 cm Long Herbivore
145 Dwarf Maineiac Gilltail 8 cm Long Herbivore
146 Toothbrush Arthrofin 25 cm Long Scavenger, Detritivore
147 Maineiac Shocker 40 cm Long Carnivore
147 Red-Eye Seaswimmer 42.5 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
150 Scorpodile 2.5 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
155 Bubblebush 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
155 Sugary Minicrystal 0.3 cm Long Parasite , Photosynthesis
155 Tipsnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
156 Shelterkelp 15 cm Tall Photosynthesis
156 Bubblily 30 cm Wide Photosynthesis
159 Gushflier 10 cm Wingspan Haemotroph , Sapivore , Scavenger

[ top ]


Maineiac Temperate Riparian

Temperate Floodplain with Black Volcanic Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
149 Maineiac Orbion 25 cm Long Photosynthesis
149 Giant Spiny Wrigum 20 cm Long Rhizovore
153 Gliding Gushstrider 11 cm Long Haemotroph , Mucivore , Scavenger
154 Drooping Orbion 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
154 Pedesorm 5 cm Tall Coprophagic, Detritivore, Scavenger
155 Bubblebush 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
155 Tipsnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
157 Pedemuk 4.5 cm Tall Herbivore Detritivore
157 Sappy Pinknose 10 cm Tall Sapivore, Detritivore
158 Baebula 4 m Tall Photosynthesis

[ top ]


Maineiac Salt Marsh

Temperate Saltwater with Black Volcanic Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
147 Red-Eye Seaswimmer 42.5 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
149 Maineiac Orbion 25 cm Long Photosynthesis
149 Giant Spiny Wrigum 20 cm Long Rhizovore
149 Coalskin Skywatcher 3 m Long Carnivore
149 Karybdos 6 cm Long Carnivore , Haemotroph
151 Field Swarmer 30 cm Long Herbivore Scavenger, Photosynthesis
151 Finback 25 cm Long Carnivore
152 Chaococoon 1 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Lithotroph
153 Gliding Gushstrider 11 cm Long Haemotroph , Mucivore , Scavenger
154 Drooping Orbion 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
155 Bubblebush 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
155 Flatscooter 40 cm Long Planktivore, Scavenger, Photosynthesis
155 Tipsnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
158 Umbersnapper 50 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
159 Gushflier 10 cm Wingspan Haemotroph , Sapivore , Scavenger

[ top ]


Barlowe Tropical Rainforest

Wet Rusty-Red Muddy Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Spectresnatch 30 cm Long Scavenger, Carnivore
151 Rainforest Gossalizard 85 cm Long Carnivore , Cannibalism
152 Tappipper 80 cm Long Herbivore
152 Tyrant Gossalizard 1.6 m long Carnivore , Cannibalism, Scavenger
153 Stubhead Bounder 60 cm Long Herbivore
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
152 Penumbra Fuzzpalm 25 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Tamhook 3 m Long Herbivore
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
152 Tamkor 5 m Long Herbivore
151 Snapperbeak Hookphlyer 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
154 Parasitic Branch-Lantern Up to 60cm Tall (Not Including Spore Droplets) Parasitism, Photosynthesis
154 Bristlemouth Dracoworm 30 centimeters long Young: Filter-Feeder; Adult: Herbivore , Fliter-Feeder
152 Lungflora 50 cm Wide Photosynthesis
155 Terrestrial Emulsecho 40 cm Long Omnivore , Photosynthesis
155 Tamchuck 1.8 m long Herbivore
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
156 Leemalla 90 cm long Herbivore , Frugivore
157 Cockatwice 47 cm Long Herbivore
158 Tusovendis 40 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Clusterspades 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Barnline 1 m Wide Photosynthesis
158 Obsidibarrage 6 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Xatakbrak 30 cm Long Herbivore Coprophagic
159 Digging Gossalizard 90 cm Long Carnivore

[ top ]

Fly Tropical Rainforest

Wet Rusty-Red Muddy Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Obsidibomb 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
151 Rainforest Gossalizard 85 cm Long Carnivore , Cannibalism
152 Tropical Carnofern 55 cm Tall Photosynthesis
152 Tappipper 80 cm Long Herbivore
152 Tyrant Gossalizard 1.6 m long Carnivore , Cannibalism, Scavenger
153 Stubhead Bounder 60 cm Long Herbivore
154 Rainforest Emulsecho 20 cm Long Omnivore , Photosynthesis
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
152 Penumbra Fuzzpalm 25 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Tamhook 3 m Long Herbivore
152 Bora Scuttler 4 cm long Carnivore , Weak Photosynthesis, Scavenger
152 Tamkor 5 m Long Herbivore
151 Snapperbeak Hookphlyer 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Phlice 1.5 m Wingspan Carnivore
154 Parasitic Branch-Lantern Up to 60cm Tall (Not Including Spore Droplets) Parasitism, Photosynthesis
154 Bristlemouth Dracoworm 30 centimeters long Young: Filter-Feeder; Adult: Herbivore , Fliter-Feeder
152 Lungflora 50 cm Wide Photosynthesis
155 Bluck 29 cm Wide Photosynthesis
155 Fly Ridgehorn 30 cm Long Herbivore , Frugivore Detritivore
155 Carnarbor 5.5 m Tall Photosynthesis, Insectivore
156 Chocofern 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Treesnatch 60 cm Long Frugivore , Insectivore , Scavenger
157 Super Carnarbor 55 m Tall Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Barlowe Temperate Rainforest

Wet Rusty-Red Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
145 Clusterblades 25 cm Tall Photosynthesis
145 Obsidian Shrub 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
145 Rainforest Carnofern 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
145 Carnofern Flugwurm 12 cm Wingspan Adult: Nectarvore , Larva: Detritivore
145 Carnofern Grubnub 50 cm Tall Omnivore , Scavenger
147 Dome Sapworm 1 cm Wide Sapivore
148 Spotted Sauceback 48 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
149 Buttpiper 40 cm Long Herbivore
149 Dusty Spelunkhoe 45 cm Long Herbivore
149 Olshkra 12 cm Tall Photosynthesis
149 Osziza 14 cm Tall Photosynthesis
149 Tusovinda 20 cm Tall Photosynthesis
151 Sansheh 4 m Long Herbivore Larva
151 Rainforest Gossalizard 85 cm Long Carnivore , Cannibalism
152 Tappipper 80 cm Long Herbivore
152 Tyrant Gossalizard 1.6 m long Carnivore , Cannibalism, Scavenger
154 Tlukvaequabora 100 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Twinkbora 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Saprovore
152 Marblora 3 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Larandbora 5 mm long Photosynthesis
152 Borinvermee 2 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore
154 Stowaway Harmbless 20 cm Long Herbivore Frugivore Kleptoparasite
154 Bristlemouth Dracoworm 30 centimeters long Young: Filter-Feeder; Adult: Herbivore , Fliter-Feeder
156 Leemalla 90 cm long Herbivore , Frugivore
156 Sauceswarmer 8 cm Long Hemophagous , Planktivore
158 Clusterspades 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Barnline 1 m Wide Photosynthesis
158 Obsidibarrage 6 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Xatakbrak 30 cm Long Herbivore Coprophagic
159 Digging Gossalizard 90 cm Long Carnivore

[ top ]


Barlowe Tropical Woodland

Red-Rusty Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
155 Tamchuck 1.8 m long Herbivore
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
155 Nested Brush Carnifern 1.1 m Tall Photosynthesis
156 Leemalla 90 cm long Herbivore , Frugivore
158 Clusterspades 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Barnline 1 m Wide Photosynthesis
159 Tamybara 2.8 m Long Herbivore
159 Digging Gossalizard 90 cm Long Carnivore

[ top ]

Barlowe Temperate Woodland

Red-Rusty Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
147 Dome Sapworm 1 cm Wide Sapivore
148 Spotted Sauceback 48 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
151 Sansheh 4 m Long Herbivore Larva
151 Doboor 1 m Long Omnivore
152 Tappipper 80 cm Long Herbivore
154 Woodland Gossalizard 170 cm Long Carnivore , Cannibalism , Scavenger
155 Hemoswarmer 15 cm long Hemophagous , Photosynthesis, Planktivore
156 Leemalla 90 cm long Herbivore , Frugivore
158 Obsidibarrage 6 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Tusked Grassblaster 40 cm Long Herbivore
158 Xatakbrak 30 cm Long Herbivore Coprophagic
154 Quilled Probeface 1.5 meters long Sanguivorous
154 Bristlemouth Dracoworm 30 centimeters long Young: Filter-Feeder; Adult: Herbivore , Fliter-Feeder
159 Sabertam 3 m Long Omnivore , Scavenger
159 Digging Gossalizard 90 cm Long Carnivore

[ top ]

North Barlowe Boreal

White Snow with Red-Rusty Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
148 Spotted Sauceback 48 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
149 Buttpiper 40 cm Long Herbivore
149 Dusty Spelunkhoe 45 cm Long Herbivore
149 Olshkra 12 cm Tall Photosynthesis
149 Osziza 14 cm Tall Photosynthesis
149 Obsiditree 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
150 Beaktrunk 280 cm Long Herbivore
152 Thorncrest Bounder 50 cm Long Herbivore
154 Woodland Gossalizard 170 cm Long Carnivore , Cannibalism , Scavenger
154 Rainforest Emulsecho 20 cm Long Omnivore , Photosynthesis
155 Hemoswarmer 15 cm long Hemophagous , Photosynthesis, Planktivore
157 Frilled Gossalizard 160 cm Long Scavenger
158 Barnline 1 m Wide Photosynthesis
159 Sabertam 3 m Long Omnivore , Scavenger

[ top ]

South Barlowe Boreal

White Snow with Red-Rusty Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
148 Spotted Sauceback 48 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
149 Buttpiper 40 cm Long Herbivore
149 Dusty Spelunkhoe 45 cm Long Herbivore
149 Olshkra 12 cm Tall Photosynthesis
149 Osziza 14 cm Tall Photosynthesis
149 Obsiditree 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
150 Beaktrunk 280 cm Long Herbivore
152 Thorncrest Bounder 50 cm Long Herbivore
154 Woodland Gossalizard 170 cm Long Carnivore , Cannibalism , Scavenger
154 Rainforest Emulsecho 20 cm Long Omnivore , Photosynthesis
158 Barnline 1 m Wide Photosynthesis

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Barlowe Tropical Scrub

Dry Red-Rusty Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
155 Tamchuck 1.8 m long Herbivore
154 Cleaner Borvermid 4 cm Long Omnivore Detritivore
155 Nested Brush Carnifern 1.1 m Tall Photosynthesis
156 Leemalla 90 cm long Herbivore , Frugivore
158 Tamjame 1.9 m Long Omnivore
158 Clusterspades 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
159 Tamybara 2.8 m Long Herbivore
159 Digging Gossalizard 90 cm Long Carnivore

[ top ]

Barlowe Chaparral

Dry Red-Rusty Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
147 Mainland Chime Slingberry 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
148 Sandblaster 40 cm Long Herbivore
149 Buttpiper 40 cm Long Herbivore
149 Dusty Spelunkhoe 45 cm Long Herbivore
128 Centilopeworm 80 cm Tall Herbivore
150 Beaktrunk 280 cm Long Herbivore
150 Dualist Bandersnatch 30 cm Long (Males) Scavenger, Carnivore
151 Doboor 1 m Long Omnivore
150 Glassgrass 20 cm Tall Photosynthesis
150 Grassblaster 80 cm Tall Herbivore
152 Tappipper 80 cm Long Herbivore
152 Grand Buttpiper 50 cm Long Herbivore
153 Sanguine Padfoot 70 cm Long Herbivore , Weak Photosynthesis
153 Triplethorn Bounder 50 cm Long Herbivore
154 Woodland Gossalizard 170 cm Long Carnivore , Cannibalism , Scavenger
154 Fairyshell 25 cm Long Herbivore
150 Regrestoloppy 11 cm Tall Detritivore, Photosynthesis
154 Mostly Purple Snoa 43 cm Long Ovivore , Carnivore , Photosynthesis
149 Statue Piloroot 55 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore
153 Spiny Piloroot 34 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore
154 Quilled Probeface 1.5 meters long Sanguivorous
154 Bristlemouth Dracoworm 30 centimeters long Young: Filter-Feeder; Adult: Herbivore , Fliter-Feeder
152 Megalarand 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis
155 Hemoswarmer 15 cm long Hemophagous , Photosynthesis, Planktivore
156 Sango 65 cm Long Herbivore
158 Tusked Grassblaster 40 cm Long Herbivore
159 Sabertam 3 m Long Omnivore , Scavenger
159 Digging Gossalizard 90 cm Long Carnivore

[ top ]

Barlowe Rocky

Red-Rusty White Rocks and Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
147 Mainland Chime Slingberry 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
148 Crimson Bandersnatch 30 cm Long Scavenger
148 Sandblaster 40 cm Long Herbivore
149 Dusty Spelunkhoe 45 cm Long Herbivore
150 Beaktrunk 280 cm Long Herbivore
150 Dualist Bandersnatch 30 cm Long (Males) Scavenger, Carnivore
152 Thorncrest Bounder 50 cm Long Herbivore
153 Triplethorn Bounder 50 cm Long Herbivore
154 Woodland Gossalizard 170 cm Long Carnivore , Cannibalism , Scavenger
154 Quilled Probeface 1.5 meters long Sanguivorous
155 Hemoswarmer 15 cm long Hemophagous , Photosynthesis, Planktivore
157 Frilled Gossalizard 160 cm Long Scavenger
158 Tusked Grassblaster 40 cm Long Herbivore
159 Sabertam 3 m Long Omnivore , Scavenger

[ top ]

Maineiac Volcanic

Black Volcanic Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
135 Simple Majurum Microscopic Lithovore
136 Rusty Symbiocell Microscopic Lithovore , Parasite
138 Soil Majurum Microscopic Lithovore , Detritivore
139 Hitchhiker Hexspourus Microscopic Consumer
140 Predatory Majurum Microscopic Consumer , Lithotroph

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
142 Boiler Glassdome 1 m Wide Filter-Feeder , Photosynthesis
143 Glacial Sauceback 90 cm Long Adult; Omnivore Scavenger, Larva; Filter-Feeder
149 Maineiac Orbion 25 cm Long Photosynthesis
149 Giant Spiny Wrigum 20 cm Long Rhizovore
149 Coalskin Skywatcher 3 m Long Carnivore
149 Karybdos 6 cm Long Carnivore , Haemotroph
153 Gliding Gushstrider 11 cm Long Haemotroph , Mucivore , Scavenger
154 Drooping Orbion 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
154 Pedesorm 5 cm Tall Coprophagic, Detritivore, Scavenger
154 Bristlemouth Dracoworm 30 centimeters long Young: Filter-Feeder; Adult: Herbivore , Fliter-Feeder
152 Megalarand 5 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Baebula 4 m Tall Photosynthesis

[ top ]


Barlowe Plains

Red-Rusty Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
147 Mainland Chime Slingberry 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
147 Crimson Spelunkhoe 45 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
148 Crimson Bandersnatch 30 cm Long Scavenger
148 Sandblaster 40 cm Long Herbivore
128 Centilopeworm 80 cm Tall Herbivore
151 Doboor 1 m Long Omnivore
150 Glassgrass 20 cm Tall Photosynthesis
150 Grassblaster 80 cm Tall Herbivore
152 Grand Buttpiper 50 cm Long Herbivore
153 Sanguine Padfoot 70 cm Long Herbivore , Weak Photosynthesis
153 Triplethorn Bounder 50 cm Long Herbivore
154 Woodland Gossalizard 170 cm Long Carnivore , Cannibalism , Scavenger
154 Fairyshell 25 cm Long Herbivore
150 Regrestoloppy 11 cm Tall Detritivore, Photosynthesis
154 Mostly Purple Snoa 43 cm Long Ovivore , Carnivore , Photosynthesis
149 Statue Piloroot 55 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore
153 Spiny Piloroot 34 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore
154 Quilled Probeface 1.5 meters long Sanguivorous
155 Hemoswarmer 15 cm long Hemophagous , Photosynthesis, Planktivore
156 Sango 65 cm Long Herbivore
158 Tusked Grassblaster 40 cm Long Herbivore

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Razo Lava Tube Caves

Black Volcanic Walls.


Water Tables

Barlowe Water Table

Red-Rusty Sandstone Cavern filled with Freshwater.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
121 Slow Urhook 45 cm Long Carnivore
128 Floating Stickyball 4 cm Wide Detritivore, Consumer
130 Cave Diaminet 15 cm Wide Omnivore , Detritivore
144 Emulswimmer 10 cm Long Herbivore
144 Rasp-Mouthed Suckiron 10 cm Long Parasite , Scavenger, Lithovore
144 Magnethead 13 cm Long Lithotroph , Scavenger
122 Limestone Ball 4 cm wide Detritivore, Consumer
143 Blind Cavehorn 25 cm Long Herbivore
144 Emulsecho 10 cm long Herbivore
144 Mandate Gossalizard 80 cm Long Carnivore , Cannibalism
144 Mandate Bandersnatch 30 cm Long Scavenger
139 Vainytangle 14 cm Long Lithovore , Parasite
144 Zergranid 18 cm Long Herbivore , Pollinivore

[ top ]

Maineiac Water Table

Black Volcanic Cavern filled with Freshwater.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
121 Slow Urhook 45 cm Long Carnivore
128 Floating Stickyball 4 cm Wide Detritivore, Consumer
130 Cave Diaminet 15 cm Wide Omnivore , Detritivore
144 Emulswimmer 10 cm Long Herbivore
144 Rasp-Mouthed Suckiron 10 cm Long Parasite , Scavenger, Lithovore
144 Magnethead 13 cm Long Lithotroph , Scavenger

[ top ]



North Darwin Peak

White Ice on Frozen Golden Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
134 Glacialdrak 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
141 Helmethead Uksip 30 cm long Filter-Feeder , Herbivore , Scavenger
142 Ice Teuthopin 80 cm Long Carnivore
143 Uksor 15 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Liquivore , Scavenger
144 Scaled Diveskunik 25 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis

[ top ]

South Darwin Peak

White Ice on Frozen Golden Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
134 Glacialdrak 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
141 Helmethead Uksip 30 cm long Filter-Feeder , Herbivore , Scavenger
142 Ice Teuthopin 80 cm Long Carnivore
143 Uksor 15 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Liquivore , Scavenger
144 Scaled Diveskunik 25 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Vivus Peak

White Ice on Frozen Black Volcanic Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
134 Glacialdrak 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
141 Helmethead Uksip 30 cm long Filter-Feeder , Herbivore , Scavenger
142 Ice Teuthopin 80 cm Long Carnivore
143 Uksor 15 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Liquivore , Scavenger
143 Glacial Sauceback 90 cm Long Adult; Omnivore Scavenger, Larva; Filter-Feeder
144 Scaled Diveskunik 25 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis

[ top ]


Chum Tropical Beach

Tropical Golden Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
152 Magnificent Slaesosaurus 6.5 m Long Carnivore
153 Exoskelesor 20 cm Long Planktonivore, Liquivore , Scavenger
156 Shellflora 16 cm Tall Photosynthesis
156 Bonegrass 16 cm Tall Photosynthesis
156 Tropical Crystamboo 7.5 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
156 Kellace 10 cm Long (external part) 33 cm long (internal part) Sapivore/Parasite, Detritivore
156 Caprystal 4 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
157 Boneweed 16 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Bonecorus 14 cm Long Photosynthesis
157 Caraput 7 cm Long Omnivore
158 Hustlyn 1 m Long Omnivore Weak Photosynthesis
159 Beach Puffgrass 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis

[ top ]

King Tropical Beach

Tropical Golden Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
152 Magnificent Slaesosaurus 6.5 m Long Carnivore
153 Brutishelm Uksip 17.4 cm Long Planktonivore, Liquivore , Scavenger
156 Shellflora 16 cm Tall Photosynthesis
156 Bonegrass 16 cm Tall Photosynthesis
156 Tropical Crystamboo 7.5 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
156 Kellace 10 cm Long (external part) 33 cm long (internal part) Sapivore/Parasite, Detritivore
156 Caprystal 4 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
157 Boneweed 16 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Bonecorus 14 cm Long Photosynthesis
159 Beach Puffgrass 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Clarke Temperate Beach

Temperate Golden Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
145 Pioneer Fuzballs 4 cm Wide Photosynthesis
148 Darwin Thornshell 60 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Sealyn 80 cm Long Herbivore , Weak Photosynthesis
152 Magnificent Slaesosaurus 6.5 m Long Carnivore
153 Brutishelm Uksip 17.4 cm Long Planktonivore, Liquivore , Scavenger
154 Scaly Mushveli 1.2 m Long Omnivore
157 Candycane Bonegrass 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Beach Puffgrass 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Elerd Temperate Beach

Temperate Golden Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
149 Tonboswarmer 8 cm Long Photosynthesis, Frugivore , Planktivore
150 Nagraj 1.5m Long Carnivore
151 Quhft 3.5 m Tall Photosynthesis
152 Sealyn 80 cm Long Herbivore , Weak Photosynthesis
152 Magnificent Slaesosaurus 6.5 m Long Carnivore
153 Exoskelesor 20 cm Long Planktonivore, Liquivore , Scavenger
153 Shipper Buoyskin 70 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger, Hemophagus
154 Scaly Mushveli 1.2 m Long Omnivore
155 Fansnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
156 Vivus Slitherworm 180 cm Long Carnivore
156 Greenscale 160 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
157 Vivus Dinarunner 1 m Long Carnivore
157 Crowned Kingrush 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Candycane Bonegrass 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Krakow Temperate Beach

Temperate Golden Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
155 Keensnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
156 Slaesopago 3.3 m Long Carnivore
158 Cryotrigger 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Krakow Crystal 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Krakow Glasseater 1.5 m Long Herbivore
158 Krakow Woollycoat 90 cm Tall adult : Carnivore , Scavenger ; young : Carnivore , Ovivore
158 Krakow Weaver 40 cm Wingspan Carnivore
159 Tilepillar 1.5 m Long Herbivore

[ top ]

Wind Temperate Beach

Temperate Golden Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
157 Candycane Bonegrass 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Thornstack 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Tilepillar 1.5 m Long Herbivore
159 Gulperskunik 40 cm Tall Herbivore , Photosynthesis
159 Beach Puffgrass 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Colddigger Polar Beach

Polar Golden Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
136 Fat Korystal 1 m Tall Detritivore
136 Climbing Korrybug 20 cm Tall Herbivore
138 Tileback 70 cm Long Herbivore
138 Cryocanon 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
139 Stoutplage 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
139 Pudgy Ketter 10 cm Long Frugivore Nectarivore , Photosynthesis
139 Polar Quilbil 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore
139 Rolling Flune 50 cm Long Herbivore
139 Bloody Nose Cotingo 50 cm Long Scavenger, Carnivore
140 Segmented Carnofern 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Herbivore
140 Ringtailed Ketter 20 cm Long Herbivore Nectarvore , Photosynthesis
140 Krugg 10 cm Long Rhizovore , Detritivore, Scavenger
141 Helmethead Uksip 30 cm long Filter-Feeder , Herbivore , Scavenger
143 Uksor 15 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Liquivore , Scavenger
143 Dome Crystal 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
143 Squat Limbless 75 cm Long Carnivore
143 Weavesnapper 50 cm Wingspan Carnivore
143 Fruiting Glog 32 cm Tall Photosynthesis
144 Violet Cadovermi 20 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
143 Pudglyn 40 cm Long Frugivore , Photosynthesis
144 Leafcutter Krugg 10 cm Long Herbivore
144 Spiked Krugg 15 cm Long Herbivore
144 Egg Krugg 20 cm Long Ovivore , Scavenger
149 Tonboswarmer 8 cm Long Photosynthesis, Frugivore , Planktivore
150 Marine Woollycoat 60 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
150 Buoyskin 120 cm Long Carnivore, Hemophagus Scavenger
151 Thornmound 30 cm Wide Photosynthesis
152 Sealyn 80 cm Long Herbivore , Weak Photosynthesis
153 Turnip Limbless 50 cm Long Carnivore , Planktivore
154 Scaly Mushveli 1.2 m Long Omnivore
155 Fansnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
159 Tilepillar 1.5 m Long Herbivore
159 Slumbering Kingrush 20 cm Tall heads, 60 cm Tall Stalks Photosynthesis
159 Stretchskunik 30 cm Long (Shell) Herbivore , Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Krakow Polar Beach

Polar Golden Sand.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
136 Fat Korystal 1 m Tall Detritivore
136 Climbing Korrybug 20 cm Tall Herbivore
138 Cryocanon 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
139 Bloody Nose Cotingo 50 cm Long Scavenger, Carnivore
140 Krugg 10 cm Long Rhizovore , Detritivore, Scavenger
141 Helmethead Uksip 30 cm long Filter-Feeder , Herbivore , Scavenger
143 Uksor 15 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Liquivore , Scavenger
143 Squat Limbless 75 cm Long Carnivore
144 Violet Cadovermi 20 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
144 Egg Krugg 20 cm Long Ovivore , Scavenger
150 Buoyskin 120 cm Long Carnivore, Hemophagus Scavenger
151 Krakow Cellulosebane 50 cm Tall Detritivore, Photosynthesis
151 Flameback 2 m Long Herbivore
152 Sealyn 80 cm Long Herbivore , Weak Photosynthesis
154 Scaly Mushveli 1.2 m Long Omnivore
155 Keensnapper 1 m Wingspan Carnivore
158 Krakow Crystal 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Krakow Glasseater 1.5 m Long Herbivore
158 Krakow Woollycoat 90 cm Tall adult : Carnivore , Scavenger ; young : Carnivore , Ovivore
158 Krakow Weaver 40 cm Wingspan Carnivore

[ top ]


Always Tropical River

Tropical Freshwater with Golden Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
156 Wadesnapper 70 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
156 Twinkiiro Gilltail 24 cm Long Herbivore

[ top ]

BioCat Tropical River

Tropical Freshwater with Golden Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
146 Common Fraboo 20 cm Long Detritivore, Filter-Feeder
150 Naked Fraboo 20 cm Long Detritivore, Planktivore
151 Incomplete Talúnuisce 70 cm Long Omnivore
156 Wadesnapper 70 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
156 Twinkiiro Gilltail 24 cm Long Herbivore
156 Flutuga 50 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
158 Toadtuga 25 cm Long Carnivore
159 Stiltshell 1 m Tall Herbivore , Photosynthesis
159 Widilla 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Gec Tropical River

Tropical Freshwater with Golden Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
152 Cardiaflorm 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
156 Wadesnapper 70 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
156 Twinkiiro Gilltail 24 cm Long Herbivore
158 Knobshell 40 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Glicker Tropical River

Tropical Freshwater with Golden Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
146 Common Fraboo 20 cm Long Detritivore, Filter-Feeder
156 Wadesnapper 70 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
156 Twinkiiro Gilltail 24 cm Long Herbivore

[ top ]

Ichthy Tropical River

Tropical Freshwater with Golden Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
135 Spirobast Microscopic Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
116 Shockshell 20 cm Tall Filter-Feeder
116 Shockshell Gilltail 40 cm Long Herbivore
123 Belumbia 5 cm Long Hematophagous
137 Ichthy River Netwhorl 5 cm Long Filter-Feeder
138 Ichthy Gilltail 12 cm Long Scavenger, Omnivore
139 River Plyent 1 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore
142 Stunted River Plyent 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
144 Burrowing Quid 80 cm Long Scavenger
144 Leafed Swarmer 1 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritvore
144 Ukrequin 40 cm Long Carnivore
146 Common Fraboo 20 cm Long Detritivore, Filter-Feeder
148 Jumbo Plyent-Eating Ukback 40 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
152 Netoris Ukjaw 64 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
156 Wadesnapper 70 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
156 Twinkiiro Gilltail 24 cm Long Herbivore

[ top ]

Jeluki Tropical River

Tropical Freshwater with Golden Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
132 Anchor-Branch Korystal 75 cm Tall Detritivore, Filter Feeder
134 Phoenix Grass 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
140 Ashkalatongrass 34 cm Tall Photosynthesis
143 Whirlstal 67 cm Tall Detritivore, Filter-Feeder
144 Burrowing Quid 80 cm Long Scavenger
144 Leafed Swarmer 1 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritvore
146 Common Fraboo 20 cm Long Detritivore, Filter-Feeder
147 Giga Korystal 1.5 m Tall Detritivore, Filter-Feeder
148 Septa Korystal 3 m Tall Detritivore, Filter-Feeder
148 Squat Gigarystal 2 m wide Detritivore, Filter-Feeder
151 Puffmane 1 m Tall Carnivore
156 Wadesnapper 70 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
156 Twinkiiro Gilltail 24 cm Long Herbivore

[ top ]

Bone Temperate River

Temperate Freshwater with Golden Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
153 River Hornface 120 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
153 Riverweed Tuff 58.2 cm Tall Photosynthesis
153 River Bulbostalk 87.4 cm Tall Photosynthesis
153 Golden-Headed Leafshell 1 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
156 Twinkiiro Gilltail 24 cm Long Herbivore

[ top ]

Blocks Temperate River

Temperate Freshwater with Black Volcanic Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
156 Twinkiiro Gilltail 24 cm Long Herbivore
158 Thornstack 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Huggs Temperate River

Temperate Freshwater with Golden Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
113 River Saltgrass 20 cm Tall Photosynthesis
122 Salt Sprout 10 cm Tall Photosynthesis
141 Elegant Emperor Phibisian 1 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
143 Wading Cotingo 90 cm Tall Carnivore , Scavenger
144 Leafed Swarmer 1 cm Long Photosynthesis, Detritvore
145 Flunejaw 1 m Long Carnivore
146 Common Fraboo 20 cm Long Detritivore, Filter-Feeder
151 Incomplete Talúnuisce 70 cm Long Omnivore
152 Grand Prickworm 80 cm Long Planktivore, Detritivore
153 Shipper Buoyskin 70 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger, Hemophagus
155 Swimming Krugg 16 cm Long Rhizovore
156 Twinkiiro Gilltail 24 cm Long Herbivore
156 Flutuga 50 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
157 Mottlekragg 17 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
158 Toadtuga 25 cm Long Carnivore
159 Stiltshell 1 m Tall Herbivore , Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Irinya Temperate River

Temperare Freshwater with Golden Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
156 Twinkiiro Gilltail 24 cm Long Herbivore
158 Thornstack 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Iriyoose 50 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis

[ top ]


Always Tropical Riparian

Tropical Floodplain with Golden Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
138 Berry Arbourshroom 34 cm Tall Detritivore
156 Wadesnapper 70 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
156 Tropical Crystamboo 7.5 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
156 Kellace 10 cm Long (external part) 33 cm long (internal part) Sapivore/Parasite, Detritivore
156 Caprystal 4 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
158 Verdiundi 4 cm Long Scavenger, Frugivore , Herbivore , Photosynthesis

[ top ]

BioCat Tropical Riparian

Tropical Floodplain with Golden Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Naked Fraboo 20 cm Long Detritivore, Planktivore
151 Incomplete Talúnuisce 70 cm Long Omnivore
152 Salt Buffel 20 cm Tall Photosyntesis
153 Goliath Flunejaw 3.5 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
138 Berry Arbourshroom 34 cm Tall Detritivore
156 Wadesnapper 70 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
156 Tropical Crystamboo 7.5 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
156 Kellace 10 cm Long (external part) 33 cm long (internal part) Sapivore/Parasite, Detritivore
156 Caprystal 4 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
156 Flutuga 50 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
158 Toadtuga 25 cm Long Carnivore
158 Verdiundi 4 cm Long Scavenger, Frugivore , Herbivore , Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Gec Tropical Riparian

Tropical Floodplain with Golden Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
152 Cardiaflorm 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
138 Berry Arbourshroom 34 cm Tall Detritivore
156 Wadesnapper 70 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
156 Tropical Crystamboo 7.5 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
156 Kellace 10 cm Long (external part) 33 cm long (internal part) Sapivore/Parasite, Detritivore
156 Caprystal 4 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
158 Verdiundi 4 cm Long Scavenger, Frugivore , Herbivore , Photosynthesis
158 Knobshell 40 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Glicker Tropical Riparian

Tropical Floodplain with Golden Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
146 Common Fraboo 20 cm Long Detritivore, Filter-Feeder
149 Tonboswarmer 8 cm Long Photosynthesis, Frugivore , Planktivore
138 Berry Arbourshroom 34 cm Tall Detritivore
156 Wadesnapper 70 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
156 Tropical Crystamboo 7.5 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
156 Caprystal 4 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
158 Verdiundi 4 cm Long Scavenger, Frugivore , Herbivore , Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Ichthy Tropical Riparian

Tropical Floodplain with Golden Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
111 Clickworm 2 cm Long Detritivore
130 Ukback 20 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
140 Pewpa 6 cm Long Scavenger, Detritivore
144 Gallratworm 50 cm Long Herbivore Detritivore
146 Needlewing 40 cm Tall Omnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
146 Common Fraboo 20 cm Long Detritivore, Filter-Feeder
148 Tasermane 50 cm Long Omnivore
152 Netoris Ukjaw 64 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
152 Desert Ukjaw 94 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
153 Swampslurper 1.5 m Long Omnivore
138 Berry Arbourshroom 34 cm Tall Detritivore
156 Wadesnapper 70 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
156 Tropical Crystamboo 7.5 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
156 Kellace 10 cm Long (external part) 33 cm long (internal part) Sapivore/Parasite, Detritivore
156 Caprystal 4 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
158 Hood Plyent 55 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Carnivore , Detritivore
158 Verdiundi 4 cm Long Scavenger, Frugivore , Herbivore , Photosynthesis
159 Snoronk 80 cm Long Omivore: , Scavenger

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Jeluki Tropical Riparian

Tropical Floodplain with Golden Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
140 Cadantiteras Microscopic Detritivore, Lithotroph

[ top ]

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
146 Needlewing 40 cm Tall Omnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
146 Common Fraboo 20 cm Long Detritivore, Filter-Feeder
148 Tasermane 50 cm Long Omnivore
150 Wave Gigarystal 1 m Tall Detrivore, Consumer
151 Puff Reed 40 cm Tall Photosynthesis
151 Puffmane 1 m Tall Carnivore
151 Cottonback 80 cm Long Herbivore
156 Wadesnapper 70 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
156 Tropical Crystamboo 7.5 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
156 Kellace 10 cm Long (external part) 33 cm long (internal part) Sapivore/Parasite, Detritivore
156 Caprystal 4 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore

[ top ]

Blocks Temperate Riparian

Temperate Floodplain with Black Volcanic Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
149 Tonboswarmer 8 cm Long Photosynthesis, Frugivore , Planktivore
158 Thornstack 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Bone Temperate Riparian

Temperate Floodplain with Golden Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
149 Tonboswarmer 8 cm Long Photosynthesis, Frugivore , Planktivore
153 River Hornface 120 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
153 Golden-Headed Leafshell 1 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
158 Herbilly 45 cm Long Omnivore , Coprophagic, Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Huggs Temperate Riparian

Temperate Floodplain with Golden Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
112 Salt Grass 10 cm Tall Photosyntesis
126 Tumbling Flune 50 cm Long Herbivore
127 Shading Slars 20 cm Tall Photosyntesis
129 Quilbil 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis
140 Segmented Carnofern 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Herbivore
140 Ringtailed Ketter 20 cm Long Herbivore Nectarvore , Photosynthesis
140 Krugg 10 cm Long Rhizovore , Detritivore, Scavenger
143 Creeping Crystal 70 cm Tall Detritivore, Photosynthesis
143 Dome Crystal 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
143 Quone 40 cm Tall Photosynthesis
144 Quone Phlyer 35 cm Wingspan Grainivore , Photosynthesis
144 Leafcutter Krugg 10 cm Long Herbivore
144 Spiked Krugg 15 cm Long Herbivore
144 Egg Krugg 20 cm Long Ovivore , Scavenger
145 Flunejaw 1 m Long Carnivore
146 Common Fraboo 20 cm Long Detritivore, Filter-Feeder
149 Tonboswarmer 8 cm Long Photosynthesis, Frugivore , Planktivore
151 Incomplete Talúnuisce 70 cm Long Omnivore
153 Goliath Flunejaw 3.5 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
153 Shipper Buoyskin 70 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger, Hemophagus
156 Flutuga 50 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
156 Burrback Krugg 16 cm Long Herbivore
156 Burrsnapper 60 cm Wingspan Carnivore
157 Tonsa Krugg 16 cm Long Omnivore Scavenger
157 Luroxal 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Toadtuga 25 cm Long Carnivore
158 Catch-Me Krugg 17 cm Long Carnivore

[ top ]

Irinya Temperate Riparian

Temperate Floodplain with Golden Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
158 Whirlybulb 20 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Thornstack 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Iriyoose 50 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis

[ top ]


Always Salt Swamp

Tropical Saltwater with Golden Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
151 Field Swarmer 30 cm Long Herbivore Scavenger, Photosynthesis
151 Finback 25 cm Long Carnivore
154 Venomous Quid 75 cm Long Carnivore
138 Berry Arbourshroom 34 cm Tall Detritivore
156 Wadesnapper 70 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
156 Tropical Crystamboo 7.5 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
156 Kellace 10 cm Long (external part) 33 cm long (internal part) Sapivore/Parasite, Detritivore
156 Caprystal 4 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
156 Twinkiiro Gilltail 24 cm Long Herbivore
156 Darwin Tuffdra 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
156 Fiesta Leafshell 50 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
156 Aranscooter 40 cm Long Planktivore, Scavenger, Photosynthesis
158 Verdiundi 4 cm Long Scavenger, Frugivore , Herbivore , Photosynthesis

[ top ]

BioCat Salt Swamp

Tropical Saltwater with Golden Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
152 Salt Buffel 20 cm Tall Photosyntesis
152 Floor Onamor 50 cm long Adult: Carnivore , Tadpole: Omnivore
154 Venomous Quid 75 cm Long Carnivore
138 Berry Arbourshroom 34 cm Tall Detritivore
156 Wadesnapper 70 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
156 Tropical Crystamboo 7.5 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
156 Kellace 10 cm Long (external part) 33 cm long (internal part) Sapivore/Parasite, Detritivore
156 Caprystal 4 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
156 Twinkiiro Gilltail 24 cm Long Herbivore
158 Verdiundi 4 cm Long Scavenger, Frugivore , Herbivore , Photosynthesis
159 Stiltshell 1 m Tall Herbivore , Photosynthesis
159 Widilla 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Gec Salt Swamp

Temperate Saltwater with Golden Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
152 Floor Onamor 50 cm long Adult: Carnivore , Tadpole: Omnivore
154 Venomous Quid 75 cm Long Carnivore
138 Berry Arbourshroom 34 cm Tall Detritivore
156 Wadesnapper 70 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
156 Tropical Crystamboo 7.5 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
156 Kellace 10 cm Long (external part) 33 cm long (internal part) Sapivore/Parasite, Detritivore
156 Caprystal 4 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
156 Twinkiiro Gilltail 24 cm Long Herbivore
156 Darwin Tuffdra 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Bonebriar 20 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Canoe Krugg 4 cm Long Herbivore
158 Verdiundi 4 cm Long Scavenger, Frugivore , Herbivore , Photosynthesis
158 Knobshell 40 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Glicker Salt Swamp

Tropical Saltwater with Golden Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
149 Tonboswarmer 8 cm Long Photosynthesis, Frugivore , Planktivore
152 Floor Onamor 50 cm long Adult: Carnivore , Tadpole: Omnivore
154 Venomous Quid 75 cm Long Carnivore
138 Berry Arbourshroom 34 cm Tall Detritivore
156 Wadesnapper 70 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
156 Tropical Crystamboo 7.5 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
156 Kellace 10 cm Long (external part) 33 cm long (internal part) Sapivore/Parasite, Detritivore
156 Caprystal 4 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
156 Twinkiiro Gilltail 24 cm Long Herbivore
156 Darwin Tuffdra 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
156 Fiesta Leafshell 50 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
158 Verdiundi 4 cm Long Scavenger, Frugivore , Herbivore , Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Ichthy Salt Swamp

Tropical Saltwater with Golden Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
96 Velishroot 62 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
111 Clickworm 2 cm Long Detritivore
111 Shoveltail 70 cm Long Omnivore
116 Shockshell 20 cm Tall Filter-Feeder
116 Shockshell Gilltail 40 cm Long Herbivore
123 Belumbia 5 cm Long Hematophagous
131 Odor-Spray Wingworm 6 cm Long Scavenger, Detritivore
138 Bogsorb Sandflora 30 cm Wide Photosynthesis, Filter-Feeder
138 Ichthy Gilltail 12 cm Long Scavenger, Omnivore
141 Symbiotic Enom 25 cm Tall Filter-Feeder
143 Ichthypede 6 cm Long Filter-Feeder
147 Common Oceanscooter 20 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
148 Salt Bog Bowlwhorl 10 cm Wide Filter-Feeder
151 Field Swarmer 30 cm Long Herbivore Scavenger, Photosynthesis
152 Netoris Ukjaw 64 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
151 Finback 25 cm Long Carnivore
153 Swampslurper 1.5 m Long Omnivore
154 Venomous Quid 75 cm Long Carnivore
138 Berry Arbourshroom 34 cm Tall Detritivore
156 Wadesnapper 70 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
156 Tropical Crystamboo 7.5 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
156 Kellace 10 cm Long (external part) 33 cm long (internal part) Sapivore/Parasite, Detritivore
156 Caprystal 4 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
156 Twinkiiro Gilltail 24 cm Long Herbivore
156 Darwin Tuffdra 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
156 Fiesta Leafshell 50 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
158 Verdiundi 4 cm Long Scavenger, Frugivore , Herbivore , Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Jeluki Salt Swamp

Tropical Saltwater with Golden Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
140 Segmented Bog Pyamus 1 m Tall Filter-Feeder , Detritivore
140 Ashkalatongrass 34 cm Tall Photosynthesis
140 Bog Echofin 10 cm Long Herbivore
141 Phoenix Tubes 80 cm Tall Photosynthesis
147 Common Oceanscooter 20 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
148 Septa Korystal 3 m Tall Detritivore, Filter-Feeder
151 Cottonback 80 cm Long Herbivore
151 Field Swarmer 30 cm Long Herbivore Scavenger, Photosynthesis
151 Finback 25 cm Long Carnivore
154 Venomous Quid 75 cm Long Carnivore
154 Wooleater Echofin 6 cm Long Omnivore, Herbivore , Keratophage , Sanguivore , Carnivore , Microphage
138 Berry Arbourshroom 34 cm Tall Detritivore
155 Jeluki Boneflora 8 cm Tall Photosynthesis
156 Wadesnapper 70 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
156 Tropical Crystamboo 7.5 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
156 Kellace 10 cm Long (external part) 33 cm long (internal part) Sapivore/Parasite, Detritivore
156 Caprystal 4 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
156 Twinkiiro Gilltail 24 cm Long Herbivore
156 Darwin Tuffdra 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
156 Fiesta Leafshell 50 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
158 Verdiundi 4 cm Long Scavenger, Frugivore , Herbivore , Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Blocks Salt Marsh

Temperate Saltwater with Golden Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
149 Tonboswarmer 8 cm Long Photosynthesis, Frugivore , Planktivore
156 Twinkiiro Gilltail 24 cm Long Herbivore
156 Darwin Tuffdra 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
156 Fiesta Leafshell 50 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
156 Whirlpool Pukai 3.5 cm Tall Planktivore , Tonboswarmer larvae
158 Thornstack 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Bone Salt Marsh

Temperate Saltwater with Golden Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
149 Tonboswarmer 8 cm Long Photosynthesis, Frugivore , Planktivore
149 Archer Gilltail 40 cm Long Omnivore
151 Thornmound 30 cm Wide Photosynthesis
153 Riverweed Tuff 58.2 cm Tall Photosynthesis
153 River Bulbostalk 87.4 cm Tall Photosynthesis
153 Golden-Headed Leafshell 1 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
156 Twinkiiro Gilltail 24 cm Long Herbivore
156 Darwin Tuffdra 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
156 Fiesta Leafshell 50 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
158 Herbilly 45 cm Long Omnivore , Coprophagic, Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Huggs Salt Marsh

Temperate Saltwater with Golden Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
135 Colony Salmundus Microscopic Chemosynthesis
135 Byoukiri Microscopic Chemovore
143 Flashline Microscopic Photosynthesis, Detritvore

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Gen Name Size Diet Notes
136 Marine Crystal 30 cm Tall Detritivore, Photosynthesis
136 Marine Urpoi 50 cm Long Carnivore
137 Chum Gilltail 30 cm Long Herbivore
137 Painted Leafhorn 15 cm Long Detritivore, Coprophagic
137 Chumsnapper 95 cm Long Carnivore
138 Suctionrorm 2 cm Long Filter-Feeder
141 Crevice Tuff 25 cm Tall Photosynthesis
141 Elegant Emperor Phibisian 1 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
141 Charybdis 8 cm Long Filter-Feeder , Detritivore, Scavenger
143 Chambered Bobiiro 6 cm Wide Photosynthesis
143 Bubblerorm 8 cm Long Filter-Feeder
143 Wading Cotingo 90 cm Tall Carnivore , Scavenger
145 Forktuff 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
149 Tonboswarmer 8 cm Long Photosynthesis, Frugivore , Planktivore
150 Nagraj 1.5m Long Carnivore
153 Shipper Buoyskin 70 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger, Hemophagus
155 Dabbling Cotingo 85 cm Tall Carnivore , Scavenger
156 Twinkiiro Gilltail 24 cm Long Herbivore
156 Darwin Tuffdra 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Stiltshell 1 m Tall Herbivore , Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Irinya Salt Marsh

Temperate Saltwater with Golden Mud.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
147 Common Oceanscooter 20 cm Long Herbivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
151 Field Swarmer 30 cm Long Herbivore Scavenger, Photosynthesis
151 Finback 25 cm Long Carnivore
156 Twinkiiro Gilltail 24 cm Long Herbivore
156 Darwin Tuffdra 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Whirlybulb 20 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Thornstack 60 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Iriyoose 50 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis

[ top ]


Darwin Tropical Rainforest

Wet Golden Muddy Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Tubeplage 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
150 Dungshell Fraboo 25 cm Long Detritivore, Coprophagic
151 Quhft 3.5 m Tall Photosynthesis
151 Dracisketter 30 cm Long Frugivore , Ovivore , Herbivore , Photosynthesis
152 Rainforest Phlock 320 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
152 Manipulator Toxihorn 30 cm Long Detritivore, Coprophagic
153 Plated-Carapace Krugg 1.2 m Long Rhizovore , Ovivore , Scavenger
153 Exoskelesor 20 cm Long Planktonivore, Liquivore , Scavenger
153 Goliath Flunejaw 3.5 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
154 Fruiting Grovecrystal 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
154 Lazarus Soriparasite 8 cm long Hemophage
156 Tropical Crystamboo 7.5 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
156 Kellace 10 cm Long (external part) 33 cm long (internal part) Sapivore/Parasite, Detritivore
156 Caprystal 4 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
156 Battalion Krugg 90 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
156 Grub Krugg 5 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore, Scavenger
157 Cup Qupe 1.5 m Tall Photosynthesis
157 Perfume Krugg 5 cm Long Larvae: Carnivore ; Adults: Frugivore
157 Corkscrew Krugg 5 cm Long Larvae, Parasite ; Adult, Detritivore
158 Pushy Krugg 43 cm Long Larvae; Carnivore , Adult; Herbivore
158 Shellcrusher Flunejaw 3 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
159 Fluneinzee 60 cm Long Carnivore
159 Stiltshell 1 m Tall Herbivore , Photosynthesis
159 Proto-Uksoar 25 cm Long Carnivore:

[ top ]

Darwin Temperate Rainforest

Golden Muddy Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
146 Grovecrystal Krugg 15 cm Long Rhizovore
146 Rainforest Flunejaw 2 m Long Carnivore
147 Poisonglobe Krugg 12 cm Long Herbivore
147 Bighorn Krugg 40 cm Long Ovivore , Scavenger
147 Monostage Dirteater 4 cm Wide Detrivore
148 Poisumbrella 8 cm Wide Photosynthesis, Detritivore
148 Dense-Carapace Krugg 60 cm Long Ovivore , Scavenger
149 Bloodback 30 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
150 Tubeplage 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
150 Nagraj 1.5m Long Carnivore
150 Dungshell Fraboo 25 cm Long Detritivore, Coprophagic
151 Quhft 3.5 m Tall Photosynthesis
151 Capped Brystal 2 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
151 Barkback 25 cm Long Herbivore
151 Dracisketter 30 cm Long Frugivore , Ovivore , Herbivore , Photosynthesis
152 Robust Rainforest Ukjaw 77 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
152 Rainforest Phlock 320 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
152 Manipulator Toxihorn 30 cm Long Detritivore, Coprophagic
153 Exoskelesor 20 cm Long Planktonivore, Liquivore , Scavenger
153 Goliath Flunejaw 3.5 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
153 Jongfoll 24 cm Long Omnivore; Herbivore , Frugivore , Carnivore , Ovivore , Scavenger
153 Greater Plentshirshu 150 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
154 Fruiting Grovecrystal 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
156 Towering Qupe Tree 220 cm Tall Photosynthesis
156 Crystal Brambley 1.8 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
156 Burrback Krugg 16 cm Long Herbivore
156 Burrsnapper 60 cm Wingspan Carnivore
156 Plumottle 18 cm Long Scavenger
156 Grub Krugg 5 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore, Scavenger
157 Shrubrattus 15 cm Long Herbivore
157 Snaialowe 30 cm Long Frugivore , Scavenger, Detritivore, Coprophagic
157 Corkscrew Krugg 5 cm Long Larvae, Parasite ; Adult, Detritivore
158 Pushy Krugg 43 cm Long Larvae; Carnivore , Adult; Herbivore
158 Thornmole 65 cm Long Carnivore
159 Fluneinzee 60 cm Long Carnivore
159 Proto-Uksoar 25 cm Long Carnivore:
159 Boreal Tubeplage 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
159 Feroak 4 m Tall Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Vivus Temperate Rainforest

Black Muddy Volcanic Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
155 Crystalpine 14 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
155 Vivusian Barkback 35 cm Long Herbivore
156 Vivus Slitherworm 180 cm Long Carnivore
157 Hengende 92 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Opportunistic Parasite
157 Fibreflora 63.46 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Gecoba Tree 9 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
157 Haglox 8.5 m Long Adult: Herbivore ; Juvenile: Omnivore , Scavenger; Larva: Cannibalism , Scavenger
159 Fat Lizatokage 50 cm Long Herbivore
159 Bloodsap Melontree 9.6 m Tall Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Vivus Taiga

White Snow with Black Frozen Volcanic Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
156 Tripcrystal 25 m Long Photosynthesis
157 Vivus Dinarunner 1 m Long Carnivore
157 Rainbow Phlock 1.5 m Long Herbivore
157 Strangleroot 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Tepoguin 8 mm Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
158 Fibrillius 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore

[ top ]

Darwin Alpine

White Snow with Frozen Golden Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Soaring Phlyer 2 m Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
150 Wave Gigarystal 1 m Tall Detrivore, Consumer
150 Sheltered Pagoda 1 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
150 Belay Crystalroot 1 m Tall Photosynthesis
150 Climber Crystalkrugg 10 cm Long Rhizovore
150 Mountain Flunejaw 2.5 m Long Carnivore
153 Flattened Gigarystal 1 m Wide Detrivore, Consumer
154 Needlespike Flunejaw 2.5 m Long Carnivore
156 Nightsnapper 70 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger
159 Proto-Uksoar 25 cm Long Carnivore:

[ top ]


Darwin Tropical Woodland

Golden Soil. .

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Dungshell Fraboo 25 cm Long Detritivore, Coprophagic
152 Woodland Grovecrystal 170 cm tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
153 Exoskelesor 20 cm Long Planktonivore, Liquivore , Scavenger
154 Fruiting Grovecrystal 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
138 Berry Arbourshroom 34 cm Tall Detritivore
154 Lazarus Soriparasite 8 cm long Hemophage
156 Tropical Crystamboo 7.5 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
156 Kellace 10 cm Long (external part) 33 cm long (internal part) Sapivore/Parasite, Detritivore
156 Caprystal 4 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
156 Grub Krugg 5 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore, Scavenger
158 Scrub Barkback 30 cm Long Herbivore
158 Puffgrass 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Scrubland Tubeplage 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Crystamble 2 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
158 Scrubland Quhft 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Scrubland Hornface 2.4 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
158 Verdiundi 4 cm Long Scavenger, Frugivore , Herbivore , Photosynthesis
159 Fluneinzee 60 cm Long Carnivore
159 Phanadon 3.2 m Tall Herbivore
159 Proto-Uksoar 25 cm Long Carnivore:
159 Tropical Puffgrass 1 m Tall Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Javen Tropical Woodland

Golden Soil. .

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
151 Vermisnapper 35 cm Wingspan Insectivore
152 Woodland Grovecrystal 170 cm tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
153 Pixy Plyent 33.5 cm Tall Photosynthesis
153 Crown-of-Thorns Plyent 88.2 cm Tall Photosynthesis
153 Brutishelm Uksip 17.4 cm Long Planktonivore, Liquivore , Scavenger
138 Berry Arbourshroom 34 cm Tall Detritivore
154 Lazarus Soriparasite 8 cm long Hemophage
156 Tropical Crystamboo 7.5 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
156 Kellace 10 cm Long (external part) 33 cm long (internal part) Sapivore/Parasite, Detritivore
156 Caprystal 4 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
158 Scrub Barkback 30 cm Long Herbivore
158 Puffgrass 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Scrubland Tubeplage 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Crystamble 2 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
158 Signpost Crystamboo 6 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
158 Scrubland Quhft 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Scrubland Hornface 2.4 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
158 Verdiundi 4 cm Long Scavenger, Frugivore , Herbivore , Photosynthesis
158 Rifamboo 3.7 m Tall Photosynthesis
159 Robynsnapper 35 cm Wingspan Carnivore
159 Phanadon 3.2 m Tall Herbivore
159 Proto-Uksoar 25 cm Long Carnivore:
159 Snoronk 80 cm Long Omivore: , Scavenger
159 Tropical Puffgrass 1 m Tall Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Darwin Temperate Woodland

Golden Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Tubeplage 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
150 Dungshell Fraboo 25 cm Long Detritivore, Coprophagic
151 Quhft 3.5 m Tall Photosynthesis
151 Capped Brystal 2 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
151 Barkback 25 cm Long Herbivore
152 Rainforest Phlock 320 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
152 Manipulator Toxihorn 30 cm Long Detritivore, Coprophagic
153 Exoskelesor 20 cm Long Planktonivore, Liquivore , Scavenger
153 Greater Plentshirshu 150 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
154 Fruiting Grovecrystal 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
154 Stygmogg 40 centimeters long Omnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
155 Great Megalaukjaw 3.5 m Long Carnivore
156 Plumottle 18 cm Long Scavenger
156 Grub Krugg 5 cm Long Herbivore , Detritivore, Scavenger
157 Shrubrattus 15 cm Long Herbivore
157 Corkscrew Krugg 5 cm Long Larvae, Parasite ; Adult, Detritivore
158 Puffgrass 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Scrubland Tubeplage 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Crystamble 2 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
158 Scrubland Quhft 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Scrubland Hornface 2.4 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
158 Thornmole 65 cm Long Carnivore
159 Fluneinzee 60 cm Long Carnivore
159 Boreal Tubeplage 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
159 Feroak 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
159 Tropical Puffgrass 1 m Tall Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Darwin Boreal

White Snow with Golden Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
146 Grovecrystal 140 cm Tall Detritivore, Photosynthesis
146 Grovecrystal Krugg 15 cm Long Rhizovore
146 Pagoda Crystal 140 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
146 Common Fraboo 20 cm Long Detritivore, Filter-Feeder
149 Bloodback 30 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
149 Swiftsnapper 65 cm Wingspan Omnivore
150 Mountain Flunejaw 2.5 m Long Carnivore
151 Barkback 25 cm Long Herbivore
152 Robust Rainforest Ukjaw 77 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
152 Woodland Grovecrystal 170 cm tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
153 Goliath Flunejaw 3.5 m Long Carnivore , Scavenger
154 Needlespike Flunejaw 2.5 m Long Carnivore
138 Berry Arbourshroom 34 cm Tall Detritivore
154 Lazarus Soriparasite 8 cm long Hemophage
154 Stygmogg 40 centimeters long Omnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
156 Nightsnapper 70 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger
156 Crystal Brambley 1.8 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
157 Shrubrattus 15 cm Long Herbivore
158 Thornmole 65 cm Long Carnivore
158 Verdiundi 4 cm Long Scavenger, Frugivore , Herbivore , Photosynthesis
158 Oviaudiator 60 cm Long Ovivore , Carnivore
159 Proto-Uksoar 25 cm Long Carnivore:
159 Boreal Tubeplage 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
159 Feroak 4 m Tall Photosynthesis

[ top ]

Vivus Boreal

White Snow with Black Volcanic Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
155 Crystalpine 14 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
155 Vivusian Barkback 35 cm Long Herbivore
156 Vivus Slitherworm 180 cm Long Carnivore
156 Greenscale 160 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
157 Hengende 92 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Opportunistic Parasite
157 Fibreflora 63.46 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Gecoba Tree 9 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
157 Haglox 8.5 m Long Adult: Herbivore ; Juvenile: Omnivore , Scavenger; Larva: Cannibalism , Scavenger
158 Fibrillius 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore
159 Bubblewraptor 2 m Long Carnivore
159 Fat Lizatokage 50 cm Long Herbivore
159 Bloodsap Melontree 9.6 m Tall Photosynthesis

[ top ]


Darwin Tropical Scrub

Dry Golden Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Dungshell Fraboo 25 cm Long Detritivore, Coprophagic
154 Fruiting Grovecrystal 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Scrub Barkback 30 cm Long Herbivore
154 Lazarus Soriparasite 8 cm long Hemophage
158 Puffgrass 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Scrubland Tubeplage 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Crystamble 2 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
158 Scrubland Quhft 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Scrubland Hornface 2.4 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
158 Rifamboo 3.7 m Tall Photosynthesis
156 Kellace 10 cm Long (external part) 33 cm long (internal part) Sapivore/Parasite, Detritivore
159 Phanadon 3.2 m Tall Herbivore
159 Tropical Puffgrass 1 m Tall Photosynthesis

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Javen Tropical Scrub

Dry Golden Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
151 Vermisnapper 35 cm Wingspan Insectivore
153 Pixy Plyent 33.5 cm Tall Photosynthesis
153 Crystamboo 3.8 m Tall Detritivore, Photosynthesis
153 Crown-of-Thorns Plyent 88.2 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Scrub Barkback 30 cm Long Herbivore
154 Lazarus Soriparasite 8 cm long Hemophage
158 Puffgrass 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Scrubland Tubeplage 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Crystamble 2 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
158 Scrubland Quhft 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Scrubland Hornface 2.4 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
158 Rifamboo 3.7 m Tall Photosynthesis
159 Phanadon 3.2 m Tall Herbivore
159 Snoronk 80 cm Long Omivore: , Scavenger
159 Tropical Puffgrass 1 m Tall Photosynthesis

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Darwin Chaparral

Dry Golden Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
150 Tubeplage 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
150 Dungshell Fraboo 25 cm Long Detritivore, Coprophagic
151 Striped Phlock 160 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
152 Snoofloo 80 cm Long Insectivore , Photosynthesis
154 Handlicker Dundi 11 cm Long Omnivore, , Scavenger
154 Fruiting Grovecrystal 3 m Tall Photosynthesis
154 Stygmogg 40 centimeters long Omnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
155 Sitting Dundi 24 cm Tall, 46 cm Long Carnivore
155 Great Megalaukjaw 3.5 m Long Carnivore
158 Puffgrass 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
158 Scrubland Tubeplage 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Crystamble 2 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
158 Scrubland Quhft 7 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Scrubland Hornface 2.4 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
158 Thornmole 65 cm Long Carnivore
159 Proto-Uksoar 25 cm Long Carnivore:
159 Boreal Tubeplage 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
159 Feroak 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
159 Arid Puffgrass 25 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Tropical Puffgrass 1 m Tall Photosynthesis

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North Darwin Rocky

Golden Rocks and Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
154 Stygmogg 40 centimeters long Omnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
156 Nightsnapper 70 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger
157 Parala Grovecrystal 1.5 m Tall Photosynthesis
158 Scrub Barkback 30 cm Long Herbivore
158 Thornmole 65 cm Long Carnivore
158 Oviaudiator 60 cm Long Ovivore , Carnivore
159 Boreal Tubeplage 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
159 Feroak 4 m Tall Photosynthesis

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South Darwin Rocky

Golden Rocks and Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
146 Yuccagave 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis
146 Grovecrystal 140 cm Tall Detritivore, Photosynthesis
146 Grovecrystal Krugg 15 cm Long Rhizovore
146 Rosybeak Phlyer 35 cm Wingspan Omnivore , Photosynthesis
146 Snow Windbulb 15 cm Tall Photosynthesis
146 Pagoda Crystal 140 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
149 Bloodback 30 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger
149 Cragagon 50 cm Long Omnivore
151 Barkback 25 cm Long Herbivore
151 Plehexapod 80 cm Tall Omnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
151 Striped Phlock 160 cm Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
152 Robust Rainforest Ukjaw 77 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
152 Desert Ukjaw 94 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
152 Snoofloo 80 cm Long Insectivore , Photosynthesis
152 Dualtrunk 90 cm Tall Mycovore , Folivore
153 Drakogg 60 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
153 Robust Arid Ferine 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
150 Treedundi 8 cm Long Omnivore
149 High Grassland Ukback 15 cm Long Carnivore , Scavenger
153 Giant Hornface 160 cm Long Herbivore , Frugivore Photosynthesis
154 Stygmogg 40 centimeters long Omnivore , Scavenger, Photosynthesis
155 Sitting Dundi 24 cm Tall, 46 cm Long Carnivore
155 Great Megalaukjaw 3.5 m Long Carnivore
156 Nightsnapper 70 cm Wingspan Carnivore , Scavenger
156 Crystal Brambley 1.8 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
156 Binsnoo 50 cm Long Omnivore
158 Scrub Barkback 30 cm Long Herbivore
158 Signpost Crystamboo 6 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
158 Thornmole 65 cm Long Carnivore
158 Oviaudiator 60 cm Long Ovivore , Carnivore
159 Robynsnapper 35 cm Wingspan Carnivore
159 Proto-Uksoar 25 cm Long Carnivore:
159 Boreal Tubeplage 2 m Tall Photosynthesis
159 Feroak 4 m Tall Photosynthesis
159 Arid Puffgrass 25 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Inda 17 cm Tall Photosynthesis

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Vivus Polar Scrub

Dry Black Volcanic Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
157 Rainbow Phlock 1.5 m Long Herbivore
157 Strangleroot 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
158 Tepoguin 8 mm Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
158 Fibrillius 30 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detrivore
159 Hedgecrystal 1 m Tall, 25 m Long Photosynthesis, Detrivore
159 Aloeberabub 50 cm Tall Photosynthesis
159 Slumbering Kingrush 20 cm Tall heads, 60 cm Tall Stalks Photosynthesis
159 Stretchskunik 30 cm Long (Shell) Herbivore , Photosynthesis
159 Glyndrax 2.3 m Long Herbivore

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Vivus Rocky

Rocks and Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
155 Crystalpine 14 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
155 Vivusian Barkback 35 cm Long Herbivore
156 Vivus Slitherworm 180 cm Long Carnivore
157 Frilled Greenscale 2 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
157 Aloeberacteus 82.5 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Hengende 92 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Opportunistic Parasite
157 Phalangrass 40.3 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Strangleroot 40 cm Wide Photosynthesis
157 Fibreflora 63.46 cm Tall Photosynthesis
157 Marblemelon 1 m Wide Photosynthesis
157 Lizatokage 40 cm Long Omnivore
157 Gecoba Tree 9 m Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
158 Thin Lizatokage 30 cm Long Insectivore
159 Bubblewraptor 2 m Long Carnivore
159 Spike-Backed Greenscale 4 m Long Herbivore , Photosynthesis
159 Fat Lizatokage 50 cm Long Herbivore
159 Ziraber 75 cm Long Omnivore , Scavenger, Weak Photosynthesis
159 Glyndrax 2.3 m Long Herbivore
159 Bloodsap Melontree 9.6 m Tall Photosynthesis
159 Pricklecone Keryh 1.4 cm Tall Larvae: Consumer , Adult: Chemosynthesis
159 Egg Lizatokage 60 cm Long Ovivore , Scavenger

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Vivus Volcanic

Black Volcanic Soil.

Gen Name Size Diet Notes
139 Hitchhiker Hexspourus Microscopic Consumer

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Gen Name Size Diet Notes
142 Boiler Glassdome 1 m Wide Filter-Feeder , Photosynthesis
143 Glacial Sauceback 90 cm Long Adult; Omnivore Scavenger, Larva; Filter-Feeder
144 Kory Claw 40 cm Tall Detritivore
146 Pagoda Crystal 140 cm Tall Photosynthesis, Detritivore
149 Mountain Pagoda Crystal 70 cm Tall Photosynthesis
149 Cragagon 50 cm Long Omnivore
151 Barkback 25 cm Long Herbivore
154 Sealkey 78 cm Long Herbivore