The sucker swarmer split from its ancestor group. Their photosynthetic abilites are much weaker than its ancestors', and because of this it has turned to a new mode of nourishment. Its mouth acts like a sucker to latch onto a surface, and two tooth-like rasps scrape off edible material for consumption. They use this to feed not only on dead biomass, but also fauna, primarily the diamond pumpgill; hosts need to be carful that they don't get weighed down by large swarms of this parasite or allow this spieces to nibble through their skin. Due to the diamond Pumpgill's widespread and nomadic range, it has spread to all the biomes occupied by its prey. Its body now has dappled contrashading to provide passive camouflage in the water.
Individuals live for 5 months, releasing reproductive material at the end of their lives. Eggs are fertilized by chance and live as photsynthesizing plankton for a month before developing into adults.