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First Appearance




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Pakahes are flightless plents descended from the Sagworm Catcher. Generally a large beak, definite neck, long legs, large gut, and a single developed stabilizer accompanied by two underdeveloped stabilizers are present on members of this line. Once very diverse, the ice comet disaster reduced them down to only a few aquatic members, which were doomed to become extinct shortly afterwards due to the ice age.

Their relation to other pterophytes is shown here:






The Sailback Pakahe had sail-like leaves on its back and a club tail.

Like most land plents, pakahes have wooden cellulose bones. The leaves on their backs use to be wings, but are still used for photosynthesis. They have 4 legs, 2 eyes, 1 beak (for eating), 1 "butt-nostril" (for breathing), 2 stabilizer fins on their tail, 2 tympanic membranes (for hearing) and 2 "leaves" on their back.


Breathing and Blood

Pakahes breath using their single airhole called a "butt-nostril". Their blood is green and sap-like, due to the chlorophyll within it.

Diet & Energy

The Brown Pakahe was a carnivore who ate other Pakahes.

Pakahes filled in many niches from herbivores like the Giant Pakahe linage to carnivores like the Brown Pakahe linage. But all could photosynthesize using their back "leaves".


The Pakahe was the first of this line.

Pakahes were an isolated linage that lived exclusively on Huggs Island.


The Pedeeater Pakahe was aquatic.

Most pakahes lost their ability to fly, however the gliding pakahe could glide and the pedeeater pakahe could swim.


Like all other plents, pakahes reproduce sexually. They copulate through their mouths, as well as give birth with it. They give live birth, just like mammals.



The Pakko was the smallest Pakahe.

The largest Pakahe was the Leafback Pakahe at 9 meters long. The smallest Pakahe was the Pakko at 10 centimeters long.

Phylogeny and Diversity

Burrowing Pakahe  
Golden Pakahe  
Crying Pakko


 Brown Pakahe  
Pedeeater Pakahe  
Xeno Pakahe


 Gliding Pakahe

Giant Pakahe
Leafback Pakahe  
Sailback Pakahe


The Gliding Pakahe was the only areal Pakahe.

Aquatic - The aquatic pakahes that eventually evolved into to Rennus

Carnivore - The carnivorous pakahes lived on the island and ate other pakahes.

Gliding - The Gliding Pakahe was the only member of this group.

Pakkos - The smallest of the pakahes who ate mostly "shrooms".

Sailbacks - The large herbivore pakahes that had sails on their backs.


The Rennus was the last Pakahe.

Most pakahes died during the ice comet of Generation 125 which rose sea levels and made Huggs Island underwater. The only survivors were the aquatic pakahes. However the ice age disaster of Generation 135 killed out the last of the aquatic pakahes, the Rennus.

The entire pakahe lineage is now extinct. (noted in Generation 155)